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Hello everyone,
Funny happend to me today. While looking at my junk in my room, I found a very old Neocron beta cd, which I never bothered to test, heh. Now, is this game even playable? I read few threads here, and it seems as it's been neglected, full of bugs, and no playerbase, is that true? If it is, does it have a decent PvP? I'm into Open PvP and full loot games.
it is playable, however it does have a lot of bugs, many of which if you had played that beta version from all that time ago would recognise, since they seem to have hell of a lot of trouble getting rid of bugs more than two years old.
the PvP is the reason a lot of people play the game, its FPS styled, you can kill pretty much any player, however if you kill your own allies you lose soullight, go below a certain amount of soullight and you will drop multiple items compared to a good SL player who only drops one item.
also when you do kill someone instead of being able to pick up the item, it drops ina belt which needs to be hacked to get at, not all classes can have the luxary of hacking skill.
if its open full looting, then really NC is not for you
The game is basically dead, I logged into a friends account a few weeks ago to find certain servers at 0% population lol and the "busy" ones at other words 30-40 people. I like my mmo's to have more players then your average fps so this is clearly not acceptable. Some people will link you patch notes as an argument to the game being dead, but basically it gets one patch every few months thats 5-10 lines long in changes and usually causes more bugs then it fixes. The game is still littered with the same bugs that were evident in early neocron ONE beta's, so that should tell the whole tale on how skilled the Neocron developers are. Open loot system? Pfftt the mmorpg community is much too carebear for that to ever happen again. If you want an open loot system in a retail mmorpg you gotta travel back to 1997 in a time machine and play UO. You can thank EQ for being the first and mother of all carebear games. The closest thing to open loot systems these days are pvp reward systems in games like DAoC and WoW. Sure, neocron has somewhat of a loot system but you can only get at the loot if you're a certain class specced a certain way and even then you're going to be getting psi boosters and medkits 99% of the time so theres not even much point in going for loot at all.
To sum it all up I don't understand how anyone still plays this game, it takes hours just to find a decent fight. Theres also little-to-no content added EVER, I mean I can't even remember when there was a significant amount of content added in a patch throughout Neocron's history...just a bunch of lines that look like:
- fixed memory leak so you shouldn't fre anymore
...then 5 minutes after connecting you fre. The games a joke do yourself a favor and run away as fast as you can.
Originally posted by StanLee2
I have to weigh in also. Neocrap 1 and 2 are both terrible.
As an MMORPG game designer (wont say for whom) this should never have been taken out of alpha.
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention the game is maintained by a bunch of unpaid idiots that spend more time and effort moderating every single forum post then anything else. One things for sure if you're a tightwad carebear who can't stand being flamed on the internet that carebear lamer forum is for you.
Originally posted by StanLee2
I have to weigh in also. Neocrap 1 and 2 are both terrible.
As an MMORPG game designer (wont say for whom) this should never have been taken out of alpha.
who exactly is that quote by? stan lee posts on these forums oh my!
i somehow fail to take it seriously when someone calls themself a game designer and comments under the cover of having knowledge in that field; when he makes a childish play on the name like that...
what we have on these forums are people who've subscribed to the game themselves for 2-3 years and are bitter that things havent changed a whole lot; if the game sucks you must be stupid as well for having paid for it all that time.
newsflash; its still the same game that you enjoyed for so long. if you accept it as that game its a hell of a lot more enjoyable and rewarding then most of the MMO's you'll play. (any if you talk to me).
HolyCircle, he's right. Most of the people that are on this forum are people who quit for whatever reasons of their own, and now only remember the end of their NC gaming experience... even though most of them played for YEARS and probably had more insanely awesome times than any WoW player who was lucky enough to get 60 people together for a raid only to have some other random guy get the item he needed...
NC is alive, active, and fun if you're willing to give it a chance
Just to address something Ezza stated earlier, if you play on Neptune then loot falls in a belt but it's not locked and no hacking is required to loot it. Neptune is the new full-on PvP server and differs from the other servers in the following ways:
- If a character dies, one randomly chosen item from the Inventory or Quickbelt will be placed into the dropped belt and can be looted (no hacking needed) by other players. Characters with a LE chip will not be able to loot belts.
