This is a MMO I would play no matter what. I think it would be best to have it take place just before the great battle. With Ashaman in the game and most of the Forsaken. Would also be cool if they had the portasls in the game that you could ask the 3 questions or ask for 3 things. I would love to be able to explore thoughs worlds. As well as the Way Stones taking you to different dimensions of the world where things are different. Where the 13 won the war and the Dark one is free and the world is twisted. So much you can do with this story. Wheel or Time could be a tripple A MMO if done by the right company.
Personally I consider the Wheel of TIme to be greatly overrated. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it or anything. I even managed to get Jordan to sign a couple of copies for me back in the 90's, but I just do not see it as living up to its hype.
When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.
Personally I consider the Wheel of TIme to be greatly overrated. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it or anything. I even managed to get Jordan to sign a couple of copies for me back in the 90's, but I just do not see it as living up to its hype.
Translated into 12 languages and over 44 million copies sold, how is that hype or overrated? This is one of the most beloves stories of all times. Not many stories have done this well.
Ah, gotcha. This thread led me to believe otherwise.
Actually, I recall reading a bunch of those books awhile back... Rand Al'Thor or something like that, no? Maybe that's a different series. My wife has most of them, maybe I'll crack 'em open again for some light reading. I do recall enjoying them. Of course, on topic, I'll have GW2 to "save the industry" for me.
It's the game mechanics are the one that should save the genre, not the story. You can drop the best story (or biggest IP) ever in a classic theme-park mold (SW:ToR comes to mind) and it might #FAIL big-time (again SW:ToR comes to mind).
The question in general should not be "Can WoT save the genre?", but "Can *enter mechanic system* save the genre?". Because I think if WoT will be done like any of the current settings has been done, it certainly won't make much of a difference.
Ah, gotcha. This thread led me to believe otherwise.
Actually, I recall reading a bunch of those books awhile back... Rand Al'Thor or something like that, no? Maybe that's a different series. My wife has most of them, maybe I'll crack 'em open again for some light reading. I do recall enjoying them. Of course, on topic, I'll have GW2 to "save the industry" for me.
Ya I have my copy of GW2 paid for and love the BWE that ANet has been giving us. As much as I love GW2 WoT would be an MMO I would go and explore even just for a short while to see all the sights from the books. EA's SWToR is talking about picking up the same model for payment as GW2 so I am sure with them owning this game they would do the same. Either way WoT is a world I would not miss exploring, unless the game was really bad.
Ah, gotcha. This thread led me to believe otherwise.
Actually, I recall reading a bunch of those books awhile back... Rand Al'Thor or something like that, no? Maybe that's a different series. My wife has most of them, maybe I'll crack 'em open again for some light reading. I do recall enjoying them. Of course, on topic, I'll have GW2 to "save the industry" for me.
Ya I have my copy of GW2 paid for and love the BWE that ANet has been giving us. As much as I love GW2 WoT would be an MMO I would go and explore even just for a short while to see all the sights from the books. EA's SWToR is talking about picking up the same model for payment as GW2 so I am sure with them owning this game they would do the same. Either way WoT is a world I would not miss exploring, unless the game was really bad.
You know... I'm not going to disagree with that. Another one that comes to mind... you ever read the Belgariad? Some fascinating schools of magic in there as well. May be difficult to translate into gameplay, but another interesting world with a ton of variety.
You are right OP it needs a fresh IP. WOT is NOT a fresh IP if its turned into a game. Its a current IP. Its needs an IP like EQ or Asherons call. Similar to high fantasy but with there own twists thats DEVELOPED FOR THE GAME not based off something else.
That said I think a WOT MMO would be fun if done right.
It's the game mechanics are the one that should save the genre, not the story. You can drop the best story (or biggest IP) ever in a classic theme-park mold (SW:ToR comes to mind) and it might #FAIL big-time (again SW:ToR comes to mind).
The question in general should not be "Can WoT save the genre?", but "Can *enter mechanic system* save the genre?". Because I think if WoT will be done like any of the current settings has been done, it certainly won't make much of a difference.
Dont dought the 44 million fans that back this story. This IP could bring a whole new batch of gamers to the MMO market.
"My ideal WoT MMO would combine aspects of multiple MMO's. The easy to use and customizable interface of WoW, combined with the PVP of AION, combined with economy system of Eve, combined with the class/story driven system of SWTOR. As well as scripting and voice acting every single quest like SWTOR.
Also the current MMO class archetypes would need to be changed. For example, giving the "warrior" the different blade-master forms would be a plus. Allowing the "mage" to use all the elements and heal, and let the player decide to focus on healing or dealing damage, possibly by choosing ajah. The "archer" able to use Two Rivers longbows or the new crossbows the Red Hand uses, but making the 2 weapons 2 completely different play-styles. A "Beastmaster" archetype would be similar to a wolf brother. The "thief" could go in several directions, but making them gain a blood pact with their dagger seems like it would work.
The taint on the male half wouldn't work at all in an MMO setting, but perhaps having male Aes Sedai start off in the black tower and slowly uncover its evilness as their opening story arch would work better.
Going back to the warrior class, you could also have them choose where they want to start out, such as Aes Sedai Warder in TV, or a soldier in Seanchen controlled Altara, or an Aiel in the waste.
It might also be clever if most of the world was instanced so you can go through the more epic battles, and see the changes in the world that occur due to Rand, Mat, Perrin, and the wonder girls.
Open World PVP would be easy to implement because of all the factions like the Seanchen, Dragonsworn, Borderlander etc. etc. the gameplay simply needs to be done well enough to support it.
EDIT: Considering the differences between male and female in the series, you could also have the male and female versions of the same class act in the same way as two distinct races do in other MMO's. For example, male Aes Sedai being better at dps while female Aes Sedai better at healing. Male Warriors (read Aiel) better at tanking while female warriors better at dps. Male rogues better at stealth while female rogues better at traps. You get the idea. "
A second post made:
"Ugh, now that I think about this seriously:
You could also have the female Aes Sedai class storyline diverge once they hit a certain lvl. She could start off as a basic wilder, but as part of choosing which talent tree to go into, she chooses which story to follow. For example, she could choose to go to the White Tower, which would be the healing tree, and follow the events of the WoT through the White Tower Storyline. She could choose to go to the Aiel Wise ones, which would be a fire and earth dps tree, and follow the story of the WoT from a Wise one's perspective. She could choose to go to the Windfinders, which would be the wind and thunder dps tree, and follow the WoT from the Sea Folk's perspective. She could choose to become a sul'dam, which would be the "magic pet user archetype" (aka summoner), and the talent tree would focus on levelling up her damane. It would also focus on the Seanchen perspective of the WoT.
These four storylines and talent trees would still have the character going to the same dungeons later on. Because like any MMO, after lvl 15-20 you enter the wide world and have multiple choices to choose from in terms of story and lvling up. Something similar could be done for the warrior, thief, and archer archetypes as well.
At the same time, having an EVE style economy would be awesome! That is to say, having tons and tons of market places to buy and sell goods from Falme to Tar Valon, to Tear, to Rhuidean, allowing players to buy and sell goods and make profit like a merchant. This would also imply that the traveling system isn't the standard "instantly teleport to any major hub in under 5 minutes" that has infected every fantasy MMO...
Also PVP could easily support instanced battle grounds such as Dumai's Wells (Aiel vs Aes Sedai), Battle at Cairhein (Aiel vs Red Hand), Battle at Falme (Whitecloaks vs Seanchen), etc. etc. World pvp could be as simple as being flagged for pvp or not."
I really don't think the Wheel of Time IP would, in-and-of-itself, be anything special for an MMO.
For one thing, it's really just another fantasy setting. I read the first 3 books, and enjoyed them, as they are well-written and I like fantasy. But the idea that it's all that different in terms of lore and setting just isn't correct.
For another thing, for a future MMO to be successful, it's all about the game mechanics having new, fresh, innovative systems. The world it's set in is important, but that comes second. This is especially true when the world is fantasy, and hence not different in any significant way from other MMOs. Sure, a WoT Channeller has it's gimmicky differences from a classic "wizard", in terms of where it's magic-source comes from and all that... but in gameplay, it'd be exactly the same as a wizard. You press a button, and a fireball shoots out your fingertips.
How could taking the WoT IP and butchering it into a linear Themepark MMO save the genre?
Cuz you know thats exactly what they would do
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT Playing: Skyrim Following: The Repopulation I want a Virtual World, not just a Game. ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
Umm I haven't read the series but I have a friend who does and I was told that Wheel of Time ALSO borrows from tolkien. Or am I mistaken? But yea I've been thinking the same for years. The standard tolkien fantasy setting is getting really stale...
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
Umm I haven't read the series but I have a friend who does and I was told that Wheel of Time ALSO borrows from tolkien. Or am I mistaken? But yea I've been thinking the same for years. The standard tolkien fantasy setting is getting really stale...
It does in a quite few ways, but it is rather secondary when compared to the elements it draws from Arthurian legends.
