Star Wars The Old Republic. Followed the game for 3 years, I got into headstart on my 3yr anniversary of actually signing up (not following) the website. I played the Beta and it was Awesome. So I got the CE, and just could not understand the travesty that Bioware had created. Once i got farther and farther away from Tat the more apperant it became. I enended up really disliking the stories of every class I played. I disliked most Planet Arcs, and even general quests. The VO was bleh, and Gameplay was... ya know what. Im gonna stop there lol.
Guild Wars and LOTRO. First one because of many things like male characters look so feminine, not very impressive combat, poor animation of spells, bad story, worst kind of pvp i ever saw in any mmo, bad sound, one of the worst graphic around, simply one of the worst games i ever played. LOTRO becouse of bad pvp or better to say in this game there is no real pvp, that monster play is just retarded. Ok i am little disappointed with SWTOR because of end game, leveling and story is awesome but on the end is something missing.
I take it your not a fan of arena pvp?
How anyone can be disappointed with lotro pvp is beyond me.The game was never meant to be a mmo that was big on PVP,the devs never promised anything beyond what their is.
If he look for PVP in lotro then he really was mixed up and looking in the wrong place.
but it is there or maybe not? How you would describe monster play? Well i miss that part and good pvp should be in every mmo
Why should good pvp be in every mmo,because you say so?
Edited to add why: Was in closed betas and open beta, bought the CE, invested a lot of time and $. After launch, there were little disappointments (gold sellers, hacks, world looked great but I couldn't explore it) but I wrote them off. Then I hit level 24 and content quests ran out and the only way to level was grind. >.<
Tie AOC and LOTRO. Simply because the games orginally talked about (albeit Middle earth online was going to be made by perpetual if I remember correctly) were vastly different than the games we eventually got.
Both sounded awesome in early design previews, neither turned out like that.
The better question would be: what MMO of the last ~4 years was NOT a disappointment?
my thoughts are private. stop stealing them...
The current industry is like the anti borg. They take your cultural distinctiveness and poop on it. Thats why MMOs as a genre basically no longer exist.
Probably Star Trek Online, mostly based on the absolute waste of the IP
Actually i would have agreed after i tried the Beta,but PWE''s management of Cryptic has seemingly turned the game around,If this was not F2P i would have never gone back but it is quite enjoyable and so far i have not spent a penny,but was given a Odyssey ship and a EV suit in the recent mineing event for nothing i may even go nuts and buy some Cryptic points soon !!
The better question would be: what MMO of the last ~4 years was NOT a disappointment?
my thoughts are private. stop stealing them...
The current industry is like the anti borg. They take your cultural distinctiveness and poop on it. Thats why MMOs as a genre basically no longer exist.
Lol, how true how true. Well said. ^^
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Tie AOC and LOTRO. Simply because the games orginally talked about (albeit Middle earth online was going to be made by perpetual if I remember correctly) were vastly different than the games we eventually got.
Both sounded awesome in early design previews, neither turned out like that.
sadly yes I do. I wasn't aware it was Turbine all along though, I could have sworn MEO was originally being made by someone else. Maybe I'm thinking of STO there, lines blur with time lol.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Rift, my god was that game boring. How the hell do you have a mmo that 1. Has no real cities 2. the quests are steps away from the quest givers. I mean everybody cries about how linear TOR is. I'm sorry but you have not seen linear until you played Rift. Hell at least Tor gives the illusion of having to travel to other places for quests.
Rifts quests:
Talk to quest giver obtain quest. Start heading for quest. "ooof" bump into quest giver that gave you quest. The flower you need for him he is standing on.
Remember when your parents would ask for a glass of water and would be sitting closer to the fridge than you were? Rift is like that.
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!
1.) Tabula Rasa - Being a long time player of Ultima online, I had high expectations from Garriott, especially after drooling over Ultima X oddysey for a couple years only to see that project crash and burn.
