Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes. I thought it would be awesome to play an MMO in the Old Republic era, with modern graphics and the latest bells and whistles. BioWare had a good reputation, the game was extremely hyped. As a former SWG player, i looked forward to play both games.
Do you currently play this game?:
No, i quit after 3 weeks when i couldnt stand it anymore.
If no, please explain why:
I was extremely dissapointed with just about everything.
From the lack of options for character creation, to the space minigame, to the extremely linear playstyle, to the confined areas, exploration was out of the question, to the lack of immersion.
I made an honest effort to give it a chance, but after 3 weeks, i was so fed up. I quit and never returned.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
Rift, casually.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I think there is a place for a Star Wars MMO, in fact, the universe and lore makes it perfect for it.
Its too bad EA/BW didnt GET IT. Unfortunately, there wont be any other SW MMO as long as SWOR is still online.
Im not much of a poster, but i do follow the development and hopefully , the demise of SWTOR.
Once gone, it may give way to a better SW MMO. The SW IP and its fans deserve it.
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes; I played SWG, Kotor 1&2, and Force Unleashed 1&2. I like Star Wars.
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
Its a nice casual game. It may lack some features but its still a lot better than anything else out there...including GW2. Kiting pvp doesn't appeal to me and this game eliminates that.
If no, please explain why:
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
None anymore besides Swtor: no additional free time.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
This subforum contains news about EA and Swtor. Granted, most of it is negative and from players that have never played the game before. Still, it is news.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?: Yes and no. Yes because MMO+Star Wars+Bioware. Says it all. However, also no, because of information that came out about several game dynamics that seemed antithetical to the MMO experience I look for in an MMORPG, as outlined below.
Do you currently play this game?: No
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:I like my MMO's to be world simulators. And I like to feel like I'm a character of my own choosing in the world. Too many game dynamics in SWTOR seem to preclude those things. Voicing my character, making my char the focal point of game defining storyline, the NPC's. So before it launched the impression I had was that the game was a standalone rpg with multiplayer tacked on just for for the extra cash grab. I was willing to try it after it launched when a free trial came out but by the time that trial came along, my impressions seemed to have been confirmed and I had no further interest. Though still disappointed because of the Star Wars draw.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?: None. No real high quality world simulators out there with deep immersion or an eye towards creating a game environment geared towards keeping players subscribed for the long haul/. I'd play EvE which IMO is the best MMO out there, but as much as I love it, it lacks the escapist immersion I'm looking for.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do? Dissapointment with the direction mmo's turned. Non-immersive, focused on the singleplayer experience (Note, I didn't say soloing, I said singleplayer). As well as disappointment with the shoddy treatment of the Star Wars IP. And the vain hopeless hope that by voicing my opinion things could change.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes: Starwars, major developer with good record, interesting take on storyline, looked ok.
Do you currently play this game?:
No, but did play for about 4 months.
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
Story was 'told' to me but not affected by my actions, game was grindy and my characters were constantly out of money, PvP was terrible and gear driven.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
STO (PvP is currently broken, but was huge fun for a long time.) GW2 when I can (appears to be excellent so far.)
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Infrequently, but I'm curious about other's opinion on the game, since I actually find its rapid decline surprising despite not liking it that much myself.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes. I had been waiting for SWTOR since it was announced. Was eagerly awaiting the chance to be back in a living, breathing Star wars universe again and re-connecting to friends from my roleplay days in SWG (No, I never expected TOR would be SWG2.0) I adore the Star Wars mythos and universe and have since that fateful day in 1977.
Do you currently play this game?:
I am still subscribed, but I have not logged in for almost 2 months now.
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
The reason was two-fold: Firstly, the game was too linear and far, far too easy for my tastes. It lacked depth and any real risk (which means no value to rewards). I am an old school MMORPG gamer. I want challenge. I want risk. I want harsh death penalties and no fast travel. TOR was even easier than otehr easy-mode games I have disliked. Secondly, my roleplay friends and community fell apart and moved on, and that was the main reason I was there. With a strong RP community I could have ignored the game's other issues, but without the community there was just nothing to keep me involved.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
The Secret World and Guild Wars 2. Though they are very different games, they both have something TOR did not: Challenge and Depth. Hopefully the community aspect will stay strong. Both games are young (and GW2 not even out of beta) so it's hard to say what the future holds. But for now, at least the mechanics and feel are more to my tastes.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I rarely post at all. As you can see, I have been with MMORPG since 2004 (and I lurked long before registering), but I have very few posts. But I do read about any game I have an interest in, or an emotional investment in. I still follow SWTOR developments despite not currently playing actively. I wanted to like this game. And a part of me still does. But it just isn't what I enjoy. Far too shallow and easy.
