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When will this be released???

When will this be released??? and how will it be sold?

<('_'<) <('_')> (>'_')>


  • ZaradisZaradis Member Posts: 241
    I heard it's going to be released via Digital Download but i'd have to double check on that...not  sure about the release date ..hopefully december because that would be a nice chrismas present lol

    Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana

  • firemagicfiremagic Member Posts: 878

    Yeah it'll be released through Steam and they're currently aiming for an end-of-05 launch.

  • IijsIijs Member Posts: 457

    Winter for release, that gives them a few extra months leeway if they need it. Until March 06. Anything beyond that would be behind (the current) schedule. Depends how beta goes.

  • HauntFoxHauntFox Member Posts: 2
    I would assume about 6 months after beta starts, no matter what their schedule is. That's just based on some other games I've observed during development, and being optimistic. I guess that would make it late winter or early spring.
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