I wonder if the planes will be historically correct?
I play Wings of Prey and wanted my planes to look authentic. I had to log in and down load the swastika for my German planes when I got the Addon Wings of Luftwaffe. Apparantly, they check your IP address and if you live in Germany, Poland or some other countries, you can't have the swastika for some reason.
Do you think they intentially made the acronym for this game "WoW"?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
I wonder if the planes will be historically correct?
I play Wings of Prey and wanted my planes to look authentic. I had to log in and down load the swastika for my German planes when I got the Addon Wings of Luftwaffe. Apparantly, they check your IP address and if you live in Germany, Poland or some other countries, you can't have the swastika for some reason.
Its outlawed in those countries.
As for real, not a chance. The game is pure arcade with historical info as a guidline on how to scale their best to worst format.
But if the Russian bias remains true, as in almost every air game I played, look for the Yak-9 to cruise at 900mph, turn better than a Am6 Zero, have battleship 16" shells bounce off it, and have enough firepower to destroy a small planet.
My other half LOVES World of Tanks. He got me to download it, I tried it. I didn't find it even remotely fun or engaging. He's looking forward to World of Planes too and World of Whatever else they think up I suspect. Not for me I'm afraid!
Only 1 ture mmo flight game that is not arcade but simm War Thunder world of planes and they will have land and see fighting and infrantry eventrually not just planes. Be like the new WW2 Online game.
Hello, translated your posts and was surprised. Yes, the shells of tanks in the world (for gold) bring disbalas, but mostly the game wins the one who have experience and straight arms. And I did not notice what you said about the Russian tanks.
Try to play on the Russian server .... it might still have a difference
Am I the only guy who checks out these "Previews" expecting some video?
No, you're not the only one.
As for the Russians being imbalanced. I can say that in World of Tanks, for the longest time, Russian armor has always been the top dog in any match.
IS-3, IS-4, IS-7, SU-152, ISU 152, Object.704, their Object 212 artillery etc etc. They always pack the most punch, but on paper they have relatively 22% less penetration of German or American guns. The deal is however, that Russian armor generally sits MUCH lower to the ground with their gun. Meaning, Russian armor's penetration values are, on average, MUCH higher than listed on paper. Where as Germans, Ameircans, and now French tanks have to deal with steeper angles from their turret's higher sitting angle compared to Russian Armor.
This isn't even close to balanced. If it WERE balanced, they wouldn't have had to nerf German armor across the board by roughly 46% in effectiveness. German Armor is relatively the best in the front (only has changed in the past 4months from when they used to be almost the same as Russian), but their guns are known as the least hardest hitting, and "bounce" the most regardless of their supposed "Higher" penetration values for their guns.
All in all, I don't trust the World of Tanks biased Russian devs. They constantly claim its just in the player's head, but when we play the game more than they do and WE see the imbalancend nature of the game it really gets to you.
Oh, let's not even go into how BADLY Artillery is OverPowered and completely imbalanced in WoT atm either. /shiver
Whole thing is unbalanced always has been, whole thing is designed purely about getting you to spend money, -period-. it's the only "design decisions" there are. How to get you to spend money. This "preview" defines the concept of "puff piece".
"WOT is just the most amazing game ever and WoWP will be just as incredulous incredibly! Why it will have more online people concurrently than a real mmo like eve! Thats just absolutely incredibly!
You can jump right into the action and not have to deal with things that would take too much time and money for us to bother with! AMAZING! Fully balanced cash ammo that will give you the edge but don't worry if you don't pay any money you cheap moocher. You can play in the low tiers! Amazing play style fits your tight little wallet!!!! See all the pointless awards we bought! Shouldn't you play an absolutely amazing game with these increadable awards!? "
That's how the WoT devs sound to me.
Agree 100%! Especially about the awards we bought, well said!
Maybe next time a software house will be able to make a game that is not World of ....
The effect of WoW on the MMO genre was disscused in a recent article, even here in a very differant kind of game they could not bring themselves to actually think of a new title.
