I think a really good PVE game should have no PVP at all. The developers will have to compromise to much if they want to support both PVP and PVE. There are a lot of ideas that cant be used and things that will not work if a game is balanced for both PVP and PVE. Like skills that would one shot people and give you free kills in PVP. Skills like that can be fine and balanced in PVE but be very overpowered in PVP. Some classes can be good and fun in PVE but will be useless and underpowered in PVP.
IMO, its not possible to create the best possible PVE game if it must also support PVP.
If someone release a no compromise as fun as possible PVE game I will play it.
If it's a good game, yes definitely.The results of this poll are highly amusing btw... looks like our favorite PvP defenders are totally wrong
Wasn't there a poll asking the opposite, it had more extreme difference in votes saying no...haha.
I would love to play a pure pve game, I like pvp, but in most MMOs pvp isn't fun and just hampers the PVE experience.
"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." - Eleanor Roosevelt "Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security." -Norman Vincent Peale
I've loved the PvP that Lineage II gave me, but a 100% pure PvE MMO..?
...but... it must have a good storyline to keep me playing. For me Lord of the Rings online does give me that (though I am on a small break now), and games like World of Warcraft and EverQuest II are best enjoyed for me on a PvE server over a PvP server (faction PvP sucks for me afte rplaying L2 )
On the other hand, FFXI is a true PvE MMO as well, but that's one I tried and just couldn't get in to
If its not a single player MMO and a persistant world without all of the instanced bullshit, for example LoTRO, not only would I play it, I'd buy the box AND pay for a sub.
PvP isn't for me, I'm not into conflict when I play games. I get enough conflict in real life so just want something to relax with. I have no problem with the choice of PvP but if the question was would I like a pure 100% PvE game then yes of course. I would like forced grouping to be kept to a minimum though as I would like the choice on how to play. Also maybe a game like this would have to be crowdfunded but going back to the days where you could be a non combat character and still make a difference would be nice as well. Someone contributing to the overall scope of the game without having to go and grind X monster for 6 hours a day to do it.
I guess just being given the different choices would be nice.
Not only would I play it, I would prefer it. One of the things I loved about old EQ was that, in the early days at least, each class was unique, each race as well. Nothing had to be balanced against anything else, nothing had to be mirrored. And this was possible, at least for a while, because there was no (real) PvP.
Now, because of PvP, nothing can be unique anymore. It's not enough to be cool or different, everything has to balance, and its all boring as hell.
And please give the reasons for your answers. Personally PVP has never been my cup of tea. It's not that i never tried, i just dont feel any sense of accomplishement fighting others peoples for what really ? Bragging rights ? There is already TONS of pvp game out there, mostly shooters, why does every MMO that comes out MUST have some sort of PVP in it ? Do you think we could have a succesful MMO without the PVP aspect ?
Final Fantasy XI has NO PvP at all.
It was the second largest monthly sub game for a long time, so a lot of people would play a PvE MMO with no PvP.
god yes! in every mmo there is this loud mass that wants pvp really really bad. when the devs are then focusing on pvp there is out rages about every singel thing on the forum that takes away alot of resoruces from the devs. and sooner or later the pvpers are "lulz. thiz game suxs! next game!" .
Eve online and +1500 steam games in the back cataloge makes me a stressed out gamer.
god yes! in every mmo there is this loud mass that wants pvp really really bad. when the devs are then focusing on pvp there is out rages about every singel thing on the forum that takes away alot of resoruces from the devs. and sooner or later the pvpers are "lulz. thiz game suxs! next game!" .
Most devs just choose to hear the PvP loadmouths because they are asking for something that suits their budget... cheap filler content.
I agree the hardcore PvP community seems to be home to the more fickle game hopper these days. Maybe it has something to do with the general need for hostile friction and the need to appear a 'badass' all the time to give the game value for them, I'm not sure. It certainly can't help build a constructive community though.
The problem is that the mechanics that were embraced as cheap filler content in the old PvE MMOs (including grinding and timesinks such as camping) would send most modern gamers into several fit of rages, so they just wouldn't be usuable now.