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes, because some of my friends were going to play it and it sounded like there was no way they could get it wrong. $200+ million. Bioware/EA. Star Wars. It sounded like a sure thing that it would be fun. And it was for the most part especially because the old "crew" got back together for a bit.
Do you currently play this game?: No.
If yes, please explain why: N/A.
If no, please explain why:
No. It got old fast. There are a few reasons.
1. The raid content was too easy for us. We burned through it and there wasn't anything worthwhile after that. So we moved to PvP pretty quickly.
2. Massive amounts of PvP issues. Ilum was a joke to the point that they removed it. There were a couple of open world PvP areas that were never used. Their design was just extremely poor when it came to world PvP in general.
2a. The random loot bags to get PvP gear blew my mind. In my opinion, it was one of the worst game design concepts ever devised. It was basically the epitome of Skinner box game design. And it was done on purpose. Someone actually put that in. It was just insulting to experience, especially given that I already feel like I'm in one with MMORPGs to begin with.
2b. No ranked PvP of any kind. It made the warzones feel completely pointless once you got some gear. Boredom sets in fast when you roll in with 3 of your friends and win 25/26 matches against players with less gear and less experience.
3. Unresponsive, sloppy combat in general plagued the game when I played. It's a common complaint that I have with MMORPGs, so I might be a little too harsh.
4. They deviated from WoW in three ways that I can think of. The sidekick (making it extremely easy to solo), extensive voice overs and crafting (made it more passive with an extremely similar style to WoW). The rest was WoW but done more poorly. It really made me wonder why I was playing the game at all when I could just play a more fun version of it by going back to WoW.
5. Features continually got delayed and they just couldn't keep up with the demand for content. Perhaps it is because it takes a lot of time to create the high quality content that they made their own standard. Again, this just goes to poor design for an MMORPG from the ground up.
6. It felt way, way too closed in. I got the same feeling playing Final Fantasy XIII. I thought to myself, "am I seriously just running through this tunnel watching cutscenes for the next 50 hours?"
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
I am not playing an MMORPG at the moment. I've been playing a ton of this Minecraft Mod called Tekkit, this game called X3 Albion Prelude with a mod called XRM and a little further back, Civilization 5. I've also fit in some Orcs Must Die 2.
I love the first two for their open ended nature. I just love those types of games where I can just invent a goal and go with it. I tend to like games with some complexity as well. SWTOR was particularly lacking in that department.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Honestly? TORtanic. The drama of the sinking ship. Sometimes I start to feel bad for some of the most emphatic fans. I mean, this is happening. Right here, right now. SWTOR has announced FTP within 8 months. All the haters were right no matter where their interest in hating came from. I just feel bad that people read all that negative shit at this point.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Not particularly. I have fond memories of KOTOR but also specific memories of them having no real replayability to them. Also, although I never tried SWG, the SWTOR "era" of Star Wars isn't all that real to me. I'm not a Star Wars "geek", so to me, this era of "Old Republic" is simply a Bioware fabrication, not the "Star Wars universe" I'm looking for. The "zomg who cares it's lightsabers!!1!!" isn't a selling factor for me.
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
I didn't intend to play it. But my best friend bought me the box for my birthday in January, so (unfortunately) only he was out the $60 and all I had to do was pony up the sub fee. So I tried it. He, unlike me, is a huge Star Wars fan, and was in beta and bought the collectors' special edition (or whatever they called it), and joined up with his family's large guild. By the time I joined at the end of January, his family's "large guild" was down to just him still left in the game, and he wasn't on that often, so I was on my own. His bro-in-law hit level 50 inside of two weeks and essentially took the rest of the guild with him back to WoW.
