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Lookin for a skill based crafting survival game(like Haven and hearth)

joojoo1975joojoo1975 Member UncommonPosts: 275

Greets once again.  I prolly have asked this question countless times, but i hope that one of these times somebody will discover my new addiction, so to speak.


what I'm lookin for in a game:

-crafting that is in demand and not a time sink(basically 90% of the items and stuff in game is crafted)

-would like the game to be a survival type game(but if the crafting is in demand and is good, i can over look this)

-The game has PVP and perma death(these are not a must if the game is Super good)

-the game is either FTP or has a demo/free trial  and doesnt take an IT expert to install and run the game


what i'm Not lookin for in a game.

-crafting is not needed(WOW)

-the game is riddeled with LAG and exploiters and hackers(haven and hearth)

-the game is a fps or the skill system is time based(darkfall/eve online respectfully)

-the game's crafting is simple(not simple to do or understand, but limited things you can make)


now I shall talk about games of the past and why i'm asking you to NOT reply with them


World of Warcraft - crafting is an afterthought in this game.

Haven and hearth - to many cheaters/exploiters and current system took away the sting of perma death(hopefully in W7 things will be fixed, but i'm not counting on it)

Fallen earth online - the crafting is time based and took to long and it's also a First person shooter

Darkfall - FPS and Everybody and thier brother macroed in that game

Vanguard - it's a sony game and wasnt FTP, thought i hear it's a mess now, so might check it ouf IF they iron out it's FTP issues

Ryzom -  the game's crafting was kinda so so, but there was no real feel to the game or it, i just couldn't continue to play it.

Wurm online - this is the closest thing i found to my liking, except the fact that the skill ups are too minimal, and the game is kinda just boring(and yes i played on epic server)

Mortal online - eeGads man, how does that game stay online.  i couldn't keep it running and was rifed with errors and bugs

LOTRO - game's crafting was so so, it reminded me to much of WOW

EverQuest 2 - i came back to this too many times, not gonna go back anylonger just didnt have the power to keep me interested.

Eve online - can no longer stomach the time based system(and i played that game for off and on 4+ years)


well yea it's rather long, but kudos to you if you read it all.  Not really expecting miracles.  but you can never tell


TL;DR?  then you have a Rather Short attention span.  no probs, i do as well :)


To Protect The Helpless From The Heartless


  • ZooceZooce Member Posts: 586
    Would it be trolling to suggest keeping an eye on Salem?  I can't decide, but it's probably the closest you will get to matching your list.  Figured you would've mentioned it in your "Do not suggest these" list if you were aware of the game.  Not sure how you can go about becomming a tester or when it is scheduled to release.
  • JimmacJimmac Member UncommonPosts: 1,660
    I don't think your game exists right now. At least, not one worth playing, based on everything you wrote above.
  • joojoo1975joojoo1975 Member UncommonPosts: 275
    Originally posted by Jimmac
    I don't think your game exists right now. At least, not one worth playing, based on everything you wrote above.

    Tthere isn't any games out there that fit the bill, but one can hope and see if somebody discovers it.


    and about Salem?  I am keeping an eye on it, but it doesnt look promising as it's talked a lot in the H&H forums.  but most likely will give it a go when it goes to open Beta.

    To Protect The Helpless From The Heartless

  • joojoo1975joojoo1975 Member UncommonPosts: 275

    Well looks like i'm out of luck for the moment.


    Hopefully salem will become open beta or H&H will go into W7.


    I guess one of the main things with H&H was the formulas that Jorb and loftar used.  you start out with nothing and by hard work and what not you end up with your own utopia.

    To Protect The Helpless From The Heartless

  • cronius77cronius77 Member UncommonPosts: 1,652
    you can try out xyson post apoc mmorpg thats all about crafting. The skill system is complex for crafting but the combat is terrible. I played it awhile back and they have had many improvements but none of them were combat =/
  • MwahahaMwahaha Member UncommonPosts: 126

    The Secret World

    Its a modern world skill-based MMO with a unique quest system where you really have to use your brain (or Google) to solve some of the more difficult steps.  You can choose to be a member of The Dragons, Templars, or the Illuminati.  By the way, this game has zombies and shotguns - need I say more?

    Played:  EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, WAR, WoW, LoTRO, CoX, CO, GW2, FFXIV: ARR, AoC, Rift, TSW, SWTOR, TERA, BnS, ESO

  • LordEbolaLordEbola Member UncommonPosts: 51
    a tale in the desert,  historical mmo, heavy crafting,  no pvp.
  • FailtrainFailtrain Member Posts: 129
    Originally posted by bloodlich

    The Secret World

    Its a modern world skill-based MMO with a unique quest system where you really have to use your brain (or Google) to solve some of the more difficult steps.  You can choose to be a member of The Dragons, Templars, or the Illuminati.  By the way, this game has zombies and shotguns - need I say more?

