I was interested in the storyline and wanted to make a few points along the way so I bought all expansions, the skill unlock packs and started playing.
Well, today I have 29 points with the last point following tomorrow...
It was a wonderful experience and it felt like real achievement.
Granted, I had a little help, a friend handed me 200p and a few minipets. For the remaining 800p or so I sold a lot of Cloth of the Broderhood.
I can't really answer the question for you, for me, I really enjoyed it and don't want to miss the experience.
Well for those still working on it and don't have a tormented weapon yet. There is currently a GW2 launch event in GW1 where if you have all campaigns you can get a tormented weapon by doing 4 quests.
Which last I checked was still quite a pricy weapon.
Well for those still working on it and don't have a tormented weapon yet. There is currently a GW2 launch event in GW1 where if you have all campaigns you can get a tormented weapon by doing 4 quests.
Which last I checked was still quite a pricy weapon.
Even if mentioned before it can't be said enough.
correct it is very pricey, now the quest chain will take hours to do especially if you dont have some of the out of reach zones uncovered but its been great so far.. seeing the places I missed by not playing with my eyes open to what was around me. I think they did a great job on this questlive and its egging me on to get another point after the weapon to bring me up to 35 pts =D
Since the cost of earning HOM points will soon be playing GW1 instead of GW2, I would say don't bother. On the other hand, you might want to get the first 5 points or so (HOM armor skins), which is easily done before the 25th.
sooo someone else mentioned the new Wayfarer's Reverie quests in GW1 going on, its basically a walk through all the cool places of the game and if you complete all 4 (Cantha, Elona, EOTN and Proph) you get a tormented weapon, which is 1 point alone. Well I was at 33 pts and didnt have one, so I was excited for that and just the experience of the quest.. I start to think well I will also get 1 more point and get 35.. I must fail at math because I made 3 armors and with the weapon got me a 5! more points... so now I am at 38 points and thinking I need to even it out again to 40.. /sigh I think the cheapest way for me would be the vabbian armor + one more armor to get 7.
Originally posted by Varthander how can you claim your HoM rewards once inside the game? i checked my inventory during betas but nothing, can anyone enlight me?
I'm working on it. I figure I can get to 10-15 points before GW2 comes out. It's "worth it" if you want some skins for armor, ranger pet skins, and some mini pets. Not that big of a deal, really. Well, it gives you some lore too. That said, I had already played some over a year ago.
There only negative thing to me is that from what I've seen/heard GW2 has a far better combat design than GW1. That is, GW2 is very responsive and immediate when you activate a skill based on comments and videos I've seen. GW1 has a lot of classes that aren't like this, and the targeting system can be a bit annoying. I feel like I'm fighting with the interface more than I'd like.
If you want to do it, either start in Nightfall or get to Nightfall as quickly as you can. That's the shortest campaign from what I've read. Do that and it will help you get some points. It also lets you get Heroes, which the other campaigns outside of Nightfall don't have inherently. Ignore all non-primary quests unless they get you a hero, just focus on the primary stuff to get through it. I wouldn't worry about the Cartographer stuff either, since that eats up a lot of time.
Check out http://www.gwpvx.com for builds. You don't have time to delve deeply into all the possible ways to build professions, so I suggest you see what other people have done. It's a lot quicker to start there.
Also, check out http://wiki.guildwars.com for information on missions, where you can get elite or other skills etc.
I assume other people have already posted some guides on getting points.
Originally posted by Varthander how can you claim your HoM rewards once inside the game? i checked my inventory during betas but nothing, can anyone enlight me?
For those who haven't done anything at all with HoM yet, it's probably worthwhile to go to the Eye of the North and at least do the quest to start it. I read somewhere that after one week post-release, you won't be able to start HoM. Could be wrong. I don't remember where I read it. But since it's so easy to start it up, it's worth doing just in case.
sooo someone else mentioned the new Wayfarer's Reverie quests in GW1 going on, its basically a walk through all the cool places of the game and if you complete all 4 (Cantha, Elona, EOTN and Proph) you get a tormented weapon, which is 1 point alone. Well I was at 33 pts and didnt have one, so I was excited for that and just the experience of the quest.. I start to think well I will also get 1 more point and get 35.. I must fail at math because I made 3 armors and with the weapon got me a 5! more points... so now I am at 38 points and thinking I need to even it out again to 40.. /sigh I think the cheapest way for me would be the vabbian armor + one more armor to get 7.
