Originally posted by jamiegilhen Greatness, ABP has just completed the concept stage, yes, but the engine and features have been in the works for over a month.
Engine and features that are spread between projects doesnt really count as ABP history, and a month in concepting isnt close to the length of time that C:O has been in the works.
Shame that several p-a projects so similar to what theyve been doing have sprouted up recently.
Originally posted by superhero13 Wow. ABP sounds like CONFLICT: Omega
Everything is starting to sound like that, the post-apocalyptic genre is in-vogue at the moment and there are no genuinely good MMORPGs that are FPS'. Just be better than the rest .
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
Both sides are behaving quite unprofessionally in this thread. Gamerman, you're not warning or protecting anyone with this thread, it seems (whether it really is or not) as an attempt to disgrace Game-Arena because of a personal grudge.
Game-Arena representatives actually replying and disgracing a previous employee or associate is even worse, it is unethical and amateurish. A serious business would either ignore such an attempt of bad publicity and let it die in peace (noone, and certainly not any future employee or associate, would pay real attention to this thread) or reply that they do not make public comments about retired business projects.
Currently playing: * City of Heroes: Deggial, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster. Server: Defiant. * City of Villains: Snakeroot, Plant/Thorns Dominator. Server: Defiant.
well for everyone who thinks my intentions are not what i claim them to be remember this: next time anyone rips any of u off. lies to u, backstabbs u, dont tell anyone. keep it to your self cause nobody cares. hell dont even do anything to help any one cause nobody cares. i dont need to make it personal like this statement: "as an attempt to disgrace Game-Arena because of a personal grudge" they did a good job of disgracing themselves. and if i wanted to make it personal trust me they would be on here making death threats and what not. so like i said no one cares about anything u do and learn that from here.
Originally posted by gamerman98 well for everyone who thinks my intentions are not what i claim them to be remember this: next time anyone rips any of u off. lies to u, backstabbs u, dont tell anyone. keep it to your self cause nobody cares. hell dont even do anything to help any one cause nobody cares. i dont need to make it personal like this statement: "as an attempt to disgrace Game-Arena because of a personal grudge" they did a good job of disgracing themselves. and if i wanted to make it personal trust me they would be on here making death threats and what not. so like i said no one cares about anything u do and learn that from here.
*rolls eyes*
You know, the next time you decide to bring claims such as this to the table, try to bring proof first. Second, even though I'm not saying I believe either side, I am more inclined to believe the side that takes the time to communicate in a coherent manner. Blabbing on with poor grammar and spelling, and generally making heavy use of 'Internet English', makes you simply look immature in my eyes at least, thus I am less inclined to take seriously anything you say. Think about it some--it makes sense.
Originally posted by gamerman98 well for everyone who thinks my intentions are not what i claim them to be remember this: next time anyone rips any of u off. lies to u, backstabbs u, dont tell anyone. keep it to your self cause nobody cares. hell dont even do anything to help any one cause nobody cares. i dont need to make it personal like this statement: "as an attempt to disgrace Game-Arena because of a personal grudge" they did a good job of disgracing themselves. and if i wanted to make it personal trust me they would be on here making death threats and what not. so like i said no one cares about anything u do and learn that from here.
*rolls eyes*
You know, the next time you decide to bring claims such as this to the table, try to bring proof first. Second, even though I'm not saying I believe either side, I am more inclined to believe the side that takes the time to communicate in a coherent manner. Blabbing on with poor grammar and spelling, and generally making heavy use of 'Internet English', makes you simply look immature in my eyes at least, thus I am less inclined to take seriously anything you say. Think about it some--it makes sense.
