Ya I've played it. The setting is very refreshing. Imo it's as much fun as GW2 was this weekend.
I really hope this is true. Man do I hope. If TSW is as good as GW2, I'll have my two games for the next year at least!
Seriously doubt you played it if you made this statementSybnal. The game looks worse than anything sub out right now and all three factions start out the same.. same intro vid, (different second part), same tutorial and then same starting zone. The quests system is HORRIBLE, the quests tend to not tell you what you are supposed to do just that you need to run here, then run there.. they have a habit of updating with no rhyme or reason. You can only have max 3 quests at once, one of each, and usually you only have 2 and then while you are out doing one find a quest that you cannot do because you would have to drop the one you are on to do it. This game could have been amazing.. the idea of it is just crazy good.. execution.. not so much.
Honestly I don't think you gave GW2 enough of a shot if you thought it was like Rift which I also played. If you are looking for a new type MMO done well its either GW2 or waiting on maybe Archage but that is so iffy still. Good luck in your decision.
Have you actually played TSW? If yes then you're most welcome to discuss this game. If you haven't played then you are just another blind GW2 fanboi trolling other games. So which one are you?
Ya I've played it. The setting is very refreshing. Imo it's as much fun as GW2 was this weekend.
I really hope this is true. Man do I hope. If TSW is as good as GW2, I'll have my two games for the next year at least!
Seriously doubt you played it if you made this statementSybnal. The game looks worse than anything sub out right now and all three factions start out the same.. same intro vid, (different second part), same tutorial and then same starting zone. The quests system is HORRIBLE, the quests tend to not tell you what you are supposed to do just that you need to run here, then run there.. they have a habit of updating with no rhyme or reason. You can only have max 3 quests at once, one of each, and usually you only have 2 and then while you are out doing one find a quest that you cannot do because you would have to drop the one you are on to do it. This game could have been amazing.. the idea of it is just crazy good.. execution.. not so much.
Honestly I don't think you gave GW2 enough of a shot if you thought it was like Rift which I also played. If you are looking for a new type MMO done well its either GW2 or waiting on maybe Archage but that is so iffy still. Good luck in your decision.
On GW2 P2W:
A realy big turn off for GW2 is the ability to buy gold in the in game store. I was going to buy 4 copies of this game, but when it seems soooo P2W I had to remove it from my list.
Its just my preference but I don't like having an item in a cash store is = to in game gold (this would be the gems).
On Quset:
If you do not like the way the quest are done, that is a point of tast (on the 11th I will see if it is like every vid I have seen, I realy hope so).
It seems one of your issues is "quest are to hard" with out being told where to go and every steep it holding you hand, like WoW does now. Well if they are then great, I am not big on the over hand holding that I lot of games do now,
For some of us, only having 3 quest is a blessing. Most MMO's you have 20 to 50 and end up having to clean you quest log every 10 - 20 levels of some gray quest you never got around to and now don't need to do.
On GW2 Quest:
Do they do alot of hand holding?, is that why you think the quest are good there?
On Looks and Art:
Secret World (from the vids out) looks better then anything that is coming or is out right now, but that is art, wich is preference (to me GW2 looks like Aion, or any other korean grinder) .
On Faction:
Faction start is difrent enugh, there all human and they all have a difrent home city and faction unity is being built now with a facebook game so they will not need to build it then so much.
I do want to say to you ariboersma: "thank you for your input, you have realy made me look forward to Secret World even more then before and you realy help push me of the fince on GW2 (you will save me a good deal of cash),
so thank you "
well you are blind enough to think that GW2 is P2W so yea. I didn't say anything about hand holding.. I want a friggin objective to follow.. tell me at least a small portion of what I am trying to do. Or if I am to just explore make a reason why.. not just hey follow that arrow because we want you to. You obviously dont know much about GW2 so I am not even gonna go there but you dont know much about TSW and you want to play it. BTW on choice referring to my statement.. you do NOT have a choice.. the world is empty except where you have to go.. you are forced to follow a path that they do not tell you why ending in some chick going down on you. WHY IS THERE PORN IN THIS GAME?!?!? Its so friggin random. No matter what you faction you start out in the SAME apartment, same underwear because you were asleep.. then you have a different person come collect you and that part is different.. then you end up in your city again this is different but then you are back into the same exact tutorial as everyone and proceen onto the same starting area.
Blind, am I (when a person has no facts, they most often resort to personal attack, lol)
Ya I've played it. The setting is very refreshing. Imo it's as much fun as GW2 was this weekend.
I really hope this is true. Man do I hope. If TSW is as good as GW2, I'll have my two games for the next year at least!
