How is it the majority of SW:G players don't understand that ALL MMO's start to die after they are launched?
Games gain and lose subs at all points regardless of Overwhelming changes or lack/plethroa of content or lack of expansions or the wrong color on the tip of the sparkle baton for the Dancers that got pushed back in Favour of Bug fixes for Jedi and BH.
SW:G was loosing subs in 2003 from lack of Content and no Jedi at launch. And in 2004 because stuff was bugged to all hades and the dev's were outright pandering to Jedi and BH.
SWLG was loosing subs because of Perma Death and how hard and Random the Jedi Hologrind was....1 prof unlock or 32 profs to unlock or somewhere in between....ugh..
Corpse runs made people quit and they barely lasted 5 months (if that, the memory is hazy after 5 shots of tequila).
People that were hard on, gears for life ready for JTL quit after the expansion hit because it wasn't a Rail Shooter...or the quit because it Was as unqiue as EvE space combat...and that you couldn't face roll through your specials to insta-win.
Or the stealth nerfs to professions that were actually showing they had a chance in PvP verses Jedi and BH and CM/TKM
I remember this very well. The game became focused on the jedi grind at the expense of everything else. People that bought the game to become smugglers or commandoes were SOL. I don't remember BH's getting much love. Ususally what would happen is the BH 's would figure out a template that could beat jedi, jedi would whine about getting beat and then the devs would nerf that part of the template that BHs used to be successful. That's why pistolleers,riflemen, TKM etc. got affected. The BH would usually just keep the one tree in their own profession(Investigation I think, it's been awhile) and mix n match skills from other professions.
How is it the majority of SW:G players don't understand that ALL MMO's start to die after they are launched?
Games gain and lose subs at all points regardless of Overwhelming changes or lack/plethroa of content or lack of expansions or the wrong color on the tip of the sparkle baton for the Dancers that got pushed back in Favour of Bug fixes for Jedi and BH.
WOW did not, it just grew. It started off small and then attracted people
Apart from that, what you say is true, but you did not notice the lack of players in SWG (or other MMOs) as much, even on Valcyn, as you do in SWTOR
SWTORs problem is that it has too many servers and they are all instanced like STO, probably to prevent crashing, but it keeps it from having that MMO feeling. STO has less players than SWTOR but you see more people around and you certainly do not feel like you are the only one playing, unless you want to get into an instanced mission and not have any one (automatically) join you.
No MMO has dropped in population as fast as SWTOR has. The second problem is that SWTOR is more of a single player game, and that once you hit max level you are virtually done with it, except create another character. It is like a single player game, and you can experience it with Mass Effect (an many other single player games) without paying a monthly fee
In SWG, one character was sufficient to play the entire game. The only time you needed more characters was when there were not enough other players around with a profession to supply you with stuff. There was plenty to do in SWG once hit max level.
No one can explain is the Exception to the norm.
EvE is another MMO that isn't having any Major Drops to its' subscriber base...for the most part.
And I agree that no other MMO has had the ground fall out from under it as fast as TOR has....and it proves what a lot of 2011/2010/2009 SW:G players predicted.
A WOW-ish Star Wars MMO isn't going to work for the long haul.
Star Wars is and will always be a Niche Market/Player Base. It can NEVER draw WOW or EVE Numbers.
SW:G is also proof that a Niche IP can not be 100% sucessful in drawing in the entire fan base if you don't Market it properly.
There are Millions of Huge Freeking Geeky Star Wars Fans......Go to any Sci Fi Convention for proof. Contact the 151st Detachment for more proof. Hell...a Large Percetage of the 151st in Chicago didn't even know about SW:G until 2010...and by then it was almost too late.
ToR is even more Niche Star Wars IP than SW:G was.
Take the FPS was great for the Consoles...but as we have seen...the MMO just can't seem to deliver enough to keep people @ 50 to stick around for the various issues that we have seen get posted here and in the ToR forum.
And it prooves your point as well.
There was always something to do in SW:G once you hit Master Profession level....
