Sorry guys, not part of any of this years "Your game sucks, mine is king!" groups. I am however looking forward to Tera, GW2, and TSW. I have not bought a LTS to any game so far though. While they all look interesting in their own way, I am playing it safe since I seem to have a shorter attention span these days. I will be buying all three, trying all three, and sticking with one. If it's really that important to you, I guess I can drop by in another six months and let you know which game it is :P
Meanwhile, I am excited to see how TSW turns out. The unique setting and concept has really grabbed my attention. I will wait and see how it goes before dropping a large sum of money on any LTS however. Especially since no game in a while has been able to hold me for a long period of time. Crossing my fingers that at least one of these games will earn my undivided attention for a while. I hope for these posters that they do as well, whatever game that may be.
All 3 of theose MMOs seem to be shaping up to be realy good games.
"oh and pardon our Forum PVP, we left it sitting on the floor over here."
3) GW2.... I do hope that it is as you think their CS will be,
I would like you to use you google fu to support your point, if you can???? dun,dun,DAAA
"Nice to haves." Hmmm, I wonder...
But at 3:52 of the video, the spokesman clearly states the in-store items will not give you any powers or advantages. He follows it up with 'nice-to-haves and cosmetic' items. But who is to say the nice-to-haves aren't things like in-game housing (just an example, mind you. I rather doubt that there would be in-game housing.)?
Pretty naive thinking. Funcom knows most people dont buy lifetime time subs. So if 1 % does they still have to please the other 99%. You make it sound like funcom is taking your money then giving up on the game. Buisness wise that does not make sense
No, I'm saying that you basically lose your voice as a lifetime purchaser because no matter what Funcom does, you already paid.
IMHO you seem to be missing the point of the LTS.
Yes FUNCOM has your money, but what FUNCOM realy see it a list of players that can/did spend $250 and, most likely have even more.
This is what FUNCOM wants to see, these/WE are on their raidar.
Subs come and go, but someone that is willing to realy invest a good sum in there game and mostlikely have even more to spend in the CS, that what they are looking for.
Cash stores work VERY WELL for MMO's (CS's have saved a good number of AAA MMO's now, GW and GW2 will live of CS and box sales alone) and now they all know it.
So basically by purchasing the LTS, you're letting them know that you're OK with them milking you for money through the CS? That doesn't sound right to me. And what if they really start putting bad things in the cash shop, then what? You can't even show your displeasure by cancelling. They already have your cash so you can come and go as you please.
I mean, I can understand GW2 doing it. You basically get a lifetime subscription for $60, so the cash shop is justified. But here, you pay $250 for the game + lifetime and then expect to be milked through the cash shop? This whole thing reminds me of that "I Am Rich" iTunes app which cost $999.99 and all it did was display a glowing red diamond on your phone's screen. The sad thing is that it actually sold 5 copies before it was pulled from the store.
3) GW2.... I do hope that it is as you think their CS will be,
I would like you to use you google fu to support your point, if you can???? dun,dun,DAAA
"Nice to haves." Hmmm, I wonder...
"don't tell me you google fu has failed you, Heartless say it aint so!"
At lease I provied you with a FUNCOM rep, on tape saying no P2W, That does seem to be more then what you have been given,
so I wonder about GW2...MORE...dun,dun,DAAA
Unfortunately, the GW2 cash shop items are currently under the NDA, until the next beta weekend, so I can't link them for you. You wouldn't want me to get banned, now would you? However, you're welcome to use your "google fu" to find the information you seek.
Search engine martial arts and NDAs aside, there is a lot of information on the GW2's cash shop. On the other hand, when it comes to TSW, we simply do not know. Sure we know that some items will be cosmetic but "nice to haves" is such a broad term that virtually anything can fall into that category.
Sure, the devs promised that they will not sell anything that will make you overpowered. However, Funcom is already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor, so what's stopping them from turning these weapons and armor into "nice to haves?"They kind of, sort of, already are "nice to haves" aren't they? I mean, you don't exactly need them but they would be nice to have. Maybe they can take it one step further and sell higher level weapons as "nice to haves," who knows at this point, right?
Obviously I'm speculating and hopefully I will be wrong but the fact is that, as of now, for $15 extra you can start the game with better weapons and for $59 you can start with better armor, which is a strong indicator of what "nice to haves" can mean.
I bought a lifetime sub, because I always hated having to worry about sub payments every month :P. Plus their games aren't that bad, at least when talking about PVE.
Pretty naive thinking. Funcom knows most people dont buy lifetime time subs. So if 1 % does they still have to please the other 99%. You make it sound like funcom is taking your money then giving up on the game. Buisness wise that does not make sense
No, I'm saying that you basically lose your voice as a lifetime purchaser because no matter what Funcom does, you already paid.