I would agree with that. Unless you have plenty of alts that still haven't done War in Kryta, then I'd say go for a WiK rampage and rack up those Medals of Honor, and get six Oppressor weapons for 2 points. It might even turn out cheaper than buying Vabbian armor + one another, even if you have to buy a weapon or two.
sooo someone else mentioned the new Wayfarer's Reverie quests in GW1 going on, its basically a walk through all the cool places of the game and if you complete all 4 (Cantha, Elona, EOTN and Proph) you get a tormented weapon, which is 1 point alone. Well I was at 33 pts and didnt have one, so I was excited for that and just the experience of the quest.. I start to think well I will also get 1 more point and get 35.. I must fail at math because I made 3 armors and with the weapon got me a 5! more points... so now I am at 38 points and thinking I need to even it out again to 40.. /sigh I think the cheapest way for me would be the vabbian armor + one more armor to get 7.
I would agree with that. Unless you have plenty of alts that still haven't done War in Kryta, then I'd say go for a WiK rampage and rack up those Medals of Honor, and get six Oppressor weapons for 2 points. It might even turn out cheaper than buying Vabbian armor + one another, even if you have to buy a weapon or two.
I forgot to mention I have like 12 of each ruby/sapph which brings the price down considerably on the Vabbian. I only have 1 alt that is max lvl and havent dont Proph at all on her so farming Oppressor weaps would kill me =P
It's worth it if you personally feel it's worth it. The items are as others said, cosmetic in nature. You can however use those skins on future items you get so if you want the skins then grab them.
I came back to the game recently myself and immediatly gained 34/50, but now I'm at 41/50 trying to get to atleast 45 for the title "Legend of the mists." Has a nice ring to it.
Many in my current alliance who are new shooting for HOM points basically got between 25-30 points in roughly a month. I think for the most part they completed each campaign in Normal and Hard, that's like 7 titles. Got the Armor and Hero Section filled out. Luxon and Kurzick Level 4 I think is easy enough to get. Glad 3 is pretty quick. Vanquishing is what I'm currently working on, that and EOTN reps, vanquishing is kinda boring but pays decently, 30mins to 1h per zone is alright I guess. Elite missions give you titles for full clears...pretty simple.
**Edit** Can't forget minipets, really easy to get those, ppl are even giving those away for free at times. I know when I logged in after about 2years, I found quite a few birthday presents across all my characters and accounts, really helped on that one.
All in all, GW1 will run probably for the next year so that gives you plenty of time to gain the HOM items and titles. A big part of the game is I have this or that skin, so if that is something your into I'd say go for it...every person is different.
Three weeks ago I asked myself the same question.
I was interested in the storyline and wanted to make a few points along the way so I bought all expansions, the skill unlock packs and started playing.
Well, today I have 29 points with the last point following tomorrow...
It was a wonderful experience and it felt like real achievement.
Granted, I had a little help, a friend handed me 200p and a few minipets. For the remaining 800p or so I sold a lot of Cloth of the Broderhood.
I can't really answer the question for you, for me, I really enjoyed it and don't want to miss the experience.
Well for those still working on it and don't have a tormented weapon yet. There is currently a GW2 launch event in GW1 where if you have all campaigns you can get a tormented weapon by doing 4 quests.
Which last I checked was still quite a pricy weapon.
