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What makes the hype different this time around?



  • grimalgrimal Member UncommonPosts: 2,935

    For those in denial about the "hype", article asking whether GW2 is the MOST hyped game ever:

  • NobadeeftwNobadeeftw Member UncommonPosts: 129
    Originally posted by Kyus_HoB

    Hi Origional poster, 


    The reason why things are different this time round is simple. 

    Arena Net said they would make a game with a certain game mechanic and a certain type of content.

    We have played the BWE's and currently we have a very good looking game, with the mechanic stated and the content as stated by the developer. The other factor is the game is not trying to tick off everyones boxes its Arena nets title and they have stayed true to everything that has been said so far.

    Whilst there are some issues wtih the game it is overwhelmingly in a better shape than any game I have ever played at this stage in development.

    It also boasts excellent value for money with no subscritption fee's in comparison to the content delivered especially with the longevity that WvW and SPvP bring to the game.


    I'd highly recommend just playing on release the game is a one time box purchase only and even if its not perfect for your playstyle its something you can always dip into when you like.


    Just to add I played BWE 1 and thought that was good but not great, then played BWE2 and Loved it! the reason for this was I wasn't playing the game properly in the first weekend, in the second it clicked and I got how tactical it can get.


    This ^

    I've been in some bad beta's in the past and knew before the game even launched that it was going to flop!  Most recent case would be The Old Republic.  I was constantly screaming at the devs in the forums during beta; because, they kept making it worse and lying to everyone.  They threatened to ban me rather than listen to what me and countless others were saying every day.

    I had an entirely different experience when I started beta testing GW2.  The devs were not blowing smoke at anyone and they were actually listening to the feedback.  On top of this, what Kyus said, they actually deliviered what they promised.  That's something most devs these days fail to do.

  • PurgatusPurgatus Member Posts: 342
    Originally posted by QuicklyScott
    Originally posted by Apropo


    Maybe you should recogonize your own hypocritical ignorance before spouting a holier than thou diatribe about the "haters".  If you had read this thread you would have seen that there have been examples linked to crazy hype threads in these forums.  Is it not an example of your own ignornace that you don't see things like that?  Also, isn't over defending a game which happens every day on this site, another form of hype.  I mean, the top 5 posts on the main page are usually GW2 related, and most are in a thread which is regarded as a troll with people retorting to the OP,stating how great they think GW2 is.  That is hype is it not?  This thread is an example.

    This post is niether hypocritical, nor ignorant. The bulk of GW2 supporters are fairly level folks.

    "Hype" has the connotation of unfufilled promise. After the beta weekends its no longer a promise but experience. We still have a great deal of game to discover, and it may not live up to expectations, but by and large, the game has already shown many of us that it does all those things it was "hyped" to do.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564

    This time the hype is based on game mechanics, not stupid marketing fluff.  When's the last time that happened for a heavily anticipated MMORPG?  Excluding times where a lot of the promised game mechanics were stripped out prior to release, that is.

  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Originally posted by Icewhite
    Originally posted by BigRock411

    Am i going to end up playing a hated game a month after launch despite it being unfallable prior to launch?

    You're looking for a money-back guarantee?  We're just gamers man.

    You don't have to live in fear, it's only money.

    Well said.  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • eye_meye_m Member UncommonPosts: 3,317
    Originally posted by QuicklyScott
    Originally posted by Apropo

    I'd like to see some links to some examples of "Over Hype" in context with Guild Wars 2?  Link or it isn't happening.

    Those of us who have put in the research and hands on tested the promised mechanics of the game well know the difference between "Over Hype" Caused by false advertisement and unrealistic expectations compared to "Excitement" based on hands on experience.


    The only thing that seems "Over Hyped" is the unfounded ignorant claims that the game is over hyped... 


    ... its unfounded.

    Maybe you should recogonize your own hypocritical ignorance before spouting a holier than thou diatribe about the "haters".  If you had read this thread you would have seen that there have been examples linked to crazy hype threads in these forums.  Is it not an example of your own ignornace that you don't see things like that?  Also, isn't over defending a game which happens every day on this site, another form of hype.  I mean, the top 5 posts on the main page are usually GW2 related, and most are in a thread which is regarded as a troll with people retorting to the OP,stating how great they think GW2 is.  That is hype is it not?  This thread is an example.