History is one of my expertiese, so I don't need to brush up too much.(not you lokey but the funny guy above)
The T-34 was a medium tank and was an early designed tank. so it is only fair to compare gun penetration, armor thickness, reliability, production speed ect. of like models and years of production. 42 v 42 and so on. The panther and tiger didn't score its first combat hour till Kursk 43. The T-34 was already in its 3rd revision at that point.
The t-34 was the equal to the Pz-II & Pz-III models. And it was superior in every way. Even the later Panthers & Tigers were inferior to JS-I and JS-II(compared by wieght and year of production).
JS-II was all but immune to the standard 88mm , yet the JS-II 122mm cut through a Panther's armor quite easily.
The main difference between the two sides were tactics and command control. Germany had a far superior C&C over their Russian counterparts.
As for the air wars, yes german pilots were dominating. But watch out for these russian devs, they tend to make their "national" icons more from a fantasy perspective.
If you like DIII, ever try Rise of Flight? Awesom game, and its free if you just want to fly a Spad-XIII
I don't exactly agree there, what made the T-34 so OP was really the number it could be manifactured in. It was totally built in almost 90 000 (A friend of mine actually owns one that works, he is a WW2 re-enactor).
It was really the number that won the war, even if I agree that it was a great machine. Now, I can easily admit that I am a lot better versed in planes than tanks but i do have read the basics. On the other hand is my favorite tank the Mark IV...
I have been looking on it, but the fact that they sell the planes the way they do have kinda turned me off it. The physics of the engine is pretty impressing though. To be honest do i mostly play that types of games on tabletops (like http://www.eaglesmax.com/) but I have been looking forward to a new good flight sim for years.
I wonder if the planes will be historically correct?
I play Wings of Prey and wanted my planes to look authentic. I had to log in and down load the swastika for my German planes when I got the Addon Wings of Luftwaffe. Apparantly, they check your IP address and if you live in Germany, Poland or some other countries, you can't have the swastika for some reason.
Because it's illegal, I remember when I lived in Ansbach I would go down to the German hobby store to brouse and buy some stuff and all the German scale models didn't have the Swastika on the box image.
it is interesting to so often hear the russian bias argument in world of tanks. for anyone who has played thousands of matches (like i have), there do seem to be several good examples where the developers favor some russian tanks/tankdestroyers/SPG's (the soviet IS-7 is generally regarded as the best tank in the game). however, there are many cases where it is just simply not true. it depends greatly on the tier being played, and the style of the player.
most people agree the best tier VII heavy tank is american, the best tier VIII medium tank is french, and most actually prefer the highest tier german artillery. the point is that overall the win percentages for each nation across the servers are represented this way (excluding the single chinese premium tank type-59, which is no longer for sale and had is matchmaking made more difficult):
France 50%
USSR 49.23%
Germany 48.69%
USA 48.31%
these results do not seem to bear out the contention that the russian tanks are so over-powered that the rest become a waste of time to play. now i could go into great detail about every specific vehicle in the game, but i expect world of warplanes to also represent each nation fairly enough to make it competitive no matter which nation you choose for in any particular match. the developers are russian, and a VAST majority of their customers are russian. i don't mind personally if there is a percentage point difference here and there so that the company can best appease the biggest audience. that's how capitalism and the free-market economy works
Yeah the russians are imbalanced due to the bias of the devs who are ya russian.
You do realize I hope they are not Russian they don't even live in Russia. Also 90% of the Russian server are in favor of other nations tanks over Russian ones. The imbalance is that it is not pick up game you can play and expect to do really well in. You need to learn how to play it and how to angle if your tank requires it etc.
Yeah the russians are imbalanced due to the bias of the devs who are ya russian.
You do realize I hope they are not Russian they don't even live in Russia. Also 90% of the Russian server are in favor of other nations tanks over Russian ones. The imbalance is that it is not pick up game you can play and expect to do really well in. You need to learn how to play it and how to angle if your tank requires it etc.