How you speak is not a prerequisites to competence and work ethic. If I we're you I'd listen to what gamerman98 had to say. On a side note, how well does discrimination sort out the truths from the lies? I'm leaning more torwards gamerman98's opinion.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
Originally posted by gamerman98 Hi i just wanted to seriously warn everyone that is hoping to make a game or just like st o play them that a company called Game-Arena Entertainment is a sham. how would i know you may ask. Well if you go look through the Help Wanted in developers corner i had a game called Kingdom In Exile. He claimed to have liked it and wanted to sign me. my game, and my team to his company. All went well for 5 whole days and today he dropped me and my game for reasons that weren't even valid. His user name on MMORPG.com or anywhere else for that matter is Tom316. He acts all professional but really hes all BS. The word "Contract" is what gets ppl to sign with him and trust me you wont get a dime. He will even tell you that he has a meeting with NCsoft about his games and if u seen them you would know that NCsoft only publishes games that actually look good. Im not saying this in revenge or anything im looking out for the MMORPG community and being an honest person so please listen to the truth from me than lies from them. Thank youGamerman98
It takes one sucker to keep the rest of us from becoming one?
Originally posted by gamerman98 The word "Contract" is what gets ppl to sign with him and trust me you wont get a dime.
If you sign a contract with someone that says you get money then more often than not you do - it's fairly simple. Did you actually 'sign' with them???
Originally posted by Betrayal-X How you speak is not a prerequisite to competence.
No but how you write is.
Originally posted by Betrayal-X If I we're you I'd listen to what gamerman98 had to say.
From what I can see gamerman98 hasn't actually lost anything, he still has full rights to his project and at worst has wasted a couple of hours of his young life. What's the problem???
Originally posted by Betrayal-X How you speak is not a prerequisite to competence.
No but how you write is.
Oh forgive me, I forgot to say what is required of a person to being competent. Talent and, the will to do what it takes. Any, dumbass can write a huge entry on w/e that makes them seem smart and capable but, when it comes to the grit and grind, you see the flowery speach subside.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
Originally posted by Betrayal-X Oh forgive me, I forgot to say what is required of a person to being competent. Talent and, the will to do what it takes.
If you can't articulate your ideas properly then they rapidly become worthless.
Originally posted by Betrayal-X Any, dumbass can write a huge entry on w/e that makes them seem smart and capable but, when it comes to the grit and grind, you see the flowery speach subside.
If they can do that then why don't they???? Pretty much the only evidence for a persons 'competence' that you can get from a message board is from what they write. From what gamerman has written why do you so strongly believe that we should support him???
Originally posted by gamerman98 well for everyone who thinks my intentions are not what i claim them to be remember this: next time anyone rips any of u off. lies to u, backstabbs u, dont tell anyone. keep it to your self cause nobody cares. hell dont even do anything to help any one cause nobody cares. i dont need to make it personal like this statement: "as an attempt to disgrace Game-Arena because of a personal grudge" they did a good job of disgracing themselves. and if i wanted to make it personal trust me they would be on here making death threats and what not. so like i said no one cares about anything u do and learn that from here.
Long time no see guys! Was almost starting to miss you...well...almost. So you guys are bored with WoW PvP arena? Didnt I hear there was another coming soon? Did this mean we have like a few days only to talk with you?
PS: Sorry, I cant resist...it just seem so similar...everyone going to wash they clothes in public...LOL
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
ok sorry for not being professional bla bla bla. that one guy that has my back is right. There is no way you HAVE to act on these forums. Let see what else, one person called me 12 dude im 23 so dont start with that " oh ur acting like a little kid boo-hoo" give it a rest. ok not to stoop to any normal lows that have hit around here. no i didnt sign a contract and the reason why is cause and get this, if a CEO pulls out and walks out on his team for say.....2 weeks is that professional. You wanna know why he did?? Cause hes a control freak and thats what comes into play with my statement. now if you guys think they are professional does talking behind someones back count cause heres what one of my "resources" that look out for me found out and i quote: "The exact details can not be disclosed other then that it came down to the KIE Lead Designers ability to do his job was not in par with what we expect from out staff. Most of the KIE Staff themselves have decided to stay with the company (that should tell you something there)" i was told that in their fancy little chat room it took mr professional a long while to make his claims up. now i dont need to act porfessional right now since KIE was just a hobby project and i dont care that its done, but when they keep talking about me with lies i have to defend my self. I dont hide (like them) i dont make crap up (like them) and i surely dont buy off people just so i look better. Its simply this. They attacked i defend, and i wont stop until i feel like ive been justified. how will that happen i dont know, but i dont want some kid with a dream get used like i was. as for their 3 little posts?? they thought tha twould stop me and realized that they cant cause they have no control over what i say or do lol. but i say thank you to those few that believe me and dont waste their time trying to be cool by saying crap about me.