I grew up on Star Wars. Saw it as a little kid on the big screen when it first came out. I was mesmerized. It was like magic. To see this story dragged through all the crap it was in this MMO was a real shame I must say. I'm glad it's over. I feel relieved.
At the same time, for everyone still having fun (somehow) playing it when it closed, I'm sad they lost something they enjoyed. I hope that new adventures open up for them, and that whatever they play, they will have fun and be treated with dignity.
I grew up on Star Wars. Saw it as a little kid on the big screen when it first came out. I was mesmerized. It was like magic. To see this story dragged through all the crap it was in this MMO was a real shame I must say. I'm glad it's over. I feel relieved.
At the same time, for everyone still having fun (somehow) playing it when it closed, I'm sad they lost something they enjoyed. I hope that new adventures open up for them, and that whatever they play, they will have fun and be treated with dignity.
It is not over (story being dragged through crap) - It is now carrying on in SWTOR, Star Wars Kinect with dancing Han Solo and Lando etc
SWG had Death Troopers content. SWTOR has Rakghouls
At least in SWG you can kill Jawas, Ewoks, Gungans etc. In SWTOR you are friendly with Jawas, and Bounty Hunter gets one as a companion - Seriously?
The thing with MMOs is that they will always be out of canon. SWG was a fun place to be if you can keep an open mind, and not try to force it be faithful to Star Wars canon
SWTOR is so much like the Original Star Wars and copying its canon, and done so to attract more people to the game, which makes it more of a farce. The KOTOR games were more distanced from The Original Star Wars.
When I was a kid, me and brother used to play with the Star Wars toys and figures, against each other, and even used Action Men, Doctor Who and other stuff into the battles.
SOE introducing fairy wings did not mess the game up, but the people constantly wearing them when not needed. It is like RL marines wearing a Superman costume when posted to Iraq or wherever - It would not happen. People playing games are just less disciplined, but at the end of the day it is just a load of fun, and why SWTOR will never be played as much as SWG was, as it is too restrictive, and gets boring fast
The main problem with SWTOR is that it is a joke of a MMO. When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones. It is not an invisible wall, and you can explore part of it until you die, I am wondering if these areas may be expanded upon later. If not, then games like SWTOR should not be called MMOs and exist, and then causing SWG to get shut down.
When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones
That was the moment I hit the 'unsubscribe' button in SWTOR. Working through those blasted ugly restrictive city worlds with the goal of getting to Tatooine and exploring, only to find a different method of limiting my movement. It was too much for me to handle. At that moment, the game failed.
When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones
That was the moment I hit the 'unsubscribe' button in SWTOR. Working through those blasted ugly restrictive city worlds with the goal of getting to Tatooine and exploring, only to find a different method of limiting my movement. It was too much for me to handle. At that moment, the game failed.
I never encountered the 'exhaustion zones' during the free beta weekends in December....did they add that crap just before live or what?
That makes be even happier I didn't sub after my free month.
When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones
That was the moment I hit the 'unsubscribe' button in SWTOR. Working through those blasted ugly restrictive city worlds with the goal of getting to Tatooine and exploring, only to find a different method of limiting my movement. It was too much for me to handle. At that moment, the game failed.
I never encountered the 'exhaustion zones' during the free beta weekends in December....did they add that crap just before live or what?
That makes be even happier I didn't sub after my free month.
If memory serves, you needed to be lvl 25 or so to get to Tatooine, so I'm guessing not many got that far during the beta weekends. And even if they did, many would likely have not complained since the game wasn't technically live at the time (wish I got that far in the beta, would've saved me $70 and change).
When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones
That was the moment I hit the 'unsubscribe' button in SWTOR. Working through those blasted ugly restrictive city worlds with the goal of getting to Tatooine and exploring, only to find a different method of limiting my movement. It was too much for me to handle. At that moment, the game failed.
I never encountered the 'exhaustion zones' during the free beta weekends in December....did they add that crap just before live or what?
That makes be even happier I didn't sub after my free month.
If memory serves, you needed to be lvl 25 or so to get to Tatooine, so I'm guessing not many got that far during the beta weekends. And even if they did, many would likely have not complained since the game wasn't technically live at the time (wish I got that far in the beta, would've saved me $70 and change).