So, what to replace them with?
NWN style player created content is a possibility, though we have seen in other games that can be easily exploited if not designed well, and it would have to be open world based for it to be viable for a true MMO.
Player housing, villages, and political machinations/ influence would be another, but that would only appeal to a set percent of the player base.
god yes! in every mmo there is this loud mass that wants pvp really really bad. when the devs are then focusing on pvp there is out rages about every singel thing on the forum that takes away alot of resoruces from the devs. and sooner or later the pvpers are "lulz. thiz game suxs! next game!" .
Most devs just choose to hear the PvP loadmouths because they are asking for something that suits their budget... cheap filler content.
I agree the hardcore PvP community seems to be home to the more fickle game hopper these days. Maybe it has something to do with the general need for hostile friction and the need to appear a 'badass' all the time to give the game value for them, I'm not sure. It certainly can't help build a constructive community though.
The problem is that the mechanics that were embraced as cheap filler content in the old PvE MMOs (including grinding and timesinks such as camping) would send most modern gamers into several fit of rages, so they just wouldn't be usuable now.
So, what to replace them with?
NWN style player created content is a possibility, though we have seen in other games that can be easily exploited if not designed well, and it would have to be open world based for it to be viable for a true MMO.
Player housing, villages, and political machinations/ influence would be another, but that would only appeal to a set percent of the player base.
Any other ideas?
But are those modern gamers true MMORPG players? Most of them are really action gamers, IMO. In a MMORPG there will have to be some content that is not action, fast paced and easy fast rewards...
I think those players want to play a MMOARPG and not a more traditional MMORPG... No developer can make evryone happy. If they focus on action gamers the game will not be the best game for people that liked the first MMORPG:s. At least if they are still trying to find and prefer games like that.
Most PVP in MMO's is useless IMO, I do not play it for the "fun" of it, I play it as part of territory control or resource denial, and so few MMORPG's offer it that way.
So I play TERA on a PVE server and have yet to fight another player.
Sure, when we join GvG I'll go along, but if I never did any PVP it wouldn't break my heart either.
Now, give me a MMO like DAOC, EVE or Lineage 2 and I'll be there in a flash.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Imagine a game where you never were nerfed because of the PvP whine, a game where you could actually build something without the PvP train demanding to be able to break it...
And please give the reasons for your answers. Personally PVP has never been my cup of tea. It's not that i never tried, i just dont feel any sense of accomplishement fighting others peoples for what really ? Bragging rights ? There is already TONS of pvp game out there, mostly shooters, why does every MMO that comes out MUST have some sort of PVP in it ? Do you think we could have a succesful MMO without the PVP aspect ?
I definitely would. I only liked PvP in shooters, not in MMORPG genre.
god yes! in every mmo there is this loud mass that wants pvp really really bad. when the devs are then focusing on pvp there is out rages about every singel thing on the forum that takes away alot of resoruces from the devs. and sooner or later the pvpers are "lulz. thiz game suxs! next game!" .
Most devs just choose to hear the PvP loadmouths because they are asking for something that suits their budget... cheap filler content.
I agree the hardcore PvP community seems to be home to the more fickle game hopper these days. Maybe it has something to do with the general need for hostile friction and the need to appear a 'badass' all the time to give the game value for them, I'm not sure. It certainly can't help build a constructive community though.
The problem is that the mechanics that were embraced as cheap filler content in the old PvE MMOs (including grinding and timesinks such as camping) would send most modern gamers into several fit of rages, so they just wouldn't be usuable now.
So, what to replace them with?
NWN style player created content is a possibility, though we have seen in other games that can be easily exploited if not designed well, and it would have to be open world based for it to be viable for a true MMO.
Player housing, villages, and political machinations/ influence would be another, but that would only appeal to a set percent of the player base.
Any other ideas?
But are those modern gamers true MMORPG players? Most of them are really action gamers, IMO. In a MMORPG there will have to be some content that is not action, fast paced and easy fast rewards...
