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ZorlokZorlok Member UncommonPosts: 132

This game looks like it will be winning me over.  However, I am scared about one thing.  Is the content there?

Is there enough to do or will I be bored after a month of playing?  I'm not asking aobut end game, but I just want

there to be plenty to do.. Content.  I love micromanaging that is why this game is appealing to me, however, I do not

want to see people leaving becuase there isn't enuogh content or areas to explore.  What do you all think?


  • nate1980nate1980 Member UncommonPosts: 2,075

    Originally posted by Zorlok

    This game looks like it will be winning me over.  However, I am scared about one thing.  Is the content there?

    Is there enough to do or will I be bored after a month of playing?  I'm not asking aobut end game, but I just want

    there to be plenty to do.. Content.  I love micromanaging that is why this game is appealing to me, however, I do not

    want to see people leaving becuase there isn't enuogh content or areas to explore.  What do you all think?

    If by content, you mean quest hubs with plenty of quests to grind, then if it has a lot of it I won't be playing. Hasn't everyone had enough of quest hub to quest hub grinding?

  • svannsvann Member RarePosts: 2,230

    I havent researched too deeply but I think there will be a lot of hidden content.  Stuff you have to find instead of it being given out just for showing up.

  • ZorlokZorlok Member UncommonPosts: 132

    Yeah this is what it sounds like.

    I'm hoping for something like this. I just want to make

    sure that I have a lot to keep my intrest.  SWTOR isn 't doing

    it for me.  It's pretty close but it's just a bit boring.  I think that I need

    more content matter and more thing to do.  SWTOR is a great game, but

    there just isn't enough to do while leveling.

  • DisastormDisastorm Member Posts: 318

    Originally posted by nate1980

    If by content, you mean quest hubs with plenty of quests to grind, then if it has a lot of it I won't be playing. Hasn't everyone had enough of quest hub to quest hub grinding?

    If youve read about the types of quests in TSW youd realize that a good portion of them are not grinds, many of them are similar to quests youd see in single player rpgs.

  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309

    Originally posted by Disastorm

    If youve read about the types of quests in TSW youd realize that a good portion of them are not grinds, many of them are similar to quests youd see in single player rpgs.

    This is the same thing that was said about SWTOR, but the game is a massive quest-grind.  Although, this is a Funcom MMO, so you know it'll at least be better written than TOR.   


    To the OP, if you expect this game to have more quest content than TOR, you're likely to be disappointed.  It should - hopefully - be a lot better content that actually makes sense with the world around you.  

    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    The pvp content most definitely isn't there
    Pve, who knows, depends how big the 3 zones are, depends how many dungeons there are, which hasn't been revealed yet

    Supplemental systems like character building and crafting look very strong though
  • elockeelocke Member UncommonPosts: 4,335

    From what little I've seen, there is a TON of stuff to go after from filling the very large achievement and lore sections to unlocking all 500 abilities on one character(if one wanted).  Plus playing 3 different factions for their storylines and then the PVP of course.  Mind you, I've only seen that 30 minute vid from GDC but what I saw seems to offer quite a bit of  content.  At least to get through the first so many months till content patches.  I'm not worried about it myself.

  • TROLL_HARDTROLL_HARD Member Posts: 312

    Is this going to have a raiding-for-gear  endgame?


    Or is there something different here?

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