IMHO you seem to be missing the point of the LTS.
Yes FUNCOM has your money, but what FUNCOM realy see it a list of players that can/did spend $250 and, most likely have even more.
This is what FUNCOM wants to see, these/WE are on their raidar.
Subs come and go, but someone that is willing to realy invest a good sum in there game and mostlikely have even more to spend in the CS, that what they are looking for.
Cash stores work VERY WELL for MMO's (CS's have saved a good number of AAA MMO's now, GW and GW2 will live of CS and box sales alone) and now they all know it.
So basically by purchasing the LTS, you're letting them know that you're OK with them milking you for money through the CS? That doesn't sound right to me. And what if they really start putting bad things in the cash shop, then what? You can't even show your displeasure by cancelling. They already have your cash so you can come and go as you please.
I mean, I can understand GW2 doing it. You basically get a lifetime subscription for $60, so the cash shop is justified. But here, you pay $250 for the game + lifetime and then expect to be milked through the cash shop? This whole thing reminds me of that "I Am Rich" iTunes app which cost $999.99 and all it did was display a glowing red diamond on your phone's screen. The sad thing is that it actually sold 5 copies before it was pulled from the store.
3) GW2.... I do hope that it is as you think their CS will be,
I would like you to use you google fu to support your point, if you can???? dun,dun,DAAA
"Nice to haves." Hmmm, I wonder...
"don't tell me you google fu has failed you, Heartless say it aint so!"
At lease I provied you with a FUNCOM rep, on tape saying no P2W, That does seem to be more then what you have been given,
so I wonder about GW2...MORE...dun,dun,DAAA
Unfortunately, the GW2 cash shop items are currently under the NDA, until the next beta weekend, so I can't link them for you. You wouldn't want me to get banned, now would you? However, you're welcome to use your "google fu" to find the information you seek.
Search engine martial arts and NDAs aside, there is a lot of information on the GW2's cash shop. On the other hand, when it comes to TSW, we simply do not know. Sure we know that some items will be cosmetic but "nice to haves" is such a broad term that virtually anything can fall into that category.
Sure, the devs promised that they will not sell anything that will make you overpowered. However, Funcom is already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor, so what's stopping them from turning these weapons and armor into "nice to haves?"They kind of, sort of, already are "nice to haves" aren't they? I mean, you don't exactly need them but they would be nice to have. Maybe they can take it one step further and sell higher level weapons as "nice to haves," who knows at this point, right?
Obviously I'm speculating and hopefully I will be wrong but the fact is that, as of now, for $15 extra you can start the game with better weapons and for $59 you can start with better armor, which is a strong indicator of what "nice to haves" can mean.
To continue speculations, AoC's cash shop which is F2P(freemium) includes mounts, bag space, expansions to the game, starter gear including +2% xp ring (was given to CE I think) and PvP sets 1-5 (to allow new players to stand a chance against ranks 6-10).
TSW will require you to pay monthly and they've stated that the outfits will be the majority of their CS. It's hard to say will TSW have exactly the same CS but I think it's fair to assume they aren't going past AoC's CS in TSW from launch.
According to what I've heard from the beta it has unlimited inventory space but of course that could change. Aside from the probable inventory space the CS could sell starter items aswell ( but since you get these from the "packages" that's out aswell). What I'm expecting from the CS is Inventory(maybe) and Teleportation items + the outfits.
Again with speculations: We'll most likely see a rather "weak" CS from launch with TSW.
Surely resurrection items are possible aswell! Any kinds of "buffs","boosts" or crafting items are power so I'd be very suprised for those.
Pretty naive thinking. Funcom knows most people dont buy lifetime time subs. So if 1 % does they still have to please the other 99%. You make it sound like funcom is taking your money then giving up on the game. Buisness wise that does not make sense
No, I'm saying that you basically lose your voice as a lifetime purchaser because no matter what Funcom does, you already paid.
IMHO you seem to be missing the point of the LTS.
Yes FUNCOM has your money, but what FUNCOM realy see it a list of players that can/did spend $250 and, most likely have even more.
This is what FUNCOM wants to see, these/WE are on their raidar.
Subs come and go, but someone that is willing to realy invest a good sum in there game and mostlikely have even more to spend in the CS, that what they are looking for.
Cash stores work VERY WELL for MMO's (CS's have saved a good number of AAA MMO's now, GW and GW2 will live of CS and box sales alone) and now they all know it.
So basically by purchasing the LTS, you're letting them know that you're OK with them milking you for money through the CS? That doesn't sound right to me. And what if they really start putting bad things in the cash shop, then what? You can't even show your displeasure by cancelling. They already have your cash so you can come and go as you please.