It wasn't awful, but it wasn't noteworthy. For me, the drudge factor set in for two reasons - how insanely easy the game was, and how static the worlds were - so I left before my sub fee was due for March. My good friend, the true Star Wars geek, unsubbed in June.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
Star Trek Online, because I have a lifetime subscription. Please, don't ask.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I don't post here but check it frequently, mostly for entertainment value. Sadly for me this forum is more entertaining than the actual game was. Occasionally there's also some good feedback. One person (can't find it now) posted something very profound in this forum - that although it seems so many people loathe this game, know that many of us who do (I hate to admit I'm one of them) actually envy the people who still enjoy it. It's not like we subbed to the game wanting to hate it. Even though I may not be their target demo, for a quality game I'd happily pay $15/mo (or more); the cost is not the hurdle. I just cannot see what the game's supporters see of value in this game. I wish I did, I honestly do. So I keep coming back to see if someone provides a reason that resonates with me. When this game goes free, if that reason appears, I'd likely at least go back and take a peek.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Sure. It's an mmo that is a (rare) departure from good ol' sword-and-board.
Do you currently play this game?:
Not any more.
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
Ran up characters of multiple classes, and was dissatisfied with the game play.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
None, but just in-between games, rare for me.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
These days, I actually try to avoid this specific forum (still much too much "bitter" in the atmosphere). Forum Cloud is to blame for my remaining rare excursions.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?
Yes very interested , cause it was everything I wanted . WoW in space with bioware story .
The game didn´t dissapoint me , infact had a terrific time ,
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
Sadly the people dissapointed me , so very few helpfull people around . so many moaners and complainers bringing negativety of real life into what suppose to be escapisme.
After 2 month ended up again leading guild first kills on the new raids .Am suppose to have fun not work , especially not as a member without responsibility .
found people lack of basic skills and understanding , patience to be severly lacking . top of all customer support was very bad only causing double grievances .
Did pay total of 6 months , but only played 3 months . sorry the audience was too much take and take . instead of give and take .
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
City of Heroes (freedom) , why simply put if I want to isolate meself , I rather play something that is fun , and don´t mind paying for it . the audience there is sadly similair to all audience across MMO .
But atleast I can enjoy a game that is full of challenges alone , and has almost everything ahead of other mmo implemented . bases , create your own story , min maxing , cash shop .
Was suprised after having invested 5 years into that game , everything was still there .
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
Think wanted to see if the audience of SWTOR has changed , and MMORPG is a good measurement ground , for seeing if the audience has changed or is still the same grumpy audience .
The free to play article in general pub , gotten me involved . since been testing those games for a while . ha Free to Play is sadly never free to play for me .
Am a bit generous in spending money . too generous knowing full well the outcome .
But then again If I enjoy something , I do not mind to pay for it .
So in SWTOR case , it was infact not the game that drove me off , it was the audience or population.
I love all things Star Wars and this was a dream come true when I heard about it. I played for 4 months, reached 50, played a lot of PVP and PVE but I could not ignore the following:
It feels like Bioware were asked to make a WoW clone to get those high subscription numbers. The artwork looks the same, I did not once have a feeling of fascination in exploration. The combat was satisfactory but not engaging (TSW, GW2 and Tera have all kept the basic MMO combat system but added some fun aspects to their combat)
I still do not understand why a company would spend so much money and time on a game build in 2003. Did no one have common sense here? WoW already exists and once those people have tried SWTOR and realised the similarity, they would simply go back to WoW as they are already well established there and WoW has much more content. It really does not make sense. I am not a WoW fan, I love exploring and facing a challenge. SWTOR has neither. All I saw here was greed and naivety. I felt I was being treated like a cash cow, a mug.
Also PVP - stunlock stunlock stunlock
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
TSW. Funcom love their game and really care about it. I am really enjoying the world, the skills, the outfits and the dungeons. Not PVP so much, its not very challenging.
Also playing STO, just something to break up my TSW gameplay. Its a lot of fun if you just go along with it. You really do get that ST feeling at times, unlike SWTOR which has no relation to SW.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I felt passionate about SWTOR. I wasnt expecting the perfect game, just not one which copied a very old game simply for the money.
Things are looking good for MMOs right now. As we see SWTOR fail due to its narrow mindedness in style, we have new games coming out that are breaking away from the (I hate this word) themepark style, making them much more captivating and fun.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Slightly. Playing the open beta got me to buy it. I loved leveling the first character
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
I did subscribe this month after never subbing after release. I logged in and realized I still wasn't interested in playing so I cancelled the recurring sub.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
I'm not playing any MMOs at the moment. I did preorder GW2.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
The game had great potential. I read the subforum to keep up to date on changes. I rarely post here though.
