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Official GW2 Guild Server Poll



  • therez0therez0 Member Posts: 379

    Man... making me pick between you guys for WvWvW and the lore-hound types on the Henge of Denravi server.

    Oh well, I'll just have to guest on HoD for my lore-fix.

    Fort Aspenwood! #Kurzick4Lyfe

  • CenthanCenthan Member Posts: 483
    Originally posted by Tayah

    For anyone that wants to chat with folks from Jade Quarry and connect with some Daoc vets.

    Hmmm, that shows some very nice organization right from the start.  That's a plus in my book.

    I don't suppose Fort Aspenwood has something similar.  I couldn't find them on the internetz using this Google thing.



  • KuppaKuppa Member UncommonPosts: 3,292
    lol this poll is going down to the wire!



  • Paragus1Paragus1 Member UncommonPosts: 1,741
    Originally posted by Centhan
    Originally posted by Tayah

    For anyone that wants to chat with folks from Jade Quarry and connect with some Daoc vets.

    Hmmm, that shows some very nice organization right from the start.  That's a plus in my book.

    I don't suppose Fort Aspenwood has something similar.  I couldn't find them on the internetz using this Google thing.


    I thought Fort Aspenwood was where the MMORPG people were going so I made sure to set my guild up for there.   In terms of this, I am also in the process of unifiying North American Darkfall players to come to Fort Aspenwood as well.  It's pretty much too late for me to undo the work I've put in, so i hope for my sake that Aspenwood wins this thing.

    The DF guys are in the process of setting up guilds and an alliance and putting together a communication network for organizing WvW planning.   These guys are skilled and know what they are doing.   Please vote for Aspenwood.

  • ShaikeShaike Member UncommonPosts: 301
    Originally posted by MikeB

    Hi guys,

    After some long deliberation I've narrowed down our official server choices to two potentially awesome launch servers. I'll break down the pros/cons for you guys as I see 'em below and leave the choice to you.

    Fort Aspenwood:

    +Popular server

    +Alliance formed: Circle of Aspenwood Alliance

    +Tons of other guilds

    +Upper tier WvW performance throughout the beta events

    -High population, especially in WvW, this means likely WvW queue times

    -Tons of other guilds. Large guilds ensure WvW coverage around the clock, but could also impact your ability to get in and get involved yourself

    Jade Quarry:

    +ex-DAOC Vet Server

    +Alliance formed: Jade Legion Alliance

    +14 (30-ish player) guilds dedicated WvW guilds declared on

    +Solid WvW performance during beta events

    -Not as popular or full of large guilds. This means WvW territory could face issues without a strong round-the-clock presence from hardcore guilds.

    Personally, I'm leaning towards Aspenwood at this point, but I am concerned about potential WvW queues. I feel Jade Quarry may have a more positive (mature) community experience, but may not be as competitive in WvW as Aspenwood looks to be.

    So, what say you?!

    OP please make the title clearer - its a US server question.....

    Just my 2 cents...


  • loulakiloulaki Member UncommonPosts: 944

    Aspenwood looks full

    and on the other hand Jade Quary has space to grow up your community ^^


  • ToxiaToxia Member UncommonPosts: 1,308

    Didn't vote, because I just don't care!

    I'm a front line type of guy....these descisions are beyond my pay grade.

    Just tell me who to kill.

    There had better be boobs.

    The Deep Web is sca-ry.

  • Vore_TechzVore_Techz Member Posts: 122
    I don't give a crap personally, I just want to be on a well populated server that is decent at WvWvW. The name of the server doesn't matter to me. lol

    (>^_^)> MMO Veteran <(^_^<)
    Currently Playing: Tera Online

  • vmopedvmoped Member Posts: 1,708

    Jade Quarry would be my recommendation.  A couple of my mates rolled there and had nothing but good comments about the community.  The numerous battles I have been involved in that Fort Aspenwood were apart of has bred a competitive dislike for them.  Man they zerg hard! They did make for some fun "Alamo" moments for Maguuma though!


    MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S

  • elockeelocke Member UncommonPosts: 4,335
    I vote Jade Quarry as well.  Queue's make me a sad.....asura? (didn't think "panda" was apropo here, considering, you know....that other  Hope you'll all have me ;D
  • ScaryboosterScarybooster Member UncommonPosts: 24
    Got to FT Wood! I'll be on SoR so don't go there
    Signed by me
  • DekoiDekoi Member Posts: 1
    Fort Aspenwood for sure!
  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,654
    Originally posted by Dekoi
    Fort Aspenwood for sure!


