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30 Day Ban only for Duping.



  • psykobillypsykobilly Member Posts: 338
    Originally posted by Deviron
    Originally posted by ThaBadMan
    Originally posted by Deviron

    "30day suspension pending investigation."

    Spin it like you want im just stating like i see it. He admitted to it and is "pending investigation".. or in 30 days people will hopefully forget all about this. 

    I was thinking of buying it and caught this before the Mods on there forums deleted it.  I wont be getting Mortal and I am just letting other people who are thinking about it whats going on.  Maybe you can attract some more people who like to dupe and you can have fun in your little sandbox.


    EDIT: BTW this isnt an attack on the guild i think they are handling it.  This post is more for how the company is handling it.

    What are u on ?

    Do u think the police stops an investigation just cause a guy turn himself in ?

    What about peeps that helped him out or if hes just protecting his "boss" ?


    An investigation means they are trying to find more peeps than the 4 already banned that where involved in the dupe or received some of the dupe so they can get rid of everything duped and not only what the 4 already banned had.


    Get a head on ur shoulders before posting shit.

    How about you quit being such a fan boy and just admit that its pretty shade.

    Again im calling it like I see it and you can make excuse to your blue in the face.

    Want to know really shady?  They didn't discover the dupe from their detection methods as deathshroud falsly claims.  They discovered it because a member of the same guild ratted out the other people using the dupe so he could keep his duped items.  From what I heard he is not banned and got to keep everything.  


  • NorpanNorpan Member CommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz

    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

  • NorpanNorpan Member CommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Deviron
    Originally posted by ThaBadMan
    Originally posted by Deviron

    "30day suspension pending investigation."

    Spin it like you want im just stating like i see it. He admitted to it and is "pending investigation".. or in 30 days people will hopefully forget all about this. 

    I was thinking of buying it and caught this before the Mods on there forums deleted it.  I wont be getting Mortal and I am just letting other people who are thinking about it whats going on.  Maybe you can attract some more people who like to dupe and you can have fun in your little sandbox.


    EDIT: BTW this isnt an attack on the guild i think they are handling it.  This post is more for how the company is handling it.

    What are u on ?

    Do u think the police stops an investigation just cause a guy turn himself in ?

    What about peeps that helped him out or if hes just protecting his "boss" ?


    An investigation means they are trying to find more peeps than the 4 already banned that where involved in the dupe or received some of the dupe so they can get rid of everything duped and not only what the 4 already banned had.


    Get a head on ur shoulders before posting shit.

    How about you quit being such a fan boy and just admit that its pretty shade.

    Again im calling it like I see it and you can make excuse to your blue in the face.

    He´s not being a fan boy. Even though he sure likes MO. But he actually read, and interpret the link you posted. While you blindly are stuck at the "30 days banned for duping", which quite clearly is stated was DURING their investigation on the matter. How it all ended we don´t know. Or I don´t at least. So it´s quite pointless little thread you´ve made. Grats.

  • KillHurtKillHurt Member Posts: 347

    The e-peen is strong with that one.


  • TatercakeTatercake Member UncommonPosts: 286

    well i do not realy mis much of mo it was a decent concept i enjoye dplaying with the dogs and the crazey germans they were a lot of fun but for the rest of the comunity it was terrible im glad this went down things need to chainge  i had  a sweet place built it and all the other guilds were like hell no you cant live there and they destroyed my crap  when i was offline and to do it over and over again just stupid and  retarded  ya i dont mis sthe blue  runing around stealing when you get quard whacked ya  it is a poor  comunity very little honor in it

  • argiropargirop Member UncommonPosts: 300

    The attitude of that Hunted dude who posted his crap in the first link is just awesome. I dont know who he is ingame and if he (the duper that was supposed to get cought) actualy made a post like that but i think he deserves nothing less than a permanent ban and a couple strong kicks from his parents right in the butt cause he is clearly a 10 year old with horrible character and attitude.

