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no, its not biased opinion. i have played the game (the japaanese verson of course) . the first few levels is indeed fun ( the code system , the combat) but after that, meh. its just about mindless grinding. there is only few contents (its only about repeating dungeon over and over again). for fanboi of PS series bash me if you want, but im just telling the truth and there is no point for waiting the us version. Sega done it again.
and dont ask me about the cash shop if you know what i mean.
Well it is Phantasy Star Online 2 afterall, kinda dumb to expect is to be much different than the original...
its my fault then
, but at least i know im not bashing a good game. and i am not sure that they can live for more than a month for the US version in 2013
it's free to play it will do fine, PSO/PSU and PSP have a fairly large following
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
yes its will if its a 2012 release, but 2013 i doub so
I like PSO and PSO2 for what they are. They are not an mmorpg. They are more like the Diablo series. Run "dungeons" and collect gear and rare items.
My theme song.
Regardless, I'm extremely excited for it. Back in the day I was an original adopter of PSO on Dreamcast. Had it imported from Japan, played it on my modded Dreamcast and the best part was that it had a full English language switch you could turn on. Played it online too, there were no restrictions connecting to the Japanes servers, though it was kinda difficult to get setup if I recall, but it was a ton of fun~!
Quit shortly after the English launch ruined all that fun, due to all the hackers and botters...
However, it does have more of an MMO feel with the lobby layout, and I think PSU's rooms for trading was a nice step forward to making it more MMOish, but I got mixed feelings about PSO2. The switch to P2W is a huge step back, and I think just confirms that sega is abandoning the PSO series altogether.
id say its more f2p than p2w. I havn't really seen anything in the cash shop that significantly enhances someones character, although its true that I don't exactly know everything in it. Most of the stuff in the cash shop are to enable features like your Room, your Shop, enable trading with players(I actually don't like this one, everyone shouhld be allow to trade for free), and stuff you can use for the gachapons which from what Ive seen are mostly aesthetic items.
So in other words its a phantasy star online game, thanks for the headsup, im s ure the name never would have given it away.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
Anyway, PSO ep1&2 always were the most addictive grind fest i ever played, will deffo play pso2, a lot !
The style , the pace and overall gameplay are close enough to the beloved original, some new stuff added, i personnally can't
wait to grind it and collect red boxes ... or whatever it is that drops in this iteration
All phantasy star games were grind fests back to the genissis days. I remeber the dreamcast one was brutal leveling....
I'd say expect to get flamed but... Well ok it wasn't that bad as most PSO players are good folks. As everyone above me said, it's part of the series/genre. That said PSO has stuck to its roots which is good by me. Ypu can still find lotsa RP and great lore 'despite' the mechanics of the game. So go snuggle yerself up to a rappy and enjoy PSO2!