I mean, I can understand GW2 doing it. You basically get a lifetime subscription for $60, so the cash shop is justified. But here, you pay $250 for the game + lifetime and then expect to be milked through the cash shop? This whole thing reminds me of that "I Am Rich" iTunes app which cost $999.99 and all it did was display a glowing red diamond on your phone's screen. The sad thing is that it actually sold 5 copies before it was pulled from the store.
3) GW2.... I do hope that it is as you think their CS will be,
I would like you to use you google fu to support your point, if you can???? dun,dun,DAAA
"Nice to haves." Hmmm, I wonder...
"don't tell me you google fu has failed you, Heartless say it aint so!"
At lease I provied you with a FUNCOM rep, on tape saying no P2W, That does seem to be more then what you have been given,
so I wonder about GW2...MORE...dun,dun,DAAA
Unfortunately, the GW2 cash shop items are currently under the NDA, until the next beta weekend, so I can't link them for you. You wouldn't want me to get banned, now would you? However, you're welcome to use your "google fu" to find the information you seek.
Search engine martial arts and NDAs aside, there is a lot of information on the GW2's cash shop. On the other hand, when it comes to TSW, we simply do not know. Sure we know that some items will be cosmetic but "nice to haves" is such a broad term that virtually anything can fall into that category.
Sure, the devs promised that they will not sell anything that will make you overpowered. However, Funcom is already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor, so what's stopping them from turning these weapons and armor into "nice to haves?"They kind of, sort of, already are "nice to haves" aren't they? I mean, you don't exactly need them but they would be nice to have. Maybe they can take it one step further and sell higher level weapons as "nice to haves," who knows at this point, right?
Obviously I'm speculating and hopefully I will be wrong but the fact is that, as of now, for $15 extra you can start the game with better weapons and for $59 you can start with better armor, which is a strong indicator of what "nice to haves" can mean.
Secret World's CS is also under NDA, but atlease they have informed us of what to exspect, I'm just saying.
Pretty naive thinking. Funcom knows most people dont buy lifetime time subs. So if 1 % does they still have to please the other 99%. You make it sound like funcom is taking your money then giving up on the game. Buisness wise that does not make sense
No, I'm saying that you basically lose your voice as a lifetime purchaser because no matter what Funcom does, you already paid.
IMHO you seem to be missing the point of the LTS.
Yes FUNCOM has your money, but what FUNCOM realy see it a list of players that can/did spend $250 and, most likely have even more.
This is what FUNCOM wants to see, these/WE are on their raidar.
Subs come and go, but someone that is willing to realy invest a good sum in there game and mostlikely have even more to spend in the CS, that what they are looking for.
Cash stores work VERY WELL for MMO's (CS's have saved a good number of AAA MMO's now, GW and GW2 will live of CS and box sales alone) and now they all know it.
So basically by purchasing the LTS, you're letting them know that you're OK with them milking you for money through the CS? That doesn't sound right to me. And what if they really start putting bad things in the cash shop, then what? You can't even show your displeasure by cancelling. They already have your cash so you can come and go as you please.
I mean, I can understand GW2 doing it. You basically get a lifetime subscription for $60, so the cash shop is justified. But here, you pay $250 for the game + lifetime and then expect to be milked through the cash shop? This whole thing reminds me of that "I Am Rich" iTunes app which cost $999.99 and all it did was display a glowing red diamond on your phone's screen. The sad thing is that it actually sold 5 copies before it was pulled from the store.
3) GW2.... I do hope that it is as you think their CS will be,
I would like you to use you google fu to support your point, if you can???? dun,dun,DAAA
"Nice to haves." Hmmm, I wonder...
"don't tell me you google fu has failed you, Heartless say it aint so!"
At lease I provied you with a FUNCOM rep, on tape saying no P2W, That does seem to be more then what you have been given,
so I wonder about GW2...MORE...dun,dun,DAAA
Unfortunately, the GW2 cash shop items are currently under the NDA, until the next beta weekend, so I can't link them for you. You wouldn't want me to get banned, now would you? However, you're welcome to use your "google fu" to find the information you seek.
Search engine martial arts and NDAs aside, there is a lot of information on the GW2's cash shop. On the other hand, when it comes to TSW, we simply do not know. Sure we know that some items will be cosmetic but "nice to haves" is such a broad term that virtually anything can fall into that category.
Sure, the devs promised that they will not sell anything that will make you overpowered. However, Funcom is already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor, so what's stopping them from turning these weapons and armor into "nice to haves?"They kind of, sort of, already are "nice to haves" aren't they? I mean, you don't exactly need them but they would be nice to have. Maybe they can take it one step further and sell higher level weapons as "nice to haves," who knows at this point, right?
