It seems the Mechwarrior Online Forum has 28.000 registered Users, according to some Info made in a survery thread. For a game that has nothing to show atm this is pretty impressive. I will go play it, hoping it may end as fully fledged out mmo some day! The PvP possibilites be extremly impressive if done right. But PvP alone does not drive forever...
"Torquemada... do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada... do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada... do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!"
I'm also surprised at what appears to be low interest. I for one have been waiting for a new mech game with the playstyle of MW3 (the last great one). MW4 was so bad that I literally threw the disk in the garbage, angrily.
I'm personally not the least bit excited because I wanted an MMO. After reading the Q&A I was shot down. It's basically just matches with stats. I am an old school gamer and did play Mechwarrior, but I really only play games with Persistant Worlds now. The whole "match" type game is just not my bag.
Is this game going to have lots of servers like a WoW or are you hoping for a single persistent server world like EVE Online?
[MATT C] Each game spawns its own dedicated server, these are not persistent like WoW, as mentioned that would take us into MMO territory. There is persistent game world information, i.e. match results are communicated to affect the balance of power in the Inner Sphere, who owns what planet etc. but there is no true persistent world, more of a persistent meta-game.
When I found out they were just having what they have been doing for years with only a scoreboard added, I was a bit dissapointed. Back before I became hooked on Everquest I stayed up many s late night running a MW4 "No Assault Mechs Allowed" game for over a year on their server. Most of us who have played MW3, 4 and MW4:Mercs have done this to death as well. Hell you can do this even now with Mektek for free, it's MW4 for free, google it, it's legal.
Why in hell would they just give more of the same and expect it to make money? What Mechwarrior truly needs is someone to make a sandbox like any Bethesda style game and just make it huge. Not this same old Call of Duty match style gameplay.
Skyrim/Oblivion/Fallout style but with Mechwarrior, oh man...
What ever happened to MW5 anyway? It kind of dropped off the radar once they got in trouble for having the Warhammer model in their Ad Video.
They need to just get rid of the whole Macross models and move on. So the Warhammer was on the cover box in the 80's, I had the set and it brings back memories. So what, move on and make a damn game that's fresh. Or just make a damned game already!
How about the Clan invasion? That would make one hell of a game. Or have story that highlights Aiden Pride as he learns with Pod mates about his trials before becoming a Colonel in the spearhead of the Jade Falcon advance (yea I read the Jade Falcon novels:p). I could go on and on for ages with this subject.
Yeah, i agree, a real virtual Mechwarrior Universe would be great but its a start to begin with what they do and then grow bigger. As far as i understand the fights will have impact in a sort of a real time camapaign?
"Torquemada... do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada... do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada... do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!"
based it on the rpg. let players be pilots mechwarriors engineers .
time period 3055
The house states, comstar the clans mercs
I just like to do more then bash away in mechs. Take the ORGINAL idea of star wars galaxies withi more planets and the battletech story. sigh guess I will just dream.
I reallly enjoyed the Mechwarrior games and looked forward to the day they would announce it as an mmorpg. Now that I hear it'll be F2P, it completely took the wind out of my sails. I'll probably give it a try anyway but I expect the worst.
I agree with this sentiment. I have a poor view of FTP games so I'm not expecting much. But I loved the Mech Warrior games, so I will give it a try. I could be pleasantly surprised.
Whereas this may seem a concern, if done properly it should not matter. The trend now is towards F2P games.
Hopefully hopefully it will turn out well, it is based on a cult game so should have a dedicated following.
And from the website it looks like it will not be too bad, might start slow and grow into a gem.
I also wish for a 4-5 faction (inner sphere houses + clans) type of game where planets/resources will be switched and it will be like EVE but battletech universe...
Man, I was so excited to hear about this game as I love Mechwarrior games back in the day. Until I found out this was being designed by Piranha. They made Duke Nukem Forever which was simply horrible. My expectations for this game have pretty much vanished.
I also wish for a 4-5 faction (inner sphere houses + clans) type of game where planets/resources will be switched and it will be like EVE but battletech universe...
but what we will get is:
This ^^^
Another vulture out for the quick buck with a "could have been" so much better game.
based it on the rpg. let players be pilots mechwarriors engineers .
time period 3055
The house states, comstar the clans mercs
I just like to do more then bash away in mechs. Take the ORGINAL idea of star wars galaxies withi more planets and the battletech story. sigh guess I will just dream.
Battletech and SJ's Car Wars world are two PnP systems I would love to see realised in full blown sandbox glory.
really hoping they wont screw up what could have been an awesome game.
I remember playing Starlance league in MS Zone with Mechwarrior 3 .. was amazing.. actually i got to the final in Boston where they were giving away some leather coats and an Harley Davidson if i remember.. but since i was not from the US Canada and/or MExico a friend of mine went in my place eheh.. so much fun and only using a 56k modem, lag shooting.. what a blast.
