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Hey guys,
I grew up playing WoW and I thorougly enjoyed raiding with a guild/random people and I'm looking to continue such adventures in another MMO.
I'm pretty inexperienced to raiding in any other MMO aside from WoW and I was wondering what MMOs have similar/better raiding.
I don't mind if the game is F2P or P2P I am just looking to continue my fun raiding in another game, unless WoW is considered the best game for raiding (which I highly doubt).
I was looking to try out Age of Conan and/or Everquest 2, but I heard AoC is dead and consists of a childish and immature playerbase, while Everquest 2 is dead until endgame. I don't mind that Everquest may be dead until endgame, but I would like to know some opinions of people who have played these games before I dedicate some time to them.
EQ2 is far from dead lol. Give it a try!
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If you enjoyed WoW, then you will likely enjoy Rift. It only has two tiers of raids right now, but Trion pushes out content so fast that by the time you even have a tier on farm, they'll have released the new set of raids anyway. The game recognizes the 'support' role in addition to tank / dps / heals which you might enjoy if you've ever played a supporty character in vanilla WoW raiding, when roles were a little less defined.
WoW is still going strong in the raiding department though. You can't go wrong resubbing if raiding is what you're after.
EDIT: Inb4 'raiding is boring / easy / WoW is a kid game'
Are there any other suggestions or did WoW and Rift do the "best" job of endgame raiding? I don't mind trying something new, as long as the raiding is fun.
SWTOR plays similar to WoW / Rift, but I wouldn't suggest it for raiding right now since it's simply too early to see what is going on there. I've heard horror stories that the raids are pretty bugged at the moment, but it could have been fixed in recent patches. I've also heard that PvP gear is much more valuable than raid gear at the moment, and players are using PvP gear to raid because valor 60 gear can outperform raid gear even with their version of the resilience stat, expertise.
I'd give it a little more time, but if you're really looking for something new, I suppose that the game can develop into a strong raiding game over time.
You are just spoiled for choice really
I suggest Rift, it is not dead and Raids are decent (Same producer of EQ2)