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I'm a long time rp'er whose played many different games of the decades, when it comes to realism, in my book, Cyberpunk stands alone. I have been looking for a mmorpg with that sort of "punk" spirit for a long time. I am hoping that FE will give me a taste of it. I have been disappointed thus far, in finding an online game with that feel. I like what little I see so far of FE
Any choomba here? Just curious.
"It's the little things in life." Tech Sgt Chen
Your options are:
Neocron - Now
Fallen Earth - Maybe this year?
Twilight War - Maybe 2006?
Face of Mankind is futuristic, but I don't think it's Cyberpunk.
I guess Anarchy Online is somewhat Cyberpunk as well, but I like the MMO/FPS blend - AO is too "Click and Wait" for me.
AO is the only thing right now that is sorta quality. NeoCron will just end up being a headache.
I too am waiting for Fallen Earth. Waiting for a game like this for a long time. I am just a little tired of the whole knights, n' wizards etc.
Current Games:
Me too........but on the last Fallen Earth trailer I saw there seemed to be rather alot of magic involved which has rather worried me.
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
A shadowrun MMO would be awesome.
SO awesome.

Don't hold your breath for a Shadowrun Online. MS has had the rights to an online version for 5 or so years now and hasn't done anything with it. Not even a whisper on the web about them actually doing something with Shadowrun though 8(
From screenshots and tidbits they've let out it seems most of (if not all) the world is put together, lighting effects are done, graphics for most things are done (probably working on some creatures and NPCs still), combat is semi-done (as seen in the one trailer), voice acting seems to be done....I don't know what they're still working on, but it should be good what ever it is.
Don't worry, the longer they take the less mistakes they make
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
Me too........but on the last Fallen Earth trailer I saw there seemed to be rather alot of magic involved which has rather worried me.
Maybe the explaination they would offer the players is that it is probably genetic alteration either of being intoduced from some kind of chemical or somehow gained it through adaption.
Sigonyth- may have servival feel, will have cyborgs, possible good. 2006 most likly
FallerEarth- As well may have survival fee, may be punkish, already said when come out maybe.
My favourite game is usuallly a game based after a major war and the character has to survive in the aftermath of it. I hope these games will have that survival feel to it.
I just recently read (and I'm sorry, I don't remember where, or I'd give ya the link) that MS Games Studio is working on a Shadowrun game. The bummer part is that it seems it's gonna be an FPS for the X-Box 360.
Don't have any more details than that, just keep yours eyes out for news. And, for the record, I hope I'm wrong, and that this is just internet rumor.
Hate to quote myself, but yaknowwhat? Fuckit.
Being a cyberpunk fan as well, I'm really looking forward to Fallen Earth, since it will have a relevant atmosphere. So far, the only game I've seen with real cyberpunk atmosphere was Neocron, but its tons of bugs (that exist for years) have kept me away from it. Anarchy Online does have some cyberpunkish elements and it's a decent game.
My dream is also a Shadowrun MMORPG. I absolutely love that game and, even though I'm not much into pen and paper RPGs anymore, I still buy sourcebook materials just to read.
Currently playing:
* City of Heroes: Deggial, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster. Server: Defiant.
* City of Villains: Snakeroot, Plant/Thorns Dominator. Server: Defiant.
Gahh , thats a total waste of the Shadowrun world. Why even bother with the Shadowrun tm if you are just going to do an fps?
Maybe it's just the first game they're doing, and if it does well, they'll develop the license into more games.
It could happen.
Because a well done FPS can give you far more atmosphere than almost any other type of game......................though the emphasis is on 'well done'.
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
sorry but thats retarded, i just got into mmo games, playing eve right now, and a shadowrun mmorpg would be insane, i would dedicate my life to it without question, but an FPS well thats just stupid
"Cyberpunk (a portmanteau of cybernetics and punk) is a subgenre of science fiction which focuses on computers or information technology, usually coupled with some degree of breakdown in social order. The plot of cyberpunk literature often revolves around the conflict between hackers, artificial intelligences, and megacorps, tending to be set within a near-future dystopian Earth, rather than the "outer space" locales prevalent at the time of cyberpunk's inception. Primary exponents of the field include William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, John Shirley and Rudy Rucker."
For more -
[quote]Originally posted by Dirk_Gently
]Because a well done FPS can give you far more atmosphere than almost any other type of game......................though the emphasis is on 'well done'.[/b][/quote]
Yeah but making a Shadowrun FPS when the whole system is very much RPG is just wrong. Wrong like dogs and cats getting along. Wrong like going to germany and ordering blatz beer. Wrong like going to a gentelmans club with a roll of pennies to spend. Its just that wrong.
I just can't see the draw for the name alone being that much when they make it an FPS when they could have just made a very similar game without spennding the money on the rights that they did.
Shadowrun had DMZ...could be good PvP for once in a "next gen
" MMO...
Skinny puppy sound track too...
I would buy a Shadowrun game in a heart beat.
Im an old Cyberpunk fan and I agree that there has been too few games in the MMO genre that have even come close to being Cyberpunkish. The overall ratio of Fantasy vs Sci-fi MMO games out there is staggering IMO. There have been too few good Sci-fi themed games developed.
Anarchy Online was sufficient for a time, but does not meet the high standards of todays online gamer.
SWG was fun at some point in the past but the grind was horrible and exausted me and others alike to the point that the game lost its apeall.
Neocron I did not play since a FPS/MMO hybrid is does not work for me.
Matrix Online had the graphics yet it failed to deliver a worthwhile gaming experience in the long run. Way too little content and as SOE has taken over the game hopefully they will add some expansions in the future wich will add alot more content and in the process not bury the game six feet under like alot of there escapades.
I too eagerly await the release of Fallen Earth, and perhaps I will get so lucky as to be accepted into the beta when it is due.... The look of the game gives me goose bumps and I get a nostaligic feeling back to the days of Fallout and Fallout 2 ahhhh the good ol days :P
P.S: Whats up with the newsletter did they suspend it or what?