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So I got to try The Secret World at PAX



  • Asuran24Asuran24 Member Posts: 517

    Originally posted by maitrader

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Originally posted by Arkain

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Very disappointing news about the game being heavily instanced.  :(

    Have you played Age of Conan, the world is instanced, but it is by zone and they feel quite large.

    I have, and I didn't care for the zones being instanced.  Then again, I'm not sure there is any other way it could have been done for TSW because of the way it's set up, with different regions in the real world that don't border each other.  I took the "heavily instanced" comment to be more than just instanced zones.  If the instancing is confined to different zones, and not sub-zones, then I can live with that.

    From what my friend explained to me, it is similar to SWTOR. Seems like as a SWTOR fan you'd probably enjoy it.

    Games nothing even remotely close to SWTOR... not even remotely.

    Depends in how swtor does their instancing if they are close, or not. With how they instance your personal story, each of the planets/fleet station, and dungeons, then it is similar to tsw in that fact only so far. As in tsw we knw that some areas that you are sent to via quests (mostly major story based ones.) will be instanced which to me is fine so that the pace, and also mystery of the game can be kept from being spoiled via walking into a area seeing what is going to happen early. In the maine zone/area you have innsmouth, blue mountain, and afew other areas that are basically sub-zones within the main zone of maine. Than you have the three known area of maine, egypt, and the carpathians, being sepperated via zoning too. Honestly all of the sub-zones like in maine to me are still quite huge atleast the size of several wow zones put together, and also the connection between the other sub-zones feel rather understandable as well. You also will most likely have insting for warzones, dungeons, and battlegrounds too. Mostly by that fact i would say they are similar ways of utilizeing zoning or instancing in a mmo, and also simmilar to each other as well.

  • johnnychangsjohnnychangs Member UncommonPosts: 261

    Originally posted by gitawego

    just to add a little things (I'm currently in beta test):

    You agreed to an NDA, didn't you?  I'd re-read it (and your comments you posted here) if I were you. 

  • ArkainArkain Member UncommonPosts: 491

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Originally posted by corpusc

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Originally posted by Arkain

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Very disappointing news about the game being heavily instanced.  :(

    Have you played Age of Conan, the world is instanced, but it is by zone and they feel quite large.

    I have, and I didn't care for the zones being instanced.  Then again, I'm not sure there is any other way it could have been done for TSW because of the way it's set up, with different regions in the real world that don't border each other.  I took the "heavily instanced" comment to be more than just instanced zones.  If the instancing is confined to different zones, and not sub-zones, then I can live with that.

    instancing and zoning are 2 entirely different things.

    Sorry, I used the wrong terminology there.  What I meant was that I don't like loading screens for zones.  I realize it's not an instance per se, but it still ruins the immersion for me.  

    I am realy sorry that load screens are an issue for you, becouse I don't know of a new MMO that will not have them. Maybe Arcage will not, but I read Giuld Wars 2 will. 

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042

    Depends how often and how long they take. I remember The Witcher, one of the best RPG's there are, getting slammed for the length of time their load screens were at launch yet they were a drop in the ocean for how AoC's were. They were still pretty long in some areas as in you could go make a coffee long even after the engine upgrade to match TSW's.

    I'm not saying TSW's are that bad, just trying to get some clarification... are they?

    As a side note the only person i know in the TSW beta loved AoC and played it with us through multiple max level toons and god knows how many PvP levels but hated TSW the second he got in. He didn't have one good thing to say about it.

  • o2jplo2jpl Member Posts: 32

    the game will be not getting my uber radar, looks like another 6 month failure from funcom

  • ruejacobsruejacobs Member UncommonPosts: 41

    Originally posted by ropenice

    Originally posted by svann

    I dont mind instances, but the cutscenes might ruin it for me.

    Would be hard for a story-based, mood setting mmo to not have cutscenes these days, as reading a block of text would not set mood as well as seeing a mini-movie of a monster creeping towards you, or other way to set up a scene.