- The Safeslot option will be deactivated, but essential items like Epic items or keys will never drop.
- All safezones will be deactivated. Faction headquarters will be transformed into Warzones
- The rate of experience points gained by killing monsters has been greatly increased.
- The regeneration of synaptic impairment after using a Genereplicator or after death has been greatly increased.
- The rate of automatic Soullight regeneration has been greatly increased.
- The chances of getting modification slots when crafting items have been greatly increased.
We have a free 10-day trial so feel free to give us a try over at Make up your own mind.
Wow...I can't believe there's still people who spend their money on this. I remember how my neocron experience ended....I lost several Items and levels that I worked on for a month simply because KK doesn't know how to backup files or maintain servers. And what did I get for it? Nothing, all they said was, tough luck, we'll leave the servers on a little longer so hurry up and regain all your stuff from the last month... On top of that they expected you to buy their new expansion that was originally going to be free. Anyone like being served shit?
Everynight for 3 weeks I went to MC5 with a few friends to get a hold of MC5 chips, 2 days before the servers were supposed to shut down I managed to put together 2 Dimention splitters, 1 hercules, 1 Synaptic Accelerator, and a drone chip. I wanted to play NC2 with my friends but I was too pissed to care or support such a shitty company any longer. I really hope KK goes under, the slower it takes, the better. Horrible customer support, nothing has changed except a some retarded looking models, forum topics are restricted to things that make the game look good, and * > Neocron Player base.
Since this incident I haven't put much time into MMOs. I play casualy, and I don't bother much for 'uber' items anymore simply because it's a waste of time. WoW is a fantastic game, and with it's player base, you have no problem massing up 40 people to raid. I now spend my spare time playing Speedball(paintball) in northern Illinois, so if by any chance if your in town with some Devs, Nid, drop me a PM so I can vent alittle suppressed anger. I really think you guys owe this to quite a few people.
Long live Saturn, pluto turned into a shithole full of scene whores in denial towards the end of NC1.
If you compare this to my old posts on the neocron forums, you'll notice that I'm VERY bitter now.
Oh god not this game again.. let's just say if you want to play a game that's NOT as carebear. Play the sims online or something..or better yet, theirs a mmorpg on the site list here called Toon Town, and it even has a higher rating than nc!!
Bottom line, don't play it. The game was fun back in the day, the pvp system was great, but when you walk into the game you will sit around for an hour before you see anyone.. and if you see them it's only for a little bit because you've probably already crashed and their ownly a figment of your imagination..
The people saying that there is no one in NC are partly right. If you are playing in the US and you get on past like 7-8 PM est the server pops will be ALOT lower then earlyer in the day. But if you can get on at a time there are 10%+ people on then you will get alot of PvP going if you know where to look. Anti did a PP raid yesterday. We had like 15-16 people total and city came with 14-15 or so and we fought for like 3 hours. If you are standing in TH saying there is no one to kill then your not doing somthing right
Sadly the dome is almost never used so I wouldn't look for PvP there. If you want to kill anti then get a team and go to Cycrow lab.
Advertising the opportunity to fight with less people than your average free-to-play FPS server is perhaps not the greatest idea.
Just a thought.
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
How is that a big diffrence... That is about the closest fight you will get without having a pre aranged fight.
Log in and tell us the truth you liar.
Life is a bad MMORPG.
But with good Graphics 0_0
I'm big on facts - good, bad, whatever.
Here's the login screen at 12:13pm EST:
20:44 gmt+1
Mars 14%
Mercury 4%
Terra 11%
Neptune 19%
0% and 3-4% on the busy ones? No, not really.
Life is a bad MMORPG.
But with good Graphics 0_0
wow, an average of 100 players on each server.. Absolutely horrible.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
Life is a bad MMORPG.
But with good Graphics 0_0
Server pops as of 11:05am EST: