Welcome to Guild Wars! I love your name, by the way. We could use a vassal state of bunnies in our empire
In all seriousness though, you sound like a good fit for us. Check us out at www.thetoad.hit.to. We're a U.S. based guild who plays all aspects of the game mainly as a way to find and hang out with the most interesting people and put together a giant collection of AWESOME wherever we go.
If it sounds like something you'd like to be part of, you can contact us through the site, through our forums, or PM us in game at:
Welcome to Guild Wars! I love your name, by the way. We could use a vassal state of bunnies in our empire
In all seriousness though, you sound like a good fit for us. Check us out at www.thetoad.hit.to. We're a U.S. based guild who plays all aspects of the game mainly as a way to find and hang out with the most interesting people and put together a giant collection of AWESOME wherever we go.
If it sounds like something you'd like to be part of, you can contact us through the site, through our forums, or PM us in game at:
IGN: Vitaeum Romana
IGN: Subzero Ray
IGN: Dragonlord Marlax
IGN: Okono Orochi
Talk to you soon!
- Vit
The Toad - Leader (Ha!)
[email protected]