I've played since day 1 NA closed beta. I have thousand and thousands of games under my belt. The russian tanks are overpowered because the developers won't share the one stat that matter for their tanks. Bounce/richochet. Best medium? T54 Best heavy? IS4 or is7.
Well, about T-34. Before German invasion there were 1066 T-34 produced. Keeping in mind that at the beginning of war USSR had 12 782 tanks amount of T-34 indeed don't look that impressive. More impotently is that this beginning of war was a complete disaster for USSR. Most of its tanks, planes and artillery were located near the border and destroyed without a fight during initial bombardment/attacks.
But anyway that was the best tank of that time. 76-mm gun could destroy any German tank while its 40-mm sloped frontal armour could take withstand some serious punishment. Famous German tank ace Otto Carius said that while in '41 German soldiers had at best 37-mm anti-armour guns their only hope against T-34 were luck or 88-mm AA guns. First really effective guns against T-34 were PaK 40 and KwK 40 (spring 1942).
Sure T-34 had it cons: radio set was awful, no one care about crew comfort (in Soviet Russia tanks ride you), poor ventilation and so on. Sure T-34 can't defeat Tiger in 1 vs 1, but that's medium vs heavy, like Sherman vs Tiger. But even German high command were prising T-34.
"Bias" thing in my opinion came from the fact that Russians have a post-WW2 mass produced tanks. Like IS-7 was produced in 1948. T-54 was produced in 1950. While other countries have only trials tanks that were developed somewhere in 1945 at best.
Look at the miltary channals top 10 weapons-Tanks and the top tank is the t34 with the Abbrems as number 2.
Oh give me a break, the German tanks owned the Russians. The only advantage the Russians had was numbers! Read your history! Nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text.
The advantage the T-34 had was it was much simpler to build and had far fewer breakdowns.
Anyways we are talking about the airwar here and the Russian planes were pathetic.
Oh give me a break, the German tanks owned the Russians. The only advantage the Russians had was numbers! Read your history! Nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text.
"The finest tank in the world" — Field Marshal Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist about T-34.
"We had nothing comparable" — Generalmajor Friedrich von Mellenthin about T-34.
"The technological pace-setter of World War II tank design" — American historian Steven Zaloga about T-34.
Just few quotes from wiki. So "nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text". Same goes for planes as well. Planes were ok (since '42), pilots were not. Untill about '43-44.
Oh give me a break, the German tanks owned the Russians. The only advantage the Russians had was numbers! Read your history! Nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text.
"The finest tank in the world" — Field Marshal Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist about T-34.
"We had nothing comparable" — Generalmajor Friedrich von Mellenthin about T-34.
"The technological pace-setter of World War II tank design" — American historian Steven Zaloga about T-34.
Just few quotes from wiki. So "nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text". Same goes for planes as well. Planes were ok (since '42), pilots were not. Untill about '43-44.
Should do a review on a actuall flight simm MMO war thunder world of planes instead of this crappy arcade game where it will be in alpha stage even at release like world of tanks was.
Also for the above T-34 was a good tank but was not the most feared read some more history. The T-34 was greatly mass produced that is the only reason why it's talked about so much. Also russian planes in ww2 sucked A## even when they had a decent pilot which was impossible to find since most of russian losses in the air were due to the poorly trained pilots which ended in crashes for 3/4 of there losses lol.
Oh give me a break, the German tanks owned the Russians. The only advantage the Russians had was numbers! Read your history! Nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text.
"The finest tank in the world" — Field Marshal Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist about T-34.
"We had nothing comparable" — Generalmajor Friedrich von Mellenthin about T-34.
"The technological pace-setter of World War II tank design" — American historian Steven Zaloga about T-34.
Just few quotes from wiki. So "nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text". Same goes for planes as well. Planes were ok (since '42), pilots were not. Untill about '43-44.
Sorry, but when people quote Wiki's, it just basically says you are clueless because anyone can post in a Wiki. The German panther was superior to the T-34, so was the Tiger. Just that they were far more susceptable to breakdowns
As to the Russian Airforce, my Dad was part of lend lease, he took a lend lease maintenance battalion over there and saw the Russian planes first hand. He thought all their planes were pretty bad and the Russian pilots were kids with far too little training. Most flights were their first and last.
