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Soooo many un-answered questions !!!



  • JohnnyMotrinJohnnyMotrin Member UncommonPosts: 439

    Originally posted by page

    Well Shakymo seems to be shedding some lite on the subject of community, and I'm not sure where he is getting his information as I could not find it. I hope he is right because as I seem negative, I  really hope that The Secret World will live up to our dreams, as so many mmo's have disappointed us.

    I'm very sorry for making accusations HOWEVER I'm making them based on facts of so many failures in the past few years.

    Now this is only my opinion and I can't stress this enough that it's only my opinion. But the failures of every mmo is community. Players are given scenarios in the gaming world and developer are giving us tools to use to bring players together. Now this may sound old school. But their is a good chance that players would like to discover things them selfs. Be it solo or as a group.

    Vanguard and Ever Quest 2 has it's little holes in the ground that players find on their own. Vanguard have the spider cave for players to find for one example, ITS HARD, people learn this stuff on their own, and assemble groups. This brings about a community, they spend 45 min in the spider cave and come out making four friends.

    Vanilla WoW used to have an elite mob at the northern shore of Darkshore that everyone knew about. This mob required a group. Someone in chat would say " hay would anyone like to do the quest ? " and everyone would come running.  When done you would continue with the same group to play for hours. Again making friends.


    So now what do we have ?

    Rift- just walk into a rift event and auto group, no one chats, everyone does the event and leaves un-spoken. ( oh the joy of developers tools ).

    WoW 2012- Dungeon finders. EVERYONE  hangs around Stormwind and ques for dungeons. EVERYONE...How do I know this?.... I'm playing WoW right now.  I'm on the most populated server in the game " Blackrock " I do searches at all levels, I make it a point to do this often.  What do I find ?... EVERYONE without exaggeration is either in Stormwind or a Dungeon ( oh the joy of developer tools ). No more community, no more chatting, no more guild events.....Why is WoW still active ?...Only because they are an established game.  It's still cool to play WoW thats their saving grace !....Developers seem to think, Following  WoW 2012 is good. There not established !.... Blizzards way of doing things do not work in other mmo's. WoW is still an established game or they would not survive if it were a new game.


    Lets just hope Funcom does not play the game for us !!

    I think it's quite clear Shakymo has tested the game.


    This thread may be a tad premature as I'm sure you'll get all your questions answered on the 21st!  Tuesday can't get here soon enough!


  • VampiresVampires Member Posts: 75

    I have to agree with a few people here about the lack of community in MMO's these days. It's kind of disappointing! It's looking like they will bring this back which is good! I like the idea that it will be challenging intellectually and i think it will be a breath of fresh air because of it!

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207

    I said earlier best recent PVP - was comparing to WAR and such.

    having recently seen GW2 im not so sure now, have to admidt GW2 is bloody ace PVP wise.

    to clarify the open world / closed in thing.

    SWG would be way more open

    WOW would be more open

    SWTOR would be way more closed

    AOC would be slightly more closed

    WAR would be somewhat simmilar allthough the travel between zones is less jarring in TSW than in wAR

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655

    Originally posted by delete5230

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.   Instancing is not inately bad, what kind of "direct answer" do you want?  A percentage?  I'm willing to bet it will be very similar to AoC with the "level" or "amount" of instancing.

    2) Is the game on rails ?..... quest hub after quest hub that have to be done in order, chain quest that others can't participate in, too much personal story line taking away from the community, and deep dialog as your group is waiting.   Never heard of a game where others can't participate in your quests, not even SWTOR, sorry.  You can allow the same class as you to do your class quests with you, perhaps you were just unaware...

    3) Dungeon finders ?..... as much as many like them, we have the same amount of players that don't. ONE THING FOR SURE IS THAT THEY DEFINITELY DESTROY COMMUNITIES, witch ultimately leads to boredom witch leads to loosing subs.   strongly strongly strongly disagree, Dungeon Finder does more good than harm, sitting around town waiting for the ONE class you can't find for hours and hours is not fun, sorry, go back and play EQ or FFXI and tell me how bad dungeon finder is when you have to wait 10 hours for one party.



  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655

    Originally posted by arieste

    Originally posted by page

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.


    Funcom pretty much invented MMO instancing in AO, so you can expect them to once again make good smart use of this technology.   1996.  The Realm online,  they invented instancing, or at least they are probably the first to use it.  Just wanted to point that out.
  • DisastormDisastorm Member Posts: 318

    Originally posted by Laughing-man

    Originally posted by arieste

    Originally posted by page

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.