That was one of the great things about precu SWG, the exploration. I remember one of the first things I did was save up my coin and fly to Endor where I spent the day exploring and dying. The desert of Tatooine in TOR was prettier, but felt smaller and not as convincing. It was a let down.
The main problem with SWTOR is that it is a joke of a MMO. When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones. It is not an invisible wall, and you can explore part of it until you die, I am wondering if these areas may be expanded upon later. If not, then games like SWTOR should not be called MMOs and exist, and then causing SWG to get shut down.
So it's not allowed to be called an MMO, or even EXIST, because you can't go everywhere on the map? You couldn't go everywhere on the map in SWG, either. It had edges.
Seriously, your irrational TOR hate is the real joke.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
The main problem with SWTOR is that it is a joke of a MMO. When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones. It is not an invisible wall, and you can explore part of it until you die, I am wondering if these areas may be expanded upon later. If not, then games like SWTOR should not be called MMOs and exist, and then causing SWG to get shut down.
So it's not allowed to be called an MMO, or even EXIST, because you can't go everywhere on the map? You couldn't go everywhere on the map in SWG, either. It had edges.
Seriously, your irrational TOR hate is the real joke.
Joke or not, that quote is spot on.
I don't hate TOR, I played it for 2 months very well aware it's not like SWG. It was fun, and I had continued to play if it had been B2P. As a mmo it's a waste of time and money; reason for that are to be found all over the net, not going to rant about that here.
The main problem with SWTOR is that it is a joke of a MMO. When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones. It is not an invisible wall, and you can explore part of it until you die, I am wondering if these areas may be expanded upon later. If not, then games like SWTOR should not be called MMOs and exist, and then causing SWG to get shut down.
So it's not allowed to be called an MMO, or even EXIST, because you can't go everywhere on the map? You couldn't go everywhere on the map in SWG, either. It had edges.
Seriously, your irrational TOR hate is the real joke.
No kidding. We aren't even in the TOR forum and he can't even discuss the subject without linking TOR. Of course the main subject was a slap at his beloved NGE and in his world, SOE cares about its players.
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
Under normal circumstances I'd agree with you. However we ARE talking about a game whose company screwed their most loyal fans over pretty bad in a very public way. Can't say I blame fans of the old game for feeling the way they do.
The main problem with SWTOR is that it is a joke of a MMO. When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones. It is not an invisible wall, and you can explore part of it until you die, I am wondering if these areas may be expanded upon later. If not, then games like SWTOR should not be called MMOs and exist, and then causing SWG to get shut down.
So it's not allowed to be called an MMO, or even EXIST, because you can't go everywhere on the map? You couldn't go everywhere on the map in SWG, either. It had edges.
Seriously, your irrational TOR hate is the real joke.
There were edges in SWG but right at the edges of the far map. If SWG was as restrictive as SWTOR then there would be no room for structures and player cities. In all MMOs you can explore outside the cities, even Everquest Online Adventures you had areas you could go and explore. Mustafar and Kasshyyk were restrictive too, compared to the original planets, and these are what you get in SWTOR in full force
Also I do not hate TOR, just stating the truth and fact. I said that it could possibly be opened up later in or do you just like it being restrictive and stupid? SWTOR is a great single player game with multiplayer option, but is a joke of a MMO
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
Why shouldnt he? Several of the ones lamenting SWGs loss are the same folks that are determined to hijack the TOR forums with non stop bitching. Some were the folks we were forced to listen to since the NGE hit, with the constant proclamations of "in 3 months my friends moms sisters brother with a kick stand says SWg is shutting down".
There are "good" SWg vets. It is a shame the bad ones have built up negative vibes for the group as a whole.
I actually would of said the best thing about SWg closing is that now folks can get past the NGE change, but I think we are going to be forced to hear about SWG for a long time to come.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Originally posted by Nadia Originally posted by Theiskareot It is about damn time... (SWG shut down)
if a mmo has an active fanbase,
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
Why shouldnt he? Several of the ones lamenting SWGs loss are the same folks that are determined to hijack the TOR forums with non stop bitching. Some were the folks we were forced to listen to since the NGE hit, with the constant proclamations of "in 3 months my friends moms sisters brother with a kick stand says SWg is shutting down".
