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Any Good New Open/Closed Beta Games Out?

Seems the Open Beta Discussion forums has been pretty dead. I wonder if there are no games out or everyone's just waiting for the good ones (GW2, Tera, Diablo 3, etc.).

I haven't played any MMO's in awhile and was looking to get back into it but doesn't seem anything new has come out in the past couple months :(

If there is, please let me know! I'm super bored and I'm tired of playing COD:MW3



  • El-HefeEl-Hefe Member UncommonPosts: 760

    tera is in closed beta.  gw2 and the secret world likey to announce there beta plans on the 20th and 24th respectivly.

    I've got the straight edge.

  • endgame1endgame1 Member Posts: 84

    Path of Exile. Looks interesting, I'm still waiting for an invite.

  • TwistingfateTwistingfate Member Posts: 177

    Path of Exile is awesome. Damn game will devour time though xD. "Hey ill play for 30 minutes, 6 hours go by. oh shit whered my time go" xD 


  • CorruptedCorrupted Member Posts: 310

    PoE looks great but I would prefer a game I could play now as I'm also on the waiting list xD


  • marinridermarinrider Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    Originally posted by Corrupted

    PoE looks great but I would prefer a game I could play now as I'm also on the waiting list xD

    If you prefer a game you can play now, then why ask for closed betas?

  • KilraneKilrane Member UncommonPosts: 322

    Tribes Ascend is in beta and supposed to be a killer game.  It's a FPS style game though so I don't know if thats a total turn off or not.  I also don't know how hard it is to get into their beta.

  • CorruptedCorrupted Member Posts: 310

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by Corrupted

    PoE looks great but I would prefer a game I could play now as I'm also on the waiting list xD

    If you prefer a game you can play now, then why ask for closed betas?

    I asked for both Open & Closed beta, I can usually get into many closed betas if I really put some time and effort into it but for PoE, I not desperate enough.


  • marinridermarinrider Member UncommonPosts: 1,556

    Originally posted by Corrupted

    Originally posted by marinrider

    Originally posted by Corrupted

    PoE looks great but I would prefer a game I could play now as I'm also on the waiting list xD

    If you prefer a game you can play now, then why ask for closed betas?

    I asked for both Open & Closed beta, I can usually get into many closed betas if I really put some time and effort into it but for PoE, I not desperate enough.

    Oh, I suppose that makes sense then.

  • CorruptedCorrupted Member Posts: 310

    Originally posted by Kilrane

    Tribes Ascend is in beta and supposed to be a killer game.  It's a FPS style game though so I don't know if thats a total turn off or not.  I also don't know how hard it is to get into their beta.

    Thanks Kilrane, I actually received two keys to play that game.

    I wasn't a big fan, I don't really know what to say about it but it was just definitely not my style with the whole "Skiing" method of moving and flying gameplay. Don't get me wrong, Unreal Tournament series were one of my all time favorite FPS games but this just wasn't my "cup of tea".

    I'm actually looking forward to FireFall! :)

    If you're interested in a Tribes Ascend key, I'll try to dig it up for ya!


  • KandoreanKandorean Member Posts: 4

    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you right now. I've signed up for a bunch of betas but the only one im playing ATM happens to be Tribes.

  • TubbiTubbi Member Posts: 74

    I gotta say, I'm the luckiest motherfucker when it comes to beta invites right now.

    I'm in the PoE, DOTA2, Tribes, Super Monday Night Combat (great game), Firefall-betas.

    So with this part of the forums being kinda dead I figured I could pass out some invites to at least SMNC if anyone is interested.

    It's a MOBA style game played in more of a FPS fashion, once you get over the hurdle of knowing what you're supposed to do it's a great game. I got 2 invites that I can hand out via steam.

    Edit: realized I have an invite for Tribes as well.

  • KosiguruKosiguru Member UncommonPosts: 5

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    I gotta say, I'm the luckiest motherfucker when it comes to beta invites right now.

    I'm in the PoE, DOTA2, Tribes, Super Monday Night Combat (great game), Firefall-betas.

    So with this part of the forums being kinda dead I figured I could pass out some invites to at least SMNC if anyone is interested.

    It's a MOBA style game played in more of a FPS fashion, once you get over the hurdle of knowing what you're supposed to do it's a great game. I got 2 invites that I can hand out via steam.