ok gamerman, you better keep it tight shut now. Why? Because you are making a fool out of yourself. Just give it a rest and move on. As stated in my previous post, I won't choose a side, but I can tell you that your posts will get yourself in more disarray then you think. So for you own best will, give up and move on. You still have your ideas and instead of sitting on your grugde and revenge move on and prove you can make it work (even if it is only a hobby project). Prove GAE wrong and bring you game to the world instead of trying to smaktalk.
Oh and yeah my english isn't the best, as so many others. But you try to say this in my mothertongue and you will understand. Also a bit of layout in posts like punctuations and paragraphing does a lot. Especialy when you are trying to put up a post. And I'm sure most here are english speakers from origin so they don't have that much excuse
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
Originally posted by gamerman98 They attacked i defend, and i wont stop until i feel like ive been justified. h
You're the one who turned a private business matter into a public debate. And I fail to see how you'll be justified (sic) by discussing this on a forum, especially when it's just your word against theirs.
Whether you're honest or not, you'll gain nothing but bad remarks by such an unprofessional behaviour. Same goes for Game-Arena for replying in such a thread trying to disgrace you.
Currently playing: * City of Heroes: Deggial, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster. Server: Defiant. * City of Villains: Snakeroot, Plant/Thorns Dominator. Server: Defiant.
Originally posted by gamerman98 There is no way you HAVE to act on these forums.
That's not what it's about, it's about having the brains to realise that when you are appealling for sympathy and support phrasing it as an overlong SMS message might be a bad idea.
Originally posted by gamerman98 If a CEO pulls out and walks out on his team for say.....2 weeks is that professional.
You'll have to explain more what that means. The CEO resigned for 2 weeks, or the CEO went on holiday for 2 weeks?
Originally posted by gamerman98 Now if you guys think they are professional does talking behind someones back count
This is business not Kindergarten.
Originally posted by gamerman98 "The exact details can not be disclosed other then that it came down to the KIE Lead Designers ability to do his job was not in par with what we expect from out staff. Most of the KIE Staff themselves have decided to stay with the company (that should tell you something there)"
That's perfectly fair. No names were named and that is a perfectly legitimate reason to drop someone and a project.
Originally posted by gamerman98 They attacked i defend, and i wont stop until i feel like ive been justified. how will that happen i dont know, but i dont want some kid with a dream get used like i was. as for their 3 little posts?? they thought tha twould stop me and realized that they cant cause they have no control over what i say or do lol.
It's not about believing you. From what you've said, someone you didn't have a contract with didn't think you were fit to lead a potential project so dropped you and your project - you still have full rights to your project and haven't actually suffered at all from it. Why is this a problem, and what have they done wrong???
Originally posted by gamerman98 1) no i didnt sign a contract and the reason why is cause and get this, if a CEO pulls out and walks out on his team for say.....2 weeks is that professional. You wanna know why he did?? Cause hes a control freak and thats what comes into play with my statement.
2) now if you guys think they are professional does talking behind someones back count cause heres what one of my "resources" that look out for me found out and i quote: "The exact details can not be disclosed other then that it came down to the KIE Lead Designers ability to do his job was not in par with what we expect from out staff. Most of the KIE Staff themselves have decided to stay with the company (that should tell you something there)"
3) now i dont need to act porfessional right now since KIE was just a hobby project and i dont care that its done, but when they keep talking about me with lies i have to defend my self.
