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Roleplaying in GW2

Bl4ck3nDBl4ck3nD Member UncommonPosts: 114
While not being a hardcore roleplayer (I prefer to PvP) I enjoy it from time to time, so I was just wondering what sort of tools if any has Anet put into game to aid the roleplaying community?


  • Creslin321Creslin321 Member Posts: 5,359
    Iirc there are chat bubbles whenever someone talks.  Which, IMO, is actually a really big deal for role playing.

    Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?

  • NeferaNefera Member Posts: 426
    There's costumes that come with separate skillsets, for example with a cook's costume you get cooking related skills - more like emotes, but still it's something.
  • KillHurtKillHurt Member Posts: 347

    Personal story, walking, chat bubbles and /say chat (close proximity), costumes/town clothes, very rich story, eventually guild/player housing, ability to sheath/unsheat weapons, beautiful open areas, detailed villages and cities with events and mini games to try, a living and breathing world all around you just screaming for you to take advantage and role play!!


    The potential for GW2 and role players is above my expectations when first reading into the game and now after having played quite a bit I have noticed that there are so many possibilities (a lot listed above) for a role-player, new or old, frequent or sparse.


    Have fun, and I'll see you in-game!


  • RaekonRaekon Member UncommonPosts: 532
    Originally posted by Bl4ck3nD
    While not being a hardcore roleplayer (I prefer to PvP) I enjoy it from time to time, so I was just wondering what sort of tools if any has Anet put into game to aid the roleplaying community?

    Everything the other posters already wrote and a ton of emotes on the top of it. :)

    Guild Halls and Player Housing will come at a later point but you still have tons of opportunities to give you a good start on building up your character without them.

  • Bl4ck3nDBl4ck3nD Member UncommonPosts: 114

    Sounds good, I've always enjoyed roleplaying with others, the personal story isn't my focus for an mmo (I will do it and probably enjoy it) it's the interactions with community that I enjoy especialy unscripted roleplay, I don't like having to ask a player weather I can take an action on this day and wether it fits into their story. Looks like I will be guesting on the RP server/s then :) the speach bubbles are great for immersion and are most welcome.

    Thanks for the info guy's

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981

    All what people above said and last but not least - ability to join multiple guilds (so one or more can be rp guilds and other can be your PVP guild) (even on other servers)

    I think they put lot of love towards RP community

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

    I am very much doubting between the shiver peaks server Eu (where many dutch will be playing) and the unanounced unofficial EU roleplayserver.


    I might choose shiverpeaks, for the large dutch community and visit the roleplay server and join a roleplayguild there whenever i am up to roleplaying.  But then i allways roleplay in /say /shout and /emote.

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • Bl4ck3nDBl4ck3nD Member UncommonPosts: 114
    Originally posted by Lobotomist

    All what people above said and last but not least - ability to join multiple guilds (so one or more can be rp guilds and other can be your PVP guild) (even on other servers)

    I think they put lot of love towards RP community

    Wow that sounds like a bloody good idea, now I'm really impressed. I've purposely limited my GW2 exposure (although I have had a pre purchase for ages now) until last week when a mate finally got me to watch a vid he made (just to shut him up) while doing WvWvW, all he ever talks about is GW2 PvP, he knew nothing of roleplaying so that's why I asked here.

    I also now have the bug thanks to him, I have been searching for info about the game a lot lately and am keen as mustard to get my fix, looks like a blast.

  • JustsomenoobJustsomenoob Member UncommonPosts: 880

    Considering roleplaying is rarely mentioned by anet they have added a lot of things you can use to have fun with while RPing.


    When it comes to character appearance you've certainly got a million options there.   You have the town clothes setup too for more options and those weird outfit specific emotes which I haven't messed with yet.

    If you actually wanted to go out and about and play the game while RPing it seems like DEs would be a good way to do it too if you brought fellow RPers along.   Got the minigames which I haven't tried yet also.     Bunch of taverns in different cities as well as in those mini city hubs outside the major cities as well, pretty good atmosphere in those.


    Overall it's more inviting than most other games I've played in having an accomodating RP atmosphere.



    Tarnished Coast has been the unofficial RP server in all the BWEs and stress tests, so it looks like a safe bet for release too.   Pretty crowded and a fair bit of RP too which is a good sign that people would bother to try to RP even in a 4hour stress test.


    However, if you play on another server as your home server for whatever reason, you can still "guest" on other servers for PVE.   So you always will have the option to go visit a RP server.

  • mazutmazut Member UncommonPosts: 988
    I spoted 2 players in BW3, they walked around, kneeled, laughed ... Was fun to watch them. I can say you will have freedom to Roleplay, but you will be "forced" to participate in events, which only will add to the whole, imo.
  • VolkmarVolkmar Member UncommonPosts: 2,501

    Another thing GW2 does that will help RP a lot is the downscaling of levels.

    Levels do not mesh well with RP in general and it gets usually silly that you are trying to be epic and dramatic while fighting a big mob.... and you can't cause it is level 55 and your guildies are 80 and they can one shot it.

    In GW2.... if you find a BIG challenging boss, like the Fire elemental in the Asura area... it is ALWAYS big and challenging even to level 80s. That make the world feel so much more immersive and alive.

    "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

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