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This game has no world pvp?



  • BeackerBeacker Member UncommonPosts: 440
    Originally posted by Xobdnas

    I was pretty upset about this until I experienced GW2 pvp. It's not as good as open world but it's as good or better than any instanced pvp I've experienced.

    I felt the exact same way. I love Open World PVP. But the WvW maps are so big I felt like I was in Open world anyways so it is not so bad after all. I loved it and had a blast with my friend.

  • MeowheadMeowhead Member UncommonPosts: 3,716
    Originally posted by raystantz

    I've looked all over and cannot really find an exact answer to this.


    I've seen this "WvWvW" stuff, but that still looks instanced to me.

    I'm talking about open world pvp. I'm guessing guild wars 2 doesn't have it?

    If not, I'll probably pass on this one.. tired of instanced PVP games.

     ... but... but... you like FFXI.

    You should probably enjoy games for what they are, rather than what they aren't.

    FFXI wasn't exactly an open world pvp fest. :)

  • RizelStarRizelStar Member UncommonPosts: 2,773

    Was this thread necro'd

    I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.

    I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.

    P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)

    Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by RizelStar

    Was this thread necro'd

    Looks like it.

    And damnit, now I miss my necro =/.

    I dunno if the OP is even still active in this thread, but it basically amounts to this:

    If you want the type of PvP where you are ganking lowbies while they are questing, go play TERA.

    If you want DAoC style PvP, on a larger scale with more siege equipment, you'll like WvW just fine. They're still tweaking the population caps, but I think each area can fit around ~800 or so players x 4 zones = ~3400 players or so.

  • Skarecrow7Skarecrow7 Member UncommonPosts: 339
    Originally posted by RizelStar

    Was this thread necro'd

    Yeah, but it was done by someone with a legit qustion about WvW (that has been answered).


  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    Originally posted by raystantz

    I've looked all over and cannot really find an exact answer to this.


    I've seen this "WvWvW" stuff, but that still looks instanced to me.

    I'm talking about open world pvp. I'm guessing guild wars 2 doesn't have it?

    If not, I'll probably pass on this one.. tired of instanced PVP games.

    the game has 2 worlds, just like Guild Wars 1 had. One world for pve and another world for PvP (WvWvW aka the mists)

    also instanced pvp like every other mmo has, aside from the ginormous wvwvw world.

  • xalvixalvi Member Posts: 329

    No open world pvp, that makes me sad. If they don't update pvp with content then im afraid im going to have to leave this awesome game :(

    I can not stay in a gamee that has WvW for 2 weeks and 3 maps of sPVP, but im sure pvp will get lots of update so im not really stressing.

  • SiphaedSiphaed Member RarePosts: 1,114
    Originally posted by Clawzon

    How big will this wvwvwvwwwv zone be (compared to a wow, war, swtor, aoc or lotro zones for ex) and how many players will it be in there when it's full?

    Why was this thread Necroed?   You should have started a new thread instead.
    Originally posted by xalvi

    No open world pvp, that makes me sad. If they don't update pvp with content then im afraid im going to have to leave this awesome game :(

    I can not stay in a gamee that has WvW for 2 weeks and 3 maps of sPVP, but im sure pvp will get lots of update so im not really stressing.



    I'll show you both something amazing about the Wx3 (WvWvW):


  • aspekxaspekx Member UncommonPosts: 2,167

    wait! Planetside2 has NO world PvE??

    totally gonna pass on this one.

    "There are at least two kinds of games.
    One could be called finite, the other infinite.
    A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
    an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
    Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

    This game conisist out of 5 parts...


    1. an Open world for PvE, with Dynamic events

    2. an Open world for PvP, for WvW purposes

    3. Many small instanced parts of the world are used for the personal story

    4. Special PvP instances for sPvP

    5. Dungeon instances part of Personal stories but also for grouping


    All these parts a very much sepperated from eachother which makes WvWvW its own open world PvP zone.

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Originally posted by xalvi

    No open world pvp, that makes me sad. If they don't update pvp with content then im afraid im going to have to leave this awesome game :(

    I can not stay in a gamee that has WvW for 2 weeks and 3 maps of sPVP, but im sure pvp will get lots of update so im not really stressing.

    That is 4 huge maps hanging together, and a bunch of smaller for 5 Vs 5.

    Each of those 4 maps supports 3 x 100 players. You wont see open world PvP alá EQ or Lineage in GW2, the game is just too much against ganking.

  • otacuotacu Member UncommonPosts: 547

    WvWvW is not instanced.

    Battlegrounds are instanced.



    WvWvW is open world pvp without pve gankers and griefers = AWESOME

    Yeah people that think owpvp is to gank lower levels are going to be disappointed... but who cares?