4) I dont hide (like them) i dont make crap up (like them) and i surely dont buy off people just so i look better. Its simply this.
5) They attacked i defend, and i wont stop until i feel like ive been justified. how will that happen i dont know, but i dont want some kid with a dream get used like i was.
6) as for their 3 little posts?? they thought tha twould stop me and realized that they cant cause they have no control over what i say or do lol. but i say thank you to those few that believe me and dont waste their time trying to be cool by saying crap about me. thank you Gamerman98
1) Ok, you did not sign a legitamate or legal binding contract, so therefore there is no copyright issues. As a matter of fact, they are not "stealing" your concept, story or any aspect of your game. So why may I ask are you bashing them?
Also, if this is a home based buisness with "virtual offices" then did you ever give thought to why the CEO was out for 2 weeks? Did you even ask?
2) That is indeed, a valid and very good reason to drop anyone from a project. You had yet to sign a contract with the company, and in this time they felt you did not meet their expectations of what they want in a Dev leader.
So instead of signing you, they made, what they felt, was the best decision for their company. There is nothing wrong with that, this is a buisness and you have to be prepared to handle the ups and downs.
3) Well, at the risk of sounding like a flamer, you havn't acted proffesional since you started this thread. My question, however, is if this was just a hobby project as you say and you do not care whether or not it is finished, then what, may I ask is your big deal with this company?
To be honest if I was one of your team members and I read that statement I would have little to no respect or confidence in you as a team leader. Did you ever think maybe it was that attitude that might have given the company reason to question your leadership skills?
4) Who did they buy off? If you are reffering to the rest of your team that stayed with the company, maybe they were just taking the opportunitty. It would be more proffesional, and downright more dignified to be happy for them.
5) Well, you basically just admitted in that statement that this thread is not about "warning your fellow gamers". It is more about your personal satisfaction in wanting to be justified.
Another thing is what attacking took place by this company? If I am not mistaken, it was in fact you who went on the offensive by starting this thread and trying to discredit the reputation of this company due to a buisness desicion. So in that case, it is more like you attack, they defend etc.
6) Once again, if I am not mistaken, I believe that Jamie made the statement that they were not trying to "beat" KIE or you in any way.
Also, no one is trying to be "cool" by flaming you or disagreeing with you. Most are just trying to get the facts and explain to you why they feel they don't agree with you.
The bottom line here is that you have two parties, a Company and a Developer, a buisness desicion was made that one party did not agree with. So this party goes on the offensive and lashes out against the other party.
Now I personaly do not care either way, I just state my opinion as I see fit. It is not that I do not wish to believe you or the company, it is simply the fact that you have yet to make a valid argument as to why I should believe you, IE facts and documents proving the injust and unfair practices made by this company. So far, like previously stated by onother on this thread, it is a simple case of "He said she said" and carries no real weight. Until you provide legitament facts and hard evidence that this company has done anything wrong other then make a common buisness decision, do not expect support from anyone on these forums that doesn't jump to conclusions.
I saw an angel of death come from the clouds one day, it touched my heart and smiled, then flew away, i felt my heart turn black and cold, and embraced this new power that i now hold
hey not too start anymore bickering but i just want to say that i joined KIE when we were still in business with GAE but the next day i find it off their website, so i found out by going on their website that they just split up and some of the KIE team members went to GAE and others styed with KIE. they did wish us the best of luck with everything, which was nice, but i think the reason they did that was just to get more people and leave us in the dumps, but they did say good luck...not sure if they meant it..
Originally posted by EvilMinion85 hey not too start anymore bickering but i just want to say that i joined KIE when we were still in business with GAE but the next day i find it off their website, so i found out by going on their website that they just split up and some of the KIE team members went to GAE and others styed with KIE. they did wish us the best of luck with everything, which was nice, but i think the reason they did that was just to get more people and leave us in the dumps, but they did say good luck...not sure if they meant it..
no Evil they said to wish us good luck but i know for a fact that they just alughed at us after the incident. And as for the rest of you that say how immature this is and tell me to shut it. umm....no. if some of you dont take heed to my warnings what makes u think ill listen to you. i do this for the fact that yes i was screwed and they lied about what made it that way. If i did something that i knew of that made it happen then i wouldnt care if anyone else gets screwed by ppl like them in the future but i do care so thats the way it is.