Obviously I'm speculating and hopefully I will be wrong but the fact is that, as of now, for $15 extra you can start the game with better weapons and for $59 you can start with better armor, which is a strong indicator of what "nice to haves" can mean.
To continue speculations, AoC's cash shop which is F2P(freemium) includes mounts, bag space, expansions to the game, starter gear including +2% xp ring (was given to CE I think) and PvP sets 1-5 (to allow new players to stand a chance against ranks 6-10).
TSW will require you to pay monthly and they've stated that the outfits will be the majority of their CS. It's hard to say will TSW have exactly the same CS but I think it's fair to assume they aren't going past AoC's CS in TSW from launch.
According to what I've heard from the beta it has unlimited inventory space but of course that could change. Aside from the probable inventory space the CS could sell starter items aswell ( but since you get these from the "packages" that's out aswell). What I'm expecting from the CS is Inventory(maybe) and Teleportation items + the outfits.
Again with speculations: We'll most likely see a rather "weak" CS from launch with TSW.
Surely resurrection items are possible aswell! Any kinds of "buffs","boosts" or crafting items are power so I'd be very suprised for those.
Judging by the number of life-time subs ... think there's already a small community going strong for this game. Plus, it's mostly going to be the mature crowd ... you know ... the RPers the ARG players .. the one's who like story, puzzles etc.
As far as Cash Shop goes ... don't really see how people expect to have advantages over other people. In the end we only get to use 7 active skills and 7 passive skills to use at a particular time. Yeah you can buy stuff like xp potions so you speed up unlocking all the abilities but in the end you will be playing on equal terms with someone who's unlocked only one build to the max in the end. Plus I doubt those potions (ie if they even sell them) will help you in solving puzzles you're supposed to hunt google for. As for Talismans (gear) ... the crafting system will be keeping us busy to get the best ones for our particular build which we will probably be switching back and forth to ever be constant.
And people who who diss on AoC don't really know what goes on in the game. The end game of AoC is one of the best ... it just doesn't have the population it should have. Ask any AoC raider who's raided high end content and ask them if they didn't enjoy it or not. Also the free to play isn't truly free to play ... the real meat and potatoes which is Rise of the Godslayer expansion requires a sub. And AoC which supposedly is the worse letdown of Funcom was released in 2008. Now when did it go hybrid free to play first part with limitation? ... in 2011. That is 3 years after launch .. so if TSW is even as bad as AoC .. it's still solid enough to last 3 years till it goes half free to play like AoC is now.
That being said ... I'm waiting to play open beta to decide whether to life-sub or not. Hell .. even betas can't tell you what will happen with a game. I played SWTOR open beta and fell in love with the game ... and well .. we all know what's happening to it now. It might get better in the future though ... but yeah it got old and boring. So the question to ask before life-subbing TSW would be ... you think you'll be playing this game for a year and 4 months?
It's a question best answered by the consumer himself and his game/mmo preferences. It's just like betting on a soccer team ... you could say Funcom's a bad bet because they've lost 2 in a row ... but that 3rd bet you didn't make could be the one you regret.
I'm very happy for everyone who went for it, and I wish you all the luck in the world, but I learned my lesson on life time subs with Champions Online. Worst mistake ever. Well....not really the worst, but it was a waste of money.
I wont even touch lifetime subs thats one of the first signs that a game gonna either dies early or get shot right down to f2p real fast like lotro and i this startrek online dont even get me started on startreks damn greedy microtransactioning arses.
Best thing about smaller companys like funcom is they have smaller communities and with a smaller community =a smaller server base hence they dont have to spend as much to maintain their servers so the the games lifecycle normally lasts for a very longtime especiall when they dont have a few millions projects goin on.
While I wish those who have jumped on the lifetime sub well I myself have a couple of concerns about it.
On one hand there are a few mechanics in TSW that intrigue me like the whole skill system plus the setting is also interesting. What concerns me is I havn't seen a whole lot of gameplay footage and some of the cutscenes I have seen have been just a little off putting. If there are some good gameplay footage things would like to check them out so links would be nice.
The other problem is it's funcom yes their games are good/ok now a few years down the line from release but well AO launch is widely known as the biggest disaster in MMO history and they followed that up with AOC which while better than AO didn't cover itself in glory once you got out of the beginner area. This makes the limited gameplay footage raise a few red flags to me personnaly.
Lastly lifetime sub to me just means it's a really really expensive B2P.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
While I wish those who have jumped on the lifetime sub well I myself have a couple of concerns about it.
On one hand there are a few mechanics in TSW that intrigue me like the whole skill system plus the setting is also interesting. What concerns me is I havn't seen a whole lot of gameplay footage and some of the cutscenes I have seen have been just a little off putting. If there are some good gameplay footage things would like to check them out so links would be nice.
