It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! and Hi-Rez Studios have partnered up to give out 125 keys for the closed beta of their upcoming MOBA, SMITE!
Not familiar with SMITE? Read below for the game's basic details:
SMITE is an online battleground between mythical gods. Smite is similar to a traditional Dota gameplay with a few changes including a third person perspective and WASD movement. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session based 5 versus 5 arena combat, and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions.
There are still keys remaining? BLASPHEMY!
I used the key with 42 remaining and it said it was invalid.
My bad was using it in the wrong spot.
last key lol
Second to last key!
Here are two more keys
If anyone has a spare key and could pm it to me I'd be very appreciative.
Space available for rent.
^ you are a fucking god. thanks
Topic 103 Views
Can someone PM me a Beta key please. Really want to give this game a try. If ya can give me one, thanks a bunch.
Referral Keys, enjoy.
thank you scabbedangle
If someone is gently enough to give the referals I'd take one
PM me please.
Any kind soul out there with an extra key pm me!!!! Me love you long time!
Moar shared Keys PLEASE!
Does anyone have a spare key to share? I'll appreciate it alot. Thanks.
Can u kind people post more Beta key up for others and send me one to please. send to [email protected]
Anyone care to share a key =3 ?
Why is life so unfair? I never get a key T_T I'm not fast enough...
Time for a for the rest of the users.
Those keys are taken too fast. Can someone give me a key? I will return you the keys that i will gain back!