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Has SOE completely lost the plot ?



  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Originally posted by madazz

    Yeah you are right, because there are SOOOOOOOOOO many quests and thorough tasks to do. Why, just today I saw this guy with an "i" above his head, so I spoke to him and I got a quest to take something to his sick father!

    Yes there are many quests and yes , you have to find them. Yes, the simple terminal missions and those from normal (i)information givers are usually shitty, but maybe you have overlooked that they added a TON of new quests in the last year. Here a short reminder :

    and you should concentrate on the Kashyyyk quests, Clone relic quests, Boba fett quests and Syren quests because they are IMHO the better ones.

    Have fun


  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115

    Thanks for the advice. But my opinion still stands. Atleast its just my opinion and not a fact that ruins the game for you right? Im afraid I wont make it into the game that far as I wont be continuing my subscription anyway.

    Regardless, as stated I still believe this digital download should be offered for free. If the development team is using time to create content rather than fix bugs on a product that we purchased, than we should not be charged for content.

  • ScorpesScorpes Member Posts: 830

    Originally posted by madazz
    Thanks for the advice. But my opinion still stands. Atleast its just my opinion and not a fact that ruins the game for you right? Im afraid I wont make it into the game that far as I wont be continuing my subscription anyway.
    Regardless, as stated I still believe this digital download should be offered for free. If the development team is using time to create content rather than fix bugs on a product that we purchased, than we should not be charged for content.

    Thats not SOE's way. They want to milk you for all your worth and with as little effort as possible. Thats why bugs since launch are still persistent to this day, its because they wont get any new money for fixing them. Instead they create some silly new feature like City Gardens and call it content.

  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115
    uh... yeah... thats what I said.  Many times on these forums.
  • Dirk_GentlyDirk_Gently Member Posts: 193

    Originally posted by eric1000

    I think most of you will be pretty shocked as to what he really thinks of MMorg players as a whole.

    One look at any MMO community board will tell you that in most cases he is entirely correct.

    A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus

  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115

    Not true at all. Most mmo players dont take the time to post or go to message boards. Jack of CoH stated that less than 5% of their community every posts on the boards. Of that number, a smaller percentage visits the boards regularly.

    So if you think its accurate to base it off 5% to 10% at best of the community, thats your decision.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Here is something one of my guild pals has written on our SWG guild homepage .. and I think it sums up well what I think about the new expansion and who is calling the shots regarding the selection of THIS planet and THIS theme:


    There is zero chance it will be Jedi only as SOE and LA are ultimately about making money, and since the majority of the player base is not jedi (well not yet anyway image) it would not be the best economic move on their part. And it will probably ultimately be some amount of fun to play. Though I will say that for 50 quests and no space zone, I would find the usual price of $25 to be too much (assuming that is how they price it).

    However, the whole thing stinks, and shows to me some of what is wrong with this game.

    Once again, you see an arbitrary launch date set by the LA Marketing machine. I guarantee you, that come Nov 1st, it goes live regardless of how many bugs it has. Because Lucas needs to make his buck no matter what.

    Once again you see game content driven by LA marketing regardless of whether or not it is appropriate or even makes sense in this game. I am not really a big Fanboy, but even I recognize that are dozens of more interesting places they could do an expansion. But they dictated a location that ties into the movie they are releasing on DVD the same day.

    Once again you see the LA marketing machine promoting Jedi as central to this game. I think that SOE gets now that the constant drive to Jedi and the Alpha class they are, are not healthy for the game. The recent attempted group xp change, and the prior fs xp conversion rate changes show to me that they are making some sort of attempt to slow the progression to Jedi. And I truly believe in the next six months you will see a nerfing of Jedi and an elimination of PC BH vs PC Jedi missions. But LA continues to push Jedi in both advertising and now this expansion because they know that Jedi sells units. LA is driving players into this game with the promise of "you will be Jedi" regardless of whether or not that player and his expectations are good for the game.

    Whenever SOE makes a change that the players don't like, the calls of lets tell Lucas and LA about it start. People don't realize that Lucas could care less as long as the checks keep coming.


    Have fun



    (Thanks to Ruldon of YCS on Naritus galaxy)

  • MrPopovMrPopov Member Posts: 217

    Great post Erillion.

    MMOS are not meant to be played as a hero in a sea of heroes. They lose their magic fast that way.

  • Dark_Lord_13Dark_Lord_13 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by MrPopov

    Great post Erillion.
    MMOS are not meant to be played as a hero in a sea of heroes. They lose their magic fast that way.

    Unless you're playing City of Heroes, in which case, you MUST play a hero  image

    I hated the "Become the Jedi" SOE ultimatly went to.  When they finally told me that the tutorial says, one day you could become a jedi.  or whatever it says, that's when I cancelled my accounts.  I keep track of everything here, just in hopes that they will bring back good old grunt style Star Wars.  But I know it'll never happen.

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