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So I just cancelled. I have been playing 3 weeks. I enjoyed my gnome mage at first and the graphics are excellent, however there is never any grouping or people looking to group. I was on a pvp server which had no pvp (was killed once and that was the first and last time I saw a horde player). I guess this game would be ok if you had alot of friends that play mmorpgs, maybe then if you all started at the same time you could group together.
yeah it helps to have friends in the game with you or to at least seek them out.
Soloing is a double edged sword. It's absolutely great when you don't have the time and/or patience to deal with other people but bad when you want to party.
I will give credit to WoW for being the most polished game I've ever played in my life. For that I mean everything is easy to do, from having several hotbars for your spells/skills, the Auction house, mail system, non-clunky fighting and character movement. It all plays out well.
It's not the most immersive game I've played but good casual fun, in my opinion.
If you want to group and enjoy grouping WoW is about the last MMORPG on the market to play
It's really a very casual game so don't expect to be held captive for all that long to be honest.
U played 3 weeks? Omg the majority of people play only 1 week and then leave wow
Don't cancel just yet.
My guess is that you chose an under-populated server or an old server, look for the servers that are newer and play on those ones as opposed to old ones that are mostly 55+, otherwise you'll rarely find a group.
High pop realms are good, as well, though too high and you will never be able to log on.
You probably chose a bad server to play on...
K, thanks, bye.
I don't like forced grouping, but rather games that fascilitate it.
If you're going to continue in the MMO genre, try being a little extroverted. Although I like to solo occasionally, I really enjoy questing/fighting with a group.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
As was like you until I started doing instances. I started on Greymane which is a new server. Most peeps now are starting to hit 20-30 but there are still a lot of newbs rerolling or starting from scratch. Once you hit 15, you can get into a few dungeon instances. Im Horde so I have been playing in RFC which is right in Ogrimmar. There are meeting stones ther or groups of people looking to join 5 man raids. It's great, really. There are instances all the way through 60 so grouping should not be a problem.
Don't mean to hijack this thread but where might I find info on newer servers or more populated servers.
If you had problems finding groups you either weren't lvl 20+ or weren't in the right places. In Westfall, there's usually TONS of people "lfg for VC." Groups become a must at higher levels.
WoW: Lamere, 70 Paladin on Jaedenar (retired)
DAoC: Cadore Ironmace, 50 Cleric (retired)
SWG: Dolthin Erid, Master CH/Master Pistoleer (NGE'd)
Waiting for: Warhammer Online/Age of Conan
The main classes I played wre popular in groups (Mage, Warrior) so I admit that I may be biased. But I never had to wait for more than a few minutes for a group if I was in a zone with an instance. The only game I can think of where i got groups more easilly was CoH (I played a defender in that game, so I would generally get peppered with blind invites as soon as I logged until I accepted one or went anon).
That aside, WoW isn'f for everyone. i got bored with it too. But it wasn't becasue I couldn't get groups.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Is anyone else sick of tanktastic spamming this forum with his "WoW sucks" posts?
dude if u got board its bec u dident make a new person dumb ass its funner with other races u know
if you played for 3 weeks theres no wonder u didnt see any pvp if you hung out in allience/horde territory all the time, get down to a contested area then u will see pvp, because people are actually ABLE to attack you there, also if you want pvp, go to a battleground and stop whining be4 u give the game a chance
If you dontl ike WoW then fine
However, posting it in every thread u get is becoming borderline flaming. I think the majority of the population here knows you dont like the game. No need in reminding people every 3 posts. It just makes you look bad.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Hi nothin2gein,
On the reverse side of the coin everyone knows that you like the game so why are you
posting in every thread!!!!!!!
Just to fill you in I had 8 toons of which 6 reached lvl 10 and 2 to lvl 21. I committed
to 3 months of play on a daily basis. Therefore I can speak with some authority as the
quality of the game. I even ran 2 accounts with a pally(healer) and a hunter(tank).
I have given credit where credit is due but came to the conclusion AFTER PLAYING
that I would save people from losing there hard earned money on what honestly
is a trash game. Oh I dont post in every thread btw.
Just to even it up Ironforge looks great.
Take care.
My gawd, 3 weeks and never finding any groups? SWITCH SERVER!!!! If you read the forums, you'll see for yourself that so many people are complaining about Low Population servers being boring cause they can't find groups whatsoever.
But if you considered rerolling a new character on a Medium or High population server, and you complain you can't find anyone to group with, you're either a very anti-social person or you have a stupid retard l33t name like: "ubergnome" or "leetsixnine" and no one wants to group with you.
Why does Ironforge lag so much? Cause that's where everyone gathers around to try looking for groups! Cause they know people go there for the Auction Hall, so automatically people turned Ironforge into the official "Grouping" place.
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
lol... and when you reach level 60 in 2 months of play... game over.
There is no top end to WoW... level 60 and done.
Want a real game? With a real challenge and some to do top end? Switch to Lineage2! With it's epic battles and castle sieges it's by far the best game. To bad this site was paid off to give WoW a high rating and because L2 didn't ante up was given a poor rating. Heck just go read what people say in their reviews for both WoW and L2...
I can tell you two things you did wrong.
1. You made an alliance character and expected to find a group. Not going to happen. 90% of the alliance are weak cowards who will only run an instance if they have a level 60 from their guild with them. and i say this having raised several alliance characters into their mid thirties.
If you want teamwork and socialization, you will have to go Horde. I did it, and have never once looked back. I am a troll to stay.
2. You went to a PvP server for this. My experience with a PvP server sucked. There was no honor on either side. If you were red and 20 levels or lower, you were going to get ganked.
If you're looking for smart, intelligent, teamwork minded individuals, you won't find it on alliance, and it's doubtful you'll find it on a PvP server.
I server hopped about 5 or 6 times before I found my home. turns out it was an RP server that suited me
Maybe it can suit you too.
Best Damn Guild Mistress Ever... and humble to boot!
Have you:
Started or taken over leadership of a Guild in WoW?
Raised a profession such as blacksmithing or tailoring to it's highest levels?
Ran somebody lower level than yourself through an instance and taught them where the trouble spots were, what to do to avoid them, or if no avoidance was possible the best strategy to get through it?
Soloed an elite dragon only 4 levels lower than you?
Gone to the opposing factions lands and either a. killed all of the guards and players or b. smiled and communicated with them using the game emotes?
There is a lot to this game you have not even begun to touch on. If after three months of play you only got into your twenties, you suck pretty bad. I got a mage into her mid twenties in three days. My warrior was faster than that. Hunter hit 47 in about a month.
SO you hate the game. That's fine, I think some games suck too. but you don't see me making an idiot out of myself posting in those sections do you? Noone cares if you think it sucks. We like it and we play it. I am glad you cancelled. You are one less retard i have to deal with now.
Best Damn Guild Mistress Ever... and humble to boot!