    I think what most people here (I use the term most people because it is a vast majority) feel is that the handful of "haters" ( I use the term handful because it's you and a few others) have a tendancy to exaggerate things, and make them appear to be a lot worse then they really are.

    For example; You state that there have been examples linked of crazy hype threads in these forums. There has actually only been one. This is what people call an exaggeration.  BTW, you were the person posting that link.

    There has also been another example of a hype thread on a completely different site with no affiliation to that you posted. Yep, that number was ONE.

    Below your post is a link to a website that did a reveiw on the excitement for GW2. Wow! Thats craziness isn't it!!! Someone else posted a link. Too bad the article never once said it was over hyped, nor did it make any earth shattering predictions. hmmm


    So maybe you should tone down your "anti-hype" hormones before you start accusing people of being hypocrites and that sort of thing.


    EDIT: I totally should have ended it with "NOW who's the hype hypocrite!"  lol

    All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.

    I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.

    I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.

    I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.

  • rygard49rygard49 Member UncommonPosts: 973
    Originally posted by Badaboom

    For me the hype was prior to any of the betaweekends.  After playing in the betaweekends all you are left with are truths...and I love the truths that I saw and experienced.

    For a lot us gamers, we didn't want to gamble on a pre-purchase for a guarantee of beta weekend access and we were unable to get access through any other avenue. So even though your experiences in game may have dispelled the hype and turned it into pure, unfettered truth, there are many of us who are still being hyped because we simply haven't had the same chance at those experiences.

    So for us we're still being hyped (and over-hyped in many cases) for the game.

    Also I'd like to add that, for me, my definition of "hype" includes in game experiences reported from others. Hype to me isn't pure marketing bullshit. It's a measure of excitement for the game based on actual experience and expectation from the title, in addition to the marketing spin that game companies love to use.

    I like what I'm hearing so far, but it's still hyped like crazy from all angles.

  • DrakynnDrakynn Member Posts: 2,030

    In my opinion GW2's Hype gets more Hype ont his site than GW2 itself.Hype is a legitimate marketing tool as is Fan word of mouth,it's up to every idnividual to do their own research on a product and decide for themselves,if they choose isntead to belive amrketing and buy blind that on the consumer.

  • SentimeSentime Member UncommonPosts: 270

    There is nothing different this time.

    I'd put hype as one of the primary reasons for the complete crap that the MMO industry puts out.

    Just imagine if all that money and time was spent on development instead of hype.

  • rygard49rygard49 Member UncommonPosts: 973
    Originally posted by Sentime

    There is nothing different this time.

    I'd put hype as one of the primary reasons for the complete crap that the MMO industry puts out.

    Just imagine if all that money and time was spent on development instead of hype.

    Money spent does not equal a better game. Example: TOR.

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403
    Originally posted by rygard49

    Also I'd like to add that, for me, my definition of "hype" includes in game experiences reported from others. Hype to me isn't pure marketing bullshit. It's a measure of excitement for the game based on actual experience and expectation from the title, in addition to the marketing spin that game companies love to use.

    I like what I'm hearing so far, but it's still hyped like crazy from all angles.

    Possibly is.  So what?  We can choose not to offend of defend, and In four weeks (bit less), all questions will be answered.

    Three Andy Jacksons.  How much time should the average player spend worrying and fretting over that minimal an investment?  What does it take him to feel SAFE, with all of these prophets of doom whispering "Careful!  omg be Careful now!" in his ear?  "You might make a mistake!"

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • rygard49rygard49 Member UncommonPosts: 973
    Originally posted by Icewhite
    Originally posted by rygard49

    Also I'd like to add that, for me, my definition of "hype" includes in game experiences reported from others. Hype to me isn't pure marketing bullshit. It's a measure of excitement for the game based on actual experience and expectation from the title, in addition to the marketing spin that game companies love to use.

    I like what I'm hearing so far, but it's still hyped like crazy from all angles.

    Possibly is.  So what?  We can choose not to offend of defend, and In four weeks (bit less), all questions will be answered.

    Three Andy Jacksons.  How much time should the average player spend worrying and fretting over that minimal an investment?  What does it take him to feel SAFE, with all of these prophets of doom whispering "Careful!  omg be Careful now!" in his ear?  "You might make a mistake!"