    Does the ESC button on your keyboard work, Svann? Mine does. Just sayin'.


  • SiderasSideras Member Posts: 231

    Originally posted by darker70

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Originally posted by Arkain

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Very disappointing news about the game being heavily instanced.  :(

    Have you played Age of Conan, the world is instanced, but it is by zone and they feel quite large.

    I have, and I didn't care for the zones being instanced.  Then again, I'm not sure there is any other way it could have been done for TSW because of the way it's set up, with different regions in the real world that don't border each other.  I took the "heavily instanced" comment to be more than just instanced zones.  If the instancing is confined to different zones, and not sub-zones, then I can live with that.

    From what my friend explained to me, it is similar to SWTOR. Seems like as a SWTOR fan you'd probably enjoy it.

    Ah crap like SWTOR i was thinking of buying this,please don't ruin it for me !!

    It's nothing like SWTOR, like nowhere near SWTOR. SWTOR is a wowclone this ain't.

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    Originally posted by Sideras

    Originally posted by darker70

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Originally posted by Arkain

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Very disappointing news about the game being heavily instanced.  :(

    Have you played Age of Conan, the world is instanced, but it is by zone and they feel quite large.

    I have, and I didn't care for the zones being instanced.  Then again, I'm not sure there is any other way it could have been done for TSW because of the way it's set up, with different regions in the real world that don't border each other.  I took the "heavily instanced" comment to be more than just instanced zones.  If the instancing is confined to different zones, and not sub-zones, then I can live with that.

    From what my friend explained to me, it is similar to SWTOR. Seems like as a SWTOR fan you'd probably enjoy it.

    Ah crap like SWTOR i was thinking of buying this,please don't ruin it for me !!

    It's nothing like SWTOR, like nowhere near SWTOR. SWTOR is a wowclone this ain't.

    Except it relies heavily on story, has tons of cutscenes and all the zones work like planets in SWTOR. There's plenty of similarities :j

  • jdnycjdnyc Member UncommonPosts: 1,643

    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    Originally posted by Sideras

    Originally posted by darker70

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Originally posted by Arkain

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Very disappointing news about the game being heavily instanced.  :(

    Have you played Age of Conan, the world is instanced, but it is by zone and they feel quite large.

    I have, and I didn't care for the zones being instanced.  Then again, I'm not sure there is any other way it could have been done for TSW because of the way it's set up, with different regions in the real world that don't border each other.  I took the "heavily instanced" comment to be more than just instanced zones.  If the instancing is confined to different zones, and not sub-zones, then I can live with that.

    From what my friend explained to me, it is similar to SWTOR. Seems like as a SWTOR fan you'd probably enjoy it.

    Ah crap like SWTOR i was thinking of buying this,please don't ruin it for me !!

    It's nothing like SWTOR, like nowhere near SWTOR. SWTOR is a wowclone this ain't.

    Except it relies heavily on story, has tons of cutscenes and all the zones work like planets in SWTOR. There's plenty of similarities :j

    I played TSW at PAX and it most definitely didn't remind me of SWTOR.  It reminded me of a couple other games theme wise and a bit of gameplay though.

  • DoomBDragonDoomBDragon Member Posts: 13

    Sound like a GW2 fan boy tring to stop us from buy the game.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256

    Originally posted by DoomBDragon

    Sound like a GW2 fan boy tring to stop us from buy the game.

    Walmart is having a sale on tin foil today, better stock up.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • PNM_JenningsPNM_Jennings Member UncommonPosts: 1,093

    Originally posted by DoomBDragon

    Sound like a GW2 fan boy tring to stop us from buy the game.

    ... really? he said he'd recommend it, so basically your thought process is "if you say anything negative about it, including that it has bugs, you're evil."

  • BlindchanceBlindchance Member UncommonPosts: 1,112

    From the videos I have seen Funcom won't deliever the new, promised focus on quality. The game looks nowhere finished. GW2 with its release date yet to be announced seems to be more polished then TSW to be launched in two months.