    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    Originally posted by MikeB

    Darkhaven is going to be a hot mess. It's probably the most populated server, and last I checked was also the official Reddit server. We crossed it off of our list. Sorry! :(

    I agree, everyone will think Reddit will still be on Darkhaven so it's gonna be packed, even though Reddit decided to move off it.

    Their servers are below.

    • EU Reddit: Whiteside Ridge
    • NA Reddit: Isle of Janthir (Gate of Madness)
    • NA RP: Tarnished Coast (Jade Quarry)
    • EU RP: Piken Square (Ruins of Surmia)
    • Oceania: Sea of Sorrows


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • PsychowPsychow Member Posts: 1,784
    Originally posted by Tokken
    Originally posted by Dekoi
    Fort Aspenwood for sure!



    I'm already headed there, so yes!



    Also, according to this poll: almost twice as many are headed to JQ than to FA



  • Eir_SEir_S Member UncommonPosts: 4,440
    Looks like people who thought the WvW queues would be longer in Fort Aspenwood got it backwards.  Jade Quarry is filling up fast (at least according to Asura Labs)
  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    Originally posted by Eir_S
    Looks like people who thought the WvW queues would be longer in Fort Aspenwood got it backwards.  Jade Quarry is filling up fast (at least according to Asura Labs)

    I think all of the original beta servers will be the first to fill up in headstart. At this point picking any of the original beta servers, the community is a factor for our guild. It's why we picked Jade Quarry, we wanted to join with more DAOC old school veterans and the more mature people that seem to be 21 years + on average.


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • GamefunGamefun Member Posts: 290

    I'll probably go to Jade Quarry. I'm not going to the highest populated server this time around because whenever I go to pick the highest populated servers, or pre-selected servers they end up being dead servers after launch due to the fact that most people transfer off because of extremely high populations. Anyhow, thanks for the information. I'll see you guys on Jade Quarry if you end up going there.

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    Originally posted by Gamefun

    I'll probably go to Jade Quarry. I'm not going to the highest populated server this time around because whenever I go to pick the highest populated servers, or pre-selected servers they end up being dead servers after launch due to the fact that most people transfer off because of extremely high populations. Anyhow, thanks for the information. I'll see you guys on Jade Quarry if you end up going there.

    Don't forget to check out if you haven't already. Good place to meet everyone going to Jade Quarry, good people, and maybe even meet up with some people you've played with in past games.


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • GamefunGamefun Member Posts: 290
    Originally posted by Tayah
    Originally posted by Gamefun

    I'll probably go to Jade Quarry. I'm not going to the highest populated server this time around because whenever I go to pick the highest populated servers, or pre-selected servers they end up being dead servers after launch due to the fact that most people transfer off because of extremely high populations. Anyhow, thanks for the information. I'll see you guys on Jade Quarry if you end up going there.

    Don't forget to check out if you haven't already. Good place to meet everyone going to Jade Quarry, good people, and maybe even meet up with some people you've played with in past games.

    Oh cool, thank's for the link. I haven't seen that so I will look at it right away!. I just bought Guild Wars 2 on the website like an hour ago for the head start. I'm looking forward to this game, and I'm kinda glad I didn't play in the betas so it will be fresh start this time around in an MMO.



  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    Looks like Jade Quarry is going to be the server -

    Mike/Suzie what's the plan?

  • michael72476michael72476 Member Posts: 1
    Me and about 10 others will be playing on Santum of Rall server.. We dont want the queue times in WvWvW..
  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    Server moves are going to be free for a while -

    If things don't work out in terms of queues on Jade Quarry by the end of Head Start we can move over to Fort Aspenwood.


  • KuppaKuppa Member UncommonPosts: 3,292
    Originally posted by Tayah
    Originally posted by Gamefun

    I'll probably go to Jade Quarry. I'm not going to the highest populated server this time around because whenever I go to pick the highest populated servers, or pre-selected servers they end up being dead servers after launch due to the fact that most people transfer off because of extremely high populations. Anyhow, thanks for the information. I'll see you guys on Jade Quarry if you end up going there.

    Don't forget to check out if you haven't already. Good place to meet everyone going to Jade Quarry, good people, and maybe even meet up with some people you've played with in past games.

    That site is  pretty damn cool.



  • PNM_JenningsPNM_Jennings Member UncommonPosts: 1,093
    i voted jade quarry, but now it looks like i'm going to roll on aspenwood.  :P oh well.
This discussion has been closed.