August 28th – A day of historical importance [year - event]
1189 - Third Crusade: the Crusaders begin the Siege of Acre under Guy of Lusignan
1521 - Turkish sultan Suleiman I's troops occupy Belgrade
1565 - Oldest city in the US, St Augustine Fla, established
1619 - Ferdinand II elected Holy Roman Emperor
1777 - American Revolutionary War - Battle of Cooch's Bridge takes place near Newark, Delaware.
1830 - 1st locomotive in US, "Tom Thumb," runs from Balt to Ellicotts Mill
1837 - Pharmacists John Lea & William Perrins manufactures Worcester Sauce
1845 - Scientific American magazine publishes its first issue.
1850 - Composer Richard Wagner's opera "Lohengrin" premieres at Weimar Germany
1867 - US occupies Midway Islands in Pacific
1883 - Slavery banned throughout British Empire
1884 - 1st known photograph of a tornado is made near Howard SD
1884 - Mickey Welsh strikes-out 1st 9 men he faces
1898 - Caleb Bradham renames his carbonated soft drink "Pepsi-Cola".
1907 - UPS is founded by James E. Casey in Seattle, Washington.
1916 - Germany declares war on Romania
1916 - Italy declares war against Germany during WW I
1917 - 10 suffragists arrested as they picket White House
1921 - Babe Ruth starts streak of an extra-base hit in 9 straight games
1938 - On Connie Mack Day at Shibe Park, the A's win a doubleheader
1944 - Last German troops in Marseille surrendered & Toulon cleared
1951 - Braves sell pitcher Johnny Sain to the Yankees for $50,000
1953 - "Me & Juliet" opens at Majestic Theater NYC for 358 performances
1955 - 1st NFL preseason sudden death football, Rams beats Giants 23-17
1957 - Sen Thurmond begins 24-hr filibuster against civil rights bill
1958 - Nellie Fox sets record for consecutive games without striking out (98)
1960 - White Sox Ted Kluzewski's 3-run HR is disallowed as ump called time
1963 - 200,000 demonstrate for equal rights in Washington, DC
1963 - Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream speech" at Lincoln Memorial
1964 - Race riot in Philadelphia
1964 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1965 - Bob Dylan booed for playing electric guiter at a concert in New York's Forest Hills
1968 - Police & anti-war demonstrators clash at Chicago's Dem Natl Conven
1970 - Phillies Larry Bowa steals home for 2nd time in 1970
1971 - The dollar is allowed to float against the yen for the first time.
1973 - "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple goes gold
1977 - NY Yankee Ron Guidry faces just 28 men & beats Texas Rangers 1-0
1977 - Nolan Ryan strikes out 300 batters for 5th straight year
1981 - John Hinckley Jr pleads innocent in attempt to kill Pres Reagan
1982 - "Sugar Babies" closes at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC after 1208 perfs
1983 - Greg Luzinski is 1st player to put 3 HRs onto roof at Comiskey Park
1986 - Tina Turner's star unveiled in Hollywood
1986 - US Navy officer Jerry A Whitworth sentenced to 365 years for spying
1987 - Mike Schmidt passes Ted Williams & Willie McCovey with 522 HRs
1989 - 1st regular-season matchup of defending Cy Young Award winners
1990 - Cub's Ryne Sandberg is 1st 2nd baseman to hit 30 HRs, consecutively
1990 - Stefan Edberg (#1 seeded player) loses in 1st round to Alex Volkov
1994 - 94th US Golf Amateur Championship won by Tiger Woods
2005 - Hurricane Katrina hammers the United States, especially New Orleans, Louisiana, and coastal Mississippi
2012 - Guild Wars 2 launches signaling the end of the un-holy trinity in MMO’s
So, its a day where never any really important things happened and less important things made the headlines.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
The day I was born!
Got to put me on this list.
Historical event, right. Even if it could 'kill' the 'unholy trinity', that would hardly be historical unless you focus on MMO's and thus add the lauch of EQ, the rise of WoW, the fall of TOR, etc. and leave out all the non-MMO related stuff. I hope you manage to put things into perspective a it more, otherwise you just make yourself look bad.
They would have to sell a really insane amount of boxes before the game becomes anywhere near historical.
I dont think he was actually being serious with the Importance component, but simply gathered dates of events that occured on the same day that GW2 will come out and expressed it in a comical timeline. Thanks for the laugh OP.
Drama much.....June 30th 2012.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
It's posts like this that make the gw2 community look bad...
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
Haha and then gw2 fans wonder why some people use the "second comming" line. Anyway I think the OP is bored, this thread is very similar to another one he/she did a little while ago. Or maybe the OP is trying to troll the trolls, who knows.
which ones? the light-hearted comedy posts that people get upset over for no good reason? i disagree that it is the fans of the game that come away from such matters looking "bad."
+1 e-cookie for the OP for making a couple of forum users angry. Good job! : )
Lol, love the sarcasm of OP.
I mean reading...
GW2 release as an equal historical event as 'Babe Ruth starts streak of an extra-base hit in 9 straight games' ..hahah..hilarious.
Oh, uhm ... did we won?
Reporter: What's behind Blizzard success, and how do you make your gamers happy?
Blizzard Boss: Making gamers happy is not my concern, making money.. yes!
depends on if you're from romania or germany i guess.
actually either way i think you lost.
Apparantly the Central Powers won, so I guess no...
What about the 3 day head start?
Play for fun. Play to win. Play for perfection. Play with friends. Play in another world. Why do you play?
looks like chat in gw2 is going to be amazing ,prepare your recorders folks.
Let's internet
I believe it's the reverse. Posts like this are a direct satirical response to the perception that some fans may literally feel GW2's release is analogous to the "second coming."
There is also a fundamental problem with communication whereby all participants simply do not have the exact same understanding of the language. Thus, numerous miscommunications and misinterpretations (like yours) occur and give rise to this perception.
Oh... the moment you realize that when the sentence begins with "Suleiman I" it must finish with "Belgrade". :O
One would assume that Belgrade is under the Turkish command even to this day, but more on that another time.
Main MMO at the moment: Guild Wars 2
Waiting for: Pathfinder Online
no lol. gw2's release literally marks the end of the WoW/EQ era. while the toppling of our overlords has been attempted before, this is the first quality AAA that will do it with ease.
august 28th,the day half the people are going to relize that guild wars 2 is just another average mmo and end up leaving it because they rode the hype train like swtor
but here's to hoping the wow crowd doesnt ruin another potential mmo like they did with swtor.would suck for 2 mmos in the same year to flop
I know this is for lulz but anyone who truly believes this should take a good hard look at themselves :P
I, for one, welcome our new Tyrian overlords
(+1 if you can tell me where I paraphrased the quote from)
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
The OP was merely joking. I pity those who did not realize that and freaked out.