Seriously doubt you played it if you made this statementSybnal. The game looks worse than anything sub out right now and all three factions start out the same.. same intro vid, (different second part), same tutorial and then same starting zone. The quests system is HORRIBLE, the quests tend to not tell you what you are supposed to do just that you need to run here, then run there.. they have a habit of updating with no rhyme or reason. You can only have max 3 quests at once, one of each, and usually you only have 2 and then while you are out doing one find a quest that you cannot do because you would have to drop the one you are on to do it. This game could have been amazing.. the idea of it is just crazy good.. execution.. not so much.
Honestly I don't think you gave GW2 enough of a shot if you thought it was like Rift which I also played. If you are looking for a new type MMO done well its either GW2 or waiting on maybe Archage but that is so iffy still. Good luck in your decision.
On GW2 P2W:
A realy big turn off for GW2 is the ability to buy gold in the in game store. I was going to buy 4 copies of this game, but when it seems soooo P2W I had to remove it from my list.
Its just my preference but I don't like having an item in a cash store is = to in game gold (this would be the gems).
On Quset:
If you do not like the way the quest are done, that is a point of tast (on the 11th I will see if it is like every vid I have seen, I realy hope so).
It seems one of your issues is "quest are to hard" with out being told where to go and every steep it holding you hand, like WoW does now. Well if they are then great, I am not big on the over hand holding that I lot of games do now,
For some of us, only having 3 quest is a blessing. Most MMO's you have 20 to 50 and end up having to clean you quest log every 10 - 20 levels of some gray quest you never got around to and now don't need to do.
On GW2 Quest:
Do they do alot of hand holding?, is that why you think the quest are good there?
On Looks and Art:
Secret World (from the vids out) looks better then anything that is coming or is out right now, but that is art, wich is preference (to me GW2 looks like Aion, or any other korean grinder) .
On Faction:
Faction start is difrent enugh, there all human and they all have a difrent home city and faction unity is being built now with a facebook game so they will not need to build it then so much.
I do want to say to you ariboersma: "thank you for your input, you have realy made me look forward to Secret World even more then before and you realy help push me of the fince on GW2 (you will save me a good deal of cash),
so thank you "
well you are blind enough to think that GW2 is P2W so yea. I didn't say anything about hand holding.. I want a friggin objective to follow.. tell me at least a small portion of what I am trying to do. Or if I am to just explore make a reason why.. not just hey follow that arrow because we want you to. You obviously dont know much about GW2 so I am not even gonna go there but you dont know much about TSW and you want to play it. BTW on choice referring to my statement.. you do NOT have a choice.. the world is empty except where you have to go.. you are forced to follow a path that they do not tell you why ending in some chick going down on you. WHY IS THERE PORN IN THIS GAME?!?!? Its so friggin random. No matter what you faction you start out in the SAME apartment, same underwear because you were asleep.. then you have a different person come collect you and that part is different.. then you end up in your city again this is different but then you are back into the same exact tutorial as everyone and proceen onto the same starting area.
You know why things keep going in th direction of TSW .vs. GW2? because GW2 trolls feel threatened by TSW's uniqueness.. I am sure GW2 will be a great game for a specific type of MMO gamer... same with TSW. lets hope both succeed and give the MMO genre some new ideas since ideas coming out (like TERA and shit like that) are stale and done 100000 times
Ya I've played it. The setting is very refreshing. Imo it's as much fun as GW2 was this weekend.
I really hope this is true. Man do I hope. If TSW is as good as GW2, I'll have my two games for the next year at least!
Seriously doubt you played it if you made this statementSybnal. The game looks worse than anything sub out right now and all three factions start out the same.. same intro vid, (different second part), same tutorial and then same starting zone. The quests system is HORRIBLE, the quests tend to not tell you what you are supposed to do just that you need to run here, then run there.. they have a habit of updating with no rhyme or reason. You can only have max 3 quests at once, one of each, and usually you only have 2 and then while you are out doing one find a quest that you cannot do because you would have to drop the one you are on to do it. This game could have been amazing.. the idea of it is just crazy good.. execution.. not so much.
Honestly I don't think you gave GW2 enough of a shot if you thought it was like Rift which I also played. If you are looking for a new type MMO done well its either GW2 or waiting on maybe Archage but that is so iffy still. Good luck in your decision.
On GW2 P2W:
A realy big turn off for GW2 is the ability to buy gold in the in game store. I was going to buy 4 copies of this game, but when it seems soooo P2W I had to remove it from my list.
Its just my preference but I don't like having an item in a cash store is = to in game gold (this would be the gems).
