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Calling all "old" members!



  • Annah_HAnnah_H Member UncommonPosts: 57

    yeah i noticed its pretty quiet. I guess that's what happens with the political and religious regulars have nowhere to post to

    Formally known as Enigma

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476

    Originally posted by Serien

     Hey guys (this is the point that if you don't remember me, Murt, you're not in this category under which the title of the thread describes, haha)

    Matt and I have been recently rounding up members from the good ole' days and it'd be fantastic to be able to get in touch with some of you guys again. We've (well...mostly KT (KillerTwinkie) -- who will not be referred to as Matt) rounded up Finwe and Kiamde (and me, of course). BUT, as I've mentioned, it'd be fantastic to get more of the 'old' members back together.

    And I'm not talking we spend hundreds of dollars and fly out to one spot for a few beers, I'm just saying electronically ...hell, Matt found Kiamde over facebook! Nonetheless, Matt and I exchanged numbers years ago, just got Finwe's a couple days ago -- well, basically what I'm trying to say is that if we can grab you on facebook, that would be great. If not, find some other way of getting in touch with us!

    Oh, and by the last paragraph,  I, in NO WAY meant to imply that one day in the future we can all go on a hunting trip. Hell, I'll lead. I need to top my record 9 point buck anyway :)



    Hey Dept. of, You folks gonna do anything in SWTOR


    Gotta Love this Dept. of

    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • RobgmurRobgmur Member Posts: 322

    Originally posted by Elsabolts

    Originally posted by Serien

     Hey guys (this is the point that if you don't remember me, Murt, you're not in this category under which the title of the thread describes, haha)

    Matt and I have been recently rounding up members from the good ole' days and it'd be fantastic to be able to get in touch with some of you guys again. We've (well...mostly KT (KillerTwinkie) -- who will not be referred to as Matt) rounded up Finwe and Kiamde (and me, of course). BUT, as I've mentioned, it'd be fantastic to get more of the 'old' members back together.

    And I'm not talking we spend hundreds of dollars and fly out to one spot for a few beers, I'm just saying electronically ...hell, Matt found Kiamde over facebook! Nonetheless, Matt and I exchanged numbers years ago, just got Finwe's a couple days ago -- well, basically what I'm trying to say is that if we can grab you on facebook, that would be great. If not, find some other way of getting in touch with us!

    Oh, and by the last paragraph,  I, in NO WAY meant to imply that one day in the future we can all go on a hunting trip. Hell, I'll lead. I need to top my record 9 point buck anyway :)



    Hey Dept. of, You folks gonna do anything in SWTOR


    Gotta Love this Dept. of


    *Corsair Obsidian Series 650D *i5-2500K OC'd ~ 4.5
    *Asus P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 mother board
    * Radeon HD 7970
    *8GB (4GBx2) 1600MHz Kingston HyperX
    *240GB Corsair Force GT Series SATA-III SSD

  • KurushKurush Member Posts: 1,303
    Dekron is about the oldest member in this thread that I remember.

    I can't exactly remember why. I vaguely recall a stolen pony and an out of control derigible on a collision course with Dodgers Stadium.

    That was you, wasn't it, Dekron?

    Maybe I'm not remembering things quite right.
  • xanthanxanthan Member Posts: 3

    Hmm what is old ? :D

    Age or registration :P

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476

    Originally posted by xanthan

    Hmm what is old ? :D

    Age or registration :P

    When your CO says, " Chief we really need your help in this area. Keep up the great work ! ie: Desk Job. " Sigh "


    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • NeikenNeiken Member Posts: 254

    Originally posted by xanthan

    Hmm what is old ? :D

    Age or registration :P

    Both, registration age, and real age. Since most of us have gotten older over the years while coming here.


    Some of you guys are accountable for a few of these grey hairs on my head....