The other problem is it's funcom yes their games are good/ok now a few years down the line from release but well AO launch is widely known as the biggest disaster in MMO history and they followed that up with AOC which while better than AO didn't cover itself in glory once you got out of the beginner area. This makes the limited gameplay footage raise a few red flags to me personnaly.
Lastly lifetime sub to me just means it's a really really expensive B2P.
IMHO AO was not the biggest, if you remember SWG and what sony did. That would have to be the biggest disaster, ever, of all time, in MMO history.
To continue speculations, AoC's cash shop which is F2P(freemium) includes mounts, bag space, expansions to the game, starter gear including +2% xp ring (was given to CE I think) and PvP sets 1-5 (to allow new players to stand a chance against ranks 6-10).
TSW will require you to pay monthly and they've stated that the outfits will be the majority of their CS. It's hard to say will TSW have exactly the same CS but I think it's fair to assume they aren't going past AoC's CS in TSW from launch.
According to what I've heard from the beta it has unlimited inventory space but of course that could change. Aside from the probable inventory space the CS could sell starter items aswell ( but since you get these from the "packages" that's out aswell). What I'm expecting from the CS is Inventory(maybe) and Teleportation items + the outfits.
Again with speculations: We'll most likely see a rather "weak" CS from launch with TSW.
Surely resurrection items are possible aswell! Any kinds of "buffs","boosts" or crafting items are power so I'd be very suprised for those.
My issue is not so much with what we will see at the cash shop at launch but rather what we will see in it 6+ months down the line. I'm pretty sure that Funcom will start with the most benign cash shop possible. They did the same with AO and AoC. Gradually though, they will start to add more and more "iffy" items.
Weapons and armor are not out of the realm of possibility because as long as they can be acquired in the game, they can be considered "nice to haves." I mean, they are already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor for cash and while the items are part of pre-order packages, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they will eventually find their way into the cash shop. All of the AoC and it's expansion pre-order items were sold in the cash shop before AoC went F2P.
In my opinion, there will be a TSW equivalent of most items you see in AoC's cash shop right now. Not at launch but a few months down the line, definitely.
To continue speculations, AoC's cash shop which is F2P(freemium) includes mounts, bag space, expansions to the game, starter gear including +2% xp ring (was given to CE I think) and PvP sets 1-5 (to allow new players to stand a chance against ranks 6-10).
TSW will require you to pay monthly and they've stated that the outfits will be the majority of their CS. It's hard to say will TSW have exactly the same CS but I think it's fair to assume they aren't going past AoC's CS in TSW from launch.
According to what I've heard from the beta it has unlimited inventory space but of course that could change. Aside from the probable inventory space the CS could sell starter items aswell ( but since you get these from the "packages" that's out aswell). What I'm expecting from the CS is Inventory(maybe) and Teleportation items + the outfits.
Again with speculations: We'll most likely see a rather "weak" CS from launch with TSW.
Surely resurrection items are possible aswell! Any kinds of "buffs","boosts" or crafting items are power so I'd be very suprised for those.
My issue is not so much with what we will see at the cash shop at launch but rather what we will see in it 6+ months down the line. I'm pretty sure that Funcom will start with the most benign cash shop possible. They did the same with AO and AoC. Gradually though, they will start to add more and more "iffy" items.
Weapons and armor are not out of the realm of possibility because as long as they can be acquired in the game, they can be considered "nice to haves." I mean, they are already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor for cash and while the items are part of pre-order packages, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they will eventually find their way into the cash shop. All of the AoC and it's expansion pre-order items were sold in the cash shop before AoC went F2P.
In my opinion, there will be a TSW equivalent of most items you see in AoC's cash shop right now. Not at launch but a few months down the line, definitely.
Sooo, your issue is not with "facts"...........Its with what you "believe" FUNCOM will do, as well as what you "believe" ANET will not do.
It seems to me heartless, that that you may lack the facts, but you can believe what you want, but please try to avoid pushing you belief on others, one should always show-up with "facts" here.
If you had some facts to support your belief that would be great, but just on your belief, well that is more a wait and see and cannot be proven either way.
Oh wait, you should play Secret World, as a Templar (j.k.)
My issue is not so much with what we will see at the cash shop at launch but rather what we will see in it 6+ months down the line. I'm pretty sure that Funcom will start with the most benign cash shop possible. They did the same with AO and AoC. Gradually though, they will start to add more and more "iffy" items.
Weapons and armor are not out of the realm of possibility because as long as they can be acquired in the game, they can be considered "nice to haves." I mean, they are already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor for cash and while the items are part of pre-order packages, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they will eventually find their way into the cash shop. All of the AoC and it's expansion pre-order items were sold in the cash shop before AoC went F2P.
