I'm a little sad that so few people have recommended textbooks instead of fiction.
Err, what? How exactly would a textbook work?
World. Mechanics. Gameplay. For example, I suggested "The Blind Watchmaker" because there's a whole section on creating a game out mutation and player selection (it's an idea that loosely inspired the creature creator in Spore, but that game did it all wrong).
(Maybe I'm just strange but I feel that too much attention is paid to art and words and not enough to the math and simulations - deciding which novel to use is like asking which version of monopoly you want ... it's not actually giving you a different game, it's just changing the skin of art and text)
edit: bleh ... I can't seem to figure out how say what I'm thinking without it coming out sounding like a rant. I should have just left this thread alone.
The IP doesn't change the game, but that's true for everything, whether fiction or textbook. This whole thing is pointless if you assume the same old mechanics. I believe no one here would want a Firefly or Naruto or Terry Goodkind based MMO with the mechanics of SWTOR or WoW.
Personally, i would love to see:
.hack - The perfect candidate, it's already set in an MMO (mostly) after all. And they even made a single player game that simulates an MMO..especially funny when many people solo MMOs. We'll see how the next best candidate, Otherland, which is also partly MMO, will turn out soon enough..
Dune - compared to Dune, even LotR is only child's play.
Babylon 5 - One of the best sci-fi series ever.
The Foundation Trilogy of Isaac Asimov and related works, like the second trilogy by Greg Bear etc.
I'll wait to the day's end when the moon is high And then I'll rise with the tide with a lust for life, I'll Amass an army, and we'll harness a horde And then we'll limp across the land until we stand at the shore
Avatar! And with that I mean The Last Airbender/Legend Of Korra!
4 factions: Air, Earth, Fire and Water.
Earth can specialize in Metal bending.
Fire in electricity. Water in blood and wind in ermm... Well they kinda use fart bending in The Legend Of Korra but I kinda doubt that would look good in an mmorpg
One Piece could also be nice! But too many options there I guess.
I have already posted my approval in a Korra specific thread weeks ago. I was never happy with the idea that “Earth” bending was only for sand and rock. Rock or Stone is a mixture of a variety of materials. I felt Earthbending should apply to all solid elements, and not just rock. I would say it is more solid bending, mater in its solid state. Air Bending is infact Gas Bending. Waterbending is in fact Liquid Bending. Firebending would infact be energy or Plasma Bending. But my biggest problem with firebending was the lack of fuel.
Originally posted by RocSek
I know we have Shadowrun online comming, but thats going to be a different thing. I would love to see a full Shadowrun MMO with all the bells and whistles from the RPG. So many possibilities there.
I have commented on ShadowRun before aswell. I feel like ShadowRun may be replaced with a catch all phrase like cyberpunk to capture themes like Blade Runner, Firefly, Fifth Element, Babylon 5, and Star Wars. IMO Star Wars is a cyberpunk Shogunate story, I hope we can all agree with that. Blade Runner was a cyberpunk 50’s detective noir, a’ la Sam Spade. And Firefly was a cyberpunk western a’ la Big Valley or Bonanza. Maybe I am just confusing cyberpunk with sci fi, but I think I am not. I feel the defining element of cyberpunk is the Sprawl, not direct neural net interface.
How about something from Piers Anthony’s Xanth Series or are those just too childish? Or Terry Brooks’ Shannara series? I was also a fan of Patricia A. McKillip’s "The Riddle-Master of Hed", but I feel this may be limited as a source for an MMO.
The all time best for an MMO must be Dave Duncan’s “A Man of His Word” series, I have read this series 12 times. I only read the Harry Potter series 3 times. If I could, I would make a movie of each book in the series. This series was made for MMO.
Pardon any spelling errors
Konfess your cyns and some maybe forgiven Boy: Why can't I talk to Him? Mom: We don't talk to Priests. As if it could exist, without being payed for. F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing. Even telemarketers wouldn't think that. It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
I'd say Deus Ex in an online game, awesome universe and great potential. I would love to play a good cyberpunk MMORPG. Shadowrun MMORPG is another alterative but I don't like to mix magic with cybernetics.