    The bad thing is that things like that are pretty common in MO. Famous dupers making comeback posts and community welcomes them, retarded exploiters that openly admiting that they are "manipulating" open windows in crappy SV's code to make a name for theimselfs in a virtual world like it really matters are considered to be MO's legends and community votes for them... Each time something like that happens drives me miles away from MO and at this time that i dont have an active sub, i really feel that theres no reason at all to reactivate my accounts not even when Awakening hits live. This game is a constant and long lasting disapointment and SV is by far the worst company i ve ever had business with.

  • deathshrouddeathshroud Member Posts: 1,366
    Originally posted by psykobilly
    Originally posted by Deviron
    Originally posted by ThaBadMan
    Originally posted by Deviron

    "30day suspension pending investigation."

    Spin it like you want im just stating like i see it. He admitted to it and is "pending investigation".. or in 30 days people will hopefully forget all about this. 

    I was thinking of buying it and caught this before the Mods on there forums deleted it.  I wont be getting Mortal and I am just letting other people who are thinking about it whats going on.  Maybe you can attract some more people who like to dupe and you can have fun in your little sandbox.


    EDIT: BTW this isnt an attack on the guild i think they are handling it.  This post is more for how the company is handling it.

    What are u on ?

    Do u think the police stops an investigation just cause a guy turn himself in ?

    What about peeps that helped him out or if hes just protecting his "boss" ?


    An investigation means they are trying to find more peeps than the 4 already banned that where involved in the dupe or received some of the dupe so they can get rid of everything duped and not only what the 4 already banned had.


    Get a head on ur shoulders before posting shit.

    How about you quit being such a fan boy and just admit that its pretty shade.

    Again im calling it like I see it and you can make excuse to your blue in the face.

    Want to know really shady?  They didn't discover the dupe from their detection methods as deathshroud falsly claims.  They discovered it because a member of the same guild ratted out the other people using the dupe so he could keep his duped items.  From what I heard he is not banned and got to keep everything.  


    well beleive what you like, but i reckon i have a better understanding of what happened and so will choose to beleive my understanding of the events over yours.

    there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.

  • SHOE788SHOE788 Member Posts: 700
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz

    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

    D3 doesn't have pvp. D3 isn't an MMO.

    Apples to Oranges

  • TalwinSindasTalwinSindas Member Posts: 16
    Originally posted by psykobilly
    Originally posted by Deviron
    Originally posted by ThaBadMan
    Originally posted by Deviron

    "30day suspension pending investigation."

    Spin it like you want im just stating like i see it. He admitted to it and is "pending investigation".. or in 30 days people will hopefully forget all about this.

    I was thinking of buying it and caught this before the Mods on there forums deleted it. I wont be getting Mortal and I am just letting other people who are thinking about it whats going on. Maybe you can attract some more people who like to dupe and you can have fun in your little sandbox.


    EDIT: BTW this isnt an attack on the guild i think they are handling it. This post is more for how the company is handling it.

    What are u on ?

    Do u think the police stops an investigation just cause a guy turn himself in ?

    What about peeps that helped him out or if hes just protecting his "boss" ?


    An investigation means they are trying to find more peeps than the 4 already banned that where involved in the dupe or received some of the dupe so they can get rid of everything duped and not only what the 4 already banned had.


    Get a head on ur shoulders before posting shit.

    How about you quit being such a fan boy and just admit that its pretty shade.

    Again im calling it like I see it and you can make excuse to your blue in the face.

    Want to know really shady? They didn't discover the dupe from their detection methods as deathshroud falsly claims. They discovered it because a member of the same guild ratted out the other people using the dupe so he could keep his duped items. From what I heard he is not banned and got to keep everything.



    From what I heard from Vlad, this is similar to how he got at least some of his wealth.

    He said some random person would offer him a very good deal on a bunch of high end mats (Og/Cr), he would buy it then tell a GM that he suspected the guy of duping. As a reward the GM would allow Vlad to keep much, if not all of the mats. This happened a few times.

    There were other times he would happen to kill some random, unknown person who had very valuable things on them, like a Keep Deed or a bunch of gold.

    I suspect that these random people were trial accounts or secondary accounts that he used to launder the mats and give himself plausible dependability. I have no proof this is the case though, he may have very well done nothing wrong and those random people were actually other people but idk.

    I do know at least some of his wealth was legit though. He farmed a lot early on then bought mats low and sold high. His guild also accumulated wealth which he stored, from farming and a few in game events.