In my opinion, there will be a TSW equivalent of most items you see in AoC's cash shop right now. Not at launch but a few months down the line, definitely.
Sooo, your issue is not with "facts"...........Its with what you "believe" FUNCOM will do, as well as what you "believe" ANET will not do.
It seems to me heartless, that that you may lack the facts, but you can believe what you want, but please try to avoid pushing you belief on others, one should always show-up with "facts" here.
If you had some facts to support your belief that would be great, but just on your belief, well that is more a wait and see and cannot be proven either way.
Oh wait, you should play Secret World, as a Templar (j.k.)
As long as we are making up wishes and fears of what Funcom might consider 'Nice-ToHaves', based on nothing more than what we can imagine, I'm going to say that their CS will have IRL masseuses and ponies available as 'Nice-To-Haves'.
To continue speculations, AoC's cash shop which is F2P(freemium) includes mounts, bag space, expansions to the game, starter gear including +2% xp ring (was given to CE I think) and PvP sets 1-5 (to allow new players to stand a chance against ranks 6-10). TSW will require you to pay monthly and they've stated that the outfits will be the majority of their CS. It's hard to say will TSW have exactly the same CS but I think it's fair to assume they aren't going past AoC's CS in TSW from launch. According to what I've heard from the beta it has unlimited inventory space but of course that could change. Aside from the probable inventory space the CS could sell starter items aswell ( but since you get these from the "packages" that's out aswell). What I'm expecting from the CS is Inventory(maybe) and Teleportation items + the outfits. Again with speculations: We'll most likely see a rather "weak" CS from launch with TSW. Surely resurrection items are possible aswell! Any kinds of "buffs","boosts" or crafting items are power so I'd be very suprised for those.
My issue is not so much with what we will see at the cash shop at launch but rather what we will see in it 6+ months down the line. I'm pretty sure that Funcom will start with the most benign cash shop possible. They did the same with AO and AoC. Gradually though, they will start to add more and more "iffy" items.
Weapons and armor are not out of the realm of possibility because as long as they can be acquired in the game, they can be considered "nice to haves." I mean, they are already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor for cash and while the items are part of pre-order packages, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they will eventually find their way into the cash shop. All of the AoC and it's expansion pre-order items were sold in the cash shop before AoC went F2P.
In my opinion, there will be a TSW equivalent of most items you see in AoC's cash shop right now. Not at launch but a few months down the line, definitely.
Heartless u a bit odd you bash Funcom and their CS and then you praise gw2 with their CS. If you not interested in tsw that is fine. Since you dont know how tsw is going to be then its pretty childish with all your conclusions.
To continue speculations, AoC's cash shop which is F2P(freemium) includes mounts, bag space, expansions to the game, starter gear including +2% xp ring (was given to CE I think) and PvP sets 1-5 (to allow new players to stand a chance against ranks 6-10).
TSW will require you to pay monthly and they've stated that the outfits will be the majority of their CS. It's hard to say will TSW have exactly the same CS but I think it's fair to assume they aren't going past AoC's CS in TSW from launch.
According to what I've heard from the beta it has unlimited inventory space but of course that could change. Aside from the probable inventory space the CS could sell starter items aswell ( but since you get these from the "packages" that's out aswell). What I'm expecting from the CS is Inventory(maybe) and Teleportation items + the outfits.
Again with speculations: We'll most likely see a rather "weak" CS from launch with TSW.
Surely resurrection items are possible aswell! Any kinds of "buffs","boosts" or crafting items are power so I'd be very suprised for those.
My issue is not so much with what we will see at the cash shop at launch but rather what we will see in it 6+ months down the line. I'm pretty sure that Funcom will start with the most benign cash shop possible. They did the same with AO and AoC. Gradually though, they will start to add more and more "iffy" items.
Weapons and armor are not out of the realm of possibility because as long as they can be acquired in the game, they can be considered "nice to haves." I mean, they are already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor for cash and while the items are part of pre-order packages, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they will eventually find their way into the cash shop. All of the AoC and it's expansion pre-order items were sold in the cash shop before AoC went F2P.
In my opinion, there will be a TSW equivalent of most items you see in AoC's cash shop right now. Not at launch but a few months down the line, definitely.
Heartless u a bit odd you bash Funcom and their CS and then you praise gw2 with their CS. If you not interested in tsw that is fine. Since you dont know how tsw is going to be then its pretty childish with all your conclusions.
GW2 has no monthly fee and I know exactly what's in its cash shop. And while I'm not thrilled about certain items, there is nothing there to give one player an advantage over another. On the other hand, TSW has a monthly fee and "nice to haves" is a very vague term, so pardon me if I am a bit skeptical.
