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Necron is being sold in a local store near to me for a ridiculously low price. So if you live in the UK might be time to give it go just for comedy value...
From what i've read here and elsewhere this game is frankly terrible but for 2 quid what do have to lose !
A sign of desperation perhaps?
Ive read this has THE worst community in the universe, ask for help and your likely to recieve a barrage of abuse and get pk'ed, is this true?
If im on later pls dont kill me then...
Desperation? i think your looking at buying neocron 1 not 2. correct me if im wrong. Its in my opinion a good game in small doses, meaning the bugs etc can really get to me after a while.
The community is an interesting bunch, the problem is the vets have this idea that they are better than everyone else so should treat others as like dirt. If you ask for help from the right people at the right time you may get it. I believe when you said about being pk'ed and abused your reffering (sp?) to a magazine review which I read. A big part of neocron is making the right friends, I feel the guy who made the review had some bored player waiting for someone to say something an simple saying something stupid back. Don't get me wrong im not defending the community it is at best times terrbile, players just have no respect for others but abusing newbies is something I see often... By all means give it a try, if you get lucky you may meet some ok people and have fun, thats if the bugs dont drive you insane
the community is mostly friendly; and most of the people you mention spend there time on the OOC channel talking shit with clans so you can just mute them
the help channel though always has people on it willing to help and most people you'll meet in game are nice. the english(int) servers are
neptune: going to be completely pvp oriented, no RP or events. but fasetr leveling and a lot more low level players (server just opened last week basicly)
terra: been around for long time. RP and events theres a decent amount of this. most low level players will be brand new to the game, smaller population (right now, will go back once ppl cap on neptune), of course is also pvp oriented just not completely.
While I don't play it anymore, I don't play it because I stopped having money for it and couldn't be bothered to learn all the new things in Neocron 2.
The community is extremely nob friendly actually, and most people will do as much as they can to help a noob as it needs as many new players as it can get. Many people will give nobs free money, as long as they dont go around asking for it, and will spend time to explain how things work.
I would give Neocron a try if I were you. But that cheap box is for NC1 and is useless. KK had stoped supporting NC1 over 9 months ago, and had let retailers know to stop selling NC1 boxes. You can get the NC2 client online at here or here.
And you can sign up in the game launcher. You will not get a box this way. But it works well. If you need any help in game or out of game you can give me a PM on the forums and if you see me in game on any of my 4 chars (Tostino, Tosti, Neith, Jynui) just drop me a DM if you need anything.
Just dont buy if it says Neocron 1 because thats a expensive paperweight (cant make account or anything with that one).
I used the free trial (for Neocron 2) & did not find anything good about the game.
Did you try and find a clan or people that could help you out so you can see what the PvP is like?
If I were to play a game I would atleast see what the good part of it is like before judging it (unless it's like L2 where you need to be 70+ for the fun shit beacuse games like that take 3+ months to cap).
But to be fair he shouldn't have to, the process of levelling and getting to know the game should be enjoyable however you choose to do it. If all that matters is the PvP then they should just get rid of levelling entirely and give you a capped character when you start (this applies to many other games too).
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
Apologies for the time it took to reply.
Thanks for the comments, well i bought it yesterday for £2 so ill load it up tonight. And yes it was Necron 2!!
I certainly hope the community IS better than i've heard.
It has multiple servers (?) any recommendations on which one?
btw. Is it possible for a mighty Hand from to refresh the Price of this game and the BUY IT link to amazon? Its linked to the buyable Neocron 1 Box
Life is a bad MMORPG.
But with good Graphics 0_0