If someone has an extra I would love to try this game out. I am on an older laptop and before i buy a $60 game i want to try it and see how it runs first.
Hi. I order russian game version which starts in juny 7, someone can give me guest pass??? for playing now(want to see game on my eyes), PLEASE....mail: or by Personal Message(PM) here, thank you in advance!
I imagine that with 37 pages it will be hard to get a guest pass but if any person still has one and would like to share it with me then I would really appreciate it. I rather try the game before spending the full price on it, seeing as my economy is not at its best...
Loved D2. Would love to try D3 if anyone has a spare one :-)
If someone has an extra I would love to try this game out. I am on an older laptop and before i buy a $60 game i want to try it and see how it runs first.
I am looking for a guest pass for Diablo 3 for Europe. Thanks in advance
Please, please, please very much it is necessary.
[email protected]
I need a guest pass pls. EU pass if it's possible.
[email protected]
All three guest codes.. Enjoy guys..
Thanks! All used tho
Uhh... what?

Please give me guest pass!!!
[email protected]
icq 426076555
or pm
give me key plz
I will be grateful if someone share with me his Diablo III Guest Pass
One guest pass for European severs, please?
My email [email protected]
I could use a EU key too if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Still needing a US trial code. Can anyone help? PM me please.. I really appreciate it.
Nerd at heart.
I would like a code too please
Hey guys.Can someone PM me with Guest pass.Thanks in advance.
Anyone got a EU guest pass that doesn't mind sharing I would be grateful.
Send a guest key PM or mail please
[email protected]
I will be very grateful if somebody shares a guest pass with me [email protected] ! plz !
Please send a US Guest Pass please, I would appreciate it.
Looking forward to : Guild Wars 2
Retired: FFXI, Guildwars, EVE On-line, Tabula Rasa, WoW, Rift