Originally posted by gamerman98 yes i was screwed and they lied about what made it that way..
You are singularly avoiding answering any of the points people make against you preferring instead to paint yourself as some kind of union rep for gamers' rights, that hardly screams 'credibility'.
What you've said so far is that they invited you to join and then before any contracts were signed they pulled out because they didn't like your approach as head of a development team, you are now left still holding full ownership rights to your project. You don't appear to have actually lost anything.
That isn't being screwed over, what do you mean by "I was screwed"????
Wow. ABP sounds like
Engine and features that are spread between projects doesnt really count as ABP history, and a month in concepting isnt close to the length of time that C:O has been in the works.
Shame that several p-a projects so similar to what theyve been doing have sprouted up recently.
Everything is starting to sound like that, the post-apocalyptic genre is in-vogue at the moment and there are no genuinely good MMORPGs that are FPS'. Just be better than the rest
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
Both sides are behaving quite unprofessionally in this thread. Gamerman, you're not warning or protecting anyone with this thread, it seems (whether it really is or not) as an attempt to disgrace Game-Arena because of a personal grudge.
Game-Arena representatives actually replying and disgracing a previous employee or associate is even worse, it is unethical and amateurish. A serious business would either ignore such an attempt of bad publicity and let it die in peace (noone, and certainly not any future employee or associate, would pay real attention to this thread) or reply that they do not make public comments about retired business projects.
Currently playing:
* City of Heroes: Deggial, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster. Server: Defiant.
* City of Villains: Snakeroot, Plant/Thorns Dominator. Server: Defiant.
well for everyone who thinks my intentions are not what i claim them to be remember this: next time anyone rips any of u off. lies to u, backstabbs u, dont tell anyone. keep it to your self cause nobody cares. hell dont even do anything to help any one cause nobody cares. i dont need to make it personal like this statement: "as an attempt to disgrace Game-Arena because of a personal grudge" they did a good job of disgracing themselves. and if i wanted to make it personal trust me they would be on here making death threats and what not. so like i said no one cares about anything u do and learn that from here.
*rolls eyes*
You know, the next time you decide to bring claims such as this to the table, try to bring proof first. Second, even though I'm not saying I believe either side, I am more inclined to believe the side that takes the time to communicate in a coherent manner. Blabbing on with poor grammar and spelling, and generally making heavy use of 'Internet English', makes you simply look immature in my eyes at least, thus I am less inclined to take seriously anything you say. Think about it some--it makes sense.
*rolls eyes*
You know, the next time you decide to bring claims such as this to the table, try to bring proof first. Second, even though I'm not saying I believe either side, I am more inclined to believe the side that takes the time to communicate in a coherent manner. Blabbing on with poor grammar and spelling, and generally making heavy use of 'Internet English', makes you simply look immature in my eyes at least, thus I am less inclined to take seriously anything you say. Think about it some--it makes sense.
How you speak is not a prerequisites to competence and work ethic. If I we're you I'd listen to what gamerman98 had to say. On a side note, how well does discrimination sort out the truths from the lies? I'm leaning more torwards gamerman98's opinion.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
just jk hehe
"My Fantasy is having two men at once...
One Cooking and One Cleaning!"
"A good man can make you feel sexy,
strong and able to take on the whole world...
oh sorry...that's wine...wine does that..."
If you sign a contract with someone that says you get money then more often than not you do - it's fairly simple. Did you actually 'sign' with them???
No but how you write is.
From what I can see gamerman98 hasn't actually lost anything, he still has full rights to his project and at worst has wasted a couple of hours of his young life. What's the problem???
No but how you write is.