I wonder if the planes will be historically correct?
I play Wings of Prey and wanted my planes to look authentic. I had to log in and down load the swastika for my German planes when I got the Addon Wings of Luftwaffe. Apparantly, they check your IP address and if you live in Germany, Poland or some other countries, you can't have the swastika for some reason.
Do you think they intentially made the acronym for this game "WoW"?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
Its outlawed in those countries.
As for real, not a chance. The game is pure arcade with historical info as a guidline on how to scale their best to worst format.
But if the Russian bias remains true, as in almost every air game I played, look for the Yak-9 to cruise at 900mph, turn better than a Am6 Zero, have battleship 16" shells bounce off it, and have enough firepower to destroy a small planet.
Did I mention it was made of wood?
My other half LOVES World of Tanks. He got me to download it, I tried it. I didn't find it even remotely fun or engaging. He's looking forward to World of Planes too and World of Whatever else they think up I suspect. Not for me I'm afraid!
the poster formerly known as melangel :P
Only 1 ture mmo flight game that is not arcade but simm War Thunder world of planes and they will have land and see fighting and infrantry eventrually not just planes. Be like the new WW2 Online game.
Hello, translated your posts and was surprised. Yes, the shells of tanks in the world (for gold) bring disbalas, but mostly the game wins the one who have experience and straight arms. And I did not notice what you said about the Russian tanks.
Try to play on the Russian server .... it might still have a difference
Sorry, use a translator
I keep saying the name of the game really loud in my head like the old world of wheels ad on the radio.
if there isn't a vid with a title like that i usually just skip the article, skim the comments then leave a lame one myself.
[pree-vyoo] Show IPApre·view
an earlier or previous view.
an advance showing of a motion picture, play, etc., beforeits public opening.
an advance showing of brief scenes in a motion picture,television show, etc., for purposes of advertisement.
"The problem with quotes from the Internet is that it's almost impossible to validate their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Whole thing is unbalanced always has been, whole thing is designed purely about getting you to spend money, -period-. it's the only "design decisions" there are. How to get you to spend money. This "preview" defines the concept of "puff piece".
Agree 100%! Especially about the awards we bought, well said!
Maybe next time a software house will be able to make a game that is not World of ....
The effect of WoW on the MMO genre was disscused in a recent article, even here in a very differant kind of game they could not bring themselves to actually think of a new title.
I don't exactly agree there, what made the T-34 so OP was really the number it could be manifactured in. It was totally built in almost 90 000 (A friend of mine actually owns one that works, he is a WW2 re-enactor).
It was really the number that won the war, even if I agree that it was a great machine. Now, I can easily admit that I am a lot better versed in planes than tanks but i do have read the basics. On the other hand is my favorite tank the Mark IV...
I have been looking on it, but the fact that they sell the planes the way they do have kinda turned me off it. The physics of the engine is pretty impressing though. To be honest do i mostly play that types of games on tabletops (like http://www.eaglesmax.com/) but I have been looking forward to a new good flight sim for years.
Because it's illegal, I remember when I lived in Ansbach I would go down to the German hobby store to brouse and buy some stuff and all the German scale models didn't have the Swastika on the box image.
it is interesting to so often hear the russian bias argument in world of tanks. for anyone who has played thousands of matches (like i have), there do seem to be several good examples where the developers favor some russian tanks/tankdestroyers/SPG's (the soviet IS-7 is generally regarded as the best tank in the game). however, there are many cases where it is just simply not true. it depends greatly on the tier being played, and the style of the player.
most people agree the best tier VII heavy tank is american, the best tier VIII medium tank is french, and most actually prefer the highest tier german artillery. the point is that overall the win percentages for each nation across the servers are represented this way (excluding the single chinese premium tank type-59, which is no longer for sale and had is matchmaking made more difficult):
France 50%
USSR 49.23%
Germany 48.69%
USA 48.31%
these results do not seem to bear out the contention that the russian tanks are so over-powered that the rest become a waste of time to play. now i could go into great detail about every specific vehicle in the game, but i expect world of warplanes to also represent each nation fairly enough to make it competitive no matter which nation you choose for in any particular match. the developers are russian, and a VAST majority of their customers are russian. i don't mind personally if there is a percentage point difference here and there so that the company can best appease the biggest audience. that's how capitalism and the free-market economy works
What? You need to go read some history. Like...today.