    I am still interested, but from I have seen the game might turn out to be nothing special and rather buggy. A slightly more original setting and open skill system ( mostly open to abuse and few overpowered builds which everyone and their mum will copy ) might be not enough to save this game.

  • xenogiasxenogias Member Posts: 1,926

    The important news to me was the mention of the bugs and possibility of poor preformance. Thats the Funcom I remember. However it is still in the beta stage and I will be interested to hear if these things are still said a week or two before launch. By that point there is no "miricle patch" as everyone and thier mother try to claim there is. Its just sad to me though that Funcom has that reputation and even if glitches ect are to be expected, especcialy at a floor show, I cant look past that its being said.

    Before anyone calls me a hater no, I'm not. I'm basing my opinion on a past experience with Funcom. Truth be told I'm hopeing all of the games set to release this year are great, quality games. There are plenty of people to play all of them. No one game NEEDS to be king.

  • CantorageCantorage Member Posts: 186

    Originally posted by Tardcore

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Originally posted by Arkain

    Originally posted by Cthulhu23

    Very disappointing news about the game being heavily instanced.  :(

    Have you played Age of Conan, the world is instanced, but it is by zone and they feel quite large.

    I have, and I didn't care for the zones being instanced.  Then again, I'm not sure there is any other way it could have been done for TSW because of the way it's set up, with different regions in the real world that don't border each other.  I took the "heavily instanced" comment to be more than just instanced zones.  If the instancing is confined to different zones, and not sub-zones, then I can live with that.

    From what my friend explained to me, it is similar to SWTOR. Seems like as a SWTOR fan you'd probably enjoy it.

    A couple of the journalists who have played the game have already drawn parallells between TSW and SWToR, and they all seem to agree that TSW delivers better writing, voice acting and scripted events. Another big difference between TSW and SWToR is the huge detail and feeling of a "living" world contra SWToR's dead and lifeless worlds.

    And let me just say: the TSW areas are H-U-G-E.

    Remember the size of the Rise of the Godslayer areas? (About 4x the size of vanilla Conan areas) - that is the size of each SUB zone. For example, New England consists of four such subzones, and I assume Egypt and Transylvania does too.

    So while this game isn't a sandbox, each zone is really big.

  • AlotAlot Member Posts: 1,948

    Originally posted by DoomBDragon

    Sound like a GW2 fan boy tring to stop us from buy the game.

    Getting desperate aren't you?

  • AtrusHomeboyAtrusHomeboy Member Posts: 28

    Originally posted by Alot

    Originally posted by DoomBDragon

    Sound like a GW2 fan boy tring to stop us from buy the game.

    Getting desperate aren't you?

    While his was a cheap shot, yours wasn't much better.

  • jdnycjdnyc Member UncommonPosts: 1,643

    I thought I would rate my feelings about my experience in PAX, since there's a pretty good discussion in here.

    Scale 1 (poor) - 10 (excellent)

    Missions - 8 ( This is hit and miss.  I did about 7 missions on my visits back to the booth.  I found a couple lack luster, but I also found one that was a 10 in my opinion.)

    Animations - 5

    Cut Scenes - 6

    Combat - 7

    Graphics - 9 (This includes scenery, textures, clothing, etc)

    Skill System/Progression System (from what I saw - very limited) - 9

    Inventory - 10

    Mob AI - 7

    UI - 9

    Theme (success of the world/feeling their trying to create): 9






  • SeariasSearias Member UncommonPosts: 743

    Originally posted by jdnyc

    I thought I would rate my feelings about my experience in PAX, since there's a pretty good discussion in here.

    Scale 1 (poor) - 10 (excellent)

    Missions - 8 ( This is hit and miss.  I did about 7 missions on my visits back to the booth.  I found a couple lack luster, but I also found one that was a 10 in my opinion.)