As far as my childish conclusions go, Funcom has stated that there will be no items in the cash shop that make one player more powerful than the other and yet, the various extra preorder bonuses do just that. It's all on this page.
All 3 of theose MMOs seem to be shaping up to be realy good games.
"oh and pardon our Forum PVP, we left it sitting on the floor over here."
But at 3:52 of the video, the spokesman clearly states the in-store items will not give you any powers or advantages. He follows it up with 'nice-to-haves and cosmetic' items. But who is to say the nice-to-haves aren't things like in-game housing (just an example, mind you. I rather doubt that there would be in-game housing.)?
Unfortunately, the GW2 cash shop items are currently under the NDA, until the next beta weekend, so I can't link them for you. You wouldn't want me to get banned, now would you? However, you're welcome to use your "google fu" to find the information you seek.
Search engine martial arts and NDAs aside, there is a lot of information on the GW2's cash shop. On the other hand, when it comes to TSW, we simply do not know. Sure we know that some items will be cosmetic but "nice to haves" is such a broad term that virtually anything can fall into that category.
Sure, the devs promised that they will not sell anything that will make you overpowered. However, Funcom is already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor, so what's stopping them from turning these weapons and armor into "nice to haves?"They kind of, sort of, already are "nice to haves" aren't they? I mean, you don't exactly need them but they would be nice to have. Maybe they can take it one step further and sell higher level weapons as "nice to haves," who knows at this point, right?
Obviously I'm speculating and hopefully I will be wrong but the fact is that, as of now, for $15 extra you can start the game with better weapons and for $59 you can start with better armor, which is a strong indicator of what "nice to haves" can mean.
I bought a lifetime sub, because I always hated having to worry about sub payments every month :P. Plus their games aren't that bad, at least when talking about PVE.
<InvalidTag type="text/javascript" src=""></script><div class="cce_pane" content-slug="which-world-of-warcraft-villain-are-you" ctype="quiz" d=""></div>;
To continue speculations, AoC's cash shop which is F2P(freemium) includes mounts, bag space, expansions to the game, starter gear including +2% xp ring (was given to CE I think) and PvP sets 1-5 (to allow new players to stand a chance against ranks 6-10).
TSW will require you to pay monthly and they've stated that the outfits will be the majority of their CS. It's hard to say will TSW have exactly the same CS but I think it's fair to assume they aren't going past AoC's CS in TSW from launch.
According to what I've heard from the beta it has unlimited inventory space but of course that could change. Aside from the probable inventory space the CS could sell starter items aswell ( but since you get these from the "packages" that's out aswell). What I'm expecting from the CS is Inventory(maybe) and Teleportation items + the outfits.
Again with speculations: We'll most likely see a rather "weak" CS from launch with TSW.
Surely resurrection items are possible aswell! Any kinds of "buffs","boosts" or crafting items are power so I'd be very suprised for those.
Secret World's CS is also under NDA, but atlease they have informed us of what to exspect, I'm just saying.
GoldennArrow has a point.
I find it somewhat odd to buy a lifetime sub to a game that isn't even out yet.
Not that I mind about life time subs, not at all but I think I need about 3 months of playing before I can decide if it is worth it or not.
Judging by the number of life-time subs ... think there's already a small community going strong for this game. Plus, it's mostly going to be the mature crowd ... you know ... the RPers the ARG players .. the one's who like story, puzzles etc.
As far as Cash Shop goes ... don't really see how people expect to have advantages over other people. In the end we only get to use 7 active skills and 7 passive skills to use at a particular time. Yeah you can buy stuff like xp potions so you speed up unlocking all the abilities but in the end you will be playing on equal terms with someone who's unlocked only one build to the max in the end. Plus I doubt those potions (ie if they even sell them) will help you in solving puzzles you're supposed to hunt google for. As for Talismans (gear) ... the crafting system will be keeping us busy to get the best ones for our particular build which we will probably be switching back and forth to ever be constant.
And people who who diss on AoC don't really know what goes on in the game. The end game of AoC is one of the best ... it just doesn't have the population it should have. Ask any AoC raider who's raided high end content and ask them if they didn't enjoy it or not. Also the free to play isn't truly free to play ... the real meat and potatoes which is Rise of the Godslayer expansion requires a sub. And AoC which supposedly is the worse letdown of Funcom was released in 2008. Now when did it go hybrid free to play first part with limitation? ... in 2011. That is 3 years after launch .. so if TSW is even as bad as AoC .. it's still solid enough to last 3 years till it goes half free to play like AoC is now.
That being said ... I'm waiting to play open beta to decide whether to life-sub or not. Hell .. even betas can't tell you what will happen with a game. I played SWTOR open beta and fell in love with the game ... and well .. we all know what's happening to it now. It might get better in the future though ... but yeah it got old and boring. So the question to ask before life-subbing TSW would be ... you think you'll be playing this game for a year and 4 months?
