Hello! We are AoCP and we're looking to recruit YOU! We're looking for everyone: from experienced MMO players to newcomers, all ages (as long as you're a mature-ish individual).
Army of Cair Paravel is a close knit guild of old WoW players (for the time being) with most of us having gamed together for years. The majority of us have left our impetuous teen years behind and have full time jobs or are in the last legs of college and/or have families. The most important thing is that we all have fun, which will include downing bosses and getting shiny loot when time permits.
We are looking for like-minded and mature fresh mea...I mean members. If you are someone who is unable to take a joke and roll with the punches or are looking for a full time hardcore raiding guild this is not the place for you. However, if you are looking to have fun and enjoy yourself while enjoying the Star Wars universe than perhaps you've found your new home.
AoCP is currently Recruiting all Galactic Republic classes. We even have a web based games page to pass the time till release (Members Only) on our Guild site. We have active participation in our forums already. Come on over and check us out. If you like what you see give us a try. I promise you won't be disappointed.
We're planning on being on a PvE server, non-rpg. We're made of experienced MMO players, mostly from WoW which is where our guild was first formed and we first met. We're a friendly, family guild dynamique looking for a good time as being in a guild shouldn't be a second job.
Looking forward to getting to know you
It's been awhile since I updated any of my pre game recruiting threads so here goes...
--(1)We are well established in end game content completing multiple 8 man flashpoints and hopefully some 16 man content soon.
--(2)We are active in PvP and PvE Leveling as all of our original members are now rolling alts. (Some with multiple 50's already)
--(3)Our members are very active on our site as well as in game.
--(4)Every current member at level 50 likes to help new members level and or experience new content I.E. level 50 hard modes.
--(5)We have a current wide range of crafters who can make just about every pruple mod, enhancement, armor, color crystal, relic, or whatever else i'm forgeting at the moment. If we can't make it yet we'll grind it out for you.
--(6)Most of all we are having fun, and that is what MMO's are all about.
So come join a great Guild, and enjoy your SWTOR experience with us!
Welcome to our newest member, JKGantle.
We are still looking for more Great players. Please feel free to apply.
Welcome to our newest member, Wolfoh!!! Thanks for joining!
Still looking for more Quality Members to add to our roster. Check out our Site @ www.aocp.enjin.com to join up. We have an exclusive Video Vault for members only so we can keep up to date with all the SWTOR content coming out of swtor.com. We even have a Games Vault that supports web based browser games to help pass the time until release. (also member only). Check us out, I promise you won't be disapointed.
Welcome to our newest member Tuue!!!
It's almost here....
We are a laid back, realistic guild looking for quality members. If your looking for a Galactic Republic guild of any sort I recommend you at least give our guild/site a look to see what we have to offer.
New content added to our website; 80 new images in our gallery(Public) and a beautiful new Video Vault layout(Members only). Come check us out.
Welcome to our Newest members; Athyrio, Cobyy, and Chamelion We are glad to have you.
Our total member count is up to 18 now. Not bad for a pre-launch guild. Many of us are going to be playing in the upcoming beta test to help in ironing out any kinks befor release. We are still a laid back casual guild looking for more members. If you would like to apply please feel free to fill out an application at http://www.aocp.enjin.com and be sure to do the same on our swtor.com site at http://www.swtor.com/guilds/214767/army-cair-paravel
Hey! Waiting until 10:00:00.0001 Friday is going to be tough, but think a good Turkey Dinner tomorrow will do the trick! Hope to see everyone on the server Friday... and for those seeking a guild... check it out!
Welcome to our newest members!!!
Drakes-Looking forward to leveling with you
Squeeken-Welcome back Squeek!!
More very qualified, quality members. Our ranks are growing fast. Sign up now!
Growing fast!!! and the game is almost here. If you looking for casual fun we are the guild for you. Check us out @ www.aocp.enjin.com
It's been awhile since I updated any of my pre game recruiting threads so here goes...
--(1)We are well established in end game content completing multiple 8 man flashpoints and hopefully some 16 man content soon.
--(2)We are active in PvP and PvE Leveling as all of our original members are now rolling alts. (Some with multiple 50's already)
--(3)Our members are very active on our site as well as in game.
--(4)Every current member at level 50 likes to help new members level and or experience new content I.E. level 50 hard modes.
--(5)We have a current wide range of crafters who can make just about every pruple mod, enhancement, armor, color crystal, relic, or whatever else i'm forgeting at the moment. If we can't make it yet we'll grind it out for you.
--(6)Most of all we are having fun, and that is what MMO's are all about.
So come join a great Guild, and enjoy your SWTOR experience with us!