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
Wild, Wild West: A Victorian Era Steam Punk game set in the United States Western Frontier just after the Civil War. Game would be more player driven than story driven.
Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos: Set after WWI and the Great Depression on the East Coast of the United States. Overall plot would be preventing (or assisting) in the invasion by extra dimensional entities, along with many smaller stories. Game would be more story driven than player driven, but there would be player driven elements.
Zombie Apocalypse: Settings could be during, just after or long after a zombie apocalypse. Game would be nearly 100% player driven.
Fallout/Post Apocalypse: This could be long after a zombie apocalypse or any other apocalyptic event. Game would be a mix of story driven and player driven events.
There are many movies and books where I think it would be awesome to run around in as a fully realized world, but I don't think game companies would do any of those books or movies justice. I'm not sure they could capture the feel of the stories and be MMORPG at the same time.
I can see it working with the Lovecraft stories because the characters aren't world class heroes...they are nameless and sometimes faceless people who manage to survive. Many of the events are not world class or heroic events. Nobody hopped on their magical steam punk train engine powered by unicorn water to fight Cthulhu. They witnessed weird stuff and lived to tell the tale. Sometimes they actually stopped the cultists who were doing things, but they never heroically fought the monsters and saved the world.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Umm....Lord of the Rings ... no wait, somebody said that....
Star Wars...oh right...
WAR and PEACE by Leo Tolstoy. That has EVERYTHING you need in a time period that's not been covered yet -- Napoleanic invasion of Russia....seriously, you could have some serious MMORPG set in that world with all the stuff LT wrote. Beyond combat, you would have so much at every level, RP, diplomacy, etc.
EDIT: Nevermind, LT would be flippin spastically in his grave with all the cash shop stuff that would happen to his IP once the game "failed." Just like JRR Tolkien has been doing...poor guy, immortal legendary writers...
How about something by Philip K. Dick? Nah...forget it.
Dungeons and Dragons: Dragonlance...War of the Lance saga. There are almost 200 novels set in this world and provide a TON of material that can be used.
In fact I think just about any series written by Weis & Hickman would make a great MMO, Darksword and the Death Gate Cycle are amazing, detailed worlds and with rich stories that would translate well into an MMO.
Given how themed MMO's turn out, I don't know I'd want to see an MMO of an IP I like. But on the premise it be a AAA sandbox, sub with no cash shop or RMT I'd say: William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive). That'd be a fun universe to play in.
The all time best for an MMO must be Dave Duncan’s “A Man of His Word” series, I have read this series 12 times. I only read the Harry Potter series 3 times.If I could, I would make a movie of each book in the series. This series was made for MMO.
Although I would still prefer a Roger Zelazny Amber game, your suggestion rocks.
I had forgotten about those novels (I managed to meet and spend some time with Eddings during a book signing he did for that series...great guy). Great stuff, thanks for the reminder, I am going tohave to dig them out of storage now !
When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.
Full metal alchemist mmo? or a fina fantasy made by america company would be great ,kor games alwais boring and grinding,and i would love a great fps but like all fps it will have ton of hackers wish i would not gonna like it
i would like to see an mmo based on the bazil broketail series
It would be a sort of mmorpg rts
players would join armies that are constantly on the march or doing something marches are dangerous your in constant danger
Players could be a a dragon boy and his dragon, the boy snipeing crippling and the dragon for pure power during down time the boy must care for his dragon in various ways dragon leaders which dragon boys can become after a amount of timecan call for backup IF it is available
soldiers get command of xxx amount of soildiers as they lvl up so armies would be big roaming world event kind of
witchs/ warlocks add and buff armies cure plagues and harm the enemy
There could be variations of soldiers like archers, heavily armored knights horse archers and more
and of course thered be non army based quests doing stuff like they got into trouble in the book for
I call the Purple Green if they make this hes mine
Err, what? How exactly would a textbook work?
Dawn of the Dead - survival mmo.
Perma death- were you could meet and have to kill your previous alt or die again
World. Mechanics. Gameplay. For example, I suggested "The Blind Watchmaker" because there's a whole section on creating a game out mutation and player selection (it's an idea that loosely inspired the creature creator in Spore, but that game did it all wrong).