    It takes actual play time in the game, and/or the thumbs up from a trusted source. And there's no time limit for considering an investment of any size. Especially since, in this case, the game isn't even out yet and won't be for another month.

    In my case, even if it were only 5 dollars I'd still want to spend that money wisely, and not frivolously on something I may or may not enjoy.  I've been burned in the past by games that I've researched and assumed I would enjoy, letting excitement over it's potential get the best of me. So now I put a more discerning eye into any money I spend on my gaming hobby. I don't see why that's a bad mindset.



  • I'll tell you what makes the hype different this time.




  • BadaboomBadaboom Member UncommonPosts: 2,380
    Originally posted by rygard49
    Originally posted by Badaboom

    For me the hype was prior to any of the betaweekends.  After playing in the betaweekends all you are left with are truths...and I love the truths that I saw and experienced.

    For a lot us gamers, we didn't want to gamble on a pre-purchase for a guarantee of beta weekend access and we were unable to get access through any other avenue. So even though your experiences in game may have dispelled the hype and turned it into pure, unfettered truth, there are many of us who are still being hyped because we simply haven't had the same chance at those experiences.

    So for us we're still being hyped (and over-hyped in many cases) for the game.

    Also I'd like to add that, for me, my definition of "hype" includes in game experiences reported from others. Hype to me isn't pure marketing bullshit. It's a measure of excitement for the game based on actual experience and expectation from the title, in addition to the marketing spin that game companies love to use.

    I like what I'm hearing so far, but it's still hyped like crazy from all angles.

    I definitely see your point.  I was just talking from my point of view, because I got to experience it.  Their are a lot of people who, as of yet, have not had a chance to play it.  So by me talking favourably about it, I'm contributing to the "hype."  With all of the youtube vids out about this game, people really should be able to make an educated decision when purchasing this game. 


  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by rygard49
    Originally posted by Badaboom

    For me the hype was prior to any of the betaweekends.  After playing in the betaweekends all you are left with are truths...and I love the truths that I saw and experienced.

    For a lot us gamers, we didn't want to gamble on a pre-purchase for a guarantee of beta weekend access and we were unable to get access through any other avenue. So even though your experiences in game may have dispelled the hype and turned it into pure, unfettered truth, there are many of us who are still being hyped because we simply haven't had the same chance at those experiences.

    So for us we're still being hyped (and over-hyped in many cases) for the game.

    Also I'd like to add that, for me, my definition of "hype" includes in game experiences reported from others. Hype to me isn't pure marketing bullshit. It's a measure of excitement for the game based on actual experience and expectation from the title, in addition to the marketing spin that game companies love to use.

    I like what I'm hearing so far, but it's still hyped like crazy from all angles.

    I just wanted to point out that while you're definition of hype is fine, it is a very narrow one, and is definitely not the most commonly accepted.

    By using hype, it sends the message to everyone else that this is a game that is 'full of marketting bs', and carries the implication that the hype is somehow based on dishonesty.

    While hype has multiple definitions, nearly all of them revolve around deception created by marketting campaigns. That's the problem with using words that have strong stigmas attached.

    - Most threads I've seen amount this topic seem to be based around the notion that 'GW2 is overhyped' and thus 'it isn't as good as people say it is' or 'anet clearly hasn't delivered what they promised to'. The problem with this implication is that hype based on hands-on gameplay experience is not dishonest, and is also much more heavily ground in reality.

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403
    Originally posted by rygard49

    In my case, even if it were only 5 dollars I'd still want to spend that money wisely, and not frivolously on something I may or may not enjoy.

    Then as always, we encourage you to do some research.  The Gamer Herd does not constitute a credible and unbiased research source for you, obviously.

    Milling around waiting for the herd to approve a purchase for you...well, it'll be, at least, a four week wait. 

    It'd be curious if gamers are a trustworthy source -after- release though.  You may never purchase another game again, if you always adopt maximum suspicion.  Those money-back guarantees are damned hard to come by.

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • gravesworngravesworn Member Posts: 324
    I had no intention of buying the game. Now i have to get 2 copies. One for me and one for my gf. Go figure. Damn those little cute asura
  • ThrashbargThrashbarg Member Posts: 125
    Originally posted by rygard49

    Also I'd like to add that, for me, my definition of "hype" includes in game experiences reported from others. Hype to me isn't pure marketing bullshit. It's a measure of excitement for the game based on actual experience and expectation from the title, in addition to the marketing spin that game companies love to use.