No IP will ever save the MMO industry. What really matters is the game its self.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
Im pretty disillusioned with MMOs. I doubt very much that the backer behind a Wheel of Time MMO would have any doubts about wanting WoW sized success and make a game they think would bring that in. That said, it wouldn't change the stagnation of the industry, nor would it be fun to play.
Turtles ftw!
I love snails. I love every kinda snail. I just want to hug them all, but I cant. Cant hug every snail.
1) The genre does not need "saving". It is a growing market. If you mean "i don't like the current MMOs and i want one that i like" ... well that is not "saving the industry".
2) A particular setting/lore is not going to be that important. Games are all about gameplay mechanics, and implementation. You can have a WOT with very well designed systems, and impeccable polish, or you can have a WOT with shitty half baked gameplay and bugs all over.
1) The genre does not need "saving". It is a growing market. If you mean "i don't like the current MMOs and i want one that i like" ... well that is not "saving the industry".
2) A particular setting/lore is not going to be that important. Games are all about gameplay mechanics, and implementation. You can have a WOT with very well designed systems, and impeccable polish, or you can have a WOT with shitty half baked gameplay and bugs all over.
The genre sucks. It is growing in a bad way. New MMORPGs are simple rehashes designed with as many addicting mechanics as possible to keep gamers slaving away at it to get their fish biscuit rewards.
A wheel of time MMORPG could save the genre if done correctly. I played WoTMUD back in the day and it was a lot of fun. Multi faction open world pvp, no damn battle grounds. Classes would be hidden. Male channelers would need to hide their powers. Trollocs that killed enough humans could eventually become a Fade but Fade's could only die a certain number of times. Lot's of great stuff, one of the better MUDs I played.
Are you a Pavlovian Fish Biscuit Addict? Get Help Now! I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
I would rather see a Mistborn MMORPG then anything based on them, though they are not brilliantly written either. At least the core ideas in them are worthy of adapting though.
No, maybe a fantasy series being translated to an MMO might, but not the Wheel of Time.
Wheel of Time isn't popular enough to save the MMO genre.
The only two I can think of revitalising this genre is Harry Potter or Pokemon, obviously they wouldn't be adult games, but they'd be so popular that the MMO genre would be forever changed.
1) The genre does not need "saving". It is a growing market. If you mean "i don't like the current MMOs and i want one that i like" ... well that is not "saving the industry".
2) A particular setting/lore is not going to be that important. Games are all about gameplay mechanics, and implementation. You can have a WOT with very well designed systems, and impeccable polish, or you can have a WOT with shitty half baked gameplay and bugs all over.
The genre sucks. It is growing in a bad way. New MMORPGs are simple rehashes designed with as many addicting mechanics as possible to keep gamers slaving away at it to get their fish biscuit rewards.
A wheel of time MMORPG could save the genre if done correctly. I played WoTMUD back in the day and it was a lot of fun. Multi faction open world pvp, no damn battle grounds. Classes would be hidden. Male channelers would need to hide their powers. Trollocs that killed enough humans could eventually become a Fade but Fade's could only die a certain number of times. Lot's of great stuff, one of the better MUDs I played.
I think games like GW2 is proving that the grind is not needed to keep people playing. I also think the industry is changing. Dynamic events being one of the more fun changes that replacing the old style quest system that WoW used to change the MMO market. Also The Secret World, SWToR and GW2 have shown that MMOs can also tell story and get people involved that way. If WoTMMO was to follow this trend and give a great combat system I think it could be a huge win and I think the MMO market is just getting started and this is coming from a fan who was here from the start when EQ1 launched 13 odd years ago.
This is a MMO I would play no matter what. I think it would be best to have it take place just before the great battle. With Ashaman in the game and most of the Forsaken. Would also be cool if they had the portasls in the game that you could ask the 3 questions or ask for 3 things. I would love to be able to explore thoughs worlds. As well as the Way Stones taking you to different dimensions of the world where things are different. Where the 13 won the war and the Dark one is free and the world is twisted. So much you can do with this story. Wheel or Time could be a tripple A MMO if done by the right company.
Not a very good poll.
Personally I consider the Wheel of TIme to be greatly overrated. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it or anything. I even managed to get Jordan to sign a couple of copies for me back in the 90's, but I just do not see it as living up to its hype.
When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.
Do they have necromancy in WoT?
Oderint, dum metuant.
No but there is some really twisted dark magic.
Ah, gotcha. This thread led me to believe otherwise.
Actually, I recall reading a bunch of those books awhile back... Rand Al'Thor or something like that, no? Maybe that's a different series. My wife has most of them, maybe I'll crack 'em open again for some light reading. I do recall enjoying them. Of course, on topic, I'll have GW2 to "save the industry" for me.
