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What game series would you like to see as an MMO?

ChrisboxChrisbox Member UncommonPosts: 1,729

I'd like to see an open world demon souls/dark souls MMO.



  • GTwanderGTwander Member UncommonPosts: 6,035

    The Persona franchise - not SMT, which already exists... Persona.

    It would likely have a personality quiz similar to SH: Shattered Memories, which would be awesome.


    Late Edit-

    ~Or, Legacy of Kain / Eternal Darkness

    We *still* need a serious horror MMO.

    Writer / Musician / Game Designer

    Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
    Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture

  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071

    When WOW was announced, I was bummed they weren't making a Diablo MMO.  Now I'm glad they didn't.


    Nothing else jumps out for me at this point.

  • BeansnBreadBeansnBread Member EpicPosts: 7,254

    I want a cyberpunk MMORPG. It could be Shadowrun or Deus Ex or just some new cyberpunk world. But if we are talking about setting/lore, I'd like to see something cyberpunk at some point. 


    I want a game with drugs, violence, cybernetics, immoral acts, visceral dialogue, science fiction, haves and have-nots, artificial intelligence, intrigue, dystopian landscape, hacking, shady dealers, neon lights, dark alleys, etc.


    I don't want random packs of mobs standing around waiting to be killed. I don't want to be made to feel heroic. I don't want a vertical leveling progression. I don't want linear progression through the gameworld. I don't want it to be fair and balanced.


    I don't mind a risk of permadeath. I don't mind full or partial loot. I don't mind that there be areas where open PvP happens as long as there are safe areas as well. I like how EVE handles it by having the best resources in the most dangerous areas but people can still stay relatively safe in certain areas. I want the experience to be visceral. I want money and crafting to mean something. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor. I want it to be dangerous to do business - dangerous and lucrative.


    Basically, I want something that will never happen. For a few reasons. I'm not sure the market is there. And it would be a game designers worst nightmare. Perhaps someone will come up with something before I die. The next game I have my eye on is The Repopulation.

  • ChrisboxChrisbox Member UncommonPosts: 1,729
    Originally posted by colddog04

    I want a cyberpunk MMORPG. It could be Shadowrun or Deus Ex or just some new cyberpunk world. But if we are talking about setting/lore, I'd like to see something cyberpunk at some point. 


    I want a game with drugs, violence, cybernetics, immoral acts, visceral dialogue, science fiction, haves and have-nots, artificial intelligence, intrigue, dystopian landscape, hacking, shady dealers, neon lights, dark alleys, etc.


    I don't want random packs of mobs standing around waiting to be killed. I don't want to be made to feel heroic. I don't want a vertical leveling progression. I don't want linear progression through the gameworld. I don't want it to be fair and balanced.


    I don't mind a risk of permadeath. I don't mind full or partial loot. I don't mind that there be areas where open PvP happens as long as there are safe areas as well. I like how EVE handles it by having the best resources in the most dangerous areas but people can still stay relatively safe in certain areas. I want the experience to be visceral. I want money and crafting to mean something. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor. I want it to be dangerous to do business - dangerous and lucrative.


    Basically, I want something that will never happen. For a few reasons. I'm not sure the market is there. And it would be a game designers worst nightmare. Perhaps someone will come up with something before I die. The next game I have my eye on is The Repopulation.

    Easily one of the most interesting concepts I've heard of to date, and im keeping tabs on The Repopulation as well glad to see that the kickstarter was a huge success. 


  • SlothnChunkSlothnChunk Member UncommonPosts: 788


  • azmundaiazmundai Member UncommonPosts: 1,419


    LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
    I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already :)

  • BilboDogginsBilboDoggins Member Posts: 198


  • ozmonoozmono Member UncommonPosts: 1,211

    I remember the Elder Scrolls used to be a favourite of peoples in these types of threads. I guess we  won't be seeing that this time around or  than again maybe a disgruntled fan will want a "true" elder scrolls.


    As for my pick, there isn't any that comes straight to mind. My favourite IP is a song of ice and fire or game of thrones which has a few games now I suppose but they are making an MMO already  even though I'm unsure if it will interest me. My favourite games are strategy games most of which are historically based but I don't imagine the things I enjoy in the gameplay translating over to good gameplay in a MMO well. So it's difficult to pick not only because they are making MMOs out of some of my favourite IPs but also because it would  have to be done in a certain way to please me.


    After a little thought I think the game I can think of that I would most like to see faithfully ported over to a MMO version is mount and blade but that would mean capturing not only the combat but also some of the strategic open endness of the single player game and I don't see anyone pulling that off anytime soon.

  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722

    A Full blown Gears of War online. The gameplay would be like if PlanetSide 2 had a baby with Gears of War while cheating with MechWarrior online.

    Cogs Vs Locust Vs Lambent

  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,080

    How about some Sega new and old:

    Golden Axe - fantasy, real time combat

    Virtual On - who doesnt love giant robots

    Valkyria Chronicles - territory control based PvP

    Plenty more just from Sega but another time.