    The MO GM Talwin is Sindas.

  • NorpanNorpan Member CommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz

    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

    D3 doesn't have pvp. D3 isn't an MMO.

    Apples to Oranges

    Well, as I said. There will be. At least if you read what Mike Morhaime said in this message:

    Edit. And also your completly missing the point. SV, without that much resources to stop shit like this, are trying to do SOMETHING about it. While Blizzard, that drown in money, does NOTHING about it. And as I said, most MMOs has had duping. It´s not like it´s unique to MO.

  • HancakesHancakes Member Posts: 1,045


  • NorpanNorpan Member CommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by Hancakes

    Everyones getting wrapped up on the specifics, the bigger point is MO still has working dupes.  Banning this guy for life (if SV had the capability) wont change a thing, someone else will still be duping.


    Yeah, I guess I have to take your word for it. You seem reliable, and extremly neutral to MO and SV... Not.
    Either way, SV are doing SOMETHING about it. It's not like the OP tried to make it sound. "30 days ban for duping". Which has been made clear here several times.
  • HancakesHancakes Member Posts: 1,045
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes

    Everyones getting wrapped up on the specifics, the bigger point is MO still has working dupes.  Banning this guy for life (if SV had the capability) wont change a thing, someone else will still be duping.


    Yeah, I guess I have to take your word for it. You seem reliable, and extremly neutral to MO and SV... Not. Either way, SV are doing SOMETHING about it. It's not like the OP tried to make it sound. "30 days ban for duping". Which has been made clear here several times.

    Could I get the coherent version? I have no idea what point youre trying to make if any.

    SV is doing something about what? It sure isnt the duping which has plagued the game since beta.

  • SaintPhilipSaintPhilip Member Posts: 713
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes

    Everyones getting wrapped up on the specifics, the bigger point is MO still has working dupes.  Banning this guy for life (if SV had the capability) wont change a thing, someone else will still be duping.


    Yeah, I guess I have to take your word for it. You seem reliable, and extremly neutral to MO and SV... Not. Either way, SV are doing SOMETHING about it. It's not like the OP tried to make it sound. "30 days ban for duping". Which has been made clear here several times.

    The problem is the AMOUNT of dupes and the length of time duping has been going on- In MO duping has been a major problem (along with cheats/exploits/corruption from the top down)  since Beta. These things are merely brushed under the rug and often censored away as if they do not exist.

    I havnt a clue the dupes you guys say happen in WOW, but I played WOW for a long time and never saw it nor heard about it. I knew people who used Bots like the Glider- And ended up banned for life , but dupes? Nope.... Not saying it didnt happen but in MO its the Norm (seriously) and I think a great del of people have used them . A VERY LARGE % of the population, in fact.

    No. Nothing is ever done. Cheaters get a "name change" if they are caught or in the case of Russian are given a "payoff"- And the shit contiinues. Same corruption, same dupes- And how many months since even a small Patch? Hence the dupes are still there.

  • TacanTacan Member Posts: 93

    Any one can tell me, why Diphrael was banned?

  • SHOE788SHOE788 Member Posts: 700
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz

    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

    D3 doesn't have pvp. D3 isn't an MMO.

    Apples to Oranges

    Well, as I said. There will be. At least if you read what Mike Morhaime said in this message:

    Edit. And also your completly missing the point. SV, without that much resources to stop shit like this, are trying to do SOMETHING about it. While Blizzard, that drown in money, does NOTHING about it. And as I said, most MMOs has had duping. It´s not like it´s unique to MO.

    Stop being obtuse

    Blizzard has always done things about duping, just as they are doing things now. Diablo 3 duping isn't even on the same planet as the severity as it is in MO because they aren't even the same type of game.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in D3 what do you do? Leave the game and join another, big whoop.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in MO what do you do? Prepare your anus because they are going in dry.

  • HancakesHancakes Member Posts: 1,045
    Originally posted by SHOE788

    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz
    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

    D3 doesn't have pvp. D3 isn't an MMO.