On Quset:
If you do not like the way the quest are done, that is a point of tast (on the 11th I will see if it is like every vid I have seen, I realy hope so).
It seems one of your issues is "quest are to hard" with out being told where to go and every steep it holding you hand, like WoW does now. Well if they are then great, I am not big on the over hand holding that I lot of games do now,
For some of us, only having 3 quest is a blessing. Most MMO's you have 20 to 50 and end up having to clean you quest log every 10 - 20 levels of some gray quest you never got around to and now don't need to do.
On GW2 Quest:
Do they do alot of hand holding?, is that why you think the quest are good there?
On Looks and Art:
Secret World (from the vids out) looks better then anything that is coming or is out right now, but that is art, wich is preference (to me GW2 looks like Aion, or any other korean grinder) .
On Faction:
Faction start is difrent enugh, there all human and they all have a difrent home city and faction unity is being built now with a facebook game so they will not need to build it then so much.
I do want to say to you ariboersma: "thank you for your input, you have realy made me look forward to Secret World even more then before and you realy help push me of the fince on GW2 (you will save me a good deal of cash),
so thank you "
well you are blind enough to think that GW2 is P2W so yea. I didn't say anything about hand holding.. I want a friggin objective to follow.. tell me at least a small portion of what I am trying to do. Or if I am to just explore make a reason why.. not just hey follow that arrow because we want you to. You obviously dont know much about GW2 so I am not even gonna go there but you dont know much about TSW and you want to play it. BTW on choice referring to my statement.. you do NOT have a choice.. the world is empty except where you have to go.. you are forced to follow a path that they do not tell you why ending in some chick going down on you. WHY IS THERE PORN IN THIS GAME?!?!? Its so friggin random. No matter what you faction you start out in the SAME apartment, same underwear because you were asleep.. then you have a different person come collect you and that part is different.. then you end up in your city again this is different but then you are back into the same exact tutorial as everyone and proceen onto the same starting area.
Blind, am I (when a person has no facts, they most often resort to personal attack, lol)
To explain, in GW2 you can buy gems from the CS store.
you can then sell them to other players for in game gold.
I have read that one may take untell level 25-35 to make Gold.
So a new player could use real money to buy Gold in the game.
Real Money = Gems = Ingame Gold
This is not an real issue for high level player, but a new player could start with a very nice sume.
ariboersma, why have you not risen to your feet, I barely touched you.
Your wound looks severe, go see the doctor, you are done with practice for today.
....and so Anet has taken the gold farmers market, away from them, giving the power to the new players, so by time the new players reach max level, the edge they had with gold, is moot and they are equal with everyone else. I like it.
Sounds like the only people losing are the gold farmers...lol.. cant say Im going to miss that spam in-game!
TSW is a great game and I'm so glad its not being hyped like AoC. It's a smart MMO. it doesnt hold your hand. It lets you choose what way you wanna go.... and get this... you have to THINK. Its for this reason it will not be popular. You can't just click and kill your way thru it. I CANT WAIT!
And this is not to knock GW2. I will play that too Also a great game and im sure will have a huge player base
Ya I've played it. The setting is very refreshing. Imo it's as much fun as GW2 was this weekend.
I really hope this is true. Man do I hope. If TSW is as good as GW2, I'll have my two games for the next year at least!
Seriously doubt you played it if you made this statementSybnal. The game looks worse than anything sub out right now and all three factions start out the same.. same intro vid, (different second part), same tutorial and then same starting zone. The quests system is HORRIBLE, the quests tend to not tell you what you are supposed to do just that you need to run here, then run there.. they have a habit of updating with no rhyme or reason. You can only have max 3 quests at once, one of each, and usually you only have 2 and then while you are out doing one find a quest that you cannot do because you would have to drop the one you are on to do it. This game could have been amazing.. the idea of it is just crazy good.. execution.. not so much.
Honestly I don't think you gave GW2 enough of a shot if you thought it was like Rift which I also played. If you are looking for a new type MMO done well its either GW2 or waiting on maybe Archage but that is so iffy still. Good luck in your decision.
On GW2 P2W:
A realy big turn off for GW2 is the ability to buy gold in the in game store. I was going to buy 4 copies of this game, but when it seems soooo P2W I had to remove it from my list.
Its just my preference but I don't like having an item in a cash store is = to in game gold (this would be the gems).
On Quset:
If you do not like the way the quest are done, that is a point of tast (on the 11th I will see if it is like every vid I have seen, I realy hope so).
It seems one of your issues is "quest are to hard" with out being told where to go and every steep it holding you hand, like WoW does now. Well if they are then great, I am not big on the over hand holding that I lot of games do now,
For some of us, only having 3 quest is a blessing. Most MMO's you have 20 to 50 and end up having to clean you quest log every 10 - 20 levels of some gray quest you never got around to and now don't need to do.