It's a question best answered by the consumer himself and his game/mmo preferences. It's just like betting on a soccer team ... you could say Funcom's a bad bet because they've lost 2 in a row ... but that 3rd bet you didn't make could be the one you regret.
I'm very happy for everyone who went for it, and I wish you all the luck in the world, but I learned my lesson on life time subs with Champions Online. Worst mistake ever. Well....not really the worst, but it was a waste of money.
I wont even touch lifetime subs thats one of the first signs that a game gonna either dies early or get shot right down to f2p real fast like lotro and i this startrek online dont even get me started on startreks damn greedy microtransactioning arses.
Best thing about smaller companys like funcom is they have smaller communities and with a smaller community =a smaller server base hence they dont have to spend as much to maintain their servers so the the games lifecycle normally lasts for a very longtime especiall when they dont have a few millions projects goin on.
While I wish those who have jumped on the lifetime sub well I myself have a couple of concerns about it.
On one hand there are a few mechanics in TSW that intrigue me like the whole skill system plus the setting is also interesting. What concerns me is I havn't seen a whole lot of gameplay footage and some of the cutscenes I have seen have been just a little off putting. If there are some good gameplay footage things would like to check them out so links would be nice.
The other problem is it's funcom yes their games are good/ok now a few years down the line from release but well AO launch is widely known as the biggest disaster in MMO history and they followed that up with AOC which while better than AO didn't cover itself in glory once you got out of the beginner area. This makes the limited gameplay footage raise a few red flags to me personnaly.
Lastly lifetime sub to me just means it's a really really expensive B2P.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
IMHO AO was not the biggest, if you remember SWG and what sony did. That would have to be the biggest disaster, ever, of all time, in MMO history.
Nope. Funcom games are not ready to be played until a year after release, and a few firings.
My issue is not so much with what we will see at the cash shop at launch but rather what we will see in it 6+ months down the line. I'm pretty sure that Funcom will start with the most benign cash shop possible. They did the same with AO and AoC. Gradually though, they will start to add more and more "iffy" items.
Weapons and armor are not out of the realm of possibility because as long as they can be acquired in the game, they can be considered "nice to haves." I mean, they are already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor for cash and while the items are part of pre-order packages, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they will eventually find their way into the cash shop. All of the AoC and it's expansion pre-order items were sold in the cash shop before AoC went F2P.
In my opinion, there will be a TSW equivalent of most items you see in AoC's cash shop right now. Not at launch but a few months down the line, definitely.
Sooo, your issue is not with "facts"...........Its with what you "believe" FUNCOM will do, as well as what you "believe" ANET will not do.
It seems to me heartless, that that you may lack the facts, but you can believe what you want, but please try to avoid pushing you belief on others, one should always show-up with "facts" here.
If you had some facts to support your belief that would be great, but just on your belief, well that is more a wait and see and cannot be proven either way.
Oh wait, you should play Secret World, as a Templar
As long as we are making up wishes and fears of what Funcom might consider 'Nice-ToHaves', based on nothing more than what we can imagine, I'm going to say that their CS will have IRL masseuses and ponies available as 'Nice-To-Haves'.
My issue is not so much with what we will see at the cash shop at launch but rather what we will see in it 6+ months down the line. I'm pretty sure that Funcom will start with the most benign cash shop possible. They did the same with AO and AoC. Gradually though, they will start to add more and more "iffy" items.
Weapons and armor are not out of the realm of possibility because as long as they can be acquired in the game, they can be considered "nice to haves." I mean, they are already selling top of the line starter weapons and armor for cash and while the items are part of pre-order packages, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they will eventually find their way into the cash shop. All of the AoC and it's expansion pre-order items were sold in the cash shop before AoC went F2P.
In my opinion, there will be a TSW equivalent of most items you see in AoC's cash shop right now. Not at launch but a few months down the line, definitely.
I bought a lifetimer sub!
Tagging Games For Role Players.
Eiffel tower!
GW2 has no monthly fee and I know exactly what's in its cash shop. And while I'm not thrilled about certain items, there is nothing there to give one player an advantage over another. On the other hand, TSW has a monthly fee and "nice to haves" is a very vague term, so pardon me if I am a bit skeptical.
As far as my childish conclusions go, Funcom has stated that there will be no items in the cash shop that make one player more powerful than the other and yet, the various extra preorder bonuses do just that. It's all on this page.
You know exactly what's in a cash shop that's under NDA and subject to change? That's cool.
Also, nothing on that page makes your character stronger. GG though.
Click on the pre-order button.
The Innitiate Pack gives you high end beginner weapons.
The Master Pack gives you high end beginner talisman pack.