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Serious though, some of these missions really stump me! Or recently, I spent 20 minutes looking for something and it turns out the mission is bugged.
Still having fun though :P
I am entitled to my opinions, misspellings, and grammatical errors.
ah the classic Fry-squint.
Lol classic. But I can emphatize. Been having some tough times during investigation missions especially in Egypt!
OP I feel your pain, it's frustrating as hell when you run around like a retard for half an hour trying to figure out what to do only to find out that the quest is bugged.
I was wondering about this myself. Every day I'm online there's people in chat saying, "Does anyone have an instance with a working X.". I've been through all Kingsmouth and the vast majority of Savage Coast and haven't bumped into a single bugged quest yet. What I thought was bugged, the white raven on the police car, was actually me not being dead first.
So are all these people asking for working quest instances really encountering bugged quests, or are they just too stupid to realise they're not doing something right?
I think there are maybe 3 -4 bugged quests and all on different shards or whatever you want to call them
(in kings and savage that is)
So maybe you will only hit 1 bugged mission on your shard.. The one i had an issue with was men in black vans and thats it so far hehe
I finished transilvania now, been through all 8 zones, I encountered 1 bugged quest in Kingsmouth, 3 in Savage Coast, and 1 in second Egypt zone, and that's it. 5 bugged missions out of about 250.
I have to admit that I looked up the satelite dish mission in Egypt (the second part of the mission)
I had to find a slowed down version of the audio for the morse code mission at kingsmouth airport.. i think i was too drunk to make sense of it in game hehe
I hadn't had one yet, then last night, had 2 in a row, was a little irritating, and yeah you wonder what you missing and run around for a while, then I or my wife look it up to make sure it's not bugged.
Yep, that sums it up.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
The white raven mission was bugged in my dimension - how did I know? (spoiler follows- highlight to read) At the area where there are a lot of them, they didn't fly away when clicked on like they did in beta.
I asked in faction chat for a port and got one in seconds. MIssion done.
The OP has a point though, I've seen people asking for ports in chat and others asking why they think the mission is bugged. It's one of the things about chat being shared through all dimensions, there are two possible issues:
1. Not bugged in your dimension - so you think the player may be doing it wrong
2. Player is in fact "doing it wrong", so it won't matter which dimension they're doing it in.
There's no real way to tell, so the safest thing is to port them to you if you know it works where you are. To be honest, it's the only one I've had issues with so far. MIBV worked fine for me.
The OP does highlight the problem with bugs very well - if you don't know something's bugged you can spend ages doggedly trying to "make it work" and end up frustrated as all get-out. For those of us who refuse to use walkthroughs, this is a very real possibility. If I hadn't done Something Wicked before I'd imagine I'd still be trying to work it out.
I think a huge part of the problem is quests that require non-instanced interaction. I know in Egypt it's a huge pain because someone can come and click on an object and completely reset what you were doing. I think maybe the "bugginess" can be related to this non-instanced/non-player-specific interaction with mission objects.
This is what is killing my enjoyment of the game. I've ran into quite a few bugged quests during my few days playing, and not the kind I can't figure out, because once I found a server it wasn't bugged on it worked fine.
Off the top of my head the bugged missions I've personally run into:
Something Wicked (Ravens wouldn't fly)
Second Jack Quest (Jack wouldn't spawn after killing the revenants. Quest would update, but jack wouldn't spawn)
The Black House (Ashes wouldn't spawn at the gravestone)
Taking the Purple (Ambushers wouldn't spawn)
Life Imitating Art (Barn part wouldn't update correctly)
Off the Menu (Tier 3, the pike is unusable)
There's a few more but I can't recall the names of the quests right now.
It happens, sometimes quests are bugged. Unfortunately for TSW, a bugged quest is a huge deal. There are smaller amounts of quests in TSW than other MMOs (Having decided to focus on quality instead of quantity), and its the primary form of advancement. Having focused on quality, a bugged quest can totally ruin the feeling of well-created quest. The problem I'm having is that the frequency at which the quests bug is rather high is really getting frustrating.
Yeah they went a little bit to far in the challenge thing by letting us figuring out whether or not the mission is bugged.
No other game dares to challenge you that far :-)
My raven quest was horribly bugged. I had died, gone to the jailcell, gotten the clue and went to implement it. My fiance was sitting beside me doing the exact same quest. His ravens moved normally on his computer screen. Mine appeared to have roughly eight heads and I could not move. He clicked his ravens and finished his quest. I had taken four steps towards the first one. By the time I reached the first one I need to interact with, another player had come and begun merrily clicking on the ones he needed, resettng the quest over and over. I left the room to go calm down. The other player got his quest done, I relogged and tried again. Same result. After over an HOUR I finally managed to inch my way through the damned birds and finish the quest while warning other players that they must wait their turn, or risk resetting the quest for all of us.
Badly bugged. Badly, badly bugged. I laughed at the eight headed birds, though.
There are actually close to 550 missions in The Secret World total.
This picture made me laugh and so true
Awesome meme...definately can relate.
The best is when you waive the white flag, but dont want to beg in chat for an answer like the mouthbreathers all you sneak over to google watch the youtube spoiler...then realize how f*king easy the answer was and/or how obvious the solution is...
Ive encounterd 1 actually bugged quest, which got fixed...about 5 that i had to switch instances or servers to complete...and about 7 that ive had to try really hard to get it to work (wasnt bugged but certainly wasnt working as intended)
The rest of my mission issues always end in a face palm...except for the end of new england argatha solo instance...that one i just wasnt thinking outside the box enough on...
They need to make dialogs and other "evidence" repeatable as well. If you miss something crucial to figuring out a quest often times theres no way to review for hints....
Quest journal will have all prior images that you had to click on for clues, so you never lose it later...also some evidence will show up in your inventory for use.
I suggest usng the quest journal, anything you had looked at previously in the mission will be saved least interactive items you had to look at.
Even a few bugged missions are catastrophic to normal gameplay. Keep in mind that not everyone is going to pop onto the forums to see what is bugged or not. And if you run into several bugged missions, you naturally start assuming all of the semi-difficult ones are bugged and stop trying/playing really.
quest clickables need to have a faster refresh timer. having to wait 30sec to click a thingy just because someone else got there before you is a little silly.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Hence forth me saying often times. Some stuff that is crucial is not saved such as the messages from hacking satellites in egypt. Also when conversations lead to hints needed for quest it would be great if they would repeat them if you talk to those people again with the quest in progress. I am ware of the quest log but it also often directs you in the wrong direction or to a dead end but I don't want to get into spoilers here so....