On GW2 Quest:
Do they do alot of hand holding?, is that why you think the quest are good there?
On Looks and Art:
Secret World (from the vids out) looks better then anything that is coming or is out right now, but that is art, wich is preference (to me GW2 looks like Aion, or any other korean grinder) .
On Faction:
Faction start is difrent enugh, there all human and they all have a difrent home city and faction unity is being built now with a facebook game so they will not need to build it then so much.
I do want to say to you ariboersma: "thank you for your input, you have realy made me look forward to Secret World even more then before and you realy help push me of the fince on GW2 (you will save me a good deal of cash),
so thank you "
well you are blind enough to think that GW2 is P2W so yea. I didn't say anything about hand holding.. I want a friggin objective to follow.. tell me at least a small portion of what I am trying to do. Or if I am to just explore make a reason why.. not just hey follow that arrow because we want you to. You obviously dont know much about GW2 so I am not even gonna go there but you dont know much about TSW and you want to play it. BTW on choice referring to my statement.. you do NOT have a choice.. the world is empty except where you have to go.. you are forced to follow a path that they do not tell you why ending in some chick going down on you. WHY IS THERE PORN IN THIS GAME?!?!? Its so friggin random. No matter what you faction you start out in the SAME apartment, same underwear because you were asleep.. then you have a different person come collect you and that part is different.. then you end up in your city again this is different but then you are back into the same exact tutorial as everyone and proceen onto the same starting area.
Blind, am I (when a person has no facts, they most often resort to personal attack, lol)
To explain, in GW2 you can buy gems from the CS store.
you can then sell them to other players for in game gold.
I have read that one may take untell level 25-35 to make Gold.
So a new player could use real money to buy Gold in the game.
Real Money = Gems = Ingame Gold
This is not an real issue for high level player, but a new player could start with a very nice sume.
ariboersma, why have you not risen to your feet, I barely touched you.
Your wound looks severe, go see the doctor, you are done with practice for today.
....and so Anet has taken the gold farmers market, away from them, giving the power to the new players, so by time the new players reach max level, the edge they had with gold, is moot and they are equal with everyone else. I like it.
Sounds like the only people losing are the gold farmers...lol.. cant say Im going to miss that spam in-game!
Do you realy thank that will change:
Gems are used for sieges, expect out side the pvp areas to hear: "GEMS for GOLD!!..I HAVE GEMS FOR GOLD!!!"
As I said, my issue is that I feel (and mind you, this is not to press your view of GW2, and it is just my issue) CS store should not sell items that then can be traded in game with others,
in essence, (to me) its as if they gave up the battle with the gold farmers and just made it legal.
In my view, thats like the cops saying that eveyone can now be a crooks, just becouse they gave up.
I view that as week, very, very weak.
Now once more, this is just my feelings on it, I would not want you to not enjoy GW2, becouse on my views (you don't see me in the GW2 forum bad mouthing GW2 to its fans like some of them have come over here to do to TSW, do you, you know how you are, oh you still have not risen to your feet ).
We'll see how much more you'll be able to hype this game if it ever enters open beta. Oh wait, it's approaching release and we've yet to hear hardly anything about an open beta.
No online game that requires a subscription fee and hence wants to optimize the number of subscriptions would want to launch without hype. No hype and a lifetime subscription sort of implies that it's expecting itself to flop, or maybe investors got savvy after Funcom screwed up their last two online projects.
Calling other people stupid won't help you sell your game. In fact, people like you barely do anything to sell it as it is. Do you think anybody is going to buy that elitism and go out and play it to make themselves feel smarter?
It's simply asinine.
People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
We'll see how much more you'll be able to hype this game if it ever enters open beta. Oh wait, it's approaching release and we've yet to hear hardly anything about an open beta.
Do you think anybody is going to buy that elitism and go out and play it to make themselves feel smarter?
No Open Beta, but anyone can get in with a pre-order and playing The Secret War. The betas won't have a NDA either.
So, we'll find out the real deal soon enough.
There's a lot of people whom are really interested in the intelligence level of the game and if it will really be challenging.
I do think that will keep it from being a massive hit, but perhaps it will keep a strong core of players and grow from there.
We'll see how much more you'll be able to hype this game if it ever enters open beta. Oh wait, it's approaching release and we've yet to hear hardly anything about an open beta.
No online game that requires a subscription fee and hence wants to optimize the number of subscriptions would want to launch without hype. No hype and a lifetime subscription sort of implies that it's expecting itself to flop, or maybe investors got savvy after Funcom screwed up their last two online projects.
