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The future of MMORPG's

ThebigthrillThebigthrill Member UncommonPosts: 117

I've done alot of predicting on MMORPG'S mainly to my friends and other gamers. I wont go into details too much , it would take too long to type.

I will say the prediction I am most proud of is my SWTOR one I made approx 2 weeks after SWTOR was released and I quote.

"SWTOR will fail , within 6 months subs will be dropping like flies escpecially after Bioware fails on they're patches and fails to deliver on they're patches"

Typical responces were.

"How the hell do you know they will fail on patches? Bioware is a very good company"

"LOL! Now this guy is predicting the patches"

Anyways , Id like to give everyone here a look into the future with some predictions that I have seen. Read them and weep because this genre isnt getting better , and that makes me sad because I love MMORPG's.


Predictions below , Spoiler Alert!


1.The Secret World

The fact this game is made by Funcom already sealed its fate.

In a year The Secret World will have aprox 100-200k subs , it will be on a list of failed mmorpg's a trend that is growing stronger.



Not a complete failure like The Secret World , GW2 will retain subs because it is BTP , slow content updates , another typical fantasy mmorpg , and lack of real world pvp will eventually make GW2 another after thought mmorpg.

3.Blizzards Titan

After the fails of The Secret World , SWTOR , and GW2 mmorpg fans will be looking to Titan to give them the mmorpg that they feel can keep them playing for years.

Unfortunately the game Blizzard releases will be so casual it will turn off even semi hardcore mmorpg players.

This will send mmorpg gaming into a tail spin. Other mmorpg games will follow in the years to come , the industry will start releasing more social and casual mmorpgs following once again in Blizzards footsteps.

Some of these will be quick cash grabs (Ea/Bioware) ,poorly designed like (STO) , and very casual (Titan) (Farmville) that the days of great long term mmorpgs will be dead.

This will be similar to the video game crash of the 80's. It will not get better people.

The focus of mmorpg's will not be to design a content rich game filled with a world to explore.

The new focus (A focus that has already began) will be Casual , Cash Shops , Free to Play, and Social.

Your content rich worlds are gone.

"Don't tell me what to do! , you're not my mod"

Saying invented by me.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251

    LOL, don't give up your day job Nostradamus.

    People were predicting SWTOR's future accurately 6 months prior to launch, because it was obvious it was a standard theme park game and except for WOW and EVE, almost every recent MMORPG launch has been strong in box sales, with a rapid fall off in subs. (which has been going for over 6 years now)

    As for your prediction about patches, keep in mind patches post launch have rarely saved the day for any title, regardless when they were released.

    As for TSW, many foks recall AOC and previously to that, AC, so takes no special wizardry to predict its lack of big success, especially since at the end of the day its just a variant of the story based theme park and will likely suffer the same fate as most games once the content is exhausted.

    Must be more careful with titles such as GW2, after all , there is no monthly sub fee, so there's no way to measure the titles success by that standard.

    Won't be until the expansions come out in the future that we'll know if people really enjoy the title past the initial launch, or will it get a lackluster response, only time will tell.

    Edit: Oh yes, and don't count Titan out, those folks have yet to fail at launching a successful title, probably shouldn't bet against it.

    In the end the genre will roll onward, with new titles on the horizon like Firefall, Archage, ESO, and a host of others, it's not dead yet Jim.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ThebigthrillThebigthrill Member UncommonPosts: 117

    They laugh at me , yet I'm always correct.

    "Don't tell me what to do! , you're not my mod"

    Saying invented by me.

  • seridanseridan Member UncommonPosts: 1,202
    Originally posted by Thebigthrill

    They laugh at me , yet I'm always correct.




    Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums

  • MephsterMephster Member Posts: 1,188

    The future looks bleak and abysmal right now. This genre lives off hype and nothing else unfortunately. The mmo genre needs a miracle to happen to save mmo gaming for the long term.

    Grim Dawn, the next great action rpg!

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Originally posted by Thebigthrill

    They laugh at me , yet I'm always correct.

    A broken clock is right twice a day, always.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by Thebigthrill


    Not a complete failure like The Secret World , GW2 will retain subs because it is BTP , slow content updates , another typical fantasy mmorpg , and lack of real world pvp will eventually make GW2 another after thought mmorpg.

    How can it have any subs when it is BTP? There will be ZERO subs. People will buy and play for whatever time they feel like.

  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571

    I can agree with 1 and 3 but not 2. Anet's track record for GW shows they're pretty good at releasing additional content and Colin Johanson has stated he sees the future of MMO's requiring frequent updates, as short as 6 months, to keep players' attention.


    The lack of open PvP is also something I don't see being a cause for concern. WoW is recognised as the biggest MMO out there and it has plenty of PvE servers with thriving communities. This idea that a game needs open PvP to succeed is just false.

  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424

    The problem with MMOs is there's too many of them.  It used to be  you played Neverwinter Nights, then you either played EQ or DAoC or UO.  Then you either played WoW or EvE or FFXI or SWG (until SOE messed that up).  After that, it's all been done.  There is no more to the genre of MMOs.  I mean there may be an MMO you want to play purely because of it's IP or something you really like about it, like LotRO or SWTOR. 


    It's alot like MUDs, in the early years of the internet, MUDs were a big deal, everyone i knew played them.  Now almost noone plays MUDs, let alone runs them.

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by Gravarg

    The problem with MMOs is there's too many of them.  It used to be  you played Neverwinter Nights, then you either played EQ or DAoC or UO.  Then you either played WoW or EvE or FFXI or SWG (until SOE messed that up).  After that, it's all been done.  There is no more to the genre of MMOs.  I mean there may be an MMO you want to play purely because of it's IP or something you really like about it, like LotRO or SWTOR. 


    It's alot like MUDs, in the early years of the internet, MUDs were a big deal, everyone i knew played them.  Now almost noone plays MUDs, let alone runs them.

    It is not a problem. Choices are good. Any no one is stuck at playing only one game.


  • rcubanorcubano Member Posts: 68


    That about sums up the OP's post.

  • ForTheCityForTheCity Member Posts: 307

    Hopefully Star Wars goes F2P soon. Will get back on that if they do. 

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