There are "good" SWg vets. It is a shame the bad ones have built up negative vibes for the group as a whole.
I actually would of said the best thing about SWg closing is that now folks can get past the NGE change, but I think we are going to be forced to hear about SWG for a long time to come.
Man no kidding. It's been non stop over there since 2010, long before the anouncement of SWG closing. With some of them,and im sure you know who im talking about, if you mention the games faults then you are a SWG HATER. It doesnt matter if you actually enjoyed it at one time, you have to agree the game was great and should never have shutdown. Only those with a slobbering love affair with galaxies are allowed to be fans.
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
Why shouldnt he? Several of the ones lamenting SWGs loss are the same folks that are determined to hijack the TOR forums with non stop bitching. Some were the folks we were forced to listen to since the NGE hit, with the constant proclamations of "in 3 months my friends moms sisters brother with a kick stand says SWg is shutting down".
There are "good" SWg vets. It is a shame the bad ones have built up negative vibes for the group as a whole.
I actually would of said the best thing about SWg closing is that now folks can get past the NGE change, but I think we are going to be forced to hear about SWG for a long time to come.
I never bothered with these forums much until SWG closed, and kept myself to the official SWG forums, as there was too many people here bashing SWG, so if you do like SWTOR I do sympathise with you.
However, looking at the official SWTOR forums, there seems to be more negatitivity towards SWTOR than there was on the SWG forums, although that was in the final years, when most people were ones actually enjoying the game. People who made year subs in Oct 2005 or whatever, stayed and bashed the game while they were active or not banned.
So, hopefully in a years time, SWTOR forums will be left with people who are liking the game, but if you have maxed your character(s) by then, you yourself may not even be playing yourself to enjoy it.
It is not just ex SWG people hijacking TOR forums, it is plenty more ex-SWTOR players who have maxed their characters and "finished" the game, and have moved on. This is acceptable for a single player game, but not for a P2P MMO with a life expectancy of 10 years.
If you really want SWG to fade away in discussions, then I would recommend you try and discipline yourself and ignore posts that involve SWG. Any posts/threads I see with SWG mentioned in them, there is a high chnace I will respond to it, and discuss SWG further.
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
Why shouldnt he? Several of the ones lamenting SWGs loss are the same folks that are determined to hijack the TOR forums with non stop bitching. Some were the folks we were forced to listen to since the NGE hit, with the constant proclamations of "in 3 months my friends moms sisters brother with a kick stand says SWg is shutting down".
There are "good" SWg vets. It is a shame the bad ones have built up negative vibes for the group as a whole.
I actually would of said the best thing about SWg closing is that now folks can get past the NGE change, but I think we are going to be forced to hear about SWG for a long time to come.
I never bothered with these forums much until SWG closed, and kept myself to the official SWG forums, as there was too many people here bashing SWG, so if you do like SWTOR I do sympathise with you.
However, looking at the official SWTOR forums, there seems to be more negatitivity towards SWTOR than there was on the SWG forums, although that was in the final years, when most people were ones actually enjoying the game. People who made year subs in Oct 2005 or whatever, stayed and bashed the game while they were active or not banned.
So, hopefully in a years time, SWTOR forums will be left with people who are liking the game, but if you have maxed your character(s) by then, you yourself may not even be playing yourself to enjoy it.
It is not just ex SWG people hijacking TOR forums, it is plenty more ex-SWTOR players who have maxed their characters and "finished" the game, and have moved on. This is acceptable for a single player game, but not for a P2P MMO with a life expectancy of 10 years.
If you really want SWG to fade away in discussions, then I would recommend you try and discipline yourself and ignore posts that involve SWG. Any posts/threads I see with SWG mentioned in them, there is a high chnace I will respond to it, and discuss SWG further.
That would be easy if you guys quit spamming the TOR forums with SWG discussion. It isnt like it is a new thing, SWG discussion has been going on there since the forum opened.