  • maplestonemaplestone Member UncommonPosts: 3,099

    I'm thinking through a lot of old games I liked, but it's hard to tell if the ideas would translate well to a massively multiplayer setting...

    Simcity: in a giant city that never sleeps, you're essentially controlling pieces of overlapping infrastructure on a giant city map, making deals with your neighbours to connect pieces of infrastructure, buying and selling lots, trying to grow your district.  (I'm just not sure what the gameplay would be once you've zoned your property and are waiting for the taxes to roll in ... manually micromanage city problems for bonus bucks?)

    XCOM: in a world awash with alien invasion and infiltration, the remaining population has been reduced to a collection of secret bunkers protecting the surviving population.  You play one of the last remaining free colonies, gathering survivors, building your giant underground complex of base modules, researching secrets and raiding for materials/information.  Communication with other players may lead to cooperation, shared technology and joint missions, or it may lead to alien spies telepathically infiltrating your base.

    Spelljammer: fantasypunk space travel, sailing the stars from world to world collecting resources, hauling cargo and battling shipfuls of pirartes.  Mix of traditional MMO gameplay with a well-armed, well-staffed mobile base. 

    Dungeonkeeper: make it an asymmetic minigame of another MMO where you play the boss, building, populating and defending the dungeons that parties of adventurers are quing up to invade.  Objective: wipe their raid.

    Lemmings/Packman/Frogger arcade pack: in a world where everything wants to squash you down, little critters swarm to find their way home.  You are one of those critters.  Eat fast.  Run fast.  Don't fall down.  You don't have to outrun the crocodile, you just have to outrun your friends.

    Minecraft/nethack combo: ok, not an MMO, but still something cool.

    Spore: I don't actually want to see *this* game as an MMO, but I'd like to see some of the ideas/infrastructure ripped off and assembled into a better game that actually harnessed those thousands of players playing simultaneously to evolve things rather than treating them like a thousand individual watchmakers.

    Might and Magic: a fantasy adventure of orcs and elves where the players slowly discover a technological basis of their fantasy wor- ... wait, scratch that, it's already been done.


  • BertilBertil Member UncommonPosts: 1

    I always thought that the old Soul Reaver Legacy of Kain series was a good choice for an MMO type of world, where players could go back and forth between Physical and Spiritual Realms. That series was ahead of it's time in a lot of ways. The game never really reached it's potential gameplay-wise, for me at least. I think it would make an excellent movie also. It already had one of the best voice acting casts in gaming history.

  • Chile267Chile267 Member UncommonPosts: 141
    Red Dead Redemption
  • ChrisboxChrisbox Member UncommonPosts: 1,729
    Originally posted by Bertil

    I always thought that the old Soul Reaver Legacy of Kain series was a good choice for an MMO type of world, where players could go back and forth between Physical and Spiritual Realms. That series was ahead of it's time in a lot of ways. The game never really reached it's potential gameplay-wise, for me at least. I think it would make an excellent movie also. It already had one of the best voice acting casts in gaming history.

    That was indeed an amazing series, I could totally see some inter realm teleportation going on, maybe make the spirit realm entirely pvp flagged? Would be pretty interesting. 


  • ChicagoCubChicagoCub Member UncommonPosts: 381

    I know it's not a game series but I'd like to see a Falling Skies MMO.

  • Skooma2Skooma2 Member UncommonPosts: 697

    Baldur's Gate


    Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.

  • rcubanorcubano Member Posts: 68
    Originally posted by Chile267
    Red Dead Redemption

    A western-themed MMO could be pretty awesome.

  • ThorbrandThorbrand Member Posts: 1,198

    They are currently making mine choice (Pathfinder Online).

  • BlasphimBlasphim Member UncommonPosts: 354
    Originally posted by BilboDoggins


    I like what yer thinking, although I would also add the war campaign to that list there.  

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042

    Saints Row


    Grand Theft Auto




    Mirrors Edge

  • ValuaValua Member Posts: 520

    Harry Potter or Pokemon.



  • ThemePorkThemePork Member Posts: 312

    Leisure Suit Larry !

  • Heinz130Heinz130 Member Posts: 227

    shadowrun mmorpg sandbox with teras combat system

    WoW 4ys,EVE 4ys,EU 4ys
    FH1942 best tanker for 4years
    Playing WWII OL for some years untill now
    many other for some months

  • Zeus.CMZeus.CM Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,788
  • GrixxittGrixxitt Member UncommonPosts: 545



    Although PS:Torment was a great game in its own right, it did a poor job of showing off the Planescape world(s). This would truly make for a great open world MMO as your options are quite literally, limitless.

    The above is my personal opinion. Anyone displaying a view contrary to my opinion is obviously WRONG and should STHU. (neener neener)

    -The MMO Forum Community

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