    Funcom pretty much invented MMO instancing in AO, so you can expect them to once again make good smart use of this technology.   1996.  The Realm online,  they invented instancing, or at least they are probably the first to use it.  Just wanted to point that out.

    Well The Realm Online is actually a graphical MUD.  AO was the first modern style MMORPG to use or at the very least popularize instancing.

  • delete5230delete5230 Member EpicPosts: 7,081

    Originally posted by Laughing-man

    Originally posted by delete5230

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.   Instancing is not inately bad, what kind of "direct answer" do you want?  A percentage?  I'm willing to bet it will be very similar to AoC with the "level" or "amount" of instancing.

    2) Is the game on rails ?..... quest hub after quest hub that have to be done in order, chain quest that others can't participate in, too much personal story line taking away from the community, and deep dialog as your group is waiting.   Never heard of a game where others can't participate in your quests, not even SWTOR, sorry.  You can allow the same class as you to do your class quests with you, perhaps you were just unaware...

    3) Dungeon finders ?..... as much as many like them, we have the same amount of players that don't. ONE THING FOR SURE IS THAT THEY DEFINITELY DESTROY COMMUNITIES, witch ultimately leads to boredom witch leads to loosing subs.   strongly strongly strongly disagree, Dungeon Finder does more good than harm, sitting around town waiting for the ONE class you can't find for hours and hours is not fun, sorry, go back and play EQ or FFXI and tell me how bad dungeon finder is when you have to wait 10 hours for one party.



    Well I would strongly strongly strongly guess your a log in,  play four quick dungeons, and log out type of mmo player then.

  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001

    I remember reading somewhere that the press NDA will be lifted today. Any news?


    EDIT: Moved to 24th according to Twitter. They probably want to let the dust of GW2 NDA lift settle ;)

  • BlackbrrdBlackbrrd Member Posts: 811

    Originally posted by Laughing-man

    Originally posted by delete5230

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.   Instancing is not inately bad, what kind of "direct answer" do you want?  A percentage?  I'm willing to bet it will be very similar to AoC with the "level" or "amount" of instancing.

    2) Is the game on rails ?..... quest hub after quest hub that have to be done in order, chain quest that others can't participate in, too much personal story line taking away from the community, and deep dialog as your group is waiting.   Never heard of a game where others can't participate in your quests, not even SWTOR, sorry.  You can allow the same class as you to do your class quests with you, perhaps you were just unaware...

    3) Dungeon finders ?..... as much as many like them, we have the same amount of players that don't. ONE THING FOR SURE IS THAT THEY DEFINITELY DESTROY COMMUNITIES, witch ultimately leads to boredom witch leads to loosing subs.   strongly strongly strongly disagree, Dungeon Finder does more good than harm, sitting around town waiting for the ONE class you can't find for hours and hours is not fun, sorry, go back and play EQ or FFXI and tell me how bad dungeon finder is when you have to wait 10 hours for one party.



    @Laughingmans';s comment:

    1) Instancing is much less annoying than in AoC. In AoC, every house you entered was a new instance, while in TSW it's in the same instance. You can probably play for more than ten hours straight in the same instance.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Depends on your play style, if your a mixed pve / pvpers, you will probably go in and out of the pvp zones as well as pve zone. If you just stayed in 1 pve zone and solved away though yeah 10 hours is reasonable. Like I posted earlier expect something similar to warhammer instancing wise, but agartha makes it feel more open more seamless than the war roflcopter
  • Lambon23Lambon23 Member UncommonPosts: 66

    I don't mind zones. What I do mind is instanced zones. That's just STUPID. I don't want to surf through channels like Maple Story. That IRKS me. This is an MMO for crying out loud.

  • PocahinhaPocahinha Member UncommonPosts: 550

    Originally posted by delete5230

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.

    2) Is the game on rails ?..... quest hub after quest hub that have to be done in order, chain quest that others can't participate in, too much personal story line taking away from the community, and deep dialog as your group is waiting.

    3) Dungeon finders ?..... as much as many like them, we have the same amount of players that don't. ONE THING FOR SURE IS THAT THEY DEFINITELY DESTROY COMMUNITIES, witch ultimately leads to boredom witch leads to loosing subs.


    One thing all three questions have in common.   Will this be a community driven game or does the game play for you like SWTOR ?......  Developers seem to think this is what people are looking for since WoW did them.  But what they don't release is that WoW is loosing subs because of them.  But understand WoW is an established mmo, they are making mistakes with community separation decisions and are still doing well, only because they are established.