    Animations - 5

    Cut Scenes - 6

    Combat - 7

    Graphics - 9 (This includes scenery, textures, clothing, etc)

    Skill System/Progression System (from what I saw - very limited) - 9

    Inventory - 10

    Mob AI - 7

    UI - 9

    Theme (success of the world/feeling their trying to create): 9






    Just curious, are animations that bad, because from the videos I have seen they look alright to me, or is it a personal preference?

    <InvalidTag type="text/javascript" src=""></script><div class="cce_pane" content-slug="which-world-of-warcraft-villain-are-you" ctype="quiz" d=""></div>;

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505

    After watchnig people playing GW2 at an event i know for definate that TSW is the only Themepark MMO im still looking forward to this year..  Not ready to pre-order ti or anything yet but im pretty sure ill pick it up..

    Animations dont look that bad in the videos.. deffo not a game braker or anything..

  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270

    Originally posted by Caldrin

    Animations dont look that bad in the videos.. deffo not a game braker or anything..


    Find a video of someone casting spells, they look like drunken boob grabs or retarded clapping.

    Go jump to about 9 mins on -

    And before someone says that is from 2011, the animations havent changed, it was just the first vid with casting I could find.

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505

    Well its nothing amazing i give you that but its not the end of the world... its also a shame they seem to have sued the same animation for every spell.. its somthing that does need work thats for sure.. but still not a game braker and if the game does turn out to be good it wont stop me buying it LOL

  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270

    Originally posted by Caldrin

    Well its nothing amazing i give you that but its not the end of the world... its also a shame they seem to have sued the same animation for every spell.. its somthing that does need work thats for sure.. but still not a game braker and if the game does turn out to be good it wont stop me buying it LOL

    Unfortunately because I usually play a spell caster it does bother me. I'm certainly not a hater, TSW looks very promising. If they made casting animations interesting I would definitely give it a shot.

    The guns and sword animations are fine though. Hammers are a bit clunky, but I was never a fan of hammers anyway.

  • darker70darker70 Member UncommonPosts: 804

    Originally posted by jdnyc

    I thought I would rate my feelings about my experience in PAX, since there's a pretty good discussion in here.

    Scale 1 (poor) - 10 (excellent)

    Missions - 8 ( This is hit and miss.  I did about 7 missions on my visits back to the booth.  I found a couple lack luster, but I also found one that was a 10 in my opinion.)

    Animations - 5

    Cut Scenes - 6

    Combat - 7

    Graphics - 9 (This includes scenery, textures, clothing, etc)

    Skill System/Progression System (from what I saw - very limited) - 9

    Inventory - 10

    Mob AI - 7

    UI - 9

    Theme (success of the world/feeling their trying to create): 9



    This bit has me confused how can the skill system/progression system be very limited when there is no actual levels in game and each player has up to 500 skills to pick from and can be one of any archetype at will ?

    Other wise great hands on review but an explanation would be appreciated here,also if limited why on earth did u give it a 9 ?




  • mrw0lfmrw0lf Member Posts: 2,269

    Originally posted by darker70

    Originally posted by jdnyc

    I thought I would rate my feelings about my experience in PAX, since there's a pretty good discussion in here.

    Scale 1 (poor) - 10 (excellent)

    Missions - 8 ( This is hit and miss.  I did about 7 missions on my visits back to the booth.  I found a couple lack luster, but I also found one that was a 10 in my opinion.)

    Animations - 5

    Cut Scenes - 6

    Combat - 7

    Graphics - 9 (This includes scenery, textures, clothing, etc)

    Skill System/Progression System (from what I saw - very limited) - 9

    Inventory - 10

    Mob AI - 7

    UI - 9

    Theme (success of the world/feeling their trying to create): 9



    This bit has me confused how can the skill system/progression system be very limited when there is no actual levels in game and each player has up to 500 skills to pick from and can be one of any archetype at will ?

    Other wise great hands on review but an explanation would be appreciated here,also if limited why on earth did u give it a 9 ?



    I think he was infereing that his hands on experience of it (what he saw) was 'very limited' not the system itself

    “The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.”

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