Calling other people stupid won't help you sell your game. In fact, people like you barely do anything to sell it as it is. Do you think anybody is going to buy that elitism and go out and play it to make themselves feel smarter?
It's simply asinine.
People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs.
LOL you are sooo funny, we are in The Serret World forum, we are not hyping the game by talking about TSW here, that is what this forum is for,
Oh, you might not know there is a FREE Open Beta on the 11th.
Anyone can get in to it from playing "The Secret War" Facebook game, and it only takes 2-3 days of play to get in to the beta and cost NO MONEY to get in.
LOL you are sooo funny, we are in The Serret World forum, we are not hyping the game by talking about TSW here, that is what this forum is for,
Oh, you might not know there is a FREE Open Beta on the 11th.
Anyone can get in to it from playing "The Secret War" Facebook game, and it only takes 2-3 days of play to get in to the beta and cost NO MONEY to get in.
(you spend sooo much time here, I bet we will see you there)
Fixing you little tag line:
"People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs,
however people with PhDs do tend to prefer more intelligent/academic online games"
There FIX it for you, you seemed to forget to finish it.
That's not open. That's forcing you to do something to enter it. I don't use facebook, never have and never will. It's just a liability.
Can you provide evidence that people with PhDs "tend to prefer more intelligence/academic online games"?
People with PhDs play WoW, Doom 1-3 etc.
Personal preferences don't correlate with intelligence in any form, or maybe I should start calling people who don't like chocolate peanutbutter sundays retards.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
LOL you are sooo funny, we are in The Serret World forum, we are not hyping the game by talking about TSW here, that is what this forum is for,
Oh, you might not know there is a FREE Open Beta on the 11th.
Anyone can get in to it from playing "The Secret War" Facebook game, and it only takes 2-3 days of play to get in to the beta and cost NO MONEY to get in.
(you spend sooo much time here, I bet we will see you there)
Fixing you little tag line:
"People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs,
however people with PhDs do tend to prefer more intelligent/academic online games"
There FIX it for you, you seemed to forget to finish it.
That's not open. That's forcing you to do something to enter it. I don't use facebook, never have and never will. It's just a liability.
Can you provide evidence that people with PhDs "tend to prefer more intelligence/academic online games"?
People with PhDs play WoW, Doom 1-3 etc.
Personal preferences don't correlate with intelligence in any form, or maybe I should start calling people who don't like chocolate peanutbutter sundays retards.
1) Ahhh, I see, in your idea of "Open Beta" you do nothing for game entry, lol
So no game has ever hade an open beta, ever, in all of time.
I'm sorry but it is an open beta, your issue is that you done want to play, I will explain:
You are saying that it is not open beta becouse you play a FREE game to get in that would only take you 2-3 days (and thats not using your full day, about 2-15 hours) to get what you need to win (1200 points).
OK, on that same line of thinking, one could say that an open beta is not open due to having to install the program, or turn on your own computer, or even having to have access to a computer! lol.
Good try, but IMO thats a really weak rebuttal.
2) "Can you provide evidence"
For now I will provide the same as you have for your statment of:
"People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs"
With a little more:
Tha mind need to be entertained, this is why we dream when we sleep and why we play games as well.
The more intelligent and agile the mind is, the more advanced the entertainment must be, this is why a dog is happy with a stick and you play on this forum, I hope you understaned (but I do not thing you would ever admit it if you agreed).
3) Statments you have made:
"Personal preferences don't correlate with intelligence in any form, or maybe I should start calling people who don't like chocolate peanutbutter sundays retards."
"Since when has story ever meant anything related to intelligence? I guess people who played through SWToR should get PhDs then"
To paraphrase Shakespeare "The //\//\oo doth protest too much, methinks".
You have made statments that seem to sugest that you, or others might no think you are intelligent,
I beleve you are, or I would not be conversing with you, and you are more then intelligent enough to play any MMORPG that is, or is coming out.
1) Ahhh, I see, in your idea of "Open Beta" you do nothing for game entry, lol
So no game has ever hade an open beta, ever, in all of time.
I'm sorry but it is an open beta, your issue is that you done want to play, I will explain:
You are saying that it is not open beta becouse you play a FREE game to get in that would only take you 2-3 days (and thats not using your full day, about 2-15 hours) to get what you need to win (1200 points).
OK, on that same line of thinking, one could say that an open beta is not open due to having to install the program, or turn on your own computer, or even having to have access to a computer! lol.
Good try, but IMO thats a really weak rebuttal.