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes, I followed it's development for years prior to launch and was there for early access & have been since. I have wanted to play a story-based MMO becasue that was a weak point in most other titles. Also it was Star Wars but I hated SWGalaxies & hoped this iteration of the IP scratched the itch better.
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
I enjoy the game despite a few things that I had wished were done differently because I personally find the stories of each class very enjoyable, I also happen to like the stories & "world arcs" behind most of the questing & playing through with alts I typically change the decisions I make to see how things play out. I alos feel that each class is distinct that each Advanced class has clear roles, there are weak spots in the design here & there but I think they will be addressed over time.
If no, please explain why:
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
SWTOR As above, TSW because it is so far off the beaten track & has a theme & setting I really enjoy. I have also purchased GW2 but I'm much more dubious about GW2's appeal it may take me months before I "get" this game - my initial impressions are really not very good right now, I found the writing poorly done with clumsy incongruent dialogue and the open-world gameplay felt like a zerg-fest.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Just my enjoyment of the game mainly, sadly a majority of the posts are just a circle-jerk of "Oh oh guys guys, I found something else to bash SWTOR for" or a regurgitation of a prior bashing-theme. But occasionaly there will be an actual interesting post & it's those I look for most.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Of course, it was star wars. What kind of self respecting nerd wouldn't get excited about it?
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
From the perspective of an MMO it was a pretty big let down (if it were a single player game it would rock). Where do I start with all the issues I had.....I will keep it short with the biggest ones I guess. The worlds were extremely linear, you could barely walk two feet outside of town before hitting an exhaustion zone. There is zero incentive to explore (aside from datacrons that everyone googled anyway). Worlds also felt dead, NPCs just stood there and did the exact same thing 24/7. The only people you could even talk to were quest givers. If you turned up your ambient sound and turned down your music you heard....nothing. Maybe the occasional bird chirp and hum of machinery. Story decisions didn't matter at all, you just started looking for the white or red icon, and to make matters worse if you paid attention to the story some of the light side/dark side choices just felt backwards (maybe I am just a deeply disturbed individual). Mirrored classes for both factions, where is the fun in that? The game just didn't FEEL like star wars. I know that's a hard one to quantify, but the game just failed to capture any of that magic.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
Not really playing any MMOs right now. A little bit of DDO every other week, and I have been playing more Minecraft lately.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
If I post in a thread it's because I saw the thread title in the tracker on the main page and it caught my eye. Deep down though I post here because I have this hope that their devs lurk these forums trying to get feedback in an unofficial way from the playerbase and actually take these things back to Bioware and try to make the game better. I really want it it be a good game.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Was interested because it was a high-profile release (EA Bioware, LA, huge IP, arguably the most expensive game ever made), was not interested in playing it.
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
I stopped playing mass market themeparks years ago.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
I play only one MMORPG at a time, currently it's Wurm, since 3 or 4 months. Full sandbox experience, no quests, no developer-made story, more to do than combat alone. Terraforming, creating my personal space, building and crafting, contributing to the village and the kingdom, keeping my region of the land safe for travellers.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Posting rather infrequently on this particular forum, have made maybe 7 or 8 posts here. MMORPGs are one of my hobbies, I find it interesting to see how high-profile releases go and what games can draw a mass audience. And - in the case of SWTOR - I have to admit a bit of Schadenfreude is there too.
(Many people enjoy a good trainwreck so now and then. I'm amongst them. Sorry.)
I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?: Yes. Star Wars made by a company with a good track record.
Do you currently play this game?: Yes.
If yes, please explain why: I enjoy it.
If no, please explain why:
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?: TSW: it's new and fun.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do? I find myself having to defend the game from particular trolls.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?: I was not interested in SWTOR, but a friend bought me a copy so I figured I would try it out. I wasn't interested because I'm not a big fan of Bioware, EA, or Star Wars.
Do you currently play this game?: No.
If yes, please explain why: N/A
If no, please explain why: I tried it and had some fun for a month or two, but the game is very linear and feels like a co-op RPG as opposed to a full MMO. I cancelled my subscription when I realized I was only playing because a friend was and was not really enjoying myself anymore. Plus that damn droid on the ship talked too much.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?: I'm not playing any MMOs at the moment.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do? I post here infrequently because I think the damage has been done and anyone who said they'd "tell you so" doesn't get a lot of satisfaction out of it anymore. Besides, I'm not playing the game.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes ofc. It was meant to be the "No.1" Star Wars Game. Rich Story attracked me much. Also the well advertised Illum and PvP was main part of my interest.