Oh forgive me, I forgot to say what is required of a person to being competent. Talent and, the will to do what it takes. Any, dumbass can write a huge entry on w/e that makes them seem smart and capable but, when it comes to the grit and grind, you see the flowery speach subside.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
If you can't articulate your ideas properly then they rapidly become worthless.
If they can do that then why don't they???? Pretty much the only evidence for a persons 'competence' that you can get from a message board is from what they write. From what gamerman has written why do you so strongly believe that we should support him???
Its usually called professional discretion.
Long time no see guys! Was almost starting to miss you...well...almost. So you guys are bored with WoW PvP arena? Didnt I hear there was another coming soon? Did this mean we have like a few days only to talk with you?
PS: Sorry, I cant resist...it just seem so similar...everyone going to wash they clothes in public...LOL
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I heard of them but now come on u got ur hopes up dont trust other companies they all backstabbing meanies
ok sorry for not being professional bla bla bla. that one guy that has my back is right. There is no way you HAVE to act on these forums. Let see what else, one person called me 12 dude im 23 so dont start with that " oh ur acting like a little kid boo-hoo" give it a rest. ok not to stoop to any normal lows that have hit around here. no i didnt sign a contract and the reason why is cause and get this, if a CEO pulls out and walks out on his team for say.....2 weeks is that professional. You wanna know why he did?? Cause hes a control freak and thats what comes into play with my statement. now if you guys think they are professional does talking behind someones back count cause heres what one of my "resources" that look out for me found out and i quote: "The exact details can not be disclosed other then that it came down to the KIE Lead Designers ability to do his job was not in par with what we expect from out staff. Most of the KIE Staff themselves have decided to stay with the company (that should tell you something there)" i was told that in their fancy little chat room it took mr professional a long while to make his claims up. now i dont need to act porfessional right now since KIE was just a hobby project and i dont care that its done, but when they keep talking about me with lies i have to defend my self. I dont hide (like them) i dont make crap up (like them) and i surely dont buy off people just so i look better. Its simply this. They attacked i defend, and i wont stop until i feel like ive been justified. how will that happen i dont know, but i dont want some kid with a dream get used like i was. as for their 3 little posts?? they thought tha twould stop me and realized that they cant cause they have no control over what i say or do lol. but i say thank you to those few that believe me and dont waste their time trying to be cool by saying crap about me.
thank you
ok gamerman, you better keep it tight shut now. Why? Because you are making a fool out of yourself. Just give it a rest and move on. As stated in my previous post, I won't choose a side, but I can tell you that your posts will get yourself in more disarray then you think. So for you own best will, give up and move on. You still have your ideas and instead of sitting on your grugde and revenge move on and prove you can make it work (even if it is only a hobby project). Prove GAE wrong and bring you game to the world instead of trying to smaktalk.
Oh and yeah my english isn't the best, as so many others. But you try to say this in my mothertongue and you will understand. Also a bit of layout in posts like punctuations and paragraphing does a lot. Especialy when you are trying to put up a post. And I'm sure most here are english speakers from origin so they don't have that much excuse
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
Bah. Gamerman, despite his youthful style, is doing people a service. He's had a personal dealing with someone and he's warning people based on it.
Its not like its coming out of nowhere...its been verified that he had a relationship with them and he's telling us he got screwed.
People should lay off the guy.
You're the one who turned a private business matter into a public debate. And I fail to see how you'll be justified (sic) by discussing this on a forum, especially when it's just your word against theirs.
Whether you're honest or not, you'll gain nothing but bad remarks by such an unprofessional behaviour. Same goes for Game-Arena for replying in such a thread trying to disgrace you.
Currently playing:
* City of Heroes: Deggial, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster. Server: Defiant.
* City of Villains: Snakeroot, Plant/Thorns Dominator. Server: Defiant.
That's not what it's about, it's about having the brains to realise that when you are appealling for sympathy and support phrasing it as an overlong SMS message might be a bad idea.
You'll have to explain more what that means. The CEO resigned for 2 weeks, or the CEO went on holiday for 2 weeks?
