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So, SWTOR has been out for a little bit now, and as I look to the threads leading up to the launch, I have to laugh at some of the 'monumental' issues that were going to spell the doom for SWTOR. Also some of the huge debates on things that seems all important before launch.
Huttball - Holy cow was this a biggy. All immersion and fun was going to be ripped assunder because of this warzone. Well, the game is out, and this hasn't been a SWTOR killer. I don't really hear anyone complaining about it, or talking about not doing warzones because of it. It's quite honestly a non issue.
4 Man parties - Another hot topic back in the day. How were you going to be able to succeed with difficult quests with only 4 members? The horror. Well, I guess the deveopers thought about that one and designed the quests to take that into account. There are no real issues here. I would even go so far as to say that the group quests tend to be a bit too easy, and I hope they toughen'em up a bit.
Distance V Distance - There were a few threads comparing and contrasting the amount of 'land' different games had and which had more of it. There was a fair amount of debate about WoW has more space, SWTOR has more space, something else had more space. Any one of these arguments may have been true, but once people began playing, I don't hear anyone talking about this. Once again, a non issue after the game launched.
Zoned V. Seemless - No one can argue that the world is Zoned. However, in many instances, it is a semantic to a certain extent. For example, to go from one planet to another one is accomplished by zoning. However, since its a different planet, whether it's seemless or not doesn't really make a difference. It's not like the inbetween has anything. If the game had a bigger space element, it would be different. However, as it stands, a zoned planet is just as good as a seemless world for the moment. There are other zoning areas that are a bit more intrusive, so this was one debate that had some teeth to it IMO.
Lack of character classes - Early, on, some people were focused on the lack of classes. This issue seems to diminish as more information was given about the sub-classess. I think there is a good mix right now. I'm sure more will be developed as time passes.
I'm sure there are a bunch more instances of 'The end of days' type arguments. I'm also sure, there will be some who point to one of the issues I've presented and scream that this was indeed, one of the things that caused them to not buy, or leave early. However, for the majority, I think most will find that in hindsight, it was a much bigger deal before launch than after. There are some issues that were hotley debated and do have some merit, but the purpose of this thread wasn't the more reasoned debates, but a jovial look at what I consider a comedy in pre-deployment stress.
I self identify as a monkey.
Distance V Distance, does it really matter how long the SWTOR corridor is? Its fucking long, and fucking boring linear crap.
Seemless VS zone is a deal breaker for many, me included, all that travelling and zoning in elevators and whatever its so freaking anoying.
4 man parties are crap, yes, don't care about the heroics or whatever, don't think anyone argumented that u wouldnt be able to do the content because of the party limit, thats pretty moronic, but having to exclude multiple guildies from our premade, because its only 4 ppl its retarded.
Huttball might be the only thing I kind of agree, still would prefer a simple capture the flag
"I am not a robot. I am a unicorn."
Mortal Online + support +
Whats with the number? "Frightners"
Your right OP. None of these will cause "the end of days" for SWTOR.
However the ungodly amount of bugs, and shit endgame just might.
huttball sucks and if you are on a high imperial pop server(which most are) you will be playing it ALOT
zoning isn't as big of an issue as the damn phasing.. it makes the worlds feel so dead.. yes the endless coridoors are boring as hell to walk through but whats even more boring is being in a large planet and only 50 other people are on that entire planet with me. Phasing is way overboard making the game feel dead.
Classes are you basic stuff we have seen forever.. I can get past that but what sucks is the talent trees// No custominzation, very very few actual abilities from talents which results in almost no way to set your charater apart from any other.
Space combat ... I could go on and on here...
crew skills.. im fine with sending off companions to fetch me crap but why the hell can't I actually craft a piece of gear I need to que my companion to do that which is dumb.
Lack of real impact on story choices for your main story..
I could continue but why bother its all been talked about it's all still an issue to me.. hopefully most will get fixed or changed quickly or i have a feeling this game isn't going to last people very long
huttbal is one of the worst things in swtor imo.
first, you have to battle often members of your own faction wich leads to issues later when ppl are putting up teams etc.. it creates a non friendly enviroment for some people..
second.. it favors some types of classes and organized teams over the rest. its very frustrating playing it when half of your team doesnt have any idea about what is it, or when half of the team prefers to kill the enemy instead of actually playing the game.
it was a bad idea..