    And do not reply "noooo i only attack players equal to my level ! I want a fair fight "

    Then go to wvwvw and stop whining there is no owpvp

    (or go play a sandbox)

  • biogermbiogerm Member UncommonPosts: 168

    didnt noticed the nerco in the corner.

    I 3930k -- Rampage IV Extreme -- G.skill RipjawsZ 32 GB -- Corsair Force Series 3 120gb -- G.skill Phoenix Pro 60gb -- WD 1 TB Black -- Corsair H 100 -- Thermaltake Level 10 Gt Snow Edition -- Corsair AX1200 -- Asus 560 Ti Sli -- Microsoft Sidewinder X4 -- Logitech G5 -- DELL UltraSharp 2007FP -- Samsung Syncmaster Sa700 -- Logitech Z2300 -- Logitech G35 -- Logitech G600 White -- coming soon : Dell U2711.

  • ThaneThane Member EpicPosts: 3,534
    Originally posted by chelan

    wait! Planetside2 has NO world PvE??

    totally gonna pass on this one.

    +1, nice trolling, i like :P

    "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"

  • ThaneThane Member EpicPosts: 3,534
    Originally posted by Terminus-Est

    It does seem a bit odd that in a game called Guild Wars there is no facility for allowing guilds to actually go to war.

    i thnk tournaments will work for that, no?

    "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"

  • WhyhateWhyhate Member Posts: 41
    Not every game has to have open world PVP...OWPVP never works in themeparks where there is no consequences for dying or killing other players, people behave like $&#heads when they can just gank all day without any risk, take Aion for example, oh boy that was terrible... and if someone somehow killed the ganker, he would show up again in 30 minutes.


  • frestonfreston Member UncommonPosts: 503

    I dont think it has open world pvp in  the sense wow had in which you coudl get slaughtered by someone 20 levels above you while killng tigers in stranglethorn....and thank god it doesnt. 

    On second thoughts,  maybe wow system would have worked with GW2 level autoscaling and no gear based pvp features installed.... even so i prefer to keep pve and pvp separated, a matter of tastes i suppose

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Originally posted by otacu

    WvWvW is not instanced.

    Battlegrounds are instanced.



    WvWvW is open world pvp without pve gankers and griefers = AWESOME

    Yeah people that think owpvp is to gank lower levels are going to be disappointed... but who cares?

    And do not reply "noooo i only attack players equal to my level ! I want a fair fight "

    Then go to wvwvw and stop whining there is no owpvp

    (or go play a sandbox)



    WvWvW is instanced.  It is simply of a longer duration than the battlegrounds.  During the first few days I believe the "matches" will last for a day.. eventually for 2 weeks.  Then the "game" ends,  INSTANCE resets and new "teams" are paired up for the next match.  We won't even mention the population cap on the maps...

    I hope it turns out to be fun, but  it is NOT Open World PvP.


    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • KillHurtKillHurt Member Posts: 347

    Unclear as to what exactly we are even discussing at this point...


  • otacuotacu Member UncommonPosts: 547
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188
    Originally posted by otacu

    WvWvW is not instanced.

    Battlegrounds are instanced.



    WvWvW is open world pvp without pve gankers and griefers = AWESOME

    Yeah people that think owpvp is to gank lower levels are going to be disappointed... but who cares?

    And do not reply "noooo i only attack players equal to my level ! I want a fair fight "

    Then go to wvwvw and stop whining there is no owpvp

    (or go play a sandbox)



    WvWvW is instanced.  It is simply of a longer duration than the battlegrounds.  During the first few days I believe the "matches" will last for a day.. eventually for 2 weeks.  Then the "game" ends,  INSTANCE resets and new "teams" are paired up for the next match.  We won't even mention the population cap on the maps...

    I hope it turns out to be fun, but  it is NOT Open World PvP.


    It's not instanced... it's a separate persistent map!

    There are not 2 different instance of the WvWvW.


    Channels for example are instances. Battlegrounds are instances. Dungeons are usually instanced.

    WvWvW is not. Period.


    And yes WvWvW is open world pvp. You do exactly the same things you usually do in the PVE world. You can level and kill mobs just fine in there. There are plenty of events too.

    It's just separated from the rest of the PVE world. 

    And the gankers and griefers cannot deal with it. They need to hunt down lower levels otherwise they won't win. A fair fight scare them.

    In my book


    Owpvp -

    gank -

    griefing =







  • ThaneThane Member EpicPosts: 3,534
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188


     WvWvW is instanced.  It is simply of a longer duration than the battlegrounds.  During the first few days I believe the "matches" will last for a day.. eventually for 2 weeks.  Then the "game" ends,  INSTANCE resets and new "teams" are paired up for the next match.  We won't even mention the population cap on the maps...

    I hope it turns out to be fun, but  it is NOT Open World PvP.

    good thing it aint :)




    * open world pvp in WoW: "uh look, here is my lvl 80 toon killing your leveling noob toon! damn i'm pro!"