Even if mentioned before it can't be said enough.
correct it is very pricey, now the quest chain will take hours to do especially if you dont have some of the out of reach zones uncovered but its been great so far.. seeing the places I missed by not playing with my eyes open to what was around me. I think they did a great job on this questlive and its egging me on to get another point after the weapon to bring me up to 35 pts =D
sooo someone else mentioned the new Wayfarer's Reverie quests in GW1 going on, its basically a walk through all the cool places of the game and if you complete all 4 (Cantha, Elona, EOTN and Proph) you get a tormented weapon, which is 1 point alone. Well I was at 33 pts and didnt have one, so I was excited for that and just the experience of the quest.. I start to think well I will also get 1 more point and get 35.. I must fail at math because I made 3 armors and with the weapon got me a 5! more points... so now I am at 38 points and thinking I need to even it out again to 40.. /sigh I think the cheapest way for me would be the vabbian armor + one more armor to get 7.
what do you all think?
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
its been turned off in betas/stress tests
I'm working on it. I figure I can get to 10-15 points before GW2 comes out. It's "worth it" if you want some skins for armor, ranger pet skins, and some mini pets. Not that big of a deal, really. Well, it gives you some lore too. That said, I had already played some over a year ago.
There only negative thing to me is that from what I've seen/heard GW2 has a far better combat design than GW1. That is, GW2 is very responsive and immediate when you activate a skill based on comments and videos I've seen. GW1 has a lot of classes that aren't like this, and the targeting system can be a bit annoying. I feel like I'm fighting with the interface more than I'd like.
If you want to do it, either start in Nightfall or get to Nightfall as quickly as you can. That's the shortest campaign from what I've read. Do that and it will help you get some points. It also lets you get Heroes, which the other campaigns outside of Nightfall don't have inherently. Ignore all non-primary quests unless they get you a hero, just focus on the primary stuff to get through it. I wouldn't worry about the Cartographer stuff either, since that eats up a lot of time.
Check out http://www.gwpvx.com for builds. You don't have time to delve deeply into all the possible ways to build professions, so I suggest you see what other people have done. It's a lot quicker to start there.
Also, check out http://wiki.guildwars.com for information on missions, where you can get elite or other skills etc.
I assume other people have already posted some guides on getting points.
Check the official wiki http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments
In essence, link account, go to HoM in your home instance in GW2 and then talk to the NPC.
For those who haven't done anything at all with HoM yet, it's probably worthwhile to go to the Eye of the North and at least do the quest to start it. I read somewhere that after one week post-release, you won't be able to start HoM. Could be wrong. I don't remember where I read it. But since it's so easy to start it up, it's worth doing just in case.
I don't see it linked in this thread so here's the reward calculator: http://hom.guildwars2.com/
I would agree with that. Unless you have plenty of alts that still haven't done War in Kryta, then I'd say go for a WiK rampage and rack up those Medals of Honor, and get six Oppressor weapons for 2 points. It might even turn out cheaper than buying Vabbian armor + one another, even if you have to buy a weapon or two.
I forgot to mention I have like 12 of each ruby/sapph which brings the price down considerably on the Vabbian. I only have 1 alt that is max lvl and havent dont Proph at all on her
so farming Oppressor weaps would kill me =P
It's worth it if you personally feel it's worth it. The items are as others said, cosmetic in nature. You can however use those skins on future items you get so if you want the skins then grab them.
I came back to the game recently myself and immediatly gained 34/50, but now I'm at 41/50 trying to get to atleast 45 for the title "Legend of the mists." Has a nice ring to it.
Many in my current alliance who are new shooting for HOM points basically got between 25-30 points in roughly a month. I think for the most part they completed each campaign in Normal and Hard, that's like 7 titles. Got the Armor and Hero Section filled out. Luxon and Kurzick Level 4 I think is easy enough to get. Glad 3 is pretty quick. Vanquishing is what I'm currently working on, that and EOTN reps, vanquishing is kinda boring but pays decently, 30mins to 1h per zone is alright I guess. Elite missions give you titles for full clears...pretty simple.
**Edit** Can't forget minipets, really easy to get those, ppl are even giving those away for free at times. I know when I logged in after about 2years, I found quite a few birthday presents across all my characters and accounts, really helped on that one.
All in all, GW1 will run probably for the next year so that gives you plenty of time to gain the HOM items and titles. A big part of the game is I have this or that skin, so if that is something your into I'd say go for it...every person is different.