    Apples to Oranges

    Well, as I said. There will be. At least if you read what Mike Morhaime said in this message:

    Edit. And also your completly missing the point. SV, without that much resources to stop shit like this, are trying to do SOMETHING about it. While Blizzard, that drown in money, does NOTHING about it. And as I said, most MMOs has had duping. It´s not like it´s unique to MO.

    Stop being obtuse

    Blizzard has always done things about duping, just as they are doing things now. Diablo 3 duping isn't even on the same planet as the severity as it is in MO because they aren't even the same type of game.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in D3 what do you do? Leave the game and join another, big whoop.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in MO what do you do? Prepare your anus because they are going in dry.


    Can't make it any clearer than that , :)
  • NorpanNorpan Member CommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz

    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

    D3 doesn't have pvp. D3 isn't an MMO.

    Apples to Oranges

    Well, as I said. There will be. At least if you read what Mike Morhaime said in this message:

    Edit. And also your completly missing the point. SV, without that much resources to stop shit like this, are trying to do SOMETHING about it. While Blizzard, that drown in money, does NOTHING about it. And as I said, most MMOs has had duping. It´s not like it´s unique to MO.

    Stop being obtuse

    Blizzard has always done things about duping, just as they are doing things now. Diablo 3 duping isn't even on the same planet as the severity as it is in MO because they aren't even the same type of game.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in D3 what do you do? Leave the game and join another, big whoop.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in MO what do you do? Prepare your anus because they are going in dry.

    lol. And where do you get that from? The ones that duped might suck ass and get to taste my weenie. Why do people dupe in the first place? Cause they have no moral, and suck ass to begin with. They think by cheating, they will "win". Well, that´s not always the case. They might have more of one kind of sword etc, but once you stand there on the battlefield, it doesn´t matter of how many gold you have in your bank. It comes down to how well you fight. I´ve beaten people with better gear many times, and gotten beaten by people with less powerfull gear as well.

    Also, you don´t know who has duped when you fight them in D3, MO, WoW, DF or any other MMO. You can´t just say "Well, that guy is duped. I´m outa here!!!". Actually you can, but that would make you look like sour loser. And once more, it´s not like SV are accepting dupers in MO. They do ban them. They lack the recources that bigger companies like Blizzard have, but they ARE doing something about it. But this thread was made cause the OP thought it was "only" 30 days for duping in MO, which it ain´t, so this post is meaningless. His point is as empty as a balloon.

  • deathshrouddeathshroud Member Posts: 1,366
    Originally posted by Hancakes

    Everyones getting wrapped up on the specifics, the bigger point is MO still has working dupes.  Banning this guy for life (if SV had the capability) wont change a thing, someone else will still be duping.

    your very naive to beleive that removing dupes from an ever changing mmo is remotely possible,they will most likely reapear at some point in time in the majority of mmos, the difference is having proper item tracking and daily scans to discover them early quickly and deal with the problem appropriatly, so that dupers are banned within hours instead of weeks.


    mo is the third worst game i have been a part of for how damaging a dupe was. its the worst game for the number of times i have heard of a dupe but its the smallest population and closest community ive bee a part of in an mmo also. The most damaging dupe i witnessed was with EVE online during early release, a number of pirate corps duped loads of isk getting battleships and numerous other things early on and going on a destructive rampage causing alot of honest players to loose a few months of hard work and only 1 of those pirates were banned and as far as i recall nobody was compensated. UO would be second mostly becuase it takes alot longer in uo to get the items that you need and dupes were very rife in the early days of UO.

    I think MO has alot more dupes than have been revealed currently and its not really a possibility for SV to remove duping 100%. They need to focus more on prevention as oppossed to a cure.


    imo duping in diablo3 is worse because items in diablo3 are sold for real money and also take a stupid amount of time to aquire, they also make a huge difference in pve and the game has alot of players and once pvp opens up those that duped good items or those that stripped other players accounts of months of hard work will have plenty of items to make a profit from or be on have a big advantage in pvp. stripping players characters of all the hard work they put in and getting away with it is worse than exploiting a dupe imo,

    In mo duped items make little difference in pvp because the margin between mid tier to high tier is quite low.

    there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.