  • iToxiiCziToxiiCz Member Posts: 34

    Lol when i came on this thread  i thought you meant like.. the 50 year old members

    (if there is any) i only signed up on the forums about 10 mins ago and i got 5 posts :/

    this will be my sixth.






  • FusionFusion Member UncommonPosts: 1,398

    Nearly a decade here and close to 3 decades in RL age! deserving title aswell ;) - now totally F2P no cash-shops or micro transactions at all.
  • jackmike008jackmike008 Member Posts: 6

    oh god save me,please.

  • eyeswideopeneyeswideopen Member Posts: 2,414

    Ahhhh...and another six month "vacation" comes to an end.

    I'm back. image

    -Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
    -And on the 8th day, man created God.-

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    I ghost more than I post now. Lets see what's going on with you guys now a days.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • eyeswideopeneyeswideopen Member Posts: 2,414

    Originally posted by Rikimaru_X

    I ghost more than I post now. Lets see what's going on with you guys now a days.


    Every time I see someone with "Riki" in their character or forum name in mmos, I always wonder: Is dat mah ninjah?!?

    -Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
    -And on the 8th day, man created God.-

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    Originally posted by eyeswideopen

    Originally posted by Rikimaru_X

    I ghost more than I post now. Lets see what's going on with you guys now a days.


    Every time I see someone with "Riki" in their character or forum name in mmos, I always wonder: Is dat mah ninjah?!?


    Right here hiding in the shadows man. Always good to see you guys. Makes me feel old being here ha ha ha.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • paps26paps26 Member Posts: 24

    How's MMORPG doing? what's the new fuzz now?! hi everyone!

  • MorvMorv Member UncommonPosts: 331

    I know I don't know most of you, but do I count? ;)

  • MorvMorv Member UncommonPosts: 331

    Originally posted by Serien

     Hey guys (this is the point that if you don't remember me, Murt, you're not in this category under which the title of the thread describes, haha)

    Matt and I have been recently rounding up members from the good ole' days and it'd be fantastic to be able to get in touch with some of you guys again. We've (well...mostly KT (KillerTwinkie) -- who will not be referred to as Matt) rounded up Finwe and Kiamde (and me, of course). BUT, as I've mentioned, it'd be fantastic to get more of the 'old' members back together.

    And I'm not talking we spend hundreds of dollars and fly out to one spot for a few beers, I'm just saying electronically ...hell, Matt found Kiamde over facebook! Nonetheless, Matt and I exchanged numbers years ago, just got Finwe's a couple days ago -- well, basically what I'm trying to say is that if we can grab you on facebook, that would be great. If not, find some other way of getting in touch with us!

    Oh, and by the last paragraph,  I, in NO WAY meant to imply that one day in the future we can all go on a hunting trip. Hell, I'll lead. I need to top my record 9 point buck anyway :)



    I've never seena post by someone with a join date older than 2003, yikes!

  • oldglory35oldglory35 Member UncommonPosts: 1

    is this the same that codecompiler used to run? i was a member for a LONG time then once they broke out nodelay and ghostkill hack the community pretty much died =(

  • konrad16660konrad16660 Member Posts: 182

    Are you the same Serein from EQ?  Did you lead public raids?

  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879
    Posting to represent the oldschool.
  • Sanctus_MorsSanctus_Mors Member Posts: 597

    I was a long time lurker, then I posted a lot a few years back. Went back to being a long time lurker. Representing 2002


    I use to post a ton in the City of Heroes forum here.

    your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't

  • S-mmoS-mmo Member UncommonPosts: 47
    I dont whant to be call it "old" :P
  • AngelnishAngelnish Member Posts: 5
    Unfortunately, most of the old members no longer post here.
  • RuvanRuvan Member Posts: 2

    How can we determine is we are old? :P

    This is actually my first post ever on this website and I've used it since 2009.

    I just this is my introduction?? Hi, I'm Ruvan.

  • TalgenTalgen Member UncommonPosts: 400
    we post.. but rarely.. 10 years tomorrow.
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