This is business not Kindergarten.
That's perfectly fair. No names were named and that is a perfectly legitimate reason to drop someone and a project.
It's not about believing you. From what you've said, someone you didn't have a contract with didn't think you were fit to lead a potential project so dropped you and your project - you still have full rights to your project and haven't actually suffered at all from it. Why is this a problem, and what have they done wrong???
1) Ok, you did not sign a legitamate or legal binding contract, so therefore there is no copyright issues. As a matter of fact, they are not "stealing" your concept, story or any aspect of your game. So why may I ask are you bashing them?
Also, if this is a home based buisness with "virtual offices" then did you ever give thought to why the CEO was out for 2 weeks? Did you even ask?
2) That is indeed, a valid and very good reason to drop anyone from a project. You had yet to sign a contract with the company, and in this time they felt you did not meet their expectations of what they want in a Dev leader.
So instead of signing you, they made, what they felt, was the best decision for their company. There is nothing wrong with that, this is a buisness and you have to be prepared to handle the ups and downs.
3) Well, at the risk of sounding like a flamer, you havn't acted proffesional since you started this thread. My question, however, is if this was just a hobby project as you say and you do not care whether or not it is finished, then what, may I ask is your big deal with this company?
To be honest if I was one of your team members and I read that statement I would have little to no respect or confidence in you as a team leader. Did you ever think maybe it was that attitude that might have given the company reason to question your leadership skills?
4) Who did they buy off? If you are reffering to the rest of your team that stayed with the company, maybe they were just taking the opportunitty. It would be more proffesional, and downright more dignified to be happy for them.
5) Well, you basically just admitted in that statement that this thread is not about "warning your fellow gamers". It is more about your personal satisfaction in wanting to be justified.
Another thing is what attacking took place by this company? If I am not mistaken, it was in fact you who went on the offensive by starting this thread and trying to discredit the reputation of this company due to a buisness desicion. So in that case, it is more like you attack, they defend etc.
6) Once again, if I am not mistaken, I believe that Jamie made the statement that they were not trying to "beat" KIE or you in any way.
Also, no one is trying to be "cool" by flaming you or disagreeing with you. Most are just trying to get the facts and explain to you why they feel they don't agree with you.
The bottom line here is that you have two parties, a Company and a Developer, a buisness desicion was made that one party did not agree with. So this party goes on the offensive and lashes out against the other party.
Now I personaly do not care either way, I just state my opinion as I see fit. It is not that I do not wish to believe you or the company, it is simply the fact that you have yet to make a valid argument as to why I should believe you, IE facts and documents proving the injust and unfair practices made by this company. So far, like previously stated by onother on this thread, it is a simple case of "He said she said" and carries no real weight. Until you provide legitament facts and hard evidence that this company has done anything wrong other then make a common buisness decision, do not expect support from anyone on these forums that doesn't jump to conclusions.
I saw an angel of death come from the clouds one day, it touched my heart and smiled, then flew away, i felt my heart turn black and cold, and embraced this new power that i now hold
no Evil they said to wish us good luck but i know for a fact that they just alughed at us after the incident. And as for the rest of you that say how immature this is and tell me to shut it. umm....no. if some of you dont take heed to my warnings what makes u think ill listen to you. i do this for the fact that yes i was screwed and they lied about what made it that way. If i did something that i knew of that made it happen then i wouldnt care if anyone else gets screwed by ppl like them in the future but i do care so thats the way it is.
You are singularly avoiding answering any of the points people make against you preferring instead to paint yourself as some kind of union rep for gamers' rights, that hardly screams 'credibility'.
What you've said so far is that they invited you to join and then before any contracts were signed they pulled out because they didn't like your approach as head of a development team, you are now left still holding full ownership rights to your project. You don't appear to have actually lost anything.
That isn't being screwed over, what do you mean by "I was screwed"????
Cant you people just solve this like adults? A fistfight outside the office will do you both good.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.