    Did you even read the first post? No.


    I've also been looking for a similar game and I stumbled upon Face of Mankind, but it's not really what you're looking for. At the moment there really isn't anything out there, we just have to wait. :(

  • Mr_WolfxMr_Wolfx Member Posts: 176

    If you don't mind single player you could try Unreal World or Dwarf Fortress (with a tileset installed) or Last Winter. I really recommend Unreal World, it's complex, fun, and addicting. And there's a few more single player rpgs with realism / survival mods (There's a Skyrim mod in the works adding carpentry, fishing, item decay, farming, and some other realism additions). Keep an eye on Xyson to see if they ever recover from that launch :/ And Haven and Hearth always has a chance for a comeback. Salem is good and a lot like old style Haven and Hearth, just more polished. Ignore any people that flame it on the H&H forums. The game has its flaws, but if you're a fan of H&H you'll feel right at home in Salem. ArcheAge is exactly what you're looking for if you can stomach the wait.. And, Umm.. Darkfall 2.0?.. Honestly I really wish they had more survival type games out there. It's just too niche a genre for a lot of games to come out like it. Hope this helps, and sorry to not have much info in the way of MMO's.

    Edit: A few additions after some research. More single player games, but there's almost nothing in the MMO market. Survival: The Ultimate Challenge, Robinsons Requiem + Deus, and the Stranded series. Graphics are crap in all those games, but the gameplay is actually very fun if you're into hardcore survival games.

    Yes I have a dream… And its not some MLK dream for equality. …I wanna own a decommissioned lighthouse …And I wanna live at the top… And nobody knows I live there. …And theres a button that I can press, and launch that lighthouse into space.

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505

    Maybe you could check Xyson out.


    Its a crafting + survival MMORPG.

    Was very buggy when it was first out but has been slowly getting better. Might be worth a shot for you.



    Other than that there is very little out there. I see you mentioned Darkfall and the fact that everyone macroed. That was not the cash there was a lot of people like me who just played and enjoyed the game, not that it matters much anymore as the recent skill increase has made it so you can basically ma your character out in a month. So might be worth checknig that out again, as a bonus the sub fee as dropped down a bit and you no longer ahve to buy the game.

  • MeltdownMeltdown Member UncommonPosts: 1,183
    Xsyon's the only one that comes to mind.

    "They essentially want to say 'Correlation proves Causation' when it's just not true." - Sovrath

  • JamethielJamethiel Member Posts: 1

    What you really want is Star Wars Galaxies, before the holocrons, the CU, the changes that destroyed everything. THAT was a crafter's game, and I have yet to see anything come close to the crafting complexity.


  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,061
    Hmmm I havent had any issues running Mortal Online other than the extremely long install time.....
  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Cubeworld also seems crafty, I haven't yet gotten around to doing any crafting myself but I hear you can modify your weapons however you like visually and this improves the weapon in various ways and it is survival bar none though not an MMO.

  • Janet_maryJanet_mary Member Posts: 3
    I have played eve online game was downloaded for free tiral just for 14 days and played :) But not found so interactive game like lol. Basically I like battle and fighting kind of games where I can defeat enemies and win the game levels. I am playing lol same downloaded for free now playing and following guide for mid level cassiopeia champion. It is good site provide news and updates on league of legends with latest cosplay images.
  • redcap036redcap036 Member UncommonPosts: 1,230

    Cube World

    Althou it looks a bit childish, the game is an alpha at the moment, it is quite a full on game when it comes to exploring, with limitless landscapes to explore, dungeons, caves, castles, towns, etc.. Plus different biomes, underwater, forests, deserts, snow lands, etc... Night & day cycles.

    A very large selection of creatures, pets and npc's

    Crafting is easy, find/buy the blueprint find the resource go to the right crafting station and build, some things you can build without the crafting stations, yes you can change the look of your weapons to some extent.

    Coop is very easy to setup, at the moment only 4x players but there are plans afoot for more and even a mmorpg as well as PvP.

    I was lucky enough to buy a key, so myself and two friends have been playing coop and we have been having a ball, I greatly look forward to seeing this game completed and out of beta.

    Here’s a link have a look,

    Here is the wiki link for more info;

    Downside of this game so far;

    -        It’s becoming that popular that it’s very hard to register an account and buy it, 15 Euro's, (about $22)

    -        It’s recently been under a DOSS attack, by a bunch of F’wits, (seems to have been stopped now)

    Hope this helps.

  • DzikuniDzikuni Member UncommonPosts: 38
    LFGame with combat like Darkfall and craft/teraforming like Wurm xD
    or isometric mmo with combat like moba/albion and craft/teraforming like H&H

    I dont have big demands ;p

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