And other than a few GW2 fans/randoms, it is the same 20 or 30 SWG fans that wont let go. Hell, all ya have to do is go thru a few pages to see the names that consistently pop up.
Anyways that is neither here nor there. I had my say on this topic.....was merely responding to your comments on my post.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
Why shouldnt he? Several of the ones lamenting SWGs loss are the same folks that are determined to hijack the TOR forums with non stop bitching. Some were the folks we were forced to listen to since the NGE hit, with the constant proclamations of "in 3 months my friends moms sisters brother with a kick stand says SWg is shutting down".
There are "good" SWg vets. It is a shame the bad ones have built up negative vibes for the group as a whole.
I actually would of said the best thing about SWg closing is that now folks can get past the NGE change, but I think we are going to be forced to hear about SWG for a long time to come.
I never bothered with these forums much until SWG closed, and kept myself to the official SWG forums, as there was too many people here bashing SWG, so if you do like SWTOR I do sympathise with you.
However, looking at the official SWTOR forums, there seems to be more negatitivity towards SWTOR than there was on the SWG forums, although that was in the final years, when most people were ones actually enjoying the game. People who made year subs in Oct 2005 or whatever, stayed and bashed the game while they were active or not banned.
So, hopefully in a years time, SWTOR forums will be left with people who are liking the game, but if you have maxed your character(s) by then, you yourself may not even be playing yourself to enjoy it.
It is not just ex SWG people hijacking TOR forums, it is plenty more ex-SWTOR players who have maxed their characters and "finished" the game, and have moved on. This is acceptable for a single player game, but not for a P2P MMO with a life expectancy of 10 years.
If you really want SWG to fade away in discussions, then I would recommend you try and discipline yourself and ignore posts that involve SWG. Any posts/threads I see with SWG mentioned in them, there is a high chnace I will respond to it, and discuss SWG further.
That would be easy if you guys quit spamming the TOR forums with SWG discussion. It isnt like it is a new thing, SWG discussion has been going on there since the forum opened.
And other than a few GW2 fans/randoms, it is the same 20 or 30 SWG fans that wont let go. Hell, all ya have to do is go thru a few pages to see the names that consistently pop up.
Anyways that is neither here nor there. I had my say on this topic.....was merely responding to your comments on my post.
It is a bit of a snoball affect. My posts today on SWG in the SWTOR forums were only made because of your comments on SWG. If you had not posted anything about SWG I would not have posted anything about SWG and you would not have read anything about SWG from me today
The shutting down of SWG has immortilised SWG. If SWG was still active and people did not like SWTOR and so then went to play SWG, they then might decide that SWG was just as crap or crapper than SWTOR after all, and either go back to SWTOR or just move on and not post things like "SWTOR is crap, and wish SWG would come back"
SWG shutting down, seems to have done more damage to SWTOR, and from my perspective SWG would be the better of the two, and SWG would have rose again, after people played SWTOR, but in reality once people actually played the two side by side, SWTOR may have won out.
If SWTOR was a roaring success, then SWG would have become a faded memory. SWTOR is a great a game, but does not last very long, and most people spend more than a few hours a month on a MMO.
SWG will always get a mention, as it is the SW MMO predecssor to SWTOR, and comparisons will be made, and with it being shut down, gets more nentions. If SWG was still active I would be playing and enjoying that, and ignoring the SWTOR forums, but as I have an interest in Star Wars and LA has made SWTOR the replacement for SWG (they just view SWG and SWTOR as MMOs but in reality each game has its own negatives and positves and diferences), then I want SWTOR to be my next game to spend another 10,000 hours in, and so I take a keen interst in it, and as it is not up to SWGs standard by a longshot, then I will keep posting to say what was good about SWG and what kept me playing in the hopes that SWTOR devs will read it, and add the stuff or something similar to SWTOR. I am sure they will do whatevr necessary to get more subs.