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
I was betrayed by good Marketing. The "Illum PvP" was the biggest crap iv'e seen ever sins i started to play PvP Games. As my whole guild saw what we paid for (nearly 50 ppl!), 45 canceld the abo within the first month. Staying alone with no friends is not fun, so i left as well.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
I am waiting for Guild Wars 2 and play World of Tanks atm to get rid of the waiting Time. Also i purchased The Secret World, which has the best Questing iv'e seen for a long time. But Guild Wars 2 is main focus. The good thing is that i know what i will get, because i had the chance to test it by myself and not get tricked by Marketing.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?: for a moment or two, until i realized it was a rehash of every other class based mmo out there. i had actually hoped they would stick with a variation of the d20 system they had used in their rpgs.
Do you currently play this game?: no.
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why: for the reasons stated above.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?: the emulator that shall not be named, EQ2, Vanguard. if im going to have rehash fixes i like to play Rift.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do? THEPOWEROF<INSERTNONOFFENSIVEGODREFERENCEHERE>COMPELSME! actually i rarely post here. there's really no point.
"There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play." Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
No, I like Star Wars but never was never interested in playing star wars games.
Do you currently play this game?:
Not currently but i did.
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
Loved most of the game but not enough to do at level cap that intereste me.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
Tera, for the world, art design (for the most part) and especially the combat) Waiting for pvp
The Secret World for the atmosphere and puzzles.
Aion, because I've always played it off an on. Love the world and the avatars and the pvp.
A little Final Fantasy 14 because somethign about that game intrigues me.
and a little Vanguard for the huge world and exploration.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I'm still interested in playing the game but desire more content to continue. Since I did play the game (and intend to play it againI am interested in discussing it.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes. I'm interested in most major MMOs AND I like both Star Wars as an IP and BioWare's prev titles..
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
I expected it to be a mediocre game with a great story and to play it for the story. However, the story turned out to be absolutely terrible and the coolness of running around with a lightsaber wore off after about 2 weeks.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
EQ2 - great endgame.
TSW - amazing story and world immersion, made by Funcom.
LoTRO - great story and world immersion.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I am interested in MMOs and SWTOR is a major MMO release, so always intersting to talk about why it has turned out so poorly.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Tried: AO,EQ,EQ2,DAoC,SWG,AA,SB,HZ,CoX,PS,GA,TR,IV,GnH,EVE, PP,DnL,WAR,MxO,SWG,FE,VG,AoC,DDO,LoTRO,Rift,TOR,Aion,Tera,TSW,GW2,DCUO,CO,STO Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall Currently Playing: ESO
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
1) Own just about evey Bioware game since Baldurs Gate as well as Bioware console only games.
2) It's Star Wars
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
1) Developer ignorance towards Beta Testers and their customers, which I did three total to include stress test.
2) Game features resembles a 2004 launch.
3) Game is not a MMO.
4) The gaming media has covered for this game taking "the player" and "the consumer" position last.
5) Developer has the nerve to call a graphics mode that was in Beta and not the release "a bug".
6) PvP horrible and was exploited with no roll back from the developer.
7) Questing horrible in a lifeless world.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
1) LOTRO - the lore and unique classes/race.
2) DDO - It's D&D
3) WoT - I get to blow stuff up
4) Guild Wars - best PvP in a MMO.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
1) Game getting it right and becoming a playable MMO.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes. I loved SWG pre-NGE, and the whole SW IP in general. I heard rumors in beta of incipient disaster but decided to give it a try anyways.
