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Recently, I made a rather short thread in the den of lions all hyped up about the release of GW2. I was merely stateing why I would not play it. Which was obviously trolled to death, but a good conversationg did emerge from it nonetheless. Who owns who?
Or, more appropriately, who does most of the shot calling? Someone brought up a good point involving Cryptic, and their recent "Merger" with PWI, Which I had intended on quoting and comenting on till, all the Fans of GW2 got the thread locked and closed. They conversation that took place in that thread is really of not much consequence, so there is no need for me to fandango on about it.
So, I will now attempt to do that here. Since it is related to Cryptic/ Okay then so....
It was brought up that Arena Net is their own company, that NC Soft don't own them, this that in the other, people posted their rebuttals, and proof texts in the end the bottom line is this. The "Group of People" with the "Most Money" make 'Most of the Shot Calling".
This is the way the world goes. Even outside of gaming, or whatever. Who ever has the most money says what goes. It's their money, and they want to get what they pay for.
I just posted this here because, it was very interesting to find that one poster in the whole band of *cough* folks *Cough over in the other thread I made, had also made this samy Obversation. Concerning Cryptic/PWI.
One last thing. Someone asked me who the "Many" where, and who the "Us" were. I mean lets face it, World of Warcraft is, and has been the biggest MMORPG on the market for a great long time now, even though it's still losing customers. They were making claims their subscriber base was in the Billions? or was it Millions? Nevermatter, evenstill not "Everyone" likes World of Warcraft. So to answer the question of 'Who are the Many?" Last time I checkec the population of Earth, is something like 7 Billion and growing? So, I'd venture to say at least a third of those people in this day in age are some type of gamer, (which is around 2,333,333,333.
So, even if Blizzard had 1 Billion Subscribers, (Which they don't), more like their highest base was closer to like 10-11 million?, okay lets just say 15 million to be safe. Which means, that even as popular as WoW, is, and as "Many" people in the world there are that like it. We can't assume that Everyone does, now can we? In Merriam-Webster the Definition of Many is this : a large but indefinite number. So, since I obviously can't assert that Everyone don't like STO, one could assert that there probably is a great many that don't, would you know say? I mean based on what's been presented so far...
On the "Us", matter, basically means this (had to go to the "Learners Area of Merriam-Webster for this one). 2 : people in general
So, for one so assert that I, or anyone else could say any one game has, or has not a great many followers, who will play it, or for what reasons involved is, well, quite frankly their own personal business. And, quite frankly in america we have the right to "Free Speech".
So, let me ask you Star Trek Fans, since the merger with PWI was made, Whom would the "Many" of you suggest calls the shots?
This post is beyond confusing. I can't even see your point at all. Please make more sense.
It's amazing how someone can write so much and still say absolutely nothing.
I lost interest after the part where he said vampires and Martians were drilling for oil off the coast of Antarctica.
Um...ok. Anyone care enough to try and decipher that?
Ok, from what I can understand, here is the best summary I can manage:
The OP made a thread about GW2 and why he wasn't going to play it. The thread was trolled, but somehow managed to hold a decent conversation in it somewhere. Apparenty, part of the conversation had to do with the Cryptic/PWE merger, and somehow some GW2 fans managed to get the thread locked, ending the conversation.
According to the OP, Arena Net stated that NCSoft doesn't own them. despite NCSoft publishing their games and most of the world running by the "he who has the money makes the rules" rule.
Additionally, the OP posted it here because apparently there guy was a guy in the GW2 thread that made the same analogy (or observation it is hard to tell) about PWE and Cryptic. Then he goes off on some sort of philosophical rant about "us", "we", "the many", somehow working in Blizzards record of the number of WoW subscriptions that makes little to no sense and is probably a non sequitor/brain fart.
He ends by saying that people who play STO will play STO, people who will not play STO will not play STO, neither can change each others minds, that we can't tell other people they shouldn't be talking about why they do or do not play STO due to free speech, and somehow tries to tie it into his nonsensicle "us" "we" "the many" rant, asking us to ask ourselves who thinks calls the shots in the Arena Net/NCSoft and PWE/Cryptic groups.
If it wasn't for the middle rant about the "us we the many" and WoW subscription numbers, this actually could have made sense.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?