If SWG was shutting down today, and been running alongside SWTOR, instead of just before SWTOR launched, I would have viewed SWTOR as a different game, and not a replacement, and would not try and change it to be a different game, to be lke SWG. I do not post on STO forums and try and make it into SWG, because SWG was not shut down for STO. Even on STO forums people mention SWG
The main thing you are not factoring in, is that a lot of people have maxed out their characters in SWTOR, and do not have anything else to do, unlike SWG. If you end up maxing chars in SWTOR and still like SWTOR then I will respect that, and accepyt your comments, but while you have not maxed any characters in SWTOR and play very only briefly, your constant bashing of SWG and praising of SWTOR is annoying. You seem to be singling out and attacking anybody who mentions SWG, in the slightest, and any other game that gets mentioned does not get you so wriled up.
Basically, I am not going to stop posting about SWG, as long as it is relevant, as if it is not it will most likely get deleted and/or get into trouble with the mods, and if it does not get deleted then it is not spam.
I remember this very well. The game became focused on the jedi grind at the expense of everything else. People that bought the game to become smugglers or commandoes were SOL. I don't remember BH's getting much love. Ususally what would happen is the BH 's would figure out a template that could beat jedi, jedi would whine about getting beat and then the devs would nerf that part of the template that BHs used to be successful. That's why pistolleers,riflemen, TKM etc. got affected. The BH would usually just keep the one tree in their own profession(Investigation I think, it's been awhile) and mix n match skills from other professions.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
No one can explain is the Exception to the norm.
EvE is another MMO that isn't having any Major Drops to its' subscriber base...for the most part.
And I agree that no other MMO has had the ground fall out from under it as fast as TOR has....and it proves what a lot of 2011/2010/2009 SW:G players predicted.
A WOW-ish Star Wars MMO isn't going to work for the long haul.
Star Wars is and will always be a Niche Market/Player Base. It can NEVER draw WOW or EVE Numbers.
SW:G is also proof that a Niche IP can not be 100% sucessful in drawing in the entire fan base if you don't Market it properly.
There are Millions of Huge Freeking Geeky Star Wars Fans......Go to any Sci Fi Convention for proof. Contact the 151st Detachment for more proof. Hell...a Large Percetage of the 151st in Chicago didn't even know about SW:G until 2010...and by then it was almost too late.
ToR is even more Niche Star Wars IP than SW:G was.
Take the FPS was great for the Consoles...but as we have seen...the MMO just can't seem to deliver enough to keep people @ 50 to stick around for the various issues that we have seen get posted here and in the ToR forum.
And it prooves your point as well.
There was always something to do in SW:G once you hit Master Profession level....
It took effort to be bored in SWG.
MMO History: 2528 days in SW:G

I grew up on Star Wars. Saw it as a little kid on the big screen when it first came out. I was mesmerized. It was like magic. To see this story dragged through all the crap it was in this MMO was a real shame I must say. I'm glad it's over. I feel relieved.
At the same time, for everyone still having fun (somehow) playing it when it closed, I'm sad they lost something they enjoyed. I hope that new adventures open up for them, and that whatever they play, they will have fun and be treated with dignity.
It is not over (story being dragged through crap) - It is now carrying on in SWTOR, Star Wars Kinect with dancing Han Solo and Lando etc
SWG had Death Troopers content. SWTOR has Rakghouls
At least in SWG you can kill Jawas, Ewoks, Gungans etc. In SWTOR you are friendly with Jawas, and Bounty Hunter gets one as a companion - Seriously?
The thing with MMOs is that they will always be out of canon. SWG was a fun place to be if you can keep an open mind, and not try to force it be faithful to Star Wars canon
SWTOR is so much like the Original Star Wars and copying its canon, and done so to attract more people to the game, which makes it more of a farce. The KOTOR games were more distanced from The Original Star Wars.
When I was a kid, me and brother used to play with the Star Wars toys and figures, against each other, and even used Action Men, Doctor Who and other stuff into the battles.
