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Secret World open beta, will you cont. in live?

mastergravymastergravy Member UncommonPosts: 38

youve played the open beta, now will you put up your 50-60 dollars for the game and play it live, or will you say its not worth it.


  • KuppaKuppa Member UncommonPosts: 3,292

    You should probably add a poll.



  • ThorbrandThorbrand Member Posts: 1,198

    Only MMO worth the cost in 10yrs. Everything about this game is above current standards for todays MMOs.

  • dougmysticeydougmysticey Member Posts: 1,176

    Yes- I enjoy the setting and many things about the game. I have been in the Closed Beta so was able to experience a lot more the of the game. I like the fact the difficulty of the game ratchets up in The savage coast and Blue Mountains. Trying to complete one of the decks I want before headstart (just to see what it takes) but I don't think I am going to make it. Not enough time.


  • rcubanorcubano Member Posts: 68

    I did beta.

    I'll buy it, but I'm still very unsure about this game.

  • FredomSekerZFredomSekerZ Member Posts: 1,156

    Don't know what this thread is doing in the pub. Also, isn't there threads about pre-ordering and buying LTS and whatever already? With polls?

  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701

    I played about 45 hours total of closed beta and unfortunately it's not worth it for me. As a long time fan of Lovecraft and Poe, I had some hope for this one but alas,  it's simply not for me. I am happy to see others enjoying it though, and wish everyone the best with it.



  • mastergravymastergravy Member UncommonPosts: 38

    theres a poll, i thought i was added when i created it

  • Joseph_KerrJoseph_Kerr Member RarePosts: 1,113

    Tried beta, Im going to pass on this one. Im sure itll go f2p before too long so maybe i'll try it out then to see if its any better.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    Two months in with heavy game play, and I can't wait for headstart. I've only seen a fraction of the game so far.

  • FredomSekerZFredomSekerZ Member Posts: 1,156

    Not sure if this thread is trollish.

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460

    I'm in the closed beta (the one you can play outside of week ends), and no, I won't be buying it, at least not at release (I will never play any Funcom game at release anyway, even less preorder one). The game is just another SW:TOR, and I will eventually play it if I'm bored and looking for "throw away" MMO giving me a couple of months fun playing through the story.

    Not sure this thread belongs here though.

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • MoodsorMoodsor Member UncommonPosts: 712

    Yep I will, excited for Friday, hopefully the launch goes well.

  • WolvardsWolvards Member Posts: 650

    Not worth it to me. I don't like the feel of the game. Nothing pops about it. Setting could be cool, but it's not my thing. 

    The "Youtube Pro": Someone who watches video's on said subject, and obviously has a full understanding of what is being said about such subject.

  • ZeldiorZeldior Member UncommonPosts: 8

    it dont worth

    but i would play it  a lot if it was free to play

  • niceguy3978niceguy3978 Member UncommonPosts: 2,052

    I seriously considered it mainly because of the pvp, but in the end, I decided against it.  I have a really hard time justifying the monthly sub with so many games available that don't have one.  That and I really don't like the full box price, plus monthly sub, plus cash shop.  Just seems a bit excessive especially since they said that they expect people to spend on average a total of 20$ a month between the sub ans cs, which tells me they are going to put things in there that I probably will think should be in the game.

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