There is a little bit too much zoning. Inbetween obital stations to planets - perhaps if you made 'something happening" in places like the Space stations it would feel justified. Would be nice if you could choose drop points onto the planet from the space station rather than just coming to the space port. Could even use it as a hub to find groups for activities on that planet.
Huttball was fun for the first 20 lvls or so befor it gets boring.
But at the end Hutball has nothing to do with StarWars.....there are StarWars games out there with a lot more interesting and exciting pvp, but actually pvp which is StarWars and not throwing a balll or bomb some doors.
Let's pretend we were going to have an intellegent conversation about an MMO... being a failure (end of days) or a success (ca ching).
Regardless of what side of the arguement you are on... why would you be starting a thread like this at this point in the games life span?
It would be interesting to not see another thread like this (or the doom version) before say.. December maybe.
I love this game! I am renewing today actually. Hopefully I can get that new title.
That just sounds emotional. I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you but this is nothing more than you lashing out misplaced aggressions and feeding the hate/love expectations spewing from the community.
Think of it like practice and at least we have a competitive activity that we can enjoy if faction ratio is off.
Congratulating an enemy player is sportsmanship 101, sometimes you just have to be the bigger player and ignore others. Nonetheless there is always something to learn from every encounter.
Types of classes is a balance issue, those will be addressed in time. When has organizing teams not given some type of advantage?
They simplified SWTOR as much as possibe, maybe even too much in some degree and you're complaining about players not knowing what is going on. Give players some time, you and them have much to learn.
It was a great idea, you just didn't like it. I'm glad to see something different than grab the flag or arena. I'd like to see new stages and other huttball variations.
I would be fine with having it in the game, if I didn't have to que for it. But as things stand now, If I want to pvp I have to que for everything including huttball. Thankfully on my server, It only pops about 1 out of every 5 or so wz.
well after playing huttball and all the warzones on a daily basis for one month facing premades and not, tagging along organized and disorganized groups i do have a pretty good idea of what is a good warzone or not.. and that is not even an emotional answer.. its just a simple yes/no this works/this doesnt statement.
Huttball warzone is crap, literaly, its boring as hell after a while, and seems out of place in swtor.
Theres a reason why most of the time the players after joinning an huttball game, drop it asap leaving usually only the new players in.
While for you might be fun, after you run it 50 100 150 times.. you just cannt stand it anymore.. while that fed up feeling doesnt occur on the other 2 warzones.
why? because its badly designed. You have to listen over and voer again the same crappy advert when game starts, and you feel like beeing part of a circus instead of a warzone in the Star Wars Universe.
About fighting the same faction.. for me i didnt had any issues with it.. id shot down an individual of the same faction as easly as one of the oposite faction without issues.. but for a lot of people i met ingame.. that did create issues later.. maybe because there were lot of childish individuals playing swtor..
I first want to say i am really enjoying this game and I love a lot of things about it. That said there is still some things that really annoy me and make me wonder if the devs played many mmo's.
Huttball is a horrible game as far as i am concerned and i do not enjoy it at all. I am sure lots of people really enjoy it but what about giving the players the choice what battleground they want to queue for? This should be about players enjoyment and basically they are trying to force players to play what they want them to play.
If they wanted to make a game with ball throwing in it why did they not make use of hovercraft and make a quidditch sort of style of game?.
Travelling could be cut down by not have to go intermediately via a docking station, allowing hovercraft in all spaceports. Why make a person have to buff himself with a permanent speed buff? Just allow them to run like that without it at lvl 15 if they really do not want low lvls running that fast?
Lvl 49's should not be playing against lvl 11's in warfronts, at least the 50's are independant now but the lvl disscrepancy is still ridiculous even with the buff.
Healing classes are overpowered, hell my Trooper can do the 2 man heroics no problem but i would not bother on my gunslinger. I did get a response for them on this issue and they said they are building the classes around multiplayer and not individually, fair point but since i solo a lot my trooper will now be my main.
The game is great and it quite possibly will end up being brilliant but it is far form perfect at the moment!
i really loike hutball on the server kathol rift it harly ever came up and i played republic and someone was complaining about only 50 people on a planet we were luckey to see 12 people most times it was way under 10 but it was still fun but lonley
Looks like you didn't get above level 20..... ALL planets after Nar Shadaa are completely open, non corridor. And yes, TOR is huge. Each planet after Shadaa is several WoW zones big (several Wrath or Cata zones big) . My WoW account still has a few days left on the 6 month sub, and it's easy to compare the two.
