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What would be recomended for healing? So far I've heard a lot of good feedback about Fists/blood and Ar/blood. And when it comes to armor, what should they be aiming for? Anything with Heal rating?
And when it comes to tanking, what would be recommended? What is best alongside with blade?And again, when it comes toa rmor, what should tanks be aiming for?
And finally, DPS. DPS varies a lot I guess, so it's hard to recommend a build as most builds are brilliant at dishing out damage..Ar and Element esspecially. What armor is recommended for Ranged DPS and what armor for Meele Dps?
Most people seem to think Fists are awesome. So fists with either blood or AR will work.
Chaos is very good for tanking, as is Hammer.
You can DPS with just about anything.
Figure out which - tanking, healing or dps - you want to do first and build your deck for that. By the time you get all your abilities for that, you'll know enough about thte game to figure how you want to do the other 2.
TSW has no armor. Clothing is purely cosmetic. What TSW has for "gear with stats" are called "Talismans". For healing you want ones with "+heal rating". This is VERY VERY VERY important. If you have all the right healing abilities but not +heal talismans, you heals will seriously suck and you're unlikely to be able to keep up a tank in a dungeon.
For tanking you want +Health and various defenses. Defense in TSW is based around Evade, Block and uhm.. a third one i forget hte name of.. i think "Protection" or something liek that. Depending on what weapon you're using, you'll be focued on one or two of those.
For DPS you want +Attack rating and depending on your DPS loadout, +Penetration, +Hit and/or other dmg-related things.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
Thank you! ^^
One more question o; Would fists and pistols work?
pistols good for support late in game. IMO not main heal.
Good single target dps. So if u planning mainheal pistols not an option.
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Would pistols not boost the damage/dps for doing quests though? Or is Blood/fist good for solo questing?
I'm a pure healer in TSW and also in a few MMOs, mostly WoW/SWTOR/DCUO previously.
The build I prefer the most is Blood (main)/Fists (Secondary)
Some of the blood elite abilities are like "I win" buttons in oh shit situations.
The heavy absorbs of blood coupled with the burst on CD and HoTs of fist are OP in my opinion.
This is what I'm using at the moment...but look quickly, as soon as I log-in and change to my questing build, Ithink it'll change to that:
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Dont ask, just try If its not working for you then pick another weapon and start a new build.
Fist blood should work. Its the Wu build. Any build has two sides. You can have blood fist for lots of heal or for lots of dps and anything inbetween. Not a problem since you can save/load different builds. Later on you probably want to switch to a certain build to kill certain mission mobs.
The same for heals. Sometimes you have to stay away from the boss. Then fist is useless and AR/blood ist better.
You must be aware that the game is not easy when doing quests and missions. Play what is fun till you understand where the game is going.
Currently i play blade/blood but probably switch to fist/bloood later on. The game wants people to be flexible.
Blood is really the healing line (right side of the wheel mostly) in the game. while fist and others have healing, it's aimed more towards yourself.
I tried fist, hated it. Ended up going rifle and blood , great mix, I can dps like crazy when solo (which you will do allot really unless you are such a grouper it doesn't matter) and blood is just op healing. The trick also is making sure you pick the right line when ranking your skills and not just your ablities.
Personally, to get threw the content at start and emphises healing in the blue mountains , (next big area) I went ahead and worked on maxing out dmg on my rifle and all rifle ablities. The combo I like best is sniper rifle drain shot (Forget what its called atm ) basicly it hits the target descent but quickly and gives you health in return like a leeching abliilty I follow that up with the stick grenade ablitiy in the same line and it does huge damage to single target. I go back and forth with those and a mix of others (depending on target) in between.
Doing this, allowed me to get threw any content I have come across and live to tell the tale. Someitmes respawns in a busy area can become an issue, but the death in this game is easy enough. Personally thats what I recommend if you want decent solo game and awsome group game for healing.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I heal like a beast with AR, but it's insanely boring. I'm literally spamming one button 90% of the time. That's not an exageration either. DPS also feels just as boring, again with AR. I don't know if other weapons have more variety in their rotation, but AR is pretty basic.
I'm basically just doing 2,2,2,2,2,3 rinse and repeat. If it's a group mob, just exchange the skills with AOE versions.
Healing is the same aside from switching targets once in a while. The main problem with healing AR though, is that you heal by damaging your target. That's fine for the most part, but once in a while you are in an akward position where you can't heal people up because the boss is doing something like shifting dimensions or whatever and can't be attacked. Other than that, it's fine.
Effective, yes. Fun, not so much. At least not for me.
Fist healing isn't so bad, but I haven't played with it as much as AR. It feels a lot like a very simple version of a druid from WoW, which basically means you put a few HoT's on people that need it and use the occasional group heal. All in all, this game has very simplistic combat, in terms of skill usage. There seems to be more positional awareness though required, though.
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