You do realize I hope they are not Russian they don't even live in Russia. Also 90% of the Russian server are in favor of other nations tanks over Russian ones. The imbalance is that it is not pick up game you can play and expect to do really well in. You need to learn how to play it and how to angle if your tank requires it etc.
I've played since day 1 NA closed beta. I have thousand and thousands of games under my belt. The russian tanks are overpowered because the developers won't share the one stat that matter for their tanks. Bounce/richochet. Best medium? T54 Best heavy? IS4 or is7.
Look at the miltary channals top 10 weapons-Tanks and the top tank is the t34 with the Abbrems as number 2.
I just wonder what battleships they will use.
Well, about T-34. Before German invasion there were 1066 T-34 produced. Keeping in mind that at the beginning of war USSR had 12 782 tanks amount of T-34 indeed don't look that impressive. More impotently is that this beginning of war was a complete disaster for USSR. Most of its tanks, planes and artillery were located near the border and destroyed without a fight during initial bombardment/attacks.
But anyway that was the best tank of that time. 76-mm gun could destroy any German tank while its 40-mm sloped frontal armour could take withstand some serious punishment. Famous German tank ace Otto Carius said that while in '41 German soldiers had at best 37-mm anti-armour guns their only hope against T-34 were luck or 88-mm AA guns. First really effective guns against T-34 were PaK 40 and KwK 40 (spring 1942).
Sure T-34 had it cons: radio set was awful, no one care about crew comfort (in Soviet Russia tanks ride you), poor ventilation and so on. Sure T-34 can't defeat Tiger in 1 vs 1, but that's medium vs heavy, like Sherman vs Tiger. But even German high command were prising T-34.
"Bias" thing in my opinion came from the fact that Russians have a post-WW2 mass produced tanks. Like IS-7 was produced in 1948. T-54 was produced in 1950. While other countries have only trials tanks that were developed somewhere in 1945 at best.
Oh give me a break, the German tanks owned the Russians. The only advantage the Russians had was numbers! Read your history! Nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text.
The advantage the T-34 had was it was much simpler to build and had far fewer breakdowns.
Anyways we are talking about the airwar here and the Russian planes were pathetic.
"The finest tank in the world" — Field Marshal Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist about T-34.
"We had nothing comparable" — Generalmajor Friedrich von Mellenthin about T-34.
"The technological pace-setter of World War II tank design" — American historian Steven Zaloga about T-34.
Just few quotes from wiki. So "nothing worse than people that can't read a historical text". Same goes for planes as well. Planes were ok (since '42), pilots were not. Untill about '43-44.
Should do a review on a actuall flight simm MMO war thunder world of planes instead of this crappy arcade game where it will be in alpha stage even at release like world of tanks was.
Also for the above T-34 was a good tank but was not the most feared read some more history. The T-34 was greatly mass produced that is the only reason why it's talked about so much. Also russian planes in ww2 sucked A## even when they had a decent pilot which was impossible to find since most of russian losses in the air were due to the poorly trained pilots which ended in crashes for 3/4 of there losses lol.
Sorry, but when people quote Wiki's, it just basically says you are clueless because anyone can post in a Wiki. The German panther was superior to the T-34, so was the Tiger. Just that they were far more susceptable to breakdowns
As to the Russian Airforce, my Dad was part of lend lease, he took a lend lease maintenance battalion over there and saw the Russian planes first hand. He thought all their planes were pretty bad and the Russian pilots were kids with far too little training. Most flights were their first and last.
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