Oderint, dum metuant.
It's the game mechanics are the one that should save the genre, not the story. You can drop the best story (or biggest IP) ever in a classic theme-park mold (SW:ToR comes to mind) and it might #FAIL big-time (again SW:ToR comes to mind).
The question in general should not be "Can WoT save the genre?", but "Can *enter mechanic system* save the genre?". Because I think if WoT will be done like any of the current settings has been done, it certainly won't make much of a difference.
Ya I have my copy of GW2 paid for and love the BWE that ANet has been giving us. As much as I love GW2 WoT would be an MMO I would go and explore even just for a short while to see all the sights from the books. EA's SWToR is talking about picking up the same model for payment as GW2 so I am sure with them owning this game they would do the same. Either way WoT is a world I would not miss exploring, unless the game was really bad.
You know... I'm not going to disagree with that. Another one that comes to mind... you ever read the Belgariad? Some fascinating schools of magic in there as well. May be difficult to translate into gameplay, but another interesting world with a ton of variety.
Oderint, dum metuant.
You are right OP it needs a fresh IP. WOT is NOT a fresh IP if its turned into a game. Its a current IP. Its needs an IP like EQ or Asherons call. Similar to high fantasy but with there own twists thats DEVELOPED FOR THE GAME not based off something else.
That said I think a WOT MMO would be fun if done right.
Dont dought the 44 million fans that back this story. This IP could bring a whole new batch of gamers to the MMO market.
Taken from a post I made on another forum:
"My ideal WoT MMO would combine aspects of multiple MMO's. The easy to use and customizable interface of WoW, combined with the PVP of AION, combined with economy system of Eve, combined with the class/story driven system of SWTOR. As well as scripting and voice acting every single quest like SWTOR.
Also the current MMO class archetypes would need to be changed. For example, giving the "warrior" the different blade-master forms would be a plus. Allowing the "mage" to use all the elements and heal, and let the player decide to focus on healing or dealing damage, possibly by choosing ajah. The "archer" able to use Two Rivers longbows or the new crossbows the Red Hand uses, but making the 2 weapons 2 completely different play-styles. A "Beastmaster" archetype would be similar to a wolf brother. The "thief" could go in several directions, but making them gain a blood pact with their dagger seems like it would work.
The taint on the male half wouldn't work at all in an MMO setting, but perhaps having male Aes Sedai start off in the black tower and slowly uncover its evilness as their opening story arch would work better.
Going back to the warrior class, you could also have them choose where they want to start out, such as Aes Sedai Warder in TV, or a soldier in Seanchen controlled Altara, or an Aiel in the waste.
It might also be clever if most of the world was instanced so you can go through the more epic battles, and see the changes in the world that occur due to Rand, Mat, Perrin, and the wonder girls.
Open World PVP would be easy to implement because of all the factions like the Seanchen, Dragonsworn, Borderlander etc. etc. the gameplay simply needs to be done well enough to support it.
EDIT: Considering the differences between male and female in the series, you could also have the male and female versions of the same class act in the same way as two distinct races do in other MMO's. For example, male Aes Sedai being better at dps while female Aes Sedai better at healing. Male Warriors (read Aiel) better at tanking while female warriors better at dps. Male rogues better at stealth while female rogues better at traps. You get the idea. "
A second post made:
"Ugh, now that I think about this seriously:
You could also have the female Aes Sedai class storyline diverge once they hit a certain lvl. She could start off as a basic wilder, but as part of choosing which talent tree to go into, she chooses which story to follow. For example, she could choose to go to the White Tower, which would be the healing tree, and follow the events of the WoT through the White Tower Storyline. She could choose to go to the Aiel Wise ones, which would be a fire and earth dps tree, and follow the story of the WoT from a Wise one's perspective. She could choose to go to the Windfinders, which would be the wind and thunder dps tree, and follow the WoT from the Sea Folk's perspective. She could choose to become a sul'dam, which would be the "magic pet user archetype" (aka summoner), and the talent tree would focus on levelling up her damane. It would also focus on the Seanchen perspective of the WoT.
These four storylines and talent trees would still have the character going to the same dungeons later on. Because like any MMO, after lvl 15-20 you enter the wide world and have multiple choices to choose from in terms of story and lvling up. Something similar could be done for the warrior, thief, and archer archetypes as well.
