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Looking for a fantasy RPG/MMOrpg with a good & ''mature'' storyline!

KrelianKrelian Member UncommonPosts: 385

Hi, excuse me if i have posted this on the wrong section of the forums. As the game im looking for can be a single player RPG, OR an MMO rpg as long as it has some basic qualities im looking for, such as;

1-A good storyline : I admit; beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, thats why im asking here for your opinions while im also presenting some of mine.

2-A mature storyline:

I admit ALL fantasy can be very childish, but at least im looking for something that is not as ''kiddy as WOW''.

EXPLANATION: IMO BOTH the universe of Game of thrones AND World of Warcraft are fantasy, and one could argue that they are BOTH childish, but in my humble opinion, so far wow seems a lot more juvenile than GOT, so i hope u understand what i mean here :)


Cool looking armor and a varied world is always a huge plus in my book.

Thanks (as usual:D) in advance for any and all replies/suggestions!



  • rdrakkenrdrakken Member Posts: 426

    Age of mature it has nipples. Seriously though, the one thing Funcom did right was stick to the Conan lore. Lots of blood...and sex.

  • KrelianKrelian Member UncommonPosts: 385

    Thank you for the reply. Actually, AOC is a rather nice choice for me; as no one can deny that AOC has tits :D

    And no elves, and bloody combat!


    Yupp. For example; when playing AOC, I love to play as an Hox (Herald of Xotli?)

    and every time i transform, my sword starts hanging in the air.

    And there is the INVISIBLE horse bug.

    ALL MMORPGS that i can think of has bugs, but the ones I mentioned above are very clear bugs that have been in this game since it was released!

    I reported it to the devs,

    other players BOTH posted about it on the forums and reported em as well.

    And they STILL persist, after all these years.

    But otherwise, AOC would be a nice choice. I mean the storyline probably isnt the best ever, but at least we have picts and etc instead of orcs, and there are no god damn space ships! XD

  • rcubanorcubano Member Posts: 68

    Saying "all fantasy is childish" is a pretty ridiculous statement.

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