  • psykobillypsykobilly Member Posts: 338
    Originally posted by deathshroud
    Originally posted by Hancakes

    Everyones getting wrapped up on the specifics, the bigger point is MO still has working dupes.  Banning this guy for life (if SV had the capability) wont change a thing, someone else will still be duping.

    your very naive to beleive that removing dupes from an ever changing mmo is remotely possible,they will most likely reapear at some point in time in the majority of mmos, the difference is having proper item tracking and daily scans to discover them early quickly and deal with the problem appropriatly, so that dupers are banned within hours instead of weeks.

    In mo duped items make little difference in pvp because the margin between mid tier to high tier is quite low.

    The most recent dupe... was in game since release from what I understand.  All their item tracking did not find it, it was a player ratting other people out that revealed it.  Although I think MO should have put a bug bounty up to reward people report bugs and dupes.  I reported a dupe once within the first hour of a new patch hitting:  they gave me 7 free days.  They should have given me 6 months free for helping to save their game economy.  Cheap fucks.

    The margin between mid-tier and high-tier is huge.  Cronite armor vs. steel/plate scale is no comparison.  Cronite swords swing 2 to 1 times against a steel sword.  How much have you really been in game with cronite armor and og weapons?  You're just plain wrong here.


  • SHOE788SHOE788 Member Posts: 700
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz

    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

    D3 doesn't have pvp. D3 isn't an MMO.

    Apples to Oranges

    Well, as I said. There will be. At least if you read what Mike Morhaime said in this message:

    Edit. And also your completly missing the point. SV, without that much resources to stop shit like this, are trying to do SOMETHING about it. While Blizzard, that drown in money, does NOTHING about it. And as I said, most MMOs has had duping. It´s not like it´s unique to MO.

    Stop being obtuse

    Blizzard has always done things about duping, just as they are doing things now. Diablo 3 duping isn't even on the same planet as the severity as it is in MO because they aren't even the same type of game.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in D3 what do you do? Leave the game and join another, big whoop.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in MO what do you do? Prepare your anus because they are going in dry.

    lol. And where do you get that from? The ones that duped might suck ass and get to taste my weenie. Why do people dupe in the first place? Cause they have no moral, and suck ass to begin with. They think by cheating, they will "win". Well, that´s not always the case. They might have more of one kind of sword etc, but once you stand there on the battlefield, it doesn´t matter of how many gold you have in your bank. It comes down to how well you fight. I´ve beaten people with better gear many times, and gotten beaten by people with less powerfull gear as well.

    Also, you don´t know who has duped when you fight them in D3, MO, WoW, DF or any other MMO. You can´t just say "Well, that guy is duped. I´m outa here!!!". Actually you can, but that would make you look like sour loser. And once more, it´s not like SV are accepting dupers in MO. They do ban them. They lack the recources that bigger companies like Blizzard have, but they ARE doing something about it. But this thread was made cause the OP thought it was "only" 30 days for duping in MO, which it ain´t, so this post is meaningless. His point is as empty as a balloon.

    I'm not doubting that effort goes into getting rid of cheaters from SV. I'm saying cheating and duping has a much bigger effect when it happens in MO because of the type of game it is.

  • HodoHodo Member Posts: 542
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188

    I almost typed up a nice reply... and then midstream I realized that I had seen this particular issue before, and again before that, and again before that, and... well you get the picture.  Different names, but same old story.



    The sad thing is, its not different people.  


    I left this game six months after release, and glad I did.   It wasnt a sandbox and thus wasnt what I was looking for.


    To bad, it could have been AWESOME! 


    I should have left during beta before they drained nearly a 150 dollars out of me over that 6 months.  The signs where there, randomly exploding horses, falling under the world, horrible lag in some areas due to populations (100 people).

    So much crap, so little quality.

  • NorpanNorpan Member CommonPosts: 319
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by SHOE788
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by Norpan
    Originally posted by Hancakes
    Originally posted by Filterheadz

    there are on average about 10k bots online in ddiablo 3 and more then 5k people using 3'rd party scrips and applications and i have seen 0 bans so far ...  and we are talking about blizzard!


    Theres a world of difference between dupes in a full loot pvp game with a player driven economy ( lol in theory) and botting/macroing in a theme park .