If that worked back then, i bet wont be too hard and/or costy to implement something like that nowadays with good anti hacks code etc..
personally i am glad that they choose one aspect and focus on it... WAR is a good example of trying to please both camps and end up spreading so thin that you please none.
I also am very interested in the release of this game. I have played all the single player games and even tried to go online with them but never got past the campers. Did a little digging not to long ago and came across a few pages about Mechwarrior 5. The pics looked awsome and the game play senario was much the same. Even though this is not MW5 I can see how it may be very close. Having said that I will watch this very closely and dream of lance attack stratagies and new weapos to add an edge to any arena. 10 ga.
F2P lobby based gameplay, that's what i'm hearing anyway.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
F2P lobby based gameplay, that's what i'm hearing anyway.
Yes it is exactly...
as i said in a previous post "World of tanks, I mean mechs". Nothing but get a mech grind using instanced lobby games like world of tanks to higher lvl mechs or just buy it from PAY2WIn shop.
here is my prediction:
Welcome to lvl 20 now u can buy:
PPC - 100000 grind points
ER PPC - 2000000 grind points
ER (CLAN) PPC: 10 mech points (cash shop)
in other news, for hardcore battletech fans, there are few simple but fun Battletech (multiplayer) games out there:
Invasion 3042
edit: I would so pay a sub fee for a monthly subbased battletech game where u are in a world where u can change/interact like EVE.
I can assure you we won't have Pay2Win as a design mechanic. MWO doesn't have a way for you to be in a 'Mech that can't even injure another 'Mech. There's no wish over here to make it so people HAVE to buy stuff to win. Even though Paul will probably need that...
That game rocked, it had some awesome potential, i was very dissapointed when they pulled the plug on that.
Here's hoping to MWO being atleast as good, but hopefully even better than EA's BT3025.
"Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration - courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth." - Henry Mencken
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
"And what would you do with a brain if you had one?" - Wizard of Oz
im wet over the thoughts of a good rpg online mech game, used to play in the mw3 msn lobbies for 12 hours a day in league that tracked on paper what we fought over, if you lose the wrong planets you lost access to mechs and weapons (like your clan factories or your ppc factories ect)
as for the f2p model, if they do it like sto itll be fine, just skins and crap for sale and if you pay a sub you get some points monthly to save up to buy the crap, lets just hope its not like forsaken world where he who spends most has most pots to pop on a low cooldown, that kind of crap isnt fun, just annoying.
from the looks of game design mwo is going to have scouts skirmishers and commanders on the teams, scouts feeding intel to the commanders, who tell the skirmishers whats up and the team that works together best wins. i myself like the big mechs armed to the teeth, either set up to snipe on the maps with the room for it, or fuck it point blank loads in the city where i can have the commander tell me theres a guy around the corner with my own radar off so im not so easy to spot so i can turn that bitch and unload in his face with heavy guns or a rocket salvo that leaves him a crater. not that i wont earn my dues as a scout till i can get into the skirmishers (scout mechs might die fast but you are the eyes of the team and you still have a few weapons on ya)
F2P, P2P, Sub, I *almost* don't care. To some people, there are some games that transcend pay models. Some people can see past whatever payment scheme and can recognize the potential in a game.
Is this one of those games? Only time will tell. I am hopeful. Mechwarrior is in my "uber list." That doesn't mean they can put out a shit product and I'm going to fork over the cash. However, if properly done, the hairs on my ass are standing up and chanting "whoa whoa whoa" on the possbilities of this mmo.
Having played all the MechWarrior games in my youth, I must admit I have a touch of rose colored glasses. Nostalgia can be a powerful ally. Or a powerful enemy. I'm *trying* to take off my glasses and see this mmo from a neutral standpoint. I am only partially succeeding. I am awaiting this game with cautious optimism, however I can't remove the images from my mind on how uber this game could be if done properly.
I know there's not any footage or screenshots out yet, but still I would think there would be some hype going around. Some nostalgic pc vets like myself reminiscing about the great times they've spent in Mechwarrior/Battletech games -
What's up with this? Not enough PC gamer vets on this site? None of the youngens remember the greatness of the Mechwarrior series? Not enough Mechwarrior/Battletech pen+paper players?
Oh I am pretty hyped up about it. Being an old GEnie player of MPBT/Mechwarrior 3025 back in 1992-1996. Even almost I think recall my old Comstar number, 5033. Been doing research into getting a whole new throttle/joystick/rudder set up like I used back then. Kids used to love it when my Marauder MAD-3R moved and fired during Solaris duels.