    Three interesting factions are great, no classes but un lock 500 abilities are great. Areas like NYC, Transylvania and London England sound great, secret societies and all the intrigue that goes along with it are great. BUT if they screw up the community aspect and make it a better-off -playing- solo style mmo then they will fail like most every other game we have been fed.

    I'm not only picking on Funcom, they are no different than all other mmo's as of late.  They leave questions such as this to be a wait-and-see.  Only for players to be disappointed after two weeks of play.

    Those are questions that are answered already

    1-the game is ultra instanced just like AOC is, loading screens all over the place.

    2-It is on rails ofc, themepark like most mmorpgs out there.

    3- it really doesnt make a difference...its Failcom for a reason, i mean many reasons.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207

    Originally posted by Laughing-man

    Originally posted by delete5230

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.   Instancing is not inately bad, what kind of "direct answer" do you want?  A percentage?  I'm willing to bet it will be very similar to AoC with the "level" or "amount" of instancing.

    2) Is the game on rails ?..... quest hub after quest hub that have to be done in order, chain quest that others can't participate in, too much personal story line taking away from the community, and deep dialog as your group is waiting.   Never heard of a game where others can't participate in your quests, not even SWTOR, sorry.  You can allow the same class as you to do your class quests with you, perhaps you were just unaware...

    3) Dungeon finders ?..... as much as many like them, we have the same amount of players that don't. ONE THING FOR SURE IS THAT THEY DEFINITELY DESTROY COMMUNITIES, witch ultimately leads to boredom witch leads to loosing subs.   strongly strongly strongly disagree, Dungeon Finder does more good than harm, sitting around town waiting for the ONE class you can't find for hours and hours is not fun, sorry, go back and play EQ or FFXI and tell me how bad dungeon finder is when you have to wait 10 hours for one party.



    you wont need a specific class - just swap your skills around within your party so between you you have the required skills to do the dungeon.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207

    Originally posted by Pocahinha

    Originally posted by delete5230

    As with all pre release mmo's, Funcom gives all the frills and goody's.


    HOWEVER just like every other pre-release, they do not answer the most Vidal questions like :

    1) Is the game instanced and how much ?.... Not just little hints of yes or no, I'm talking about a good direct answer.

    2) Is the game on rails ?..... quest hub after quest hub that have to be done in order, chain quest that others can't participate in, too much personal story line taking away from the community, and deep dialog as your group is waiting.

    3) Dungeon finders ?..... as much as many like them, we have the same amount of players that don't. ONE THING FOR SURE IS THAT THEY DEFINITELY DESTROY COMMUNITIES, witch ultimately leads to boredom witch leads to loosing subs.


    One thing all three questions have in common.   Will this be a community driven game or does the game play for you like SWTOR ?......  Developers seem to think this is what people are looking for since WoW did them.  But what they don't release is that WoW is loosing subs because of them.  But understand WoW is an established mmo, they are making mistakes with community separation decisions and are still doing well, only because they are established.

    Three interesting factions are great, no classes but un lock 500 abilities are great. Areas like NYC, Transylvania and London England sound great, secret societies and all the intrigue that goes along with it are great. BUT if they screw up the community aspect and make it a better-off -playing- solo style mmo then they will fail like most every other game we have been fed.

    I'm not only picking on Funcom, they are no different than all other mmo's as of late.  They leave questions such as this to be a wait-and-see.  Only for players to be disappointed after two weeks of play.

    Those are questions that are answered already

    1-the game is ultra instanced just like AOC is, loading screens all over the place. untrue, less instanced than AOC.  They cleverly hide loading by using agartha tunnels for interzone transportation.

    2-It is on rails ofc, themepark like most mmorpgs out there. untrue if you desire once you have done tokyo you could go the suggested kingsmouth zone, but there is nothing stopping you going your home city and working on your society ranking missions or going the "second" zone egypt or going the warzones to "level".  also the nature of the quests is very broad reaching, you only carry 3 at a time and the action quests have stages to them which feel like a cross between normal quests and warhammer style public quests (but not at one spot like WAR PQs)

    3- it really doesnt make a difference...its Failcom for a reason, i mean many reasons.oh so not biased at all then ;)


  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207

    Originally posted by Lambon23

    I don't mind zones. What I do mind is instanced zones. That's just STUPID. I don't want to surf through channels like Maple Story. That IRKS me. This is an MMO for crying out loud.

    the PVP zones are NOT instanced.  there is supposedly some cap where the PVE zones shard off, but I havent noticed, I guess its high like coh/cov ( I never noticed in that either)

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