2.) Asheron's Call 2 - Sadly, I missed the first one, and so I was really looing forward to 2 because of all of the great things I had been told from players of Asheron's call I was super excited for this one. Didn't even play for the full first month it was so teribad.
3.) Warhammer Online - After DaoC, I expected more out of Mythic, wtf happened?
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT Playing: Skyrim Following: The Repopulation I want a Virtual World, not just a Game. ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
Vanguard, this game should have been THE next big thing.
Also minor, SWTOR, not bad, but given to what it could and should have been I totally regret this CE I bought.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Probably Star Trek Online, mostly based on the absolute waste of the IP
Star Wars The Old Republic. Followed the game for 3 years, I got into headstart on my 3yr anniversary of actually signing up (not following) the website. I played the Beta and it was Awesome. So I got the CE, and just could not understand the travesty that Bioware had created. Once i got farther and farther away from Tat the more apperant it became. I enended up really disliking the stories of every class I played. I disliked most Planet Arcs, and even general quests. The VO was bleh, and Gameplay was... ya know what. Im gonna stop there lol.
The better question would be: what MMO of the last ~4 years was NOT a disappointment?
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
my thoughts are private. stop stealing them...
SWTOR closely followed by Rift.
Weren't for me, many simply turned out how I expected them to.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Edited to add why: Was in closed betas and open beta, bought the CE, invested a lot of time and $. After launch, there were little disappointments (gold sellers, hacks, world looked great but I couldn't explore it) but I wrote them off. Then I hit level 24 and content quests ran out and the only way to level was grind. >.<
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
But if I had to pick ONE... it would be AoC. Had such high hopes for that one.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
and Age on cons from Failcom
Remember this
And what the devs said
The current industry is like the anti borg. They take your cultural distinctiveness and poop on it. Thats why MMOs as a genre basically no longer exist.
Actually i would have agreed after i tried the Beta,but PWE''s management of Cryptic has seemingly turned the game around,If this was not F2P i would have never gone back but it is quite enjoyable and so far i have not spent a penny,but was given a Odyssey ship and a EV suit in the recent mineing event for nothing i may even go nuts and buy some Cryptic points soon !!
Lol, how true how true. Well said. ^^
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Rift, my god was that game boring. How the hell do you have a mmo that 1. Has no real cities 2. the quests are steps away from the quest givers. I mean everybody cries about how linear TOR is. I'm sorry but you have not seen linear until you played Rift. Hell at least Tor gives the illusion of having to travel to other places for quests.
Rifts quests:
Talk to quest giver obtain quest. Start heading for quest. "ooof" bump into quest giver that gave you quest. The flower you need for him he is standing on.
Remember when your parents would ask for a glass of water and would be sitting closer to the fridge than you were? Rift is like that.
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!
Biggest disappointment for me would be Darkfall or Mortal Online. they promised so much and everything was a shortcoming.
Oh, and Pirates of the burning sea
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning was a big let down.
I bought
worst game experience ever
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
I'd have to say STO and AoC.
Star Trek online did not feel at all like Star Trek to me. It had the looks and sounds, but the feel of the universe just wasn't what I had in mind.
Age of Conan did a great job in the tutorial for me. But, after that, it just lost my interest.
It's not about fighting, it's about balance. It's not about enlightenment, it's about balance. It's not about balance.
I agree this is a turd in a shiney box.
Juegos de Lucha-Free online games
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Rift Universe
1.) Tabula Rasa - Being a long time player of Ultima online, I had high expectations from Garriott, especially after drooling over Ultima X oddysey for a couple years only to see that project crash and burn.
2.) Asheron's Call 2 - Sadly, I missed the first one, and so I was really looing forward to 2 because of all of the great things I had been told from players of Asheron's call I was super excited for this one. Didn't even play for the full first month it was so teribad.
3.) Warhammer Online - After DaoC, I expected more out of Mythic, wtf happened?
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR
Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT
Playing: Skyrim
Following: The Repopulation
I want a Virtual World, not just a Game.
ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)