I think those players want to play a MMOARPG and not a more traditional MMORPG... No developer can make evryone happy. If they focus on action gamers the game will not be the best game for people that liked the first MMORPG:s. At least if they are still trying to find and prefer games like that.
I wouldn't disagree, and I think this quest for 'broader appeal' has only hurt games, but like it or not they would have to make concessions to the modern market.
I actually enjoy grinding if the investment to reward ratio is right, or it's to a tangible end, but I don't think many gamers share that.
Honestly, I'm not a big fan of PvP. I'm an avid role-player, and there really isn't much RP in PvP. There could be, but there just isn't. There was one single event of role-playing in PvP for me throughout my entire MMO gaming experience, and that was in SWTOR of all places (a game who's PvP typically consists of Jedis running around in their undies, slaying everything in sight, with a warcry of "lawlz, u n00b").
I enjoy having world PvP in the games i play and always opt to play on PvP servers if given the choice but I couldn't care less about structured PvP/Arena/Battleground. That said, i also like having different pockets within the community focused on different gameplay elements, so my first thought would be that any game without a PvP community would be less rich but if the remaining content was able to be feature rich as a result of dev's not focusing on PvP content i'd definitely give it a shot.
Yes - but only if the game still provided many different gameplay styles/elements. Loss of PvP would be a bit of a concern.
nope because i can do that in any game that isnt mmo and yet in my point of view i dont see the point competiting against " only " devs programmed challenges.
I Absolutly would! It seems a game cannot be balanced well in PvE at the same time as PvP. They should be focused on 1 or the other. Myself I prefer PvE.
I think a really good PVE game should have no PVP at all. The developers will have to compromise to much if they want to support both PVP and PVE. There are a lot of ideas that cant be used and things that will not work if a game is balanced for both PVP and PVE. Like skills that would one shot people and give you free kills in PVP. Skills like that can be fine and balanced in PVE but be very overpowered in PVP. Some classes can be good and fun in PVE but will be useless and underpowered in PVP.
IMO, its not possible to create the best possible PVE game if it must also support PVP.
If someone release a no compromise as fun as possible PVE game I will play it.
I would love to play a pure pve game, I like pvp, but in most MMOs pvp isn't fun and just hampers the PVE experience.
"Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security." -Norman Vincent Peale
I've loved the PvP that Lineage II gave me, but a 100% pure PvE MMO..?
...but... it must have a good storyline to keep me playing. For me Lord of the Rings online does give me that (though I am on a small break now), and games like World of Warcraft and EverQuest II are best enjoyed for me on a PvE server over a PvP server (faction PvP sucks for me afte rplaying L2
On the other hand, FFXI is a true PvE MMO as well, but that's one I tried and just couldn't get in to
If its not a single player MMO and a persistant world without all of the instanced bullshit, for example LoTRO, not only would I play it, I'd buy the box AND pay for a sub.
Yes. I mostly play for small group co-op content.
PvP isn't for me, I'm not into conflict when I play games. I get enough conflict in real life so just want something to relax with. I have no problem with the choice of PvP but if the question was would I like a pure 100% PvE game then yes of course. I would like forced grouping to be kept to a minimum though as I would like the choice on how to play. Also maybe a game like this would have to be crowdfunded but going back to the days where you could be a non combat character and still make a difference would be nice as well. Someone contributing to the overall scope of the game without having to go and grind X monster for 6 hours a day to do it.
I guess just being given the different choices would be nice.
lol Yes of course i would play PvE only.
Jeremiah 8:21 I weep for the hurt of my people; I stand amazed, silent, dumb with grief.
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FFXI remains one of my favs, I just wouldn't play it nowadays.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
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Not only would I play it, I would prefer it. One of the things I loved about old EQ was that, in the early days at least, each class was unique, each race as well. Nothing had to be balanced against anything else, nothing had to be mirrored. And this was possible, at least for a while, because there was no (real) PvP.
Now, because of PvP, nothing can be unique anymore. It's not enough to be cool or different, everything has to balance, and its all boring as hell.