Think it's a bit early to start the 'I told you so' threads for this game. Though I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it. I have honestly heard all the issues the OP mentioned as a complaint from in-game players, and more. I have also heard a range of positive reactions, ranging from 'the game has problems, but i'm gunna stick it out and hope it gets better' to 'this game is @*&%in awesome; I'm having a ton of fun'.
Honestly, the game is fun, but as others have pointed out it's short-lived. After a character or two, the game gets very repetative. Endgame atm is fairly boring; either grinding the same instances over and over, waiting for raids, or grinding out PvP ranks in a very flawed pvp system. There's also a lot of bugs that still need to be addressed (though most aren't game breaking), and the storyline / alignment system have almost no impact on the actual game.
I have enjoyed playing through the imperial agent, sith warrior, & jedi sage storylines, but no more so than enjoying playing mass effect as different class types. Also rolled an operative, and noticed that the questline is almost exact the same. The biggest differences I can make are basically by choosing the opposite choices than I did on my sniper, and even then it doesn't really seem to matter much.
- The game is basically just now moving passed the 1month mark. Calling victory or doom at this point is very much premature, especially given that the first month was free. Also, given the amount of marketting hype this thing generated, there will be some trickling of players over the next month or so. After that it will be blatantly clear whether or not this game is going anywhere. The sad truth is, that when it comes to investments this large, companies know how to buy success. That's what marketting is for, and it works well enough for people to make a good living off of it. It's very difficult to get an accurate picture of a product until after that is done.
The developers were obviously too pleased with themselves over the cleverness of Huttball to cut the map due to imbalance issues and the way it sucks the fun right out of the game for many players. It might have squeeked by with proper level Tiers and PvP class balance, as part of a plentiful map rotation, but having it be one of three maps and the only same faction map with in the PvP game as it exists now was a very, very obvious mistake.
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I don't have a problem with anything the OP mentioned. I did hate Huttball for a while, but I actually enjoy it a lot now (shut off the voice sound when you PvP, it will be much better lol). It also helps that it pops a lot less regularly than it did before since the 50 brakcets.
My main problem is the bugs, GTN, Ilum, and lack of Warzones. I'm not too sure about endgame PvE, but PvP needs a big upgrade. The Warzone envirnments feel very bland and Ilum was not thought out at all. I also feel that a new game needs more than 3 instanced PvP areas at launch. Just because WoW didn't have any BACK THEN it has nothing to do with NOW.
The bugs are probably the most annoying, especially the combat lag. Supposedly they kind of fixed it, and I'll admit it does feel a bit smoother, but when I use a channeled spell (Ravage) I still get the bug that causes it to animate but not fire. Quests will be missing from my map. I turn invisible and I am just 2 lightsabers for a loooong time.
The GTN horrible... nothing else to really say about that.
Anyway... this game is something to hold me over till GW2. Hopefully the fun lasts that long.
Really, they need to let us choose which WZ we want to queue for. Like I said in my other post. I HATED huttball, but it's pretty damn fun now. A lot more people know how to play at 50 than they did before. I do hate the fact that we play our same faction, though.
Apart from the zoning, I actually thought this was the most ridiculous/lamest part of the game. There are literally only 3 classes on each side. When I played the beta and made it to the capital city, it was really disappointing to basically see a bunch of clones running around because of the lack of class and race diversity.
Where did you get the 3 classes number from?
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its actually 8 classes total when including advanced classes.. just because mirror classes have differn't animations and skill names doesn't make them a different class when all the skills function the exact same. The big issue is lack of variety via talent system it's really really bad right now..
How does a gunslinger function the same exact way a scoundrel does? They're two different playstyles with different capabilities. Moreover, even when looking at the performance of each individual advanced class there are different ways to play depending on where you spec.
As an example, with scoundrel you can either be a melee scrapper, a ranged dps healer or a slight combination of the two.
Needless to say I completely disagree here.
He means the mirror classes on the opposite side.
Gunslinger = Sniper
Scoundrel = Operative
thank you.. didn't think I needed to explain what a mirror class was but suppose I did:)