I sort of keep one eye on the Mechwarrior online web site and I'll read news bits when they come out but I dont haunt their web page honestly. Though it was nice to see some of my fellow old mechwarriors are still alive and kicking and will be playing from the posts I've seen on their web site forums.
based it on the rpg. let players be pilots mechwarriors engineers .
time period 3055
The house states, comstar the clans mercs
I just like to do more then bash away in mechs. Take the ORGINAL idea of star wars galaxies withi more planets and the battletech story. sigh guess I will just dream.
Battletech and SJ's Car Wars world are two PnP systems I would love to see realised in full blown sandbox glory.
It seems the Mechwarrior Online Forum has 28.000 registered Users, according to some Info made in a survery thread.
For a game that has nothing to show atm this is pretty impressive.
I will go play it, hoping it may end as fully fledged out mmo some day!
The PvP possibilites be extremly impressive if done right.
But PvP alone does not drive forever...
"Torquemada... do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada... do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada... do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!"
MWO Music Video - What does the Mech say:
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around:
I'm also surprised at what appears to be low interest. I for one have been waiting for a new mech game with the playstyle of MW3 (the last great one). MW4 was so bad that I literally threw the disk in the garbage, angrily.
Hopefully this game will be like MW3 with online.
If so, I'll be in love!
I'm personally not the least bit excited because I wanted an MMO. After reading the Q&A I was shot down. It's basically just matches with stats. I am an old school gamer and did play Mechwarrior, but I really only play games with Persistant Worlds now. The whole "match" type game is just not my bag.
Is this game going to have lots of servers like a WoW or are you hoping for a single persistent server world like EVE Online?
[MATT C] Each game spawns its own dedicated server, these are not persistent like WoW, as mentioned that would take us into MMO territory. There is persistent game world information, i.e. match results are communicated to affect the balance of power in the Inner Sphere, who owns what planet etc. but there is no true persistent world, more of a persistent meta-game.
When I found out they were just having what they have been doing for years with only a scoreboard added, I was a bit dissapointed. Back before I became hooked on Everquest I stayed up many s late night running a MW4 "No Assault Mechs Allowed" game for over a year on their server. Most of us who have played MW3, 4 and MW4:Mercs have done this to death as well. Hell you can do this even now with Mektek for free, it's MW4 for free, google it, it's legal.
Why in hell would they just give more of the same and expect it to make money? What Mechwarrior truly needs is someone to make a sandbox like any Bethesda style game and just make it huge. Not this same old Call of Duty match style gameplay.
Skyrim/Oblivion/Fallout style but with Mechwarrior, oh man...
What ever happened to MW5 anyway? It kind of dropped off the radar once they got in trouble for having the Warhammer model in their Ad Video.
They need to just get rid of the whole Macross models and move on. So the Warhammer was on the cover box in the 80's, I had the set and it brings back memories. So what, move on and make a damn game that's fresh. Or just make a damned game already!
How about the Clan invasion? That would make one hell of a game. Or have story that highlights Aiden Pride as he learns with Pod mates about his trials before becoming a Colonel in the spearhead of the Jade Falcon advance (yea I read the Jade Falcon novels:p). I could go on and on for ages with this subject.
Yeah, i agree, a real virtual Mechwarrior Universe would be great but its a start to begin with what they do and then grow bigger.
As far as i understand the fights will have impact in a sort of a real time camapaign?
"Torquemada... do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada... do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada... do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!"
MWO Music Video - What does the Mech say:
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around:
I was really hoping for BATTLETECH online..
based it on the rpg. let players be pilots mechwarriors engineers .
time period 3055
The house states, comstar the clans mercs
I just like to do more then bash away in mechs. Take the ORGINAL idea of star wars galaxies withi more planets and the battletech story. sigh guess I will just dream.
Whereas this may seem a concern, if done properly it should not matter. The trend now is towards F2P games.
Hopefully hopefully it will turn out well, it is based on a cult game so should have a dedicated following.
And from the website it looks like it will not be too bad, might start slow and grow into a gem.
Sorry guys not happening....
I also wish for a 4-5 faction (inner sphere houses + clans) type of game where planets/resources will be switched and it will be like EVE but battletech universe...
but what we will get is:
Man, I was so excited to hear about this game as I love Mechwarrior games back in the day. Until I found out this was being designed by Piranha. They made Duke Nukem Forever which was simply horrible. My expectations for this game have pretty much vanished.
This ^^^
Another vulture out for the quick buck with a "could have been" so much better game.
Battletech and SJ's Car Wars world are two PnP systems I would love to see realised in full blown sandbox glory.
I'll play it but it's looking like , as other people have said, another "could've been so much more" game.
Hopefully it's not B2W
really hoping they wont screw up what could have been an awesome game.
I remember playing Starlance league in MS Zone with Mechwarrior 3 .. was amazing.. actually i got to the final in Boston where they were giving away some leather coats and an Harley Davidson if i remember.. but since i was not from the US Canada and/or MExico a friend of mine went in my place eheh.. so much fun and only using a 56k modem, lag shooting.. what a blast.