At the same time, having an EVE style economy would be awesome! That is to say, having tons and tons of market places to buy and sell goods from Falme to Tar Valon, to Tear, to Rhuidean, allowing players to buy and sell goods and make profit like a merchant. This would also imply that the traveling system isn't the standard "instantly teleport to any major hub in under 5 minutes" that has infected every fantasy MMO...
Also PVP could easily support instanced battle grounds such as Dumai's Wells (Aiel vs Aes Sedai), Battle at Cairhein (Aiel vs Red Hand), Battle at Falme (Whitecloaks vs Seanchen), etc. etc. World pvp could be as simple as being flagged for pvp or not."
Walls of text are a good source of Vitamin A
Taru-Gallante-Blood elf-Elysean-Kelari-Crime Fighting-Imperial Agent
I really don't think the Wheel of Time IP would, in-and-of-itself, be anything special for an MMO.
For one thing, it's really just another fantasy setting. I read the first 3 books, and enjoyed them, as they are well-written and I like fantasy. But the idea that it's all that different in terms of lore and setting just isn't correct.
For another thing, for a future MMO to be successful, it's all about the game mechanics having new, fresh, innovative systems. The world it's set in is important, but that comes second. This is especially true when the world is fantasy, and hence not different in any significant way from other MMOs. Sure, a WoT Channeller has it's gimmicky differences from a classic "wizard", in terms of where it's magic-source comes from and all that... but in gameplay, it'd be exactly the same as a wizard. You press a button, and a fireball shoots out your fingertips.
How could taking the WoT IP and butchering it into a linear Themepark MMO save the genre?
Cuz you know thats exactly what they would do
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR
Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT
Playing: Skyrim
Following: The Repopulation
I want a Virtual World, not just a Game.
ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
Umm I haven't read the series but I have a friend who does and I was told that Wheel of Time ALSO borrows from tolkien. Or am I mistaken? But yea I've been thinking the same for years. The standard tolkien fantasy setting is getting really stale...
Dont care about such MMO
Hate Wheel of time and would rather play Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
The Wheel of Time is amazing.
Its sad that so few people here know how to read anymore.
As a game, no thanks. I don't think I could put up with the massess qqing about stuff that they don't know anything about.
It does in a quite few ways, but it is rather secondary when compared to the elements it draws from Arthurian legends.
No IP will ever save the MMO industry. What really matters is the game its self.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
Im pretty disillusioned with MMOs. I doubt very much that the backer behind a Wheel of Time MMO would have any doubts about wanting WoW sized success and make a game they think would bring that in. That said, it wouldn't change the stagnation of the industry, nor would it be fun to play.
Turtles ftw!
I love snails.
I love every kinda snail.
I just want to hug them all, but I cant.
Cant hug every snail.
1) The genre does not need "saving". It is a growing market. If you mean "i don't like the current MMOs and i want one that i like" ... well that is not "saving the industry".
2) A particular setting/lore is not going to be that important. Games are all about gameplay mechanics, and implementation. You can have a WOT with very well designed systems, and impeccable polish, or you can have a WOT with shitty half baked gameplay and bugs all over.
The genre sucks. It is growing in a bad way. New MMORPGs are simple rehashes designed with as many addicting mechanics as possible to keep gamers slaving away at it to get their fish biscuit rewards.
A wheel of time MMORPG could save the genre if done correctly. I played WoTMUD back in the day and it was a lot of fun. Multi faction open world pvp, no damn battle grounds. Classes would be hidden. Male channelers would need to hide their powers. Trollocs that killed enough humans could eventually become a Fade but Fade's could only die a certain number of times. Lot's of great stuff, one of the better MUDs I played.
Are you a Pavlovian Fish Biscuit Addict? Get Help Now!

I will play no more MMORPGs until somethign good comes out!
Those books are a rambling charmless mess...
I would rather see a Mistborn MMORPG then anything based on them, though they are not brilliantly written either. At least the core ideas in them are worthy of adapting though.
No, maybe a fantasy series being translated to an MMO might, but not the Wheel of Time.
Wheel of Time isn't popular enough to save the MMO genre.
The only two I can think of revitalising this genre is Harry Potter or Pokemon, obviously they wouldn't be adult games, but they'd be so popular that the MMO genre would be forever changed.
I think games like GW2 is proving that the grind is not needed to keep people playing. I also think the industry is changing. Dynamic events being one of the more fun changes that replacing the old style quest system that WoW used to change the MMO market. Also The Secret World, SWToR and GW2 have shown that MMOs can also tell story and get people involved that way. If WoTMMO was to follow this trend and give a great combat system I think it could be a huge win and I think the MMO market is just getting started and this is coming from a fan who was here from the start when EQ1 launched 13 odd years ago.