Can veterans tell me some information that will help me advance in the game better? I just want to know what professions are the best to take etc, what quest lines I should look for etc. All the secrets to being better than the other players. I plan on being a guardian at first glance, are they decent in pvp?
sadly most of what you are asking would be better answered by eu player (if they have ascension)or asian player ,cause too many change will affect the game to know their repercussion at end game!one thing is sure tho !end game armor will be class locked!so if you are a cleric or a chanter you WILL be in mail!this is one big change!they add a new profession so this will probably mix the cards as well among the many other variable!
Im also wondering what to start out with. I played Aion at release, I was an Assassin and got to around lvl 37 before the grind got to me. I remember the Chanters and SM beign pretty dang good. Not sure what Ill roll now.
might want to go read patch note of ascension (3.0)to see the change each class get and the game change cause by the way they write it looks like they touched everything (yes incuding grind)
not sure about eu but asian have had ascension for a while (possibly eu also(via gameforge)so it is possible they can inform you !
Level grind is pretty much a non-issue by now. The changes to exp gain and what not makes it so that most people can hit 50 in 2 weeks now without spending that much time a day playing.
Gearing up is still a pain though, especially if you PvE only. It's probably faster to get PvP gear for PvE than to get PvE gear at this point.
Do they have any "Battleground" style pvp now? or still only the world pvp?
There's a 1v1 arena and 6v6 Dredgions (but these only occur at set times).
So why do people not like being the asmo race? I want to be in a smaller faction for more pvp and less queu times
Actually EU went F2P first but hasnt gotten Ascention 3.0 yet. They should be getting it soon.
I don't like their feet lol