Final Fantasy XI has NO PvP at all.
It was the second largest monthly sub game for a long time, so a lot of people would play a PvE MMO with no PvP.
god yes! in every mmo there is this loud mass that wants pvp really really bad. when the devs are then focusing on pvp there is out rages about every singel thing on the forum that takes away alot of resoruces from the devs. and sooner or later the pvpers are "lulz. thiz game suxs! next game!" .
Most devs just choose to hear the PvP loadmouths because they are asking for something that suits their budget... cheap filler content.
I agree the hardcore PvP community seems to be home to the more fickle game hopper these days. Maybe it has something to do with the general need for hostile friction and the need to appear a 'badass' all the time to give the game value for them, I'm not sure. It certainly can't help build a constructive community though.
The problem is that the mechanics that were embraced as cheap filler content in the old PvE MMOs (including grinding and timesinks such as camping) would send most modern gamers into several fit of rages, so they just wouldn't be usuable now.
So, what to replace them with?
NWN style player created content is a possibility, though we have seen in other games that can be easily exploited if not designed well, and it would have to be open world based for it to be viable for a true MMO.
Player housing, villages, and political machinations/ influence would be another, but that would only appeal to a set percent of the player base.
Any other ideas?
I said yes. It would have to have ALOT of content though. Everything from exploration to mini games to gambling.
But are those modern gamers true MMORPG players? Most of them are really action gamers, IMO. In a MMORPG there will have to be some content that is not action, fast paced and easy fast rewards...
I think those players want to play a MMOARPG and not a more traditional MMORPG... No developer can make evryone happy. If they focus on action gamers the game will not be the best game for people that liked the first MMORPG:s. At least if they are still trying to find and prefer games like that.
Most PVP in MMO's is useless IMO, I do not play it for the "fun" of it, I play it as part of territory control or resource denial, and so few MMORPG's offer it that way.
So I play TERA on a PVE server and have yet to fight another player.
Sure, when we join GvG I'll go along, but if I never did any PVP it wouldn't break my heart either.
Now, give me a MMO like DAOC, EVE or Lineage 2 and I'll be there in a flash.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
If it's fun to play then I absolutely would.
Hell yes.
Imagine a game where you never were nerfed because of the PvP whine, a game where you could actually build something without the PvP train demanding to be able to break it...
I would love it
While FFXI does have PvP, it's so unpopular it might as well had never been put in the game. It is by far my most favorite MMO to date.
I definitely would. I only liked PvP in shooters, not in MMORPG genre.
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I wouldn't disagree, and I think this quest for 'broader appeal' has only hurt games, but like it or not they would have to make concessions to the modern market.
I actually enjoy grinding if the investment to reward ratio is right, or it's to a tangible end, but I don't think many gamers share that.
Yes, yes, and yes!
Honestly, I'm not a big fan of PvP. I'm an avid role-player, and there really isn't much RP in PvP. There could be, but there just isn't. There was one single event of role-playing in PvP for me throughout my entire MMO gaming experience, and that was in SWTOR of all places (a game who's PvP typically consists of Jedis running around in their undies, slaying everything in sight, with a warcry of "lawlz, u n00b").
I enjoy having world PvP in the games i play and always opt to play on PvP servers if given the choice but I couldn't care less about structured PvP/Arena/Battleground. That said, i also like having different pockets within the community focused on different gameplay elements, so my first thought would be that any game without a PvP community would be less rich but if the remaining content was able to be feature rich as a result of dev's not focusing on PvP content i'd definitely give it a shot.
Yes - but only if the game still provided many different gameplay styles/elements. Loss of PvP would be a bit of a concern.
I would say the opposite.
In my experience a heavy PvP focus seperates and sours community.
Unless by 'less rich' you mean 'less vitriol and bile'?
nope because i can do that in any game that isnt mmo and yet in my point of view i dont see the point competiting against " only " devs programmed challenges.
I Absolutly would! It seems a game cannot be balanced well in PvE at the same time as PvP. They should be focused on 1 or the other. Myself I prefer PvE.