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Every thread I see on the main page is for TERA/GW2, two of the most overly hyped games. With the impending release of this game why are not more people talking about this game? I for one am really looking forward to it.
check who makes it!yep same guys!that is why people are going in this game with both hand on the handbrake and no hand on the stering wheel (figurativly speaking)
SHHHH!....nothing to see hear folks, move along please.
I think the biggest reason why this game is "underhyped"(I think its hyped correctly) is because of the minimal amounts of footage about the game when its due out for release soon.....Look at the other games you mentioned and even archage have more footage than this game. This game still feels like a big ??? for me.
The way it is at the moment is good! Little hype is better than no or too much hype!
Been keeping my fingers crossed for months....
Currently? No. There is a lot of footage for both Tera and GW2 so there is a lot to talk about. Funcom hasn't shown much for TSW. I'd say wait for NDA to drop and then we can talk hype since Funcom chose not to show a lot.
As someone who had this on their radar long before GW2 and Archeage, the lack of transparancy now has me worried about the game. What little has been revealed has been a little exciting and a little disappointing. It is starting to feel like SWTOR all over again.
i doubt a lot would let themself get hyped up after what funcom has done so far and no making a game decent starting 2 years after release does not count
i guess funcom has to deliver for real once...noone would believe the buzz if they would make one around it anyways.
I think we should be glad it's underhyped. This means when the game launches everyone won't have unrealistic expectations and we can hopefully just enjoy the game.
It's the nr 4 most popular game this week so I'm not sure what you mean by underhyped.
If anything it is overhyped since its made by the same company who made Age of Conan.
The Secret World is like a wife/girlfriend withholding sex. The longer she makes you wait, the more you want it. Funcom seems to be following the same strategy. The only problem is: if they wait too long to give us a teaser, we will forget about her. At this point though, everyone is hooked and just waiting for the pleasure of playing the game.
i am glad its under hyped, from the bits i've seen, i really enjoyed it. I cant wait for this to be released and enjoy the final product. Also hopefully cause its under hyped it will not register on the radar of the wowkiddies and haters.
Underhyped? It's by Funcom one of the most controversial developers on the market. Subdued or 'with bated breath' is what springs to mind rather than underhyped.
Its funcom, don't fool yourself. The game will bomb, which is why no one cares.
We've known about this game since 08 or 09 and they've shown us so little about the game. It's hard to speculate and stay excited when virtually nothing is known.
Just today I googled for gameplay videos and found nothing focusing on gameplay. They'll talk about it til they're blue in the face but they show us nearly 0.
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
and this is why i am glad there is no hype, funcom have done the hpye thing with games in the past. they know it does not work in the end. no hype no major let down, unlike GW2 all hype. both games i am really wanting to play.
TSW like the idea could be good, will see.
GW2 damn the game sounds so good need to play want to play, i just feel i am going to be let down.
Argh.... was thinking of trying this game out, but if its like a wife/girlfriend withholding sex then thats a gamebreaker for me!
Well, Funcom is TRYING to push this game. They're trying hard. It's just no one gives a shit.
Funcom's done an augmented reality game, there's weekly previews on almost every single PC website there is. Tons of videos. They're doing their usual "give unrealistic writeups about our features". So yes, it's insanely hyped up but the PLAYERS don't care. Because it's Funcom. Become of the instancing. Because of the cash shop. Because it's Funcom.
I lol'ed because its true.
Most players are waiting to see what happens with this game, but cant be bothered with Funcom hype after AoC.
Bluehole Studios are new, so people are giving them the benefit of the doubt. ArenaNet has a proven track record of delivering promises. Funcom are Funcom, and need to show us that they can deliver what they promise for once.
Well one could easily argue that you learn more from your mistakes than successes, thus making the failure of AOC actually a good thing. They started off with top notch quality mmo, Anarchy Online, then failed with AOC and learned alot, so thus you can assume that The Secret World has a good chance of being amazing.
AO was a failure at launch. It took years to bring AO up to the "standards" of the time.
They learned nothing from AO and repeated the process with AoC.
I expect third time will NOT be the charm for FC.
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-
Well that may be true as I didn't play AO's launch, when I did play it though it was easily one of the best mmos I've played even up until now. And from what I understand AOC has become a good game recently as well, so we know Funcom definitely has the skill required to make top notch games, its just that previously, they havn't been able to do that at launch.