    Edit: realized I have an invite for Tribes as well.

    I'd really enjoy a PoE key; but I think those are really rare :x


    I would be ecstatic to play SMNC, though. I have two extra tribes beta keys I'd trade you to keep sharing the love if you'd like.

  • sktslimesktslime Member Posts: 28

    Originally posted by Tubbi

    I gotta say, I'm the luckiest motherfucker when it comes to beta invites right now.

    I'm in the PoE, DOTA2, Tribes, Super Monday Night Combat (great game), Firefall-betas.

    So with this part of the forums being kinda dead I figured I could pass out some invites to at least SMNC if anyone is interested.

    It's a MOBA style game played in more of a FPS fashion, once you get over the hurdle of knowing what you're supposed to do it's a great game. I got 2 invites that I can hand out via steam.

    Edit: realized I have an invite for Tribes as well.

    Heya. Found this discussion just what I was looking for. Ive been in betas since way back. (I remember testing the sims online, and everquest II) 

    My computer used to be too bad but I just upgraded, for all those curious TRIBES Ascension is now pretty easy to get in. I just registered and got a key.

    If you have any extra SMNC Keys, I'd very much like to request one! you could take a look at how long ive been a member here and PM me. Otherwise Have a happy day!!!

    Just entered the guild wars 2 beta. I'll sign up for PoE too.

    Cheeers guys.

  • CorruptedCorrupted Member Posts: 310

    Originally posted by sktslime

    Heya. Found this discussion just what I was looking for. Ive been in betas since way back. (I remember testing the sims online, and everquest II) 

    My computer used to be too bad but I just upgraded, for all those curious TRIBES Ascension is now pretty easy to get in. I just registered and got a key.

    If you have any extra SMNC Keys, I'd very much like to request one! you could take a look at how long ive been a member here and PM me. Otherwise Have a happy day!!!

    Just entered the guild wars 2 beta. I'll sign up for PoE too.

    Cheeers guys.

    Yeah, thank God I was reading the forum earlier about the GW2 beta application, I was lucky to entere it and went to forward it to a friend and it was then closed so I was extremely lucky to even apply at the time I did! lol

    I also just got into Tera's closed beta, downloading and patching now, can't wait!

    If I come across any SMNC keys, I'll definitely let you guys know here!



  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,061

          Its funny I used to get into betas all the time, but the last 5 years or so I have had terrible luck getting in.....I guess there are just so many players applying nowadays that they cant let everyone in......To answer your question PoE looks interesting to me as well.....Im also looking at The Secret World as it looks very unique

  • KakkzookaKakkzooka Member Posts: 591

    SWTOR is still in open beta - but you may want to try some of the other suggestions first.

    Re: SWTOR

    "Remember, remember - Kakk says 'December.'"

  • omega78omega78 Member UncommonPosts: 260

    Keep your eye on Lime Odyssey, sure its an anime-inspired f2p blah blah, but from what I've seen this one looks to have some serious potential. Its dev team is made up of quite a few members from Ragnarok Online. Another interesting thing is that its Korean version has apparently shut down, and the Thailand version is going down for updates where as the NA version will still be going.


  • MontaronxMontaronx Member UncommonPosts: 273
    RaiderZ just went alpha testing. You can grab a key from this sitr. Fun game if you ask me. Its a good alternative for Tera with no targeting, good graphics and huge swords


  • MumboJumboMumboJumbo Member UncommonPosts: 3,219

    If you have iPad or iPhone 4(S) then you can play the BETA for:

    Lower spec devices crash a lot atm. But it's about 1$ and open (sandbox) sci-fi mmorpg with good RP background/IP.

  • KazuhiroKazuhiro Member UncommonPosts: 609

    Bah that Raiderz game is awful in my opinion. I do like the active combat system, but the game is ULTRA asianized. (Impossible to lift swords, really dumb looking/colored haircuts, anime style creatures, gender questionable characters, and it still has japanese voice-overs.) Also gameplay-wise, all the classes are rather boring, and the number of skills can be counted on one hand for most classes.

    To find an intelligent person in a PUG is not that rare, but to find a PUG made up of "all" intelligent people is one of the rarest phenomenons in the known universe.

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