I know that all the gamers have not been around forever. May not play as many games. And are generally still curious and new to all the gaming world.
So in retrospect i dont blame them for all the silly theories like : People dont like D3 because its not MMO , People dont like D3 because its not carbon copy of D1-2 ... etc
So for their service. And to prevent further confusion , i decided to bring you educated answer...
Here it is:
Major problem
Diablo 3 has removed all skill customisation traditional to series, and RPG
Diablo 3 has removed all stats. Thing that is ABC of RPG. In Diablo 3 case this is also severely limiting number of stats on item drops aswell, which in term also nerfs item collecting fun.
Minor problem
Xbox graphics - No high res textures on 2012 PC game
No server browser ( just auto connect to random game)
So what we have there.
D3 is now officially less complex than any MMO or ARPG out there. Even WOW is far more complex.
Every good game goal should be "easy to learn difficult to master" , if they hope to have any longevity.
While in D3 we have only "easy to learn, than autopilot"
There is simply not much left for user to do - no customisation. Just collecting (now severely simpler items)
Less experimentation, less variety, less thinking = game that gets boring fast
On top of that every character is the same.
Every barbarian = your barbarian. (skill wise)
They even look the same...
While Diablo 2 because of large variety is still actively played today.
I got bored with D3 even after few hours.
Because of above mentioned simplification.
Bottom line:
Diablo 3 is now simplified and dumbed down to rank of some Iphone game, or kids game like "Free Realms"
That is your answer folks.
inferno boss runs :P
It's not really an educated answer to be honest, it's basically a form of jumping at conclusions because of overly high expectations. The whole anti-Diablo 3 sentiment reminds me of the Mass Effect/Morrowind fanboy response to Mass Effect 2(or 3)/Oblivion(or Skyrim).
Just my two Septims.
answer = they took the iconic diablo guantlet away and replaced it with the common mouse pointer
Lobo's been riding the hate train all night with this game. I doubt he'll stop soon.
Regarding that
Some people said the game is to easy.
Obviously the reason is that beta is set to easy difficulty. There is no question that Blizzard can simply ramp up the hit points on monsters and call it "inferno"
So yes...the game can be hard.
But they will force you to play whole game on easy first to unlock it ... LOL (talking about lame ways to make you play longer)
But player skill wont come from how you cleverly build your character, to become more effective.
But only from how many health potions you chug down.
Again. hard mode for kids...
Good comparisons
Morrowind >>>> Oblivion
ME1 >>>>>>>> ME3
And honestly.
I love ARPGs
Was waiting for D3 like crazy until yesterday (good that i didnt preorder)
When I am indefinetly more satisfied with indie ARPG like Path Of Exile (and play it like crazy) than with high budget friggin Blizzard game. That i honestly stopped playing after 3 hours, out of boredom...
That has to say something ?
Naah. 99% of the whining about how those old games were so much more challenging and original and had more depth is balls. The only reason they were challenging is that they needed to waste your time, after all, games had much less funding than nowadays and players would have burned through all of the content in very little time. Just my unpopular opinions that will hopefully make this thread go boom.
As in diablo 2 the game starts in hell
when i mean game i mean the item drops.
Diablo 3 will be similar but they raised the difficulty bar as they say.
Said that i have the awfull fealing the game will be like wow
but with a diablo theme and fewer skills and costomization
They will offer you the bosses and challenges plus the fat lewt
and also having the option to spend hours or even days to farm and craft for that random attribute that you want
or you can spend money in the auction house : /
Well said Alot, well said indeed.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
@ OP: Why don't we wait and see how the whole rune system works. It has potential as it seems that there will be quite a number of combos available. As for your stats comment.. have you been living under a rock recently? Stat distribution tends to be removed all together and i'm not refering solely to action-rpg's. It gets replaced by generalized terms like melee, magic, archery etc. Hell, even Legend of Grimrock, a tribute to the old school rpg's, has no stat distribution at all. You only get 4 skill points to assign. Does this make the game less fun? Absolutely not.
All game genres with minor exceptions are being simplified as of lately, it's time to accept this. The game in your signature is far less complex and way more simplified than Morrowind. Does this make it a bad or a mediocre game?
Lobo, you're a great person i'm sure and you are certainly an avid poster here on the forums, which is why i know you'll do yourself this favor and read the post in the link below. Be forewarned, it is an absolute mammoth of a read, but it is simply the best explanation of everything that has changed from D2 to D3 that can hopefully draw a close to the silliness that has been going on today all over this board.. Here's hoping you become enlightened.
This would make sense, but the big problem with this theory is that D3 is going to fall in the same pit as WoW did. There is going to be a set way to build up a character when it comes to skills and runes in order for a Barbarian to be effective against high level monsters. WoW created the illusion of plenty of ways to customize using talents, but really there were only a couple builds that were any use at all and that made you effective at all in dungeons and the like.
There will only be maybe a couple builds that will be effective for each class in end game, and the rest of the abilities will be obsolete. Of course this is just my theory looking at Blizzard's track record. It's plagued WoW since it's launch. I have no reason to think that D3 will be any different. And the demo(beta) was pretty bad and boring.
Ok ok
I dig that
(I am father of two ... so not much time hehe)
Read this, it might interest you : Bite size hardcore Manifesto
No customisation whatsoever ?
Is this not taking it bit bit too far ?
I'm going to agree with Lobo on this one. The complete lack of skill customization has killed my optimism for this game.
That was part of the challenge with Diablo II, planning your skill tree from Lvl:1 to Lvl:99 often even before you started the first quest. This new system is completely boring; every max level character has exactly the same skill options all the time. Serioulsy... I even changed my skill loadout in the middle of a boss fight to optimize for that specific fight.
PvP is not going to be much better: that monk strafing your wizard's lighting? No problem! swap mid battle to arcane bolts that track his every move and kite him forever with ray of frost.
Part of the fun with the Diablo series was the difficulty, part of the difficulty was character planning and stat management. Both have been removed, so the game has lost a lot of fun.
Why should we as gamers "accept" this. Sure there are those who like simple to play games. There are also people who love complex, complicated, games, and gameplay as well. I'll even throw you a bone and say that maybe the mentality of people is simple = better, and that is why devs and game makers are doing this. But do you really believe we challenge seeking people should just lay down, and not voice our concerns? Should we not care about how games aren't fun for us anymore just because the majority of people like it so easy that a 5 year old could do it? I care, and clearly others like Lobotomist do as well.
Sadly, if we all just lay down, and say nothing, then what point is there to game in the first place. I'm guessing the developers and big studios have crystal balls and know exactly what we want.
Is this update with all changes , like removing runes ?
Grimrock has stats. And stat distribution (at char creation)
And after that you modify them by items and skills.
Its not same as removing stats alltogether...
As for Skyrim
Its indeed less complex than Morrowid. But its more complex than Oblivion.
So the trend is returning to complexity.
As good sales of Grimrock can testify
Nice link Lobotomist.
Honestly, Alot, I think you may be looking at things a little short-sightedly. If we were talking about an MMO here, I'd agree with you, but we're not. This is diablo, which is basically a single-player game w/ a multi-player lobby. Looking at it as such, I don't think anyone can look back on some of the earlier games (Super Mario, Contra, Sonic, Earth Worm Jim, etc. etc.) and claim that most games are anywhere near as challenging as those have been. There are some (like Demon Souls), but none of the older games really had big time sinks. They were just difficult.
Diablo II, for example, was hard from the start. The gear 'timesink' aspect of it only made the game easier, and was not necessary for the main portion of the game. It was mostly for the PvPers that wanted the best loot in the game. You can still complete nightmare w/ out the best loot, but it is TOUGH (as it should be). Furthermore, normal mode isn't nearly as easy as it is w/ D3. There is a real possibilty of dying, and you have to stay on top of your health to stay alive. D3? You are automatically healed so much that any half-decent player shouldn't ever have to pop a health pot. It's ridiculous.
Honestly, I think the concept of what makes a good game is lost by the new mindset of 'streamlining', and D3 is a perfect example of this. Where's the player choice? Where's the challenge? Where's the customization? Hell, for a game where you are basically fighting evil, when does the damned thing get scary? I know in D2 I felt on-edge about certain areas, because I wasn't sure if I'd survive them. If I did die, it wasn't too difficult usually to get back, but it still felt significant.
Honestly, most of the support I see for D3 seems to hang on the assumption that the game will be much harder once either more of the game is unlocked, or you bump up the difficulties. Hopefully the game drastically changes from the preliminary experience we have now, but in my experience games don't usually work that way. What you see is usually what you're going to get, this close to launch.
People that are experienced gamers and veterans often dont like simplified, streamlined games. You cant expect them to accept that and most of them probably cant learn to enjoy it. Why should they? Big companies obviously dont think its very prudent or rewarding to try to make them happy. Its much better to make games for ordinary mainstream people. Games that are like popular fast food. Typically it means they are intended to be good enough for most potential customers. Without being the best for anyone. Obviously companies and developers doing this are "sell outs". Can anyone really be proud after making a game like that? Not someone that loves games. Someone that is a gamer making games for other gamers.
I think people miss the somewhat crazy gamer that had a vision and decided to make the best game. Without compromise. They game that he/she wanted to play and believed in. Not something a big corporations "suits" and marketing executives ordered him to create. I think those people left Blizzard(and other big companies) long ago. And it becomes painfully obvious when you play one of the new streamlined, simplified mainstream games.
you sir are 100% right, 2 thumbs up!
no chance for experiments or build a gimp and stuff
in other words simplified & dull
.. blizzard please notice i like different builds and yes even gimps can be fun ... you don't have to choose all for me .. you know i have a brain and i'm a thinking entity (at least i think so
please poe save us!
I felt even Diablo 2 was dumbed down and now it seems Diablo 3 even more so. But it does not surprise me, WoW was the most dumbed down MMORPG of its time so it makes sense for Blizzard to continue on that path. That is why I haven't bought a Blizzard title since vanilla WoW.
My gaming blog
Weird. I thought "Zomg there's no stats this game is stupids. They made it dumbzorz RAAAAGE"
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blizzard killing skill trees is certainly sad, but for me the simple reason i just won't go near d3 is the awful auction house thing. that's the final nail in my view.
by all means, have an auction house if you really want. but to charge us for it? pfft.
edit: i just don't see the whole "make money gaming" thing as a positive in any way shape or form. it's a game. the idea of working for money is something i associate with that awful thing called "a job". i don't want to think about real money when i'm gaming.
i just want to kill stuff, loot stuff, repeat.
So much wrong in this post... see above in RED
Bottom Line - OP doesn't know enough the game and thinks just cus the old stat and tree system is not present we don't have something a little more interesting replacing it.
Every single of the great feature, like random dungeon is out, i mean we all know D1&2 was already super shallow games, and well the randomness was already super basic compare to some roguelike or other similar games like NEthack and others; i think nobody will ever argue that, but they had so stunning graphics for their time, and well those feature was still there at least. Where is D3 now, who give even a shit about their graphic, 99% of the games today have similar graphics anyway? People want some gameplay, every damn noob in the industry is capable to make somewhat decent graphics with 1/100 the money put in it.
Blizz have fucking billion from Wow, and they are not even able to raise their hack&lash game to a decent level of interest? i mean apart from the RMTHA, which is a very personal topic. So RMTHA? is that it?
LOL, go get some clue before doing such claim, and at least try to play some decent game that share the same category before talking about them, its pretty clear you never played any of the game Diablo took their inspiration and all their features from, ye i talk about D1&2, since D3 took them all out. At least try to play NetHack or something that is still around from the time dungeon crawling actually meant something more than plain gear grind and awesome graphics.
Or maybe that's you guys with Blizz that are unable to understand what was underneath those games, and can only see the money making aspect of them? Actually i think thats more like that, you guys don't even have any poetry, how could you even understand role playing games to begin with? You guys probably are among those that think that roles mean dps/healer/tank anyway, just clueless, plain desperately clueless.