2) "Can you provide evidence"
For now I will provide the same as you have for your statment of:
"People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs"
With a little more:
Tha mind need to be entertained, this is why we dream when we sleep and why we play games as well.
The more intelligent and agile the mind is, the more advanced the entertainment must be, this is why a dog is happy with a stick and you play on this forum, I hope you understaned (but I do not thing you would ever admit it if you agreed).
3) Statments you have made:
"Personal preferences don't correlate with intelligence in any form, or maybe I should start calling people who don't like chocolate peanutbutter sundays retards."
"Since when has story ever meant anything related to intelligence? I guess people who played through SWToR should get PhDs then"
To paraphrase Shakespeare "The //\//\oo doth protest too much, methinks".
You have made statments that seem to sugest that you, or others might no think you are intelligent,
I beleve you are, or I would not be conversing with you, and you are more then intelligent enough to play any MMORPG that is, or is coming out.
Play the games you like, we will do the same.
1) Open beta => account creation at most required. 2-3 days of play, especially of a facebook game, is substantial given the opportunity costs for a lot of people. For some people that amounts to paying a small fee.
2) So you're agreeing with me and saying that the PhDs who do play WoW are entertained, because WoW is a complex form of entertainment? The implication is that TSWs complexity might only match that of WoWs.
Or are you saying that the PhDs/scientists who play WoW are stupid?
3) So you're insulting me personally now? You might want to improve your English skills before you do that, friend, or do you happen to hail from Norway with English not being your native language?
Just a hunch, yah know.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
1) Ahhh, I see, in your idea of "Open Beta" you do nothing for game entry, lol
So no game has ever hade an open beta, ever, in all of time.
I'm sorry but it is an open beta, your issue is that you done want to play, I will explain:
You are saying that it is not open beta becouse you play a FREE game to get in that would only take you 2-3 days (and thats not using your full day, about 2-15 hours) to get what you need to win (1200 points).
OK, on that same line of thinking, one could say that an open beta is not open due to having to install the program, or turn on your own computer, or even having to have access to a computer! lol.
Good try, but IMO thats a really weak rebuttal.
2) "Can you provide evidence"
For now I will provide the same as you have for your statment of:
"People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs"
With a little more:
Tha mind need to be entertained, this is why we dream when we sleep and why we play games as well.
The more intelligent and agile the mind is, the more advanced the entertainment must be, this is why a dog is happy with a stick and you play on this forum, I hope you understaned (but I do not thing you would ever admit it if you agreed).
3) Statments you have made:
"Personal preferences don't correlate with intelligence in any form, or maybe I should start calling people who don't like chocolate peanutbutter sundays retards."
"Since when has story ever meant anything related to intelligence? I guess people who played through SWToR should get PhDs then"
To paraphrase Shakespeare "The //\//\oo doth protest too much, methinks".
You have made statments that seem to sugest that you, or others might no think you are intelligent,
I beleve you are, or I would not be conversing with you, and you are more then intelligent enough to play any MMORPG that is, or is coming out.
Play the games you like, we will do the same.
1) Open beta => account creation at most required. 2-3 days of play, especially of a facebook game, is substantial given the opportunity costs for a lot of people. For some people that amounts to paying a small fee.
2) So you're agreeing with me and saying that the PhDs who do play WoW are entertained, because WoW is a complex form of entertainment? The implication is that TSWs complexity might only match that of WoWs.
Or are you saying that the PhDs/scientists who play WoW are stupid?
3) So you're insulting me personally now? You might want to improve your English skills before you do that, friend, or do you happen to hail from Norway with English not being your native language?
Just a hunch, yah know.
1) Lol, seeing how that is your personal definition, to each thier own, I do not see playing a game as a payment, but I do see how playing the FB game does inprove playing The Secret World. I am sorry if it is beyond you to see the value.
2) That is not what I stated, you will need to re-read it, I guss, (hint: it is NOT an "ether or" statment, you will understand it at sume point. Good try, keep at it
3) On "So you're insulting me personally now?":
So...saying: "I beleve you are (intelligent), or I would not be conversing with you, and you are more then intelligent enough to play any MMORPG that is, or is coming out." is a personal insult to you?
LOL, just an observation, your response seems (imo) to show a ring of truth to it. you never said that I was increct, yet you still seem to address it, as if it bothers you, once again just an observation.
On "improve your English skills":
The quotation "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III, scene II, where it is spoken by Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother. The phrase has come to mean that one can "insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying."[1] The phrase is often misquoted as "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."[2] and is commonly used in the second person as "Methinks thou dost protest too much."