If that worked back then, i bet wont be too hard and/or costy to implement something like that nowadays with good anti hacks code etc..
Lets hope Mecharrior Online will be good..
personally i am glad that they choose one aspect and focus on it... WAR is a good example of trying to please both camps and end up spreading so thin that you please none.
I am so going to play this when it releases.
This have been a good conversation
I also am very interested in the release of this game. I have played all the single player games and even tried to go online with them but never got past the campers. Did a little digging not to long ago and came across a few pages about Mechwarrior 5. The pics looked awsome and the game play senario was much the same. Even though this is not MW5 I can see how it may be very close. Having said that I will watch this very closely and dream of lance attack stratagies and new weapos to add an edge to any arena. 10 ga.
F2P lobby based gameplay, that's what i'm hearing anyway.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Yes it is exactly...
as i said in a previous post "World of tanks, I mean mechs". Nothing but get a mech grind using instanced lobby games like world of tanks to higher lvl mechs or just buy it from PAY2WIn shop.
here is my prediction:
Welcome to lvl 20 now u can buy:
PPC - 100000 grind points
ER PPC - 2000000 grind points
ER (CLAN) PPC: 10 mech points (cash shop)
in other news, for hardcore battletech fans, there are few simple but fun Battletech (multiplayer) games out there:
Invasion 3042
edit: I would so pay a sub fee for a monthly subbased battletech game where u are in a world where u can change/interact like EVE.
I can assure you we won't have Pay2Win as a design mechanic. MWO doesn't have a way for you to be in a 'Mech that can't even injure another 'Mech. There's no wish over here to make it so people HAVE to buy stuff to win. Even though Paul will probably need that...
Same setup I guess as Battletech 3025 Online which Electronic Arts did back in 1999-2000 before they pulled the plug on beta. That was a fun game.
That game rocked, it had some awesome potential, i was very dissapointed when they pulled the plug on that.
Here's hoping to MWO being atleast as good, but hopefully even better than EA's BT3025.
"Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration - courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth." - Henry Mencken
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
"And what would you do with a brain if you had one?" - Wizard of Oz
im wet over the thoughts of a good rpg online mech game, used to play in the mw3 msn lobbies for 12 hours a day in league that tracked on paper what we fought over, if you lose the wrong planets you lost access to mechs and weapons (like your clan factories or your ppc factories ect)
as for the f2p model, if they do it like sto itll be fine, just skins and crap for sale and if you pay a sub you get some points monthly to save up to buy the crap, lets just hope its not like forsaken world where he who spends most has most pots to pop on a low cooldown, that kind of crap isnt fun, just annoying.
from the looks of game design mwo is going to have scouts skirmishers and commanders on the teams, scouts feeding intel to the commanders, who tell the skirmishers whats up and the team that works together best wins. i myself like the big mechs armed to the teeth, either set up to snipe on the maps with the room for it, or fuck it point blank loads in the city where i can have the commander tell me theres a guy around the corner with my own radar off so im not so easy to spot so i can turn that bitch and unload in his face with heavy guns or a rocket salvo that leaves him a crater. not that i wont earn my dues as a scout till i can get into the skirmishers (scout mechs might die fast but you are the eyes of the team and you still have a few weapons on ya)
You guys need to check out Hawken. A real mans Mech FPS.
F2P, P2P, Sub, I *almost* don't care. To some people, there are some games that transcend pay models. Some people can see past whatever payment scheme and can recognize the potential in a game.
Is this one of those games? Only time will tell. I am hopeful. Mechwarrior is in my "uber list." That doesn't mean they can put out a shit product and I'm going to fork over the cash. However, if properly done, the hairs on my ass are standing up and chanting "whoa whoa whoa" on the possbilities of this mmo.
Having played all the MechWarrior games in my youth, I must admit I have a touch of rose colored glasses. Nostalgia can be a powerful ally. Or a powerful enemy. I'm *trying* to take off my glasses and see this mmo from a neutral standpoint. I am only partially succeeding. I am awaiting this game with cautious optimism, however I can't remove the images from my mind on how uber this game could be if done properly.
I'm not creative enough to have a signature
Oh I am pretty hyped up about it.
Being an old GEnie player of MPBT/Mechwarrior 3025 back in 1992-1996. Even almost I think recall my old Comstar number, 5033. Been doing research into getting a whole new throttle/joystick/rudder set up like I used back then. Kids used to love it when my Marauder MAD-3R moved and fired during Solaris duels.
I sort of keep one eye on the Mechwarrior online web site and I'll read news bits when they come out but I dont haunt their web page honestly. Though it was nice to see some of my fellow old mechwarriors are still alive and kicking and will be playing from the posts I've seen on their web site forums.
Agreed, strongly even.