SOE introducing fairy wings did not mess the game up, but the people constantly wearing them when not needed. It is like RL marines wearing a Superman costume when posted to Iraq or wherever - It would not happen. People playing games are just less disciplined, but at the end of the day it is just a load of fun, and why SWTOR will never be played as much as SWG was, as it is too restrictive, and gets boring fast
The main problem with SWTOR is that it is a joke of a MMO. When I entered Anchorhead Tatooine, I was thinking "now we're talking", but then when going to explore outside and see what creatures roamed the sands, I could not due to exhaustion zones. It is not an invisible wall, and you can explore part of it until you die, I am wondering if these areas may be expanded upon later. If not, then games like SWTOR should not be called MMOs and exist, and then causing SWG to get shut down.
Star Trek Online - Best Free MMORPG of 2012
That was the moment I hit the 'unsubscribe' button in SWTOR. Working through those blasted ugly restrictive city worlds with the goal of getting to Tatooine and exploring, only to find a different method of limiting my movement. It was too much for me to handle. At that moment, the game failed.
I never encountered the 'exhaustion zones' during the free beta weekends in December....did they add that crap just before live or what?
That makes be even happier I didn't sub after my free month.
MMO History: 2528 days in SW:G

If memory serves, you needed to be lvl 25 or so to get to Tatooine, so I'm guessing not many got that far during the beta weekends. And even if they did, many would likely have not complained since the game wasn't technically live at the time (wish I got that far in the beta, would've saved me $70 and change).
That was one of the great things about precu SWG, the exploration. I remember one of the first things I did was save up my coin and fly to Endor where I spent the day exploring and dying. The desert of Tatooine in TOR was prettier, but felt smaller and not as convincing. It was a let down.
So it's not allowed to be called an MMO, or even EXIST, because you can't go everywhere on the map? You couldn't go everywhere on the map in SWG, either. It had edges.
Seriously, your irrational TOR hate is the real joke.
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Joke or not, that quote is spot on.
I don't hate TOR, I played it for 2 months very well aware it's not like SWG. It was fun, and I had continued to play if it had been B2P. As a mmo it's a waste of time and money; reason for that are to be found all over the net, not going to rant about that here.
No kidding. We aren't even in the TOR forum and he can't even discuss the subject without linking TOR. Of course the main subject was a slap at his beloved NGE and in his world, SOE cares about its players.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
if a mmo has an active fanbase,
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
EQ2 fan sites
Under normal circumstances I'd agree with you. However we ARE talking about a game whose company screwed their most loyal fans over pretty bad in a very public way. Can't say I blame fans of the old game for feeling the way they do.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
There were edges in SWG but right at the edges of the far map. If SWG was as restrictive as SWTOR then there would be no room for structures and player cities. In all MMOs you can explore outside the cities, even Everquest Online Adventures you had areas you could go and explore. Mustafar and Kasshyyk were restrictive too, compared to the original planets, and these are what you get in SWTOR in full force
Also I do not hate TOR, just stating the truth and fact. I said that it could possibly be opened up later in or do you just like it being restrictive and stupid? SWTOR is a great single player game with multiplayer option, but is a joke of a MMO
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Why shouldnt he? Several of the ones lamenting SWGs loss are the same folks that are determined to hijack the TOR forums with non stop bitching. Some were the folks we were forced to listen to since the NGE hit, with the constant proclamations of "in 3 months my friends moms sisters brother with a kick stand says SWg is shutting down".
There are "good" SWg vets. It is a shame the bad ones have built up negative vibes for the group as a whole.
I actually would of said the best thing about SWg closing is that now folks can get past the NGE change, but I think we are going to be forced to hear about SWG for a long time to come.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
if a mmo has an active fanbase,
theres no reason to rejoice for a mmo shutting down
Why shouldnt he? Several of the ones lamenting SWGs loss are the same folks that are determined to hijack the TOR forums with non stop bitching. Some were the folks we were forced to listen to since the NGE hit, with the constant proclamations of "in 3 months my friends moms sisters brother with a kick stand says SWg is shutting down".
There are "good" SWg vets. It is a shame the bad ones have built up negative vibes for the group as a whole.
I actually would of said the best thing about SWg closing is that now folks can get past the NGE change, but I think we are going to be forced to hear about SWG for a long time to come.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
I never bothered with these forums much until SWG closed, and kept myself to the official SWG forums, as there was too many people here bashing SWG, so if you do like SWTOR I do sympathise with you.