    I like what I'm hearing so far, but it's still hyped like crazy from all angles.

    As long as you realize that making up your own definitions of words is likely to leave you confused when reading anything written by others.



    1    [hahyp]  Show IPA verb, hyped, hyp·ing,noun Informal .
    verb (used with object)
    to stimulate, excite, or agitate (usually followed by up ): 
    She was hyped up at the thought of owning her own car.
    to create interest in by flamboyant or dramatic methods;promote or publicize showily: 
    a promoter who knows how to hype a prizefight.
    to intensify (advertising, promotion, or publicity)
     by disingenious or questionable claims, methods, etc. 
    (usually followed by up ).
    to trick; gull.


    So far, I haven't seen any disingenious claims, and geeky developers doing podcasts or writing blogs seems less than "flamboyant or dramatic".

    The advertising I have seen has mostly required me to search for it (logging on here, other forums, Anet facebook page, etc). There aren't commercials for it every 5 minutes on primetime TV, there aren't GW2 promoters giving out jello shots and t-shirts at the local strip club, not sure how it's really being "hyped like crazy from all angles. 

    Don't like the "hype"? Do yourself a favor and quit hanging around fan forums.


  • rygard49rygard49 Member UncommonPosts: 973
    Originally posted by Icewhite
    Originally posted by rygard49

    In my case, even if it were only 5 dollars I'd still want to spend that money wisely, and not frivolously on something I may or may not enjoy.

    Then as always, we encourage you to do some research.  The Gamer Herd does not constitute a credible and unbiased research source, obviously.

    Milling around waiting for the herd to approve something for you...well, it'll be, at least, a four week wait. 

    I wonder how much of my post you actually read before snipping the majority and responding to one line... Had you read just one sentence further, you would see that I do, in fact, research my games. And I'm not quite sure how you came to the conclusion that I'd be making any decisions based off the 'Gamer Herd'.

    Regardless, since this is a few steps away from the original topic, I'll let this line of discussion go. Back to the Hype!

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403
    Originally posted by rygard49
    Originally posted by Icewhite
    Originally posted by rygard49

    In my case, even if it were only 5 dollars I'd still want to spend that money wisely, and not frivolously on something I may or may not enjoy.

    Then as always, we encourage you to do some research.  The Gamer Herd does not constitute a credible and unbiased research source, obviously.

    Milling around waiting for the herd to approve something for you...well, it'll be, at least, a four week wait. 

    I wonder how much of my post you actually read before snipping the majority and responding to one line... Had you read just one sentence further, you would see that I do, in fact, research my games. And I'm not quite sure how you came to the conclusion that I'd be making any decisions based off the 'Gamer Herd'.

    Regardless, since this is a few steps away from the original topic, I'll let this line of discussion go. Back to the Hype!

    No, you just painted yourself into a corner with maximum paranoia. (I apologise that you missed the edit, it did take a while to construct that additional thought).

    Gamer opinion isn't good enough, your own research isn't good enough (post #138).  All that can make your decision to spend some money is those damned unreliable gamers, post-release.  Did I miss some other option?

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • Mors-SubitaMors-Subita Member UncommonPosts: 517
    Originally posted by BigRock411


    We can look back through the years and see the very same type of overwhelmimg positive opinion for a lot of games prior to launch, games that include AOC/WAR/AION/RIFT/SWTOR theres a lot more but those where the major ones i remember.  Nothing bad was to be said about the listed games, they all were going to be different, ground breaking, had nothing but stellar beta feedback (and when there wasnt stellar beta feedback anything negative was flamed to dust).


    Well, there are a couple of things I think are important to note...

    One: Most of those other games had dev/pub/media driven hype. Most of the hype for GW2 is player driven imo.

    Two: Those games were very careful about what they showed you and promised things they didn't have(i.e. 6 cities for WAR, content over lvl 20 for AOC, an actual playable game for SWTOR(and yes, I know people will argue with that. *shrug), etc)), Arenanet doesn't seem to do that, and they have publicly stated that talking about things that are just good ideas but aren't in a state where they are pretty much guaranteed is against their policy.

