I find it amazing people complain about buff bots, anyone who does has not played since they made the realm buff NPC, the buffs are very close to bot buffs (not exactly the same but if you are paying for a second account you should get the best) and on top of that have you not heard the complaining about buff shearing. download the DAoC charplanner and look at the difference you get in buffs between the npc and a buff bot, that complaint isnt even worth posting and just shows how out of the loop or how bad the player is at the game. also its zerg vs zerg or 8v8 and if you are 8v8 your healer will be able to give field buffs and if they are setup correctly all you will be missing is 5 strength and 5 con from a 50 enhance with 25% bonus, my cleric is 40 enhance and buffs for 150 str, 150 con, 155 dex, 92 qui as field buffs and if you know what toons need what buffs you can pretty much cover the group with the basic requirements anyways
DAOC was a lot of fun, PVE was challenging and offered a lot, game world was large and interesting, tons of races and classes to choose from. I tried all 3 sides on different servers and I think Hibernia was my favorite. With Ranger being my favorite class.
I tried coming back a few years ago, the game was dead. Empty zones, rarely see another player at any time of day or night. I think it would be a lot more fun with lots of people and groups. So picking a solo class is very important now.
PVP... can be fun. DAOC has some great concepts I wish more games had, the keep sieges, breaking down the walls, using war machines. The problems I have with it are well known - a stealther gets the jump on you, you die. There is no counterplay. A ranged unit starts firing on you, you die. You get CCed, you die. It is all about who gets the jump on who, and they win. In any other game, a ranged 10 second AOE Stun would be considered insane. Entire groups blindsided and wiped out without a single chance to fight back. And then you need about 5 to 15 minutes after dying to re-buff and run ALL THE WAY BACK to where you were... often to get ROLFSTOMPED right away once you reach your destination or as you try to make your way over. So then you spend YET ANOTHER 5-15 minutes rebuffing and running ALL THE WAY BACK to the keep or wherever else you're trying to go.
So I have issues with people saying this games PVP is the best there ever was. Bullcrap. I'm sure the elite players who crushed all the other players thought it was great. For everyone else, not so much. Unbalanced and highly flawed, for elite hardcore players only. Casual players and newcomers waste their time trying to get into it.
That's why games like WOW and even WAR got more subscriptions - they toned down the BS CC, balanced the classes (stealthers and casters aren't OP vs others), and streamlined the play so you weren't out of the action for a quarter of an hour after each death, and you didn't need buffbots to be competitive.
DAOC did a lot of things right, and deserves Kudos, and even a sequel. But the elite hardcore fanboys need to put down the crack pipe, stop drinking the koolaid, and take off the rose colored glasses. This is not the best game ever or the best PVP ever.
DAOC was a lot of fun, PVE was challenging and offered a lot, game world was large and interesting, tons of races and classes to choose from. I tried all 3 sides on different servers and I think Hibernia was my favorite. With Ranger being my favorite class.
I tried coming back a few years ago, the game was dead. Empty zones, rarely see another player at any time of day or night. I think it would be a lot more fun with lots of people and groups. So picking a solo class is very important now.
PVP... can be fun. DAOC has some great concepts I wish more games had, the keep sieges, breaking down the walls, using war machines. The problems I have with it are well known - a stealther gets the jump on you, you die. There is no counterplay. A ranged unit starts firing on you, you die. You get CCed, you die. It is all about who gets the jump on who, and they win. In any other game, a ranged 10 second AOE Stun would be considered insane. Entire groups blindsided and wiped out without a single chance to fight back. And then you need about 5 to 15 minutes after dying to re-buff and run ALL THE WAY BACK to where you were... often to get ROLFSTOMPED right away once you reach your destination or as you try to make your way over. So then you spend YET ANOTHER 5-15 minutes rebuffing and running ALL THE WAY BACK to the keep or wherever else you're trying to go.
So I have issues with people saying this games PVP is the best there ever was. Bullcrap. I'm sure the elite players who crushed all the other players thought it was great. For everyone else, not so much. Unbalanced and highly flawed, for elite hardcore players only. Casual players and newcomers waste their time trying to get into it.
That's why games like WOW and even WAR got more subscriptions - they toned down the BS CC, balanced the classes (stealthers and casters aren't OP vs others), and streamlined the play so you weren't out of the action for a quarter of an hour after each death, and you didn't need buffbots to be competitive.
DAOC did a lot of things right, and deserves Kudos, and even a sequel. But the elite hardcore fanboys need to put down the crack pipe, stop drinking the koolaid, and take off the rose colored glasses. This is not the best game ever or the best PVP ever.
It is the best pvp game ever but not because of solo play. It is the best pvp game because of the group play. Solo play was not the games balancing point. This was a Realm vs realm game so saying it's not because of how 1v1 worked is taking the game out of the context it was designed for.
The word "grind". I refuse to play any MMO that has a "grind". Content, not mindnumbing keystrokes. This was okay 10 years ago when we were all stupid.
During it's peak DAoC was best MMORPG ever. Nothing else is even close to DAoCs versatility and depth of classes, PvP, group play, atmosphere, game mechanism - as long as you like competitive MMORPGs.
Unfortunately many bad (and some good) changes were done that made DAoC something different than it was years ago. Now UI is also dated and hard to master for newcommers that are used to WoW, RIFT or any newer MMORPGs.
I spent my BEST gaming years playing with many great people on Lancelot (greetings to Tarqan and his wife ) and Gareth servers (greetings to Milan, other Czech crew, and last but not least Legacy Of Fallen guild). It was great great great times but they are over and will never be back
Dark Age Of Camelot - Gareth - Alderienne (keen eldritch)
DAoC has one of the simplest and easiest to use UIs in the history of MMOs. What's more, its FULLY MODDABLE. So how is that a con? And a 10 year old game being top heavy... er.. kind of obvious. And not being noob friendly?? The gameplay has depth, I guess in this day and age that's unheard of, but the game holds you by the hand all the way to level 10 with all the revamps they've done to the newbie experience.
I guess these days unless your UI is a clone of WoW's and the mechanics are dirt simple, then its not good enough...
Sadly, I think Mythic created a masterpiece by mistake. They didn't know what they were doing. Because from launch, every expansion made the game steadily worse. And even when they promised a relaunch classic server, they said there'd be a few changes. The changes they listed were all game breaking, but they saw nothing wrong with them. Then WAR crashed and burned so that Mythic got absorbed by Bioware and EA, and canned the classic server project.
I mean really, look.
Mythic starts releasing expansions that launch overpowered classes to encourage sales then nerf them months later.
Mythic introduces /level 20 reward for people with level 50s. This makes all battlegrounds except the level 20 battleground empty, kills the noob population because there are no more vets to show them the ropes/leveling up with them, and sets the game on a path to death.
Releases ToA, breaking the perfect balance between crafted gear, raid gear, and PvP, turning the game into a raid focused PvE grind game.
Releases Catacombs which adds instances and further shrinks the world, making it so that you can never find random groups of people anymore, everyones in an instance. Also adds in WoW style quest grind that kills all grouping in the game and makes everyone solo.
Remove ladders. Change the archery system to make archers mages...
For every brilliant innovation Mythic brought to MMOs, there was a knife they drove into their own game.
I couldn't say it better. Mythic killed their game with expansions and patches.
Dark Age Of Camelot - Gareth - Alderienne (keen eldritch)
Originally posted by SpikeX Originally posted by Raevanhawk This is still the best PVP game out there period. The fact that people are still playing this game and paying monthly fees at that shows that the concept and design of this game are great.
So many of the new MMO's obviously look better and out perform in every area is really due more to the updated technology. Yet even with that technology look at how many end up going f2p and yet here we are 10 years later and DAOC is still going.
Now if someone could buy a clue and actually do the same concept, 3 factions, no cross talk, objective based PVP that offers even carebears safe haven...sign me up.
The fact that noone has released another quality 3 faction based PVP game shows that the gaming companies / developers / studios are just plain stupid. It's an untapped gold mine.
PlanetSide? That game rips DAoC up in to little shreds - it has real combat not EQ clone shite.
DAoC was an OK game - nothing special really.
It most certainly is NOT the best PvP game out there - that title goes to PlanetSide by a long way.
The DAoC community continues to be packed with internet trolls; most guilds and players don't want anything to do with you if you're under Realm Rank 5.
There; fixed another sentence that was grossly misleading for you.
Here Let me fix it again for you. Come to Mid Ywain and message me. We have a guild that is and will be helpful to you. Problem fixed.
Aye, i also found it severaly dated with the comeback trial and after 30 minutes also had to drop out. Back in its hayday it was a great game but thesedays graphically it does not cut it anymore.
I will stick with memories of closed/open betsa and then 2yrs of play (comeback trial i did was 2-3yrs ago for myself) but a friend tried it several months back and dropped it because graphically the game sucked.
People want their hand held to the kill 12 wolves quest near the abbey. This is not that game. This is a solid pvp mmorpg divided by more realms and classes and races than any game ever has or will have (arguably).
i dont know but the guy posting on youtube from daoc site should learn to do it properly or not put up any video cause the game doesnt even remotly looks that bad! how ever you cut it!
Dont know why but DAoC always played laggy for me...Didnt matter where I was or what I was doing there was lag...It made PVP pretty much unplayable...I really didnt have lag issues with any other game.....Also if ever expansions ruined a game it was this one (well and UO and EQ and....)
I find it amazing people complain about buff bots, anyone who does has not played since they made the realm buff NPC, the buffs are very close to bot buffs (not exactly the same but if you are paying for a second account you should get the best) and on top of that have you not heard the complaining about buff shearing. download the DAoC charplanner and look at the difference you get in buffs between the npc and a buff bot, that complaint isnt even worth posting and just shows how out of the loop or how bad the player is at the game. also its zerg vs zerg or 8v8 and if you are 8v8 your healer will be able to give field buffs and if they are setup correctly all you will be missing is 5 strength and 5 con from a 50 enhance with 25% bonus, my cleric is 40 enhance and buffs for 150 str, 150 con, 155 dex, 92 qui as field buffs and if you know what toons need what buffs you can pretty much cover the group with the basic requirements anyways
Planetside has also 3 factions I always thought it was like a futuristic DAoC
*eternal fan of DAoC*
DAOC was a lot of fun, PVE was challenging and offered a lot, game world was large and interesting, tons of races and classes to choose from. I tried all 3 sides on different servers and I think Hibernia was my favorite. With Ranger being my favorite class.
I tried coming back a few years ago, the game was dead. Empty zones, rarely see another player at any time of day or night. I think it would be a lot more fun with lots of people and groups. So picking a solo class is very important now.
PVP... can be fun. DAOC has some great concepts I wish more games had, the keep sieges, breaking down the walls, using war machines. The problems I have with it are well known - a stealther gets the jump on you, you die. There is no counterplay. A ranged unit starts firing on you, you die. You get CCed, you die. It is all about who gets the jump on who, and they win. In any other game, a ranged 10 second AOE Stun would be considered insane. Entire groups blindsided and wiped out without a single chance to fight back. And then you need about 5 to 15 minutes after dying to re-buff and run ALL THE WAY BACK to where you were... often to get ROLFSTOMPED right away once you reach your destination or as you try to make your way over. So then you spend YET ANOTHER 5-15 minutes rebuffing and running ALL THE WAY BACK to the keep or wherever else you're trying to go.
So I have issues with people saying this games PVP is the best there ever was. Bullcrap. I'm sure the elite players who crushed all the other players thought it was great. For everyone else, not so much. Unbalanced and highly flawed, for elite hardcore players only. Casual players and newcomers waste their time trying to get into it.
That's why games like WOW and even WAR got more subscriptions - they toned down the BS CC, balanced the classes (stealthers and casters aren't OP vs others), and streamlined the play so you weren't out of the action for a quarter of an hour after each death, and you didn't need buffbots to be competitive.
DAOC did a lot of things right, and deserves Kudos, and even a sequel. But the elite hardcore fanboys need to put down the crack pipe, stop drinking the koolaid, and take off the rose colored glasses. This is not the best game ever or the best PVP ever.
It is the best pvp game ever but not because of solo play. It is the best pvp game because of the group play. Solo play was not the games balancing point. This was a Realm vs realm game so saying it's not because of how 1v1 worked is taking the game out of the context it was designed for.
The word "grind". I refuse to play any MMO that has a "grind". Content, not mindnumbing keystrokes. This was okay 10 years ago when we were all stupid.
During it's peak DAoC was best MMORPG ever. Nothing else is even close to DAoCs versatility and depth of classes, PvP, group play, atmosphere, game mechanism - as long as you like competitive MMORPGs.
Unfortunately many bad (and some good) changes were done that made DAoC something different than it was years ago. Now UI is also dated and hard to master for newcommers that are used to WoW, RIFT or any newer MMORPGs.
I spent my BEST gaming years playing with many great people on Lancelot (greetings to Tarqan and his wife ) and Gareth servers (greetings to Milan, other Czech crew, and last but not least Legacy Of Fallen guild). It was great great great times but they are over and will never be back
Dark Age Of Camelot - Gareth - Alderienne (keen eldritch)
I couldn't say it better. Mythic killed their game with expansions and patches.
Dark Age Of Camelot - Gareth - Alderienne (keen eldritch)
PlanetSide? That game rips DAoC up in to little shreds - it has real combat not EQ clone shite.
DAoC was an OK game - nothing special really.
It most certainly is NOT the best PvP game out there - that title goes to PlanetSide by a long way.
Loved this game for many years. Loved the lore of midgard.
so many memories of ML10 spiritmaster with ml10 shaman bot.
so many memories of one shot kills with a 2h kobold shadowblade some of them unboted, but mostly before toa.
have to love the feel of the skald, racing away from 8 man groups as you purge there mezz and disease.
Big troll warrior with shield taken arrows and blocking npc guards as bait while the stealth sneak inside.
getting appeals cause many people didn't know a healer who spec'ed in augmentation had a speed enhancement.
Albion yes 3 archers can hold back 50 plus people
starts getting depressing as try to rvr with a necro.
and I still remember alot of the encounters where I have to say (that was a cheat) main reason for leaving.
but to recommend a class would say skald for midgard, cleric for albion, and enchanter for hibernia.
Here Let me fix it again for you. Come to Mid Ywain and message me. We have a guild that is and will be helpful to you. Problem fixed.
People want their hand held to the kill 12 wolves quest near the abbey. This is not that game. This is a solid pvp mmorpg divided by more realms and classes and races than any game ever has or will have (arguably).
DAoC was the best PVP game, i still don't think there is a game that has PVP any where near what DAoC had
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
6142MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Antec Gaming Phenom
Windows Vista Home Premium
i dont know but the guy posting on youtube from daoc site should learn to do it properly or not put up any video cause the game doesnt even remotly looks that bad! how ever you cut it!
Finally !!!
DAoC 2014 is here, holding promise for a DAoC 2 type change.
Intel Core i7 7700K, MB is Gigabyte Z270X-UD5
SSD x2, 4TB WD Black HHD, 32GB RAM, MSI GTX 980 Ti Lightning LE video card