    Is there? People still get advantages in D3 for doing it. How can duping in any type of game be good? Thing is Blizzard has the money and manpower to really put their foot down on the exploiters, but so far haven't. SV are doing the best they can with what they have. Now how can that be a bad thing?

    I don't think he said duping was "good" in any game, but that it affected players experience less in D3 than in MO, as MO is all about open world PvP, player economy and territory control, not to forget full loot while D3 is a heavy PvE game. Mobs don't qq on forums after getting ganked.

    I dunno if PVP is in D3 yet, since I don´t play it, but Blizzard said early on that there would be PVP in D3, so it sure ain´t only gonna be used in PVE. And as I said, Blizzard has the resources to do something about it but they don´t. SV have poor resources as we all know, but they at least try to do something about it. How this can ever be considered bad is beyond me. And dupes is going on in most MMOs out there, so the OP might just as well stop playing MMOs all together with the way he sees it...

    D3 doesn't have pvp. D3 isn't an MMO.

    Apples to Oranges

    Well, as I said. There will be. At least if you read what Mike Morhaime said in this message:

    Edit. And also your completly missing the point. SV, without that much resources to stop shit like this, are trying to do SOMETHING about it. While Blizzard, that drown in money, does NOTHING about it. And as I said, most MMOs has had duping. It´s not like it´s unique to MO.

    Stop being obtuse

    Blizzard has always done things about duping, just as they are doing things now. Diablo 3 duping isn't even on the same planet as the severity as it is in MO because they aren't even the same type of game.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in D3 what do you do? Leave the game and join another, big whoop.

    You meet dupers and cheaters in MO what do you do? Prepare your anus because they are going in dry.

    lol. And where do you get that from? The ones that duped might suck ass and get to taste my weenie. Why do people dupe in the first place? Cause they have no moral, and suck ass to begin with. They think by cheating, they will "win". Well, that´s not always the case. They might have more of one kind of sword etc, but once you stand there on the battlefield, it doesn´t matter of how many gold you have in your bank. It comes down to how well you fight. I´ve beaten people with better gear many times, and gotten beaten by people with less powerfull gear as well.

    Also, you don´t know who has duped when you fight them in D3, MO, WoW, DF or any other MMO. You can´t just say "Well, that guy is duped. I´m outa here!!!". Actually you can, but that would make you look like sour loser. And once more, it´s not like SV are accepting dupers in MO. They do ban them. They lack the recources that bigger companies like Blizzard have, but they ARE doing something about it. But this thread was made cause the OP thought it was "only" 30 days for duping in MO, which it ain´t, so this post is meaningless. His point is as empty as a balloon.

    I'm not doubting that effort goes into getting rid of cheaters from SV. I'm saying cheating and duping has a much bigger effect when it happens in MO because of the type of game it is.

    Well, actually it doesn´t. It maybe make the cheater richer etc. But as I said b4. Once your out on the field all that duped mat he had is in the bank. Yes he dies, and has to pick up a new set, and didn´t loose that much. Except for when he is caught and banned. Then he loses it all.

    And MO is not the only MMO that has problems with duping. And dunno how many times I have to say this. This thread was about cheaters "only" being banned for 30 days for duping, which is a pure lie, and made by some1 that couldn´t comprehend the text he was reading. So this thread is pointless. Yes there been dupes in MO. Cheaters do get caught. Some also escape the net. But that happens in almost every MMO out there. Nothing new to MO.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,779
    Originally posted by Norpan


    . And dunno how many times I have to say this. This thread was about cheaters "only" being banned for 30 days for duping, which is a pure lie, and made by some1 that couldn´t comprehend the text he was reading.

    Out of curiosity, how long were the cheaters banned for?


    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • deathshrouddeathshroud Member Posts: 1,366
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188
    Originally posted by Norpan


    . And dunno how many times I have to say this. This thread was about cheaters "only" being banned for 30 days for duping, which is a pure lie, and made by some1 that couldn´t comprehend the text he was reading.

    Out of curiosity, how long were the cheaters banned for?


    30 days image


    although esentially, they were suspended for a period of at least 30 days pending an investigation. But who cares about that minor detail

    there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.

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