If you are looking for a gamble TSW with the combined failsauce of funcom and EA will be your best bet, you should sweeten the pot and go for the $200 lifetime and i will see ya in the game in 2014 when it goes F2P!
If you are looking for a gamble TSW with the combined failsauce of funcom and EA will be your best bet, you should sweeten the pot and go for the $200 lifetime and i will see ya in the game in 2014 when it goes F2P!
Another one who doesn't know that EA is just distributing the boxes in NA.
Have you actually played TSW? If yes then you're most welcome to discuss this game. If you haven't played then you are just another blind GW2 fanboi trolling other games. So which one are you?
Never pay attention to the negative posters because that is the cool thing to do on MMORPG.
No the cool thing is to report them for trolling just because they have different opinions than you.
The #"¤½!%!"#¤! are so lazy they'll just rather %#"¤!" you instead of reading the thread.
Blind, am I (when a person has no facts, they most often resort to personal attack, lol)
Young ariboersma, your Google Fu is weak
I will show The 7 Fist of Google Fu
You may rise from the floor now, young one.
To explain, in GW2 you can buy gems from the CS store.
you can then sell them to other players for in game gold.
I have read that one may take untell level 25-35 to make Gold.
So a new player could use real money to buy Gold in the game.
Real Money = Gems = Ingame Gold
This is not an real issue for high level player, but a new player could start with a very nice sum.
ariboersma, why have you not risen to your feet, I barely touched you.
Your wound looks severe, go see the doctor, you are done with practice for today.
Well said, well said.
....and so Anet has taken the gold farmers market, away from them, giving the power to the new players, so by time the new players reach max level, the edge they had with gold, is moot and they are equal with everyone else. I like it.
Sounds like the only people losing are the gold farmers...lol.. cant say Im going to miss that spam in-game!
TSW is a great game and I'm so glad its not being hyped like AoC. It's a smart MMO. it doesnt hold your hand. It lets you choose what way you wanna go.... and get this... you have to THINK. Its for this reason it will not be popular. You can't just click and kill your way thru it. I CANT WAIT!
And this is not to knock GW2. I will play that too
Also a great game and im sure will have a huge player base
Do you realy thank that will change:
Gems are used for sieges, expect out side the pvp areas to hear: "GEMS for GOLD!!..I HAVE GEMS FOR GOLD!!!"
As I said, my issue is that I feel (and mind you, this is not to press your view of GW2, and it is just my issue) CS store should not sell items that then can be traded in game with others,
in essence, (to me) its as if they gave up the battle with the gold farmers and just made it legal.
In my view, thats like the cops saying that eveyone can now be a crooks, just becouse they gave up.
I view that as week, very, very weak.
Now once more, this is just my feelings on it, I would not want you to not enjoy GW2, becouse on my views (you don't see me in the GW2 forum bad mouthing GW2 to its fans like some of them have come over here to do to TSW, do you, you know how you are, oh you still have not risen to your feet
We'll see how much more you'll be able to hype this game if it ever enters open beta. Oh wait, it's approaching release and we've yet to hear hardly anything about an open beta.
No online game that requires a subscription fee and hence wants to optimize the number of subscriptions would want to launch without hype. No hype and a lifetime subscription sort of implies that it's expecting itself to flop, or maybe investors got savvy after Funcom screwed up their last two online projects.
Calling other people stupid won't help you sell your game. In fact, people like you barely do anything to sell it as it is. Do you think anybody is going to buy that elitism and go out and play it to make themselves feel smarter?
It's simply asinine.
People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
No Open Beta, but anyone can get in with a pre-order and playing The Secret War. The betas won't have a NDA either.
So, we'll find out the real deal soon enough.
There's a lot of people whom are really interested in the intelligence level of the game and if it will really be challenging.
I do think that will keep it from being a massive hit, but perhaps it will keep a strong core of players and grow from there.
Like EvE did.
LOL you are sooo funny, we are in The Serret World forum, we are not hyping the game by talking about TSW here, that is what this forum is for,
Oh, you might not know there is a FREE Open Beta on the 11th.
Anyone can get in to it from playing "The Secret War" Facebook game, and it only takes 2-3 days of play to get in to the beta and cost NO MONEY to get in.
See link:
(you spend sooo much time here, I bet we will see you there)
Fixing you little tag line:
"People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs,
however people with PhDs do tend to prefer more intelligent/academic online games"
There FIX it for you, you seemed to forget to finish it.
That's not open. That's forcing you to do something to enter it. I don't use facebook, never have and never will. It's just a liability.
Can you provide evidence that people with PhDs "tend to prefer more intelligence/academic online games"?
People with PhDs play WoW, Doom 1-3 etc.