    Three: Arenanet actually listens to beta tester feedback and makes changes on it, sometimes several times in the course of the same weekend. We had other games that didn't implement overwhelming player feedback during the entire course of the beta...

    Four: It really does feel like a different experience. While each of the others had their own twist, they all had a certain sameness to the way they felt... This feels different, at least to me.


    The truth is that for the box purchase with no monthly subscription and no crippling penalties for not paying monthly(yes, I am looking at you DCUO), even if it is just a fun game for 100 hours, it is more than worth it, in my experience.



  • rygard49rygard49 Member UncommonPosts: 973
    Originally posted by Thrashbarg
    Originally posted by rygard49

    Also I'd like to add that, for me, my definition of "hype" includes in game experiences reported from others. Hype to me isn't pure marketing bullshit. It's a measure of excitement for the game based on actual experience and expectation from the title, in addition to the marketing spin that game companies love to use.

    I like what I'm hearing so far, but it's still hyped like crazy from all angles.

    As long as you realize that making up your own definitions of words is likely to leave you confused when reading anything written by others.



    1    [hahyp]  Show IPA verb, hyped, hyp·ing,noun Informal .
    verb (used with object)
    to stimulate, excite, or agitate (usually followed by up ): 
    She was hyped up at the thought of owning her own car.
    to create interest in by flamboyant or dramatic methods;promote or publicize showily: 
    a promoter who knows how to hype a prizefight.
    to intensify (advertising, promotion, or publicity)
     by disingenious or questionable claims, methods, etc. 
    (usually followed by up ).
    to trick; gull.


    So far, I haven't seen any disingenious claims, and geeky developers doing podcasts or writing blogs seems less than "flamboyant or dramatic".

    The advertising I have seen has mostly required me to search for it (logging on here, other forums, Anet facebook page, etc). There aren't commercials for it every 5 minutes on primetime TV, there aren't GW2 promoters giving out jello shots and t-shirts at the local strip club, not sure how it's really being "hyped like crazy from all angles. 

    Don't like the "hype"? Do yourself a favor and quit hanging around fan forums.

    Quit hanging around the fan forums? But you guys are so friendly here!! You especially, sir or ma'am.

    I like that you're posting a definition of the word, and then intentionally ignoring portions of that definition to try to justify why you think my view of hype is wrong.

    I'll agree with you that I haven't seen any disingenious marketing or tricks, but I've seen plenty from definitions 1 and 2. I've been excited and stimulated by stories of in game experiences from other players. I've also been flamboyantly advertised to in my email inbox. I remember signing up for beta, but I don't remember signing up to recieve a marketing ad every week telling me to buy the game. And if you don't think developer videos are showy, they're not doing their jobs right.

    You're also right that some of the hype has to be sought out, but come on, you can't really come to this website without seeing GW2 all over the front page forum posts. It's not so much 'hanging around fan forums', as it is that the fan forums are dominating my web hangout spot.

    I've also never said there was anything wrong with the hype. I'm just saying I've seen a lot of it. My own fault? Partially, but who can blame me?

  • konrad16660konrad16660 Member Posts: 182

    It is funny how much people hype games just to rip on them when they do finally come out because they havn't fullfilled our every hope and dream.  I don't understand sometimes why people look so much into games when its as simple as lpay it if you like it, don't play it if you don't like it.

    This game will probably be fun enough to play for a couple months.

    The reason why so many games are failing is because so many games come out theese days.  Back in the day when there was really only Asherons call and Everquest, you knew the populations weren't going anywhere,.  Now, with so many games, you can literally see population migrations when other games come out.

    We don't have any attention span and we have no sense of commitment, lol.  Talking from someone that lives in the US where the divorce rate over lifetime is over 70%.  Seeing as we can't even stick to marriage, what makes you think that anyone would stick with a game.

  • IcewhiteIcewhite Member Posts: 6,403
    Originally posted by konrad16660
    We don't have any attention span and we have no sense of commitment, lol.

    We can't even make a decision, our rhetoric won't let us.

    Oh, sorry. *cough cough* Dooooooom.

    "On second thought, let's not go to Camelot.  'Tis a silly place."

    Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.

  • YaosYaos Member UncommonPosts: 153
    So far everything they have said will be in at launch has been in the beta and it works.
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