Do you currently play this game?: No
If no, please explain why: It turned into almost everything I could have LEAST wanted in an MMO, solo/asocial play, penalizing class duplications, narrow chanelled worlds that provide no variety or options in play, meaningless PvP, over usage of cutsecenes, Social dialogue mechanic that gave little real feel of participation and rapidly devolved into <space><space><space> click fests.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?: Eve - the game reinforces social and tactical play while having a wide open universe with a vast multiplicity of choices. No other MMO's currently, but past favorites EQ1, AC1, DAoC, Vanguard, Aion, RFOnline
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do? Curiousity as to when/if/how they will "fix" the game into something I might like, but with every Dev Blog I read I see them denying reality and moving farther and farther from an MMO that I might enjoy. Really need to leave these SW forums for good.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Only marginally, since the Developers made it clear from the start it was going to be a standard theme park game, and I guess I would have preferred an upgraded SWG since I missed that the first time around. But what the heck, it was Star Wars, so I had to give it a try
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
I played through one level 50 (Trooper) and got to about level 25 on a 2nd (Assassin?) and became bored with the game. I have no interest in raiding or gear grinding which is why I don't really like any modern MMO's, I favor titles like DAOC, EVE, Lineage 1/2 or Shadowbane. (despite being a carebear at heart)
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
TSW, mostly out of boredom. While it has many standard theme park conventions there's enough different (at least here in my first month) that I don't actually feel like I'm playing WOW clone # 34.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Er, as I've mentioned before, I'm a troll. I post everywhere, on just about everything, regardless whether I know anything about it or not. If there's a discussion going on, you're going to find me there.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
To answer all of our questions in order:
Yes, because its freakin' Star Wars (quality be damned)!
Because I don't have the money to play subscription games.
Star Trek Online and Champions Online, because I find them fun.
Um, tartar sauce?
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes: Starwars, major developer with good record, interesting take on storyline, looked ok.
Do you currently play this game?:
No, but did play for about 4 months.
If no, please explain why:
Story was 'told' to me but not affected by my actions, game was grindy and my characters were constantly out of money, PvP was terrible and gear driven.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
STO (PvP is currently broken, but was huge fun for a long time.) GW2 when I can (appears to be excellent so far.)
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Infrequently, but I'm curious about other's opinion on the game, since I actually find its rapid decline surprising despite not liking it that much myself.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes. I had been waiting for SWTOR since it was announced. Was eagerly awaiting the chance to be back in a living, breathing Star wars universe again and re-connecting to friends from my roleplay days in SWG (No, I never expected TOR would be SWG2.0) I adore the Star Wars mythos and universe and have since that fateful day in 1977.
Do you currently play this game?:
I am still subscribed, but I have not logged in for almost 2 months now.
If no, please explain why:
The reason was two-fold: Firstly, the game was too linear and far, far too easy for my tastes. It lacked depth and any real risk (which means no value to rewards). I am an old school MMORPG gamer. I want challenge. I want risk. I want harsh death penalties and no fast travel. TOR was even easier than otehr easy-mode games I have disliked. Secondly, my roleplay friends and community fell apart and moved on, and that was the main reason I was there. With a strong RP community I could have ignored the game's other issues, but without the community there was just nothing to keep me involved.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
The Secret World and Guild Wars 2. Though they are very different games, they both have something TOR did not: Challenge and Depth. Hopefully the community aspect will stay strong. Both games are young (and GW2 not even out of beta) so it's hard to say what the future holds. But for now, at least the mechanics and feel are more to my tastes.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I rarely post at all. As you can see, I have been with MMORPG since 2004 (and I lurked long before registering), but I have very few posts. But I do read about any game I have an interest in, or an emotional investment in. I still follow SWTOR developments despite not currently playing actively. I wanted to like this game. And a part of me still does. But it just isn't what I enjoy. Far too shallow and easy.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Not particularly. I have fond memories of KOTOR but also specific memories of them having no real replayability to them. Also, although I never tried SWG, the SWTOR "era" of Star Wars isn't all that real to me. I'm not a Star Wars "geek", so to me, this era of "Old Republic" is simply a Bioware fabrication, not the "Star Wars universe" I'm looking for. The "zomg who cares it's lightsabers!!1!!" isn't a selling factor for me.
Do you currently play this game?:
If no, please explain why:
I didn't intend to play it. But my best friend bought me the box for my birthday in January, so (unfortunately) only he was out the $60 and all I had to do was pony up the sub fee. So I tried it. He, unlike me, is a huge Star Wars fan, and was in beta and bought the collectors' special edition (or whatever they called it), and joined up with his family's large guild. By the time I joined at the end of January, his family's "large guild" was down to just him still left in the game, and he wasn't on that often, so I was on my own. His bro-in-law hit level 50 inside of two weeks and essentially took the rest of the guild with him back to WoW.