Personal preferences don't correlate with intelligence in any form, or maybe I should start calling people who don't like chocolate peanutbutter sundays retards.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
1) Ahhh, I see, in your idea of "Open Beta" you do nothing for game entry, lol
So no game has ever hade an open beta, ever, in all of time.
I'm sorry but it is an open beta, your issue is that you done want to play, I will explain:
You are saying that it is not open beta becouse you play a FREE game to get in that would only take you 2-3 days (and thats not using your full day, about 2-15 hours) to get what you need to win (1200 points).
OK, on that same line of thinking, one could say that an open beta is not open due to having to install the program, or turn on your own computer, or even having to have access to a computer! lol.
Good try, but IMO thats a really weak rebuttal.
2) "Can you provide evidence"
For now I will provide the same as you have for your statment of:
"People don't play online games to be academics, they get PhDs"
With a little more:
Tha mind need to be entertained, this is why we dream when we sleep and why we play games as well.
The more intelligent and agile the mind is, the more advanced the entertainment must be, this is why a dog is happy with a stick and you play on this forum, I hope you understaned (but I do not thing you would ever admit it if you agreed).
3) Statments you have made:
"Personal preferences don't correlate with intelligence in any form, or maybe I should start calling people who don't like chocolate peanutbutter sundays retards."
"Since when has story ever meant anything related to intelligence? I guess people who played through SWToR should get PhDs then"
To paraphrase Shakespeare "The //\//\oo doth protest too much, methinks".
You have made statments that seem to sugest that you, or others might no think you are intelligent,
I beleve you are, or I would not be conversing with you, and you are more then intelligent enough to play any MMORPG that is, or is coming out.
Play the games you like, we will do the same.
1) Open beta => account creation at most required. 2-3 days of play, especially of a facebook game, is substantial given the opportunity costs for a lot of people. For some people that amounts to paying a small fee.
2) So you're agreeing with me and saying that the PhDs who do play WoW are entertained, because WoW is a complex form of entertainment? The implication is that TSWs complexity might only match that of WoWs.
Or are you saying that the PhDs/scientists who play WoW are stupid?
3) So you're insulting me personally now? You might want to improve your English skills before you do that, friend, or do you happen to hail from Norway with English not being your native language?
Just a hunch, yah know.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
1) Lol, seeing how that is your personal definition, to each thier own, I do not see playing a game as a payment, but I do see how playing the FB game does inprove playing The Secret World. I am sorry if it is beyond you to see the value.
2) That is not what I stated, you will need to re-read it, I guss, (hint: it is NOT an "ether or" statment, you will understand it at sume point. Good try, keep at it
3) On "So you're insulting me personally now?":
So...saying: "I beleve you are (intelligent), or I would not be conversing with you, and you are more then intelligent enough to play any MMORPG that is, or is coming out." is a personal insult to you?
LOL, just an observation, your response seems (imo) to show a ring of truth to it. you never said that I was increct, yet you still seem to address it, as if it bothers you, once again just an observation.
On "improve your English skills":
The quotation "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act III, scene II, where it is spoken by Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother. The phrase has come to mean that one can "insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying."[1] The phrase is often misquoted as "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."[2] and is commonly used in the second person as "Methinks thou dost protest too much."
I can only say to that, read the book, it is slow at points, but really good, once you get in to it.
On "hail from Norway":
I really expected more from you, I list that information in my profile here:
And yes that is a real picture of me, and the location is right. their you go
feel better.
Oh yeah? Well I'm a polar bear from Atlantis. You're not a native English speaker, not by any stretch of the imagination.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Hi //\//\oo,
On "You're not a native English speaker, not by any stretch of the imagination."
This should answer that (if you care to look at it, but if not, thats ok as well):
After this we should let the thread get back on track.
"Claw up to the Bears"
From one black man to another, how the hell did you get to Norway!?1
LOL, I know, right!
I appreciate the lengthy reply. What else is there to say? I'm bested, or at least my paranoia is.
Although it was recorded inside and.. no.. I suppose I'll restrain myself, until I look even more stupid.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I can vouch for where it was recorded. It was recorded in our computer room. That's my office chair behind him in the video.
Because he and I live together.
I am not from Norway. Nor am I a polar bear.
That's exactly what a Norwegian Polar Bear would say!!
No wait... 8)
If you are looking for a gamble TSW with the combined failsauce of funcom and EA will be your best bet, you should sweeten the pot and go for the $200 lifetime and i will see ya in the game in 2014 when it goes F2P!
Playing GW2..
Another one who doesn't know that EA is just distributing the boxes in NA.
Your efforts are good but your results are poor.