(Maybe I'm just strange but I feel that too much attention is paid to art and words and not enough to the math and simulations - deciding which novel to use is like asking which version of monopoly you want ... it's not actually giving you a different game, it's just changing the skin of art and text)
edit: bleh ... I can't seem to figure out how say what I'm thinking without it coming out sounding like a rant. I should have just left this thread alone.
Conan the Barbarian (not Funcom)
Wild West Online
A Roman or medieval game that is more historical & not full of orcs, elves and magic.
The IP doesn't change the game, but that's true for everything, whether fiction or textbook. This whole thing is pointless if you assume the same old mechanics. I believe no one here would want a Firefly or Naruto or Terry Goodkind based MMO with the mechanics of SWTOR or WoW.
Personally, i would love to see:
.hack - The perfect candidate, it's already set in an MMO (mostly) after all. And they even made a single player game that simulates an MMO..especially funny when many people solo MMOs. We'll see how the next best candidate, Otherland, which is also partly MMO, will turn out soon enough..
Dune - compared to Dune, even LotR is only child's play.
Babylon 5 - One of the best sci-fi series ever.
The Foundation Trilogy of Isaac Asimov and related works, like the second trilogy by Greg Bear etc.
I'll wait to the day's end when the moon is high
And then I'll rise with the tide with a lust for life, I'll
Amass an army, and we'll harness a horde
And then we'll limp across the land until we stand at the shore
I have already posted my approval in a Korra specific thread weeks ago. I was never happy with the idea that “Earth” bending was only for sand and rock. Rock or Stone is a mixture of a variety of materials. I felt Earthbending should apply to all solid elements, and not just rock. I would say it is more solid bending, mater in its solid state. Air Bending is infact Gas Bending. Waterbending is in fact Liquid Bending. Firebending would infact be energy or Plasma Bending. But my biggest problem with firebending was the lack of fuel.
I have commented on ShadowRun before aswell. I feel like ShadowRun may be replaced with a catch all phrase like cyberpunk to capture themes like Blade Runner, Firefly, Fifth Element, Babylon 5, and Star Wars. IMO Star Wars is a cyberpunk Shogunate story, I hope we can all agree with that. Blade Runner was a cyberpunk 50’s detective noir, a’ la Sam Spade. And Firefly was a cyberpunk western a’ la Big Valley or Bonanza. Maybe I am just confusing cyberpunk with sci fi, but I think I am not. I feel the defining element of cyberpunk is the Sprawl, not direct neural net interface.
How about something from Piers Anthony’s Xanth Series or are those just too childish? Or Terry Brooks’ Shannara series? I was also a fan of Patricia A. McKillip’s "The Riddle-Master of Hed", but I feel this may be limited as a source for an MMO.
The all time best for an MMO must be Dave Duncan’s “A Man of His Word” series, I have read this series 12 times. I only read the Harry Potter series 3 times. If I could, I would make a movie of each book in the series. This series was made for MMO.
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
I'd say Deus Ex in an online game, awesome universe and great potential. I would love to play a good cyberpunk MMORPG. Shadowrun MMORPG is another alterative but I don't like to mix magic with cybernetics.
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
I have four "standby" mmorpg settings.
Wild, Wild West: A Victorian Era Steam Punk game set in the United States Western Frontier just after the Civil War. Game would be more player driven than story driven.
Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos: Set after WWI and the Great Depression on the East Coast of the United States. Overall plot would be preventing (or assisting) in the invasion by extra dimensional entities, along with many smaller stories. Game would be more story driven than player driven, but there would be player driven elements.
Zombie Apocalypse: Settings could be during, just after or long after a zombie apocalypse. Game would be nearly 100% player driven.
Fallout/Post Apocalypse: This could be long after a zombie apocalypse or any other apocalyptic event. Game would be a mix of story driven and player driven events.
There are many movies and books where I think it would be awesome to run around in as a fully realized world, but I don't think game companies would do any of those books or movies justice. I'm not sure they could capture the feel of the stories and be MMORPG at the same time.
I can see it working with the Lovecraft stories because the characters aren't world class heroes...they are nameless and sometimes faceless people who manage to survive. Many of the events are not world class or heroic events. Nobody hopped on their magical steam punk train engine powered by unicorn water to fight Cthulhu. They witnessed weird stuff and lived to tell the tale. Sometimes they actually stopped the cultists who were doing things, but they never heroically fought the monsters and saved the world.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
The Sword of Truth Series set during the war against D'hara and Panis Raul.
Story set up similar to GW2 where they are faction based.
3 factions (D'Hara, Neutral, Midlands)
Huge game world consisting of Westland, the Midlands and D'Hara (new players start in their respective kingdoms
The Neutral faction is located in Westland.
Freeform house building
Tera combat
Crafting based economy
repairing armor/weapons reaquires crafting
weight based inventory that effects cooldowns, movement speed and dodging
Have to eat and drink to keep stamina up (like dayz)
Blade Dancer
D'Haran Soldier
Blade Dancer
Neutral (Westlands)
Playing: Tera, BF3, ME3
Waiting on: Guild Wars 2
Redwall has probably has probably the most amazing mmo possibilities of any series... ever.
Umm....Lord of the Rings ... no wait, somebody said that....
Star Wars...oh right...
WAR and PEACE by Leo Tolstoy. That has EVERYTHING you need in a time period that's not been covered yet -- Napoleanic invasion of Russia....seriously, you could have some serious MMORPG set in that world with all the stuff LT wrote. Beyond combat, you would have so much at every level, RP, diplomacy, etc.
EDIT: Nevermind, LT would be flippin spastically in his grave with all the cash shop stuff that would happen to his IP once the game "failed." Just like JRR Tolkien has been doing...poor guy, immortal legendary writers...
How about something by Philip K. Dick? Nah...forget it.
No boobs, only fur, wont sell.
Playing: Tera, BF3, ME3
Waiting on: Guild Wars 2
Time Tunnel
Dune, the ultimate sandbox.
That would be Farscape for me. So many worlds, so many aliens ,so many ideas.
Someone has to say it.
Dungeons and Dragons: Dragonlance...War of the Lance saga. There are almost 200 novels set in this world and provide a TON of material that can be used.
In fact I think just about any series written by Weis & Hickman would make a great MMO, Darksword and the Death Gate Cycle are amazing, detailed worlds and with rich stories that would translate well into an MMO.
Harry Potter.
Mortal Engines Quartlet.
David Eddings ( sparhawk and queen Ehlana) you can get good movies and games from those books yet none have made.
Given how themed MMO's turn out, I don't know I'd want to see an MMO of an IP I like. But on the premise it be a AAA sandbox, sub with no cash shop or RMT I'd say: William Gibson's Sprawl trilogy (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive). That'd be a fun universe to play in.
Although I would still prefer a Roger Zelazny Amber game, your suggestion rocks.
I had forgotten about those novels (I managed to meet and spend some time with Eddings during a book signing he did for that series...great guy). Great stuff, thanks for the reminder, I am going tohave to dig them out of storage now !
When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.
Full metal alchemist mmo? or a fina fantasy made by america company would be great ,kor games alwais boring and grinding,and i would love a great fps but like all fps it will have ton of hackers wish i would not gonna like it
of fk now i understand the threadt sorry i would say guildwars 2 movie they already have novel they can make the movie about it it would be epic .
I'm amazed there isn't already a Harry Potter MMO. If one was done well, it'd be massively successful.
i would like to see an mmo based on the bazil broketail series
It would be a sort of mmorpg rts
players would join armies that are constantly on the march or doing something marches are dangerous your in constant danger
Players could be a a dragon boy and his dragon, the boy snipeing crippling and the dragon for pure power during down time the boy must care for his dragon in various ways dragon leaders which dragon boys can become after a amount of timecan call for backup IF it is available
soldiers get command of xxx amount of soildiers as they lvl up so armies would be big roaming world event kind of
witchs/ warlocks add and buff armies cure plagues and harm the enemy
There could be variations of soldiers like archers, heavily armored knights horse archers and more
and of course thered be non army based quests doing stuff like they got into trouble in the book for
I call the Purple Green if they make this
hes mine
Falling Skies