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I'll just jump in here to clarify a bit. Bag space in TSW will not be close to infinite. You start out with 50 and it can be upgraded for ingame currency to 200 (not through the item shop, but for money you receive for doing missions etc.). These numbers might change for launch. You also have bank space, but I don't remember on the fly the size of it. Keep in mind how the crafting system works. Every player can disassemble almost any item they don't need/want and build it back together as something they need/want. This is not a 1:1 process, so by doing this you are "spending" items. __________________ Martin Bruusgaard Lead Designer - The Secret World | |
Never thought that they'll sell bag space in CS but good to cross that issue through. Hope to see full CS in betas to be sure there won't be anything p2w.
Selling bag slots in the CS is not p2w. Or can you throw bag slots dealing 1000 dmg at your enemy?
no but its sure helps you carry more pots, more ammo, any other pot buff, and the advantage to not run to warehouse npc to clean the bag
I consider bag slots as "must have", so you can say it is pay2win for me...
It doesn't matter if it is p2w for you. Pay2win has a defintion and by default definitions are meant for everyone. If you don't like to pay for something like that, it still doesn't make it p2w. If ammunition is that rare and takes up most of your slot as potions can be used to win a fight, then there's only the game design to blame.
A place to put your stuff can be the most valuable resource in a game. It controls how far you can wander and when you have to go back. Thus it becomes as important as all your other gear,if not more. At least early on in most games. In a world where storage space is stingy,it rules your play style to a degree.
The sooner you fall behind the more time you have to catch up.
Well played Sir
It is for me. I am a total packrat.
Inventory management is a core mechanic in MMORPGs.
Having very little space and forced to destroy or drop stuff is annoying as you've earned the items you have.
This especially hit me in GW2 which has extremely low bag space and tons of items to mess around with.
Having bag space as an in-game thing shows signs that they aren't going crazy @$$ money grabbin mode for the CS.
Yeah, this is not surprising. Anarchy Online probably has the largest inventory available to any character in any MMO I've ever played. And it's immediately available from the start to free and paid accounts alike. It's never been an issue in that game, nor has it had any impact on the game's Cash Shop. I think games that intentionally limiting inventory space to a point where you cannot play the game without more unless it's paid for is a dirty trick and it is usually one that may not show up until you are well into the game. Perfect World was like this. They'd give you a quest that you could work in-game to increase your bank space, but it required so many items that you needed the bank space in order to complete the quest.
In this game where characters are expected to do heavy crafting, limiting the bag space would be an instant red flag to me. This is actually reassuring.
I agree with this. Still, I hope people can see the whole CS in betas, even if only to settle some fears. If there's a cool looking suit in CS, I'll probably buy it
GW2 has about the same bag space as all other MMOs out there. There are dedicated slots for crafting materials and minipets that can be accessed from anywhere. Well at least you can send stuff to your bank from anywhere in the world. I don't want to make this thread into another GW2 vs any MMO thread, though.
I don't think there can ever be enough bag space, regardless how much space you got. You don't have to carry all the stuff in the world and I bet you don't even have to, to be competitive. There won't ever be enough space unless it's infinite or unless someone can use it wisely. It's the same with money.
if P2W had a True definition for everyone, you wouldn't see thousand of posts arguing what is P2W.
Anything that makes me feel forced to buy, I consider P2W. It does not need to do damage...
Have to agree with this. There is NO commonly accepted definition that everyone agrees with.. it all boils down to what you are prepared to put up with and where YOU personally draw the line
For me aswell if I don't have enough space for my items I usually unsub from the game, whatever game it is.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Lack of bag space is a game-killer in every MMO or RPG I've ever played. I absolutely detest games that make me constantly finagle with my inventory. This is boring and frustrating as hell and makes me feel like I'm managing the stock room at a Wal-mart, not playing a game. Ideally, inventory should be unlimited but also easy to access with scroll bars on the side rather than mouse wheel scrolling as with many games, as well as different sections for different items. This is especially true with games that involve crafting and thus hundreds of items which you never know will be valuable or not until it comes time to use them.
Making you pay for slots in game is a bad idea. Just give people the inventory they need from the get-go and don't make it such a chore. Whether 200 slots is adequate or not remains to be seen. Inventory management was a nightmare in Age of Conan so I hope they won't repeat the same mistake here. All the same, it sounds better than some games and my desire to play GW 2 has largely been squelched by reports that the inventory system is inadequatre. I view this as a sign of a tone-deaf developer that isn't willing to listen to its customers. Hopefully Funcom has learned from its mistakes.
Don't go near Guild Wars 2 then.
This really inst a huge deal..
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
So buy your definition every pay to play game is pay to win as you are forced to pay a sub to play the game.
Yes Ash this is exactly what he is saying...
Pay to Win= buying monthy sub.
Exactly what he is saying.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Pay 2 win means that you need to pay for it in order to stay in direct competition with other players. Not pay 2 win is pay for convenience or aesthetics. Convenience items are things like increased bag space/inventory space. It doesn't matter if everyone agrees with something or not, you cannot always twist and turn things the way how you like it or it would remove objectivity and common ground as the base of discussions.
This is one of the reasons i hate f2p games. They create fustrations then sell (or rent) the solution. inventory and warehouse space is an easy target for this mechanic. It disgusts me to learn gw2 is b2p with an item mall, since buying bag space isnt a costume, deco pet, or account service (like xfers or name changes). Best part is in f2p games they give you a ton of item mall goodies that are only usefull later and need to be stored somewhere long term, making the situation wose.
Having more than enough bag space is vital, i dont like having to choose things to rid, especially if they can be used down the road or i know other people who may need them.
In fact, i found Anarchy Online to have one of the best storage systems, giving you tons of space with the ability to put bags with more space in, making sorting easy. It sounds like TSW will have the same, and the preview video where they explained crafting showed this.
I am also an MMORPG Hoarder. I had dozens of cheap apartments in EQ2 just to hold all the furniture I planned to 'use later'. I was always afraid I'd log in one day and find my charactor dead and buried under an avalanche of fireplaces, festive tables, and kegs.
I created guilds for each toon in WoW, just to hold all the herbs I planned to 'someday' use for my scribe or alchemist, or my ores or cloths and leathers. I used to fill all my bag space with pets, back in the day, as well.
I could barely vendor a 'grey' without worrying that it was somehow useful to one toon or the other.
36 inventory space, 102 bank. And each of them can contain container for 21. You might need to leave few slot free but still...
138 * 21 = 2 898
So max space for one toon is nearly 2900 items. To keep things usable leave it to 2700...
If it's anything near there I can live with it ;D
I think you can possibly gain a few more slots atleast 2 if you equíp the backpacks, then there is a item with even more slots, but it can't be used as backpack without bit of trickery. Also consider that backpacks are items and some of them very good ones... So yeah, a lot...