It wasn't awful, but it wasn't noteworthy. For me, the drudge factor set in for two reasons - how insanely easy the game was, and how static the worlds were - so I left before my sub fee was due for March. My good friend, the true Star Wars geek, unsubbed in June.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
Star Trek Online, because I have a lifetime subscription. Please, don't ask.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I don't post here but check it frequently, mostly for entertainment value. Sadly for me this forum is more entertaining than the actual game was. Occasionally there's also some good feedback. One person (can't find it now) posted something very profound in this forum - that although it seems so many people loathe this game, know that many of us who do (I hate to admit I'm one of them) actually envy the people who still enjoy it. It's not like we subbed to the game wanting to hate it. Even though I may not be their target demo, for a quality game I'd happily pay $15/mo (or more); the cost is not the hurdle. I just cannot see what the game's supporters see of value in this game. I wish I did, I honestly do. So I keep coming back to see if someone provides a reason that resonates with me. When this game goes free, if that reason appears, I'd likely at least go back and take a peek.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Sadly the people dissapointed me , so very few helpfull people around . so many moaners and complainers bringing negativety of real life into what suppose to be escapisme.
After 2 month ended up again leading guild first kills on the new raids .Am suppose to have fun not work , especially not as a member without responsibility .
found people lack of basic skills and understanding , patience to be severly lacking . top of all customer support was very bad only causing double grievances .
Did pay total of 6 months , but only played 3 months . sorry the audience was too much take and take . instead of give and take .
If no, please explain why:
I love all things Star Wars and this was a dream come true when I heard about it. I played for 4 months, reached 50, played a lot of PVP and PVE but I could not ignore the following:
It feels like Bioware were asked to make a WoW clone to get those high subscription numbers. The artwork looks the same, I did not once have a feeling of fascination in exploration. The combat was satisfactory but not engaging (TSW, GW2 and Tera have all kept the basic MMO combat system but added some fun aspects to their combat)
I still do not understand why a company would spend so much money and time on a game build in 2003. Did no one have common sense here? WoW already exists and once those people have tried SWTOR and realised the similarity, they would simply go back to WoW as they are already well established there and WoW has much more content. It really does not make sense. I am not a WoW fan, I love exploring and facing a challenge. SWTOR has neither. All I saw here was greed and naivety. I felt I was being treated like a cash cow, a mug.
Also PVP - stunlock stunlock stunlock
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
TSW. Funcom love their game and really care about it. I am really enjoying the world, the skills, the outfits and the dungeons. Not PVP so much, its not very challenging.
Also playing STO, just something to break up my TSW gameplay. Its a lot of fun if you just go along with it. You really do get that ST feeling at times, unlike SWTOR which has no relation to SW.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I felt passionate about SWTOR. I wasnt expecting the perfect game, just not one which copied a very old game simply for the money.
Things are looking good for MMOs right now. As we see SWTOR fail due to its narrow mindedness in style, we have new games coming out that are breaking away from the (I hate this word) themepark style, making them much more captivating and fun.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Slightly. Playing the open beta got me to buy it. I loved leveling the first character
Do you currently play this game?:
If no, please explain why:
I did subscribe this month after never subbing after release. I logged in and realized I still wasn't interested in playing so I cancelled the recurring sub.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
I'm not playing any MMOs at the moment. I did preorder GW2.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
The game had great potential. I read the subforum to keep up to date on changes. I rarely post here though.
Hey guys,
I'd like to do a forum experiment on some of our most trafficked forums. This will be simple and straightforward. Below, you'll find a set of basic questions that I'd like you to answer (copy and paste the questions as is into your reply, retain all formatting, do not add anything). This isn't a discussion thread, so responding to other users' responses is not allowed. These posts will be removed.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes, I followed it's development for years prior to launch and was there for early access & have been since. I have wanted to play a story-based MMO becasue that was a weak point in most other titles. Also it was Star Wars but I hated SWGalaxies & hoped this iteration of the IP scratched the itch better.
Do you currently play this game?:
I enjoy the game despite a few things that I had wished were done differently because I personally find the stories of each class very enjoyable, I also happen to like the stories & "world arcs" behind most of the questing & playing through with alts I typically change the decisions I make to see how things play out. I alos feel that each class is distinct that each Advanced class has clear roles, there are weak spots in the design here & there but I think they will be addressed over time.