However, looking at the official SWTOR forums, there seems to be more negatitivity towards SWTOR than there was on the SWG forums, although that was in the final years, when most people were ones actually enjoying the game. People who made year subs in Oct 2005 or whatever, stayed and bashed the game while they were active or not banned.
So, hopefully in a years time, SWTOR forums will be left with people who are liking the game, but if you have maxed your character(s) by then, you yourself may not even be playing yourself to enjoy it.
It is not just ex SWG people hijacking TOR forums, it is plenty more ex-SWTOR players who have maxed their characters and "finished" the game, and have moved on. This is acceptable for a single player game, but not for a P2P MMO with a life expectancy of 10 years.
If you really want SWG to fade away in discussions, then I would recommend you try and discipline yourself and ignore posts that involve SWG. Any posts/threads I see with SWG mentioned in them, there is a high chnace I will respond to it, and discuss SWG further.
Star Trek Online - Best Free MMORPG of 2012
That would be easy if you guys quit spamming the TOR forums with SWG discussion. It isnt like it is a new thing, SWG discussion has been going on there since the forum opened.
And other than a few GW2 fans/randoms, it is the same 20 or 30 SWG fans that wont let go. Hell, all ya have to do is go thru a few pages to see the names that consistently pop up.
Anyways that is neither here nor there. I had my say on this topic.....was merely responding to your comments on my post.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
that it was finally put out of its misery, and finally stopped being milked dry.
It is a bit of a snoball affect. My posts today on SWG in the SWTOR forums were only made because of your comments on SWG. If you had not posted anything about SWG I would not have posted anything about SWG and you would not have read anything about SWG from me today
The shutting down of SWG has immortilised SWG. If SWG was still active and people did not like SWTOR and so then went to play SWG, they then might decide that SWG was just as crap or crapper than SWTOR after all, and either go back to SWTOR or just move on and not post things like "SWTOR is crap, and wish SWG would come back"
SWG shutting down, seems to have done more damage to SWTOR, and from my perspective SWG would be the better of the two, and SWG would have rose again, after people played SWTOR, but in reality once people actually played the two side by side, SWTOR may have won out.
If SWTOR was a roaring success, then SWG would have become a faded memory. SWTOR is a great a game, but does not last very long, and most people spend more than a few hours a month on a MMO.
SWG will always get a mention, as it is the SW MMO predecssor to SWTOR, and comparisons will be made, and with it being shut down, gets more nentions. If SWG was still active I would be playing and enjoying that, and ignoring the SWTOR forums, but as I have an interest in Star Wars and LA has made SWTOR the replacement for SWG (they just view SWG and SWTOR as MMOs but in reality each game has its own negatives and positves and diferences), then I want SWTOR to be my next game to spend another 10,000 hours in, and so I take a keen interst in it, and as it is not up to SWGs standard by a longshot, then I will keep posting to say what was good about SWG and what kept me playing in the hopes that SWTOR devs will read it, and add the stuff or something similar to SWTOR. I am sure they will do whatevr necessary to get more subs.
If SWG was shutting down today, and been running alongside SWTOR, instead of just before SWTOR launched, I would have viewed SWTOR as a different game, and not a replacement, and would not try and change it to be a different game, to be lke SWG. I do not post on STO forums and try and make it into SWG, because SWG was not shut down for STO. Even on STO forums people mention SWG
The main thing you are not factoring in, is that a lot of people have maxed out their characters in SWTOR, and do not have anything else to do, unlike SWG. If you end up maxing chars in SWTOR and still like SWTOR then I will respect that, and accepyt your comments, but while you have not maxed any characters in SWTOR and play very only briefly, your constant bashing of SWG and praising of SWTOR is annoying. You seem to be singling out and attacking anybody who mentions SWG, in the slightest, and any other game that gets mentioned does not get you so wriled up.
Basically, I am not going to stop posting about SWG, as long as it is relevant, as if it is not it will most likely get deleted and/or get into trouble with the mods, and if it does not get deleted then it is not spam.
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