    * open world in aion: "find the rift! GET EM!" *1 year later* *rifts totaly have been nerfed because everyone was crying that it was so hard to have "open" pvp"

    * open pvp in conan: *BAMBAMBAM* "gotcha sucker, but now i will run, wont see ya again!"

    * open pvp in DAoC: "nothing to see, move along, we are instanced, but if you ask the player base, daoc was the best pvp game ever!"

    * open pvp in neocron: "ha! PP BLOACKADE BITCHES!" "y u no let me through!?"

    * open pvp in SW:TOR: "hello?! anyone here?!" *switches to pvp planet* (hint: instanced!) "uuuuh cool. lets base dive!!"

    * open pvp in WHO: *going round and round and round and round* "anyone seen an enemy lately?" "i think they are behin or infront of us, doing circle zerging too!" "wanna change direction?!" "naaa.. would have to fight then"




    "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Originally posted by otacu
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188
    Originally posted by otacu

    WvWvW is not instanced.

    Battlegrounds are instanced.



    WvWvW is open world pvp without pve gankers and griefers = AWESOME

    Yeah people that think owpvp is to gank lower levels are going to be disappointed... but who cares?

    And do not reply "noooo i only attack players equal to my level ! I want a fair fight "

    Then go to wvwvw and stop whining there is no owpvp

    (or go play a sandbox)



    WvWvW is instanced.  It is simply of a longer duration than the battlegrounds.  During the first few days I believe the "matches" will last for a day.. eventually for 2 weeks.  Then the "game" ends,  INSTANCE resets and new "teams" are paired up for the next match.  We won't even mention the population cap on the maps...

    I hope it turns out to be fun, but  it is NOT Open World PvP.


    It's not instanced... it's a separate persistent map!

    There are not 2 different instance of the WvWvW.


    Channels for example are instances. Battlegrounds are instances. Dungeons are usually instanced.

    WvWvW is not. Period.


    And yes WvWvW is open world pvp. You do exactly the same things you usually do in the PVE world. You can level and kill mobs just fine in there. There are plenty of events too.

    It's just separated from the rest of the PVE world. 

    And the gankers and griefers cannot deal with it. They need to hunt down lower levels otherwise they won't win. A fair fight scare them.

    In my book


    Owpvp -

    gank -

    griefing =







    Again incorrect.  It is not persistant.  It lasts for anywhere from an hour or two to a few weeks.

    It is simply a long duration battleground.   It "resets" at the end of each instance.


    It really doesn't matter what definition you have "in your book".  Openworld PvP has nothing to do with whether or not you can gank or grief.

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188

    Again incorrect.  It is not persistant.  It lasts for anywhere from an hour or two to a few weeks.

    It is simply a long duration battleground.   It "resets" at the end of each instance.


    It really doesn't matter what definition you have "in your book".  Openworld PvP has nothing to do with whether or not you can gank or grief.

    It's as persistant as a server.

    Yes, they will reset the servers, but by that logic there are no persistant MMOs.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Originally posted by aesperus
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188

    Again incorrect.  It is not persistant.  It lasts for anywhere from an hour or two to a few weeks.

    It is simply a long duration battleground.   It "resets" at the end of each instance.


    It really doesn't matter what definition you have "in your book".  Openworld PvP has nothing to do with whether or not you can gank or grief.

    It's as persistant as a server.

    Yes, they will reset the servers, but by that logic there are no persistant MMOs.

    No.. that is incorrect.  For instance, in DAoC if you took a keep it stayed yours until someone came and took it.  It didn't magically end after a week and return to neutral.  If I had taken a keep in DAoC and defended it I could keep it for months...


    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • BigRock411BigRock411 Member Posts: 299

    Lets all be honest here.  In games with a faction divide, can you really name the last mmorpg that came out that had ffa pvp where open world pvp was anything more than a random annoyance?

    Seriously the only games ive played that had active open world pvp were either full loot sandboxes or games that had no factions...meaning that guy being an asshat in chat could be located then griefed while he flames you in /tell.

    Even in warhammer, the open world pvp was just a stand-off in t1 then activly avoiding the other team for renown grinding...and that game would probably have the most active open world pvp of any faction based themepark in years.  Rift has zero open world pvp other than the odd moment you encounterd someon running to an enemy dungeon or map exploring in enemy land...extremely rare..SWTOR...i dont remember seeing anything other than the other side going about their point to engage.


    Im trying to think back...excluding darkfall and the full loot games...mabey AoC had a somewhat active guild based FFA pvp...but even then mostly in one location on one map.


    Who cares if open world pvp isnt in the hasnt been enjoyed for ages...people wont do things that dont directly reward them...and that worries me since this game seems built around not directly rewarding people for doing stuff at endgame.

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