If no, please explain why:
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
SWTOR As above, TSW because it is so far off the beaten track & has a theme & setting I really enjoy. I have also purchased GW2 but I'm much more dubious about GW2's appeal it may take me months before I "get" this game - my initial impressions are really not very good right now, I found the writing poorly done with clumsy incongruent dialogue and the open-world gameplay felt like a zerg-fest.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Just my enjoyment of the game mainly, sadly a majority of the posts are just a circle-jerk of "Oh oh guys guys, I found something else to bash SWTOR for" or a regurgitation of a prior bashing-theme. But occasionaly there will be an actual interesting post & it's those I look for most.
Thanks for your responses! Remember, please just copy the above questions and answer them straightforwardly if you'd like to participate in this.
If you are going to participate, please remember to answer all questions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Was interested because it was a high-profile release (EA Bioware, LA, huge IP, arguably the most expensive game ever made), was not interested in playing it.
Do you currently play this game?:
If yes, please explain why:
If no, please explain why:
I stopped playing mass market themeparks years ago.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
I play only one MMORPG at a time, currently it's Wurm, since 3 or 4 months. Full sandbox experience, no quests, no developer-made story, more to do than combat alone. Terraforming, creating my personal space, building and crafting, contributing to the village and the kingdom, keeping my region of the land safe for travellers.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Posting rather infrequently on this particular forum, have made maybe 7 or 8 posts here. MMORPGs are one of my hobbies, I find it interesting to see how high-profile releases go and what games can draw a mass audience. And - in the case of SWTOR - I have to admit a bit of Schadenfreude is there too.
(Many people enjoy a good trainwreck so now and then. I'm amongst them. Sorry.)
I maintain this List of Sandbox MMORPGs. Please post or send PM for corrections and suggestions.
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Yes ofc. It was meant to be the "No.1" Star Wars Game. Rich Story attracked me much. Also the well advertised Illum and PvP was main part of my interest.
Do you currently play this game?:
If no, please explain why:
I was betrayed by good Marketing. The "Illum PvP" was the biggest crap iv'e seen ever sins i started to play PvP Games. As my whole guild saw what we paid for (nearly 50 ppl!), 45 canceld the abo within the first month. Staying alone with no friends is not fun, so i left as well.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
I am waiting for Guild Wars 2 and play World of Tanks atm to get rid of the waiting Time. Also i purchased The Secret World, which has the best Questing iv'e seen for a long time. But Guild Wars 2 is main focus. The good thing is that i know what i will get, because i had the chance to test it by myself and not get tricked by Marketing.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I am just reading here (99%)
Aerowyn's Video Compilation of ALL things Guild Wars 2
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
No, I like Star Wars but never was never interested in playing star wars games.
Do you currently play this game?:
Not currently but i did.
If no, please explain why:
Loved most of the game but not enough to do at level cap that intereste me.
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
Tera, for the world, art design (for the most part) and especially the combat) Waiting for pvp
The Secret World for the atmosphere and puzzles.
Aion, because I've always played it off an on. Love the world and the avatars and the pvp.
A little Final Fantasy 14 because somethign about that game intrigues me.
and a little Vanguard for the huge world and exploration.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
I'm still interested in playing the game but desire more content to continue. Since I did play the game (and intend to play it againI am interested in discussing it.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
Were you interested in this game before it came out? Why? Why not?:
Only marginally, since the Developers made it clear from the start it was going to be a standard theme park game, and I guess I would have preferred an upgraded SWG since I missed that the first time around. But what the heck, it was Star Wars, so I had to give it a try
Do you currently play this game?:
If no, please explain why:
I played through one level 50 (Trooper) and got to about level 25 on a 2nd (Assassin?) and became bored with the game. I have no interest in raiding or gear grinding which is why I don't really like any modern MMO's, I favor titles like DAOC, EVE, Lineage 1/2 or Shadowbane. (despite being a carebear at heart)
What MMOs are you currently playing and why do you play these particular titles?:
TSW, mostly out of boredom. While it has many standard theme park conventions there's enough different (at least here in my first month) that I don't actually feel like I'm playing WOW clone # 34.
What compels you to post in this particular subforum as frequently (or infrequently) as you do?
Er, as I've mentioned before, I'm a troll.
I post everywhere, on just about everything, regardless whether I know anything about it or not. If there's a discussion going on, you're going to find me there.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon