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Impressed by the service, game isn't launched yet.

IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751

So my C.E. fell through.  It was incorrectly input so I ended up with a reg version sitting preordered.  Why would I want to wait at a store for a regular box?  I wouldn't.  C.E. wasn't a big loss but I was a wee bit upset.

So needless to say, I went hunting this evening and I figured what the hell, I'll buy from Blizz tonight, start the download and maybe I'd have it in the morning when I wake up.  (I'm not staying up til 3am to play, I have a job and a life)

So I type in my account info, dig out my WoW key (which was buried in a drawer with FFXIV and ToR), and punch in some passwords.  Download the launcher for 30Mb.  Ok... so far so good... start the patcher THE NIGHT of launch and see 8Gb.  Oi... that's a bit big.  But it appears set up similar to WoW with a basic download and a preferred download (thus being able to play while downloading).

Ok, awesome.  Get read to walk away.  Huh, after 10 minutes I'm chugging away at 2Mbps download.  Can't keep up... no way. Less than an hour later, I'm sitting at 100% and I'm READY to play.

If nothing else, Blizzard has managed something on a LAUNCH EVE that I would KILL for MMO's to be able to duplicate/replicate/emulate.  


  • SnoogemsSnoogems Member UncommonPosts: 99

    I agree they have the best downloader, especially with wows capability to download as you play. Im downloading diablo 3 at 3 mbs per second so im happy

  • spikers14spikers14 Member UncommonPosts: 531

    The download has been available for awhile now, so some of us have been prepared for weeks :)

    That's the way to do it in prep for launch day. I agree OP. GG Blizz.

  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751

    Yea, I get the weeks part.   But you KNOW there were probably quite a few last minute folks.  There always is.  And between everything else, 2 Mbps is a difficult pace to keep up especially for the entirity of an 8 Gb download.

    I don't typically have good things to